Monday, November 12, 2012

Blind Item #2

This A list actor who used to be A++ and only returned to A list status recently after a trip down to B- land, had promised his wife that he had stopped cheating with one particular woman and he even drafted a post-marital agreement which would give his wife a ton of money if she caught him cheating with that woman. Well, our actor's wife did not catch him in the actual act of cheating but did spot the other woman in a series of photographs shot by paps with our actor coming out of a hotel and that mistress was right there with him. Ruh oh.


  1. Ben Affleck and ..... ??

  2. Thought John Travolta until I saw he cheated with an actress, not actor

  3. Gina has it. Ben and JLo

  4. I hope Elektra takes him to the cleaners. Anyone who cheats with J-Lo deserves the public ridicule.

    Unless they're just working together on Gigli 2: Electric Gigli-o

  5. Did Ben really just return to A list status though?!

    1. I would say so, considering that his latest movie has so much Oscar buzz. He already has one Oscar for Good Will Hunting.

  6. Doesn't JBlow take her pet backup dancer with her everywhere she goes?

  7. @Henriette - I imagine JLo pays him to not have an opinion!

  8. @henriette - I'm sure her pet dancer will look the other way, or join in. He knows not to bite the hand that feeds him.

  9. Jlo must have a magical pussy. Both Ben and PDiddy were head over heels.

  10. Were Ben and JLo photographed together recently? Does anyone have the link?

  11. where are the pictures?

  12. Sounds like Ben but I doubt the woman is JLo. Even if it was somehow a coincidence, it'd be all over the gossip pages if there were pics of them coming out of the same hotel. The woman is probably a non-celeb.

  13. I thought Michael Douglas...oh well

    1. Michael Douglas and KZJ do have a legal agreement whereas she gets a ton if money if he cheats. She has talked about on many a talk show.

  14. I'm thinking Matthew McConaughey. He was MIA in his RV for a while and now with Magic Mike and this other new movie coming out he's finally back on the radar

  15. Since I will protect Ben/Jen in all cases,how about Russell Crowe. Foolish delusion, I know, but I hope...

  16. @Terrier, RC and his wife recently split, right? Maybe this is why...but I don't see him as returned to A

    As for Matthew McC, was he ever A+++?

    I feel like the Ben/JLo guess fits the best

  17. Hi from the U.K,
    Has it been proven that Ben cheats on Jennifer? He always pops up on these kind of blinds???
    How everyone's having a lovely Monday x

  18. All I know about Affleck is he is all the family man while promoting Argo. Before that film, I never saw him with his kids. It was always Garner with the offspring. It was just so fake and obvious. The face painting at Halloween. The pumpkin patch photos. It was very overdone.

  19. This sounds like Denzel.

  20. Throwing Bruce Willis in the mix. Back to A status after Looper?

  21. Def Ben & J Ho. Jen Garner should just take him to the cleaners now. Even if Argo is nominated, he's not going to win the Oscar over Lincoln. Something else for him to be bitter about in interviews when he makes his next movie. D bag.

  22. i'm confused about the trip down to B-. how did ben 'recently' return to A list? he's been pretty successful now for quite some time---consistently.
    i just can't think who sunk and came back recently....if it weren't for that part, i'd say he fits.

  23. Has anyone seen the pics? Link?

  24. How about Woody Harrelson? He used to be huge, and now could be back to A because of the Hunger Games.

  25. Nooooo.... Love Woody

  26. @ButterKwup: electric gigli-lo! I die!

  27. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Ben and Jen. This is so sad. Once she understands how deep his betrayal ran for how long, she'll lnever be the same again. He is such a cheating dog. If you're not into your wife, and haven't been from the beginning then why have children with her? You SUCK Ben. I will never go see any of his movies again. Pig.

  28. I've seen Ben with his kid(s) plenty. If anything he's a good father.

  29. I've seen Ben with his kid(s) plenty. If anything he's a good father.

  30. @Desiree
    Please! Within the last six months? There were not many pics of Affleck with his kids before his newest movie.

  31. Not to mention ever photo of him with the family he looks completely miserable, put one f'en smile on your face, is it that bad to spend time with your wife and kids.

    I have a feeling that he can be a huge asshole now that he is climbing back up.

  32. I feel like people have forgotten that Garner cheated on Scott Foley with Michael Vartan. Not justifying anything that Ben is doing, but I truly do believe how you get them is how you keep them.

  33. Hmmmmmm. Is anyone in Hollywood faithful???

  34. Only thing is Ben returned to A list a few years ago with The Town, or even before with Gone Baby Gone which was 07.

    But totally agree that all the recent kid photos with him and Jen are for Argo. Usually it's only Jen. I think she likes being married to him, it brings her power.

  35. Really? But I thought JLo was in love with her little boy. Why else would she be embarrassing herself with the child, unless it was REAL LOVE for her?

    However, I do think it's Ben A, but I don't think the mistress is JLo.

  36. Oscar campaign season has arrived, and Ben is ready to play. NEVER saw pics of him before with his family (except for on very rare occasions) and now they are baking cakes together. He probably just keeps repeating to himself, "OSCAR OSCAR OSCAR..." Wasn't there a rumor that the leaked Lively photos were done by someone in Jen's camp to put her in her place?

  37. B-land sounds like Hollywood Land so I'm onboard the Ben Affleck guess. Oh, yeah, and he's a cheater.
    I also think Jen Gatner lost her big cheater card really easily. I think the secret is in the dimples.

  38. Crila- I think it's always REAL LOVE for JLo.

  39. @ Carmelitelady - Don't consign Ben to Hell just yet. Ben (and Jen) is just a popular guess. We don't have proof or photos. Yet.

    And maybe Ben was busy before working on the movie and wasn't around to do stuff with the kids.

  40. Did anyone see JBlow's tweet to her pet? They call each other "Bear." They had an anniversary on 10/25. When I read the exchange I wanted to vomit.

  41. Wouldn't Enty have identified the woman with which he cheated as a celebrity/actress if it were JLo?

    @ButterKwup: Thank you for the huge Gigli 2: Electric Gigli-o joke! That reference always makes me think of this sketch from Mad TV:

  42. Denzel's m.o. is that when he gets caught out he takes his long suffering wife on a big vacation somewhere. I think Enty posted pics of him and Pauletta on vacy a couple of weeks ago so I think the Denzel guess is a pretty good one except that Pauletta is not letting him go. She didn't leave after the other big cheating scandal involving her husband.

  43. @imahrtbrkbeat I always think of that when there's a cheating blind that most think is Ben.

    JG is a cheater too. Karma's a bitch.

  44. @Vicki E, I don't think it's ever been proven but just widely believed the same as Toothy Tile being Jake G.
    Have a lovely Monday too!

  45. If it were Ben/JLo, it'd have been ALL OVER the media, so it's not them. Ben is climbing back to A List?! In what world? Ben not pictured with his family?! In what world?! There are ALWAYS pap photos of him and some random kid, AND his wife. That's not new. This blind is SO NOT about them. It's someone else, I'm not sure we've mentioned them yet. Who is married and has made a comeback lately? Bruce Willis? Never fell to B-. Denzel? Never fell to B-. Russell Crowe? Comeback!? Are you kidding?!

    We haven't gotten there yet, UNLESS the clues are messed up, then none of the above matters.

  46. I think it's Ben. He went through a major dry spell before he ventured into directing, so the return to A list is spot on. Also, one of the few things that all the gossip bloggers I read agree on is that he cheated/cheats on Jen. Add to that the photos a couple of months back of him and JLo in Paris at the same time, and it all fits.

  47. Not pics of the kids! Pics of Ben and JLo! Apparently there aren't any, which means Jen hasn't seen any, which means it's not Ben.

    I have no idea who it is, but it sounds like something Bruce Willis would do.

  48. Vinnie Jones was just caught cheating, but doubt he is A list or higher, or ever was. Also guessing Ben and Jen for this one; Ben was in business when he did Good Will Hunting and then Pearl Harbor, after that terrible movies, but kept the name recognition. Right now he is getting very good reviews for Argo. So yeah, think it is him. Sad though.

  49. Dennis quaid....wife filed for divorce, took him back, and just recently refiled

  50. THIS is it!! Good job @9922!!!

  51. Save my Ben and Jen, Dennis Quaid. Be the blind! Seriously, if it is Ben, what a skank JLo is. And does she ever see her own kids? Skanky skunk. Now i'm mad.

  52. Totally agree with @9922. Dennis Quaid has that new show Vegas - which possibly puts him up there in the A list status again.
