Monday, November 05, 2012

Blind Item #1

What A+ list tweener singer, had his first penicillin shot two weeks ago after he got an STD. He told his girlfriend that it was just a B-12 shot but they should probably go a few days before having sex. Around his friends he was actually happy and telling them that he finally felt like a rock star. Yeah, STD's and unprotected sex with strangers and a career that is fading more quickly than his future hairline.


  1. What about harry styles from one direction. Isn't he ment to be a bit of a slut.

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    What a stupid kid.

    Beiber? Is his career fading though?

  3. Beiber appears to be transitioning to a more grown up (compared to baby ect) artist. I have a fair few friends in their twenties that enjoy his "music"

    1. Nooooo.... Surely you jest!!! That is too sad for words. He still looks and sounds pubescent.

  4. Why is this even a blind?

  5. I'd say Justin's career is slowly dwindling. And what an Idiot to cheat on Selena she seems so sweet. I'm ashamed he's from where I live.

  6. Oh yeah, STD's are such status symbols...

  7. Unfortunately they are these days. Its disgustingly common.

  8. At least he was gentleman enough not to carelessly pass it on to her. Though I'm sure it's just to cover the fact he's been cheating, but whatev.

  9. Oh Bieber.. What would Jesus say? Tsk tsk tsk... Cannot fucking stand hypocrites like him!

  10. I'm not sure who else it could be but Biebers career isn't fading.

  11. If he was so proud of it, he probably did pass it around to a few groupies, just not to his main girl.

  12. Idiot. Can't wait for this dumbass to catch something a little harder to treat.
    a huge growth on the tip of his penis oughta scare the bejeezus out of him.

  13. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Bieber fo sho. Why IS his career failing? Is he not touring? Is he pulling lohans all over town? As far as I've heard he just smokes alot of weed. I understand that failure is the almost inevitable outcome for a tweener but with such a solid fan base why does he necessarily HAVE to fail? It seems like he's been huge for a while now. Why can't his management keep him hot? That's their job. It's not like his voice has changed that much. I just don't see why it should be a foregone conclusion that his career is done. I feel sorry for the kid. He's just as talented as he was before. And really casual sex and an STD aren't that crazy for a kid his age, especially not one that has such a big female fan base. Management should really try to do something on this. Rather than just signing new act after new act once the first starts getting stale. The Beatles were a boy band. The rolling stones too. But they had good songwriting and stayed cool. Justin Timberlake had success after being a teen idol. If he's got a good voice, good looks and keeps working, doesn't take a "break" or "vacation" that turns out to be the rest of his life, then he should be fine. He's got a name and a base built in, he's got talent, and looks their works done for them, it REALLY should be THAT hard to keep him in the game. An A&R guy would sign someone like this who's largely unknown just for the newness factor, why not develop him and have him make the label and himself money for many years to come? Timberlake turned out just fine and he was pretty much a cookie cutter version of Bieber. Whitebread, cute, non threatening mama's boy with a great voice. What's the problem here Enty? He needs to get on the dancing, writing, touring, collaborating team get his image revamped, get a new pr relationship, a new hairstyle, and have the kid go out there, make a good name for himself in the industry, and fight for his place on the totem pole. Its' not like he can go live a normal life now. He could easliy go the way of Lief Garrett/Tara Reid if he's not managed properly in this dangerous time of his career. There's still a chance for him. He needs to find what he wants to do in his heart, and go for it balls to the wall. I've never been a Bieber fan but the poor kid's gonna be week old road kill for the rest of his life if he's dropped.

  14. Anonymous8:18 AM

    "shouldn't be that hard" I meant to write

  15. @CarmaliteLady - this is a story that's been repeated a lot. Remember Bobby Sherman? Lief Garrett? Menudo? It just happens. Sometimes it's nobody's fault.

  16. I'm ashamed to say I really like the song, "Girlfriend"


    1. @Lola - I love that song. I honestly think that it was really well executed. I always bop to it when it comes on the radio while I'm at work. And I also lipsync to it. Yeah, I'm cool.

  17. A penicillin shot? Interesting from the MD's standpoint. That's still the first line treatment for syphilis, which is exceedingly rare amongst most heterosexual populations in the US. The other much more common bacterial STD's (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea) do not utilize this method of treatment. So either this information is a little flawed, it's fake, or we're left to wonder just what type of population that Biebs is getting down with.

  18. Yup, the Biebs' career is fading. His fanbase is growing older and discovering other music. The younger fans are gravitating to other boy bands.

    It's what happens to teen idols. A few continue their craft in minor obscurity until they become retro (Duran Duran), but most fade into oblivion.

  19. @Spacecowboy78
    Syphilis is on the rise in all populations because people are not aware of the symptoms. I worked for a physician who couldn't figure out what was wrong with a patient until it had developed in to Stage Two! Stage freaking Two.

    @ CarmeliteLady
    The Beatles & Rolling Stones were not boy bands. They were popular with girls & women, but also were equally popular with guys.

    Boy bands and other acts that have tweeners as their primary fan base almost never transition to an adult career. Regardless of talent. They are tainted by the tween act label, and their fan base moves on the next thing as they get older.

    At this moment I cannot think of a single act that transitioned, thought there must be someone...

  20. @Chilie - It is, but is still rare, especially to be transmitted after a single exposure. So again, if true, either Biebs should watch out for a lightning strike, or he had multiple exposures to the same infected party. It is also easily detectable by an RPR, which should be ordered by any clinician when the patient is presenting with unknown symptoms and a recent history of unprotected sex with new partners.

  21. I'm thinking its a On Direction guy. Y'all are SO quick to hop on the bieber train. I don't even think he's trying to target Tweens anymore, that's One Directions turf now...

  22. I work volunteer at a free clinic, and we give the shot to clients with Syphilis. It is definitely on the rise in all populations and not as rare as people think... I believe that there were over 45k cases in 2011, only about 7k in 2007. Rise is thought to be around 12% for 2012. Scary!

  23. That is scary Lori! I know it's no guarantee but I'm glad I'm married!

    My guess is Bieber too.

  24. And this is BS. Most STDs are viral, and penicillian is no longer a treatment used for the one STD that's not viral. Antibiotics are issued due to resistant strains.

  25. "but with such a solid fan base why does he necessarily HAVE to fail?" - Because the fans grow up and move on.

  26. Why wasn't this STD fatal?

  27. beiber. i'm getting bored with his blinds....

  28. Wasn't there recently a blind about Biebs and Selena not having sex? On top of rumours that she is only still with him for his star power and her image?

    Also, Enty usually clarifies if the other person in question is a celebrity/actress/singer. Since she is just described as being his girlfriend it leads me to believe that she is not famous, and therefore not Selena.

    I like and enjoy coming to this site but 95% of the blinds on here are bullshit and just used for hits.

  29. Aren't his 20 minutes up yet?

  30. @whocaresnow12- I'm sorry, but you are incorrect. Chlamydia (caused by chlamydia trachomatis),
    Gonorrhoea (caused by neisseria gonorrhoea, Syphilis (caused by Treponema pallidum),Bacterial vaginosis (BV), Mycoplasma genitalium, urethritis, and ureaplasma urealyticum are all bacterial STIs. Antibiotics are used to treat all, usually in pill or suspension. Syphilis, however, is generally treated by injection, sometimes a series if not caught in the primary or secondary stage (or super early in latency). Shot is generally of penacillin, unless the person is allergic, in which case they are treated with doxycycline, tetracycline or erythromycin.

  31. NKOTB and BSB are STILL touring, have a huge fanbase, still releasing new music and are super popular. And originally targeted to Tweens.

    1. @pr princess Both of those bands broke up for YEARS, and only got back together after their old fans were feeling nostalgic.

  32. Leann Rimes sure does think she knows a lot about STD treatments. *wink*

  33. Definitely Biebler. He made a crack about the Duke of Cambridge's hairline.

  34. Sorry but Justin Bieber's career is not slowing...he's freaking EVERYWHERE. What about that Cody Simpson kid? Is that his name? He's been in blinds before about sleeping around.

  35. Justin "Sixteenth Chapel" Bieber. That kid is a moron. Yes, he has more money than god (but is soon going the way of the Jonas Brothers) but that's because he's been marketed brilliantly, not because he has great talent or brains.

    What a tool. What a fool.

  36. Damn .. he had best watch himself. Some of the STDs out there these days that were once treatable [Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia and Herpes] are now becoming drug resistant. Hardly a badge of honor if it kills you.

  37. I was leaning toward the Beebs, but this could totally be Harry Styles. He's such a slinger. I'm sure he's slung his wang in the wrong place.

  38. I have to say this has to be someone from 1D. Beiber if He plays things right could have career in the producer field after the tween star fades. He did introduce the world to Carly Rae Jepsen, so he has a knack for finding talent.

  39. I'm going to say this is not the Biebs as I refuse to believe he's cheating on Selena but also Enty hasn't referred to her as just a 'girlfriend' on other blinds they have been favourites for. I'm thinking this gf is a non celeb.
