Saturday, November 03, 2012

Blind Item #2

This former A list all movie actress has been going through a rough time the past year. Getting paid $1M to spend the weekend as a host for a party will probably help improve the mood. Our actress refers to it as being a host. There will be a party and she will be a host with the owner of the house, but, she will have to perform some other duties during the weekend too. Of course considering how wasted she was when she arrived for her flight, and her inability to form sentences or put two words together probably means she might not even remember any of the weekend.


  1. Demi? Can't be good for her to see Asston frolicking with - oh, I can't put her name in the same sentence with Asston. Mila, please wake the fuck up and get away from him already.

  2. Pft, who pays a million dollars for a weekend with Demi?

    I think this has gotta be some younger and hotter, maybe Lindsay Lohan or Amanda Bynes.

    1. Robert Redford! But then woody harelson gets all mad....oh wait...nevermind.

  3. Demi moore at LAX

  4. The drunk blondie Tara Reid?

  5. @mr wolfe: you ever see INDECENT PROPOSAL?

    1. Yes dude! I should read the whole page before commenting. :)

  6. Sorry TR was never A.

  7. Mrwolf: Robert Redford paid $1million for Demi and it ruined her marriage to Woody!

  8. definitively Demi Moore at Lax for going to Dubaï

  9. I agree this is Demi. Who has had a tougher year than her?

  10. 'indecent proposal' was made 20 years ago. she's almost 50. this just can't be demi.
    and lohan and bynes were never, ever A list or all movies.

    who used to be A and has had a bad year??

  11. Demi was on General Hospital. Not all movie.

  12. I.think it's Demi, too. But she got her start in daytime soap operas. I think it was General Hospital.

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Poor Demi. Sadface. She doesn't have to host these kinds of parties. She could sober up and go after some of Asshat's two and a half men money. Girl needs to get it together, he's half your age and a waste of space, he's not worth ruining yourself over Demi.

  14. every man is not interested in only sleeping with extremely young starlets. demi (regardless if this is her) is some guys fantasy. she is still a beautiful woman. we all get older, damn. women don't just shrivel up and disappear when they turn 35 regardless of what the media would want you to believe.

  15. hey, i AM old. older than 50 too. this just doesn't sound like demi to me.

  16. But why would Demi do this for money? She 's supposed to be worth at least 75 M. Without that asshat person assets.

  17. i though demi started out as a hooker in las vegas.

    so she is only going back to her old tricks.

  18. Why would any A list actress do this? Hey, how about Scarlett J?

  19. Former A list actress, Audrey. Maybe that's why? I can dig Demi Moore as the top guess.

  20. Yes, it's Saturday, my reading skills are on the shelf regenerating. ;)

  21. @Leslie, "all movie," doesn't necessarily mean "all movie." It sometimes means "almost all movie," or "all movie generally" or, in Demi's case, "all movie since her humble beginnings on television." This is why George Clooney is also "all movie."

  22. Demi. Oh girl. What a mess.

    She hasn't done TV in what, 2 decades? 3?

  23. @MrWolf, no way anyone considers Lindsay hot anymore. She's cheap and easy, and an addict who'll do anything for another hit. But hot, she is not.

    I think the Demi Moore guesses are spot on.

  24. LOL,okay, I forgot about Indecent Proposal.

    In my defense, that move was in 1993 - I haven't seen it since I was like 16.

  25. It's not Demi that's rumored to have started as a hooker, but Denise Richards.

  26. Kristen Stewart.

  27. I can see this being Demi. And she & Asston are supposedly locked in battle over assets, so it's not entirely unfathomable.

  28. Is "improve the mood" maybe a hint?
    It's oddly worded.
    Not sure what it hints AT, however!

  29. Demi FTW! If you read the story on X17 it fits perfectly not only with this blind but also the one about Rumer's BF using her to get to Demi...

    "When Demi Moore jetted out of LAX and headed to Dubai on Friday, SHE WASN'T IN THE MOOD..."

    "After quite a bit of drama over the last 14 months (from her divorce to her meltdown earlier this year, she's been through a LOT)"

    "Demi and her oldest daughter Rumer have reportedly started working on their relationship, and apparently Rumer's boyfriend Jayson Blair was the one who encouraged the ladies to patch things up."

    "Awww, maybe that's what has her in a better mood?"

  30. Denise is not the only actress who started out as a hooker.

    The blind must be Demi. WTF else would she be going to Dubai??

  31. If Demi is going to Dubai she is going to be "hosting". That is for sure.

  32. Trying to think who else would fit former A and had a rough past year. Lohan or Bynes certainly not A - Demi has also had her substance issues so all clues do seem to point to her.

  33. Demi.

    Going to Dubai to screw a rich hotelier or oil guy.

    No, she doesn't need the money. Maybe she likes it. Like Winona...why did she shoplift? She could afford to buy anything in Saks. Cuz she got off on it.

  34. Demi has made tons of money from producing movies (Austin Powers for example), I don't think she'd need the money to do something as desperate as this.

    Just my 2 cents

  35. Agree, why the hell would she need 1 million dollars for? She's loaded.

  36. Maybe it's not about the money but about ego. Being that desirable to somebody that they would pay a million, may help heal a vain, broken heart.

  37. Ya I agree, I think she is doing it just to feel wanted after all the rejection she is feeling. And who does not want to be the hostess of a multimillion $$ event and be the queen, Sounds fun to me, minus the creepy sex, but we are just assuming that is what she has to do. Maybe not!

  38. Getting paid $1M to party it up in Dubai? Who wouldn't take up the offer?! She may not need the money but it's an easy buck and Demi is a bit of a party animal anyway. Plus, it's not like she's doing anything at the moment so why the hell not?

  39. I voted Meg Ryan. She probably needs the money for plastic surgery bills.

  40. Pammy Pam Pam.. Isn't this her "career" now?

  41. Jesus, what is wrong with these women?? If it's Demi Moore, then the rest of us normals might as well just jump off a bridge because if 75 million and a privileged life can't make you happy, what chance do the rest of us have?
    For Christ's sake, can't she just hang with friends, eat out, read books and enjoy life the way the rest of us do?? need to make that extra mil by selling yourself? These people are really just so f#cked up. How much is enough??!!

  42. Demi was pimped out by her mother when she was a teen (and I mean "pimped out" in the literal sense, not like Honey Boo Boo was/is pimped out by her mom), so falling back on her old profession is probably easy in the wake of two divorces.

    Wish her daughters didn't have to witness this. Gross.
