Sunday, November 04, 2012

Blind Item #1

What B-/C+ list actress with A list name recognition took out three separate $5M life insurance policies with three separate companies within two days of marrying her new husband. I'm not saying he needs to sleep with both eyes open, but he might want to just take some extra precautions. Apparently life insurance is about the only way she will see any money because of the way the pre-nup is structured. It probably would have been better if she told him she was getting it.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! Please oh pretty please let it be her...I can not STAND Justin Timberass!

  2. I am on the Jessia Biel train

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I expect her husband will find out soon. If she's purchasing $5 million dollar life insurance policies, he will be required to pass a physical before the coverage is approved.

  5. now i wait Timberlake's death soon

  6. @NC Nurse: you're the voice of reason

  7. That would make Biel less boring but i think it's Blake Lively. There is something about her...some people just look like they scheme a bit.

  8. Is it really that easy to get life insurance policies?? Maybe for the super rich, I guess.
    Jessica Biel just seems...dumb, to me. Blake Lively seems more calculating and sneaky, based on all the things I've read about her.

  9. What would Reverend Camden say? Tsk Tsk.

  10. Has Biel even had time to do that? It seems as if the wedding was just a few days a go.

  11. Trust me when I say that insurance companies will require both the proposed adult applicant's consent as well as a needs statement for $5M of coverage.

  12. What NC nurse said about the physical. This sounds like nonsense. Are we supposed to think the actress will have her husband killed if he mentions divorce?

    It's like something out of third-rate crime noir novel. Try harder, Enty!

  13. My mom has 2 life insurance policies on my dad (not worth anywhere near the millions tho) so its not uncommon or sinister. At least I don't think my mother is plotting to murder my dad.

  14. Longtime reader, first time commenter. Tgis seems a little bit far fetched to me, like a crappy lifetime telemovie. I don't really care if Enty makes this stuff up of not its fun to read if you just take it with a pinch of salt.
    But anywho, Hi all. I love reading all the comments on her. Its nice to know theres still decent people out there.
    It was amazing to see some of you opening up your homes to strangers in the wake of Sandy. Very heartwarming! You're some beautiful people!! Love from australia. :)

    1. This seems# opps. :)

    2. Welcome Ella!! The little babe in my avi is also called Ella :)

    3. Welcome Ella! Have a fabulous Sunday!

    4. Aww rejectedcarebear she's a cutie!
      Glad i finally decided to nut up and say something, its just so amazing how sweet everyone is, beside the occassional troll lol. They never seem to last though.
      Its Monday its here smash, but have a great Sunday. :)

  15. Fug face Jessica Biel! Justin should have NEVER married her!

  16. hey accidents happen...


    1. Timebob, never go snorkling either. You're just asking for it, snorkling with your husband or wife.

  18. Timberlake is a musician not a stunt man. Also, I can't imagine any of these ladies (or men for that matter) going through with the wedding knowing they won't receive a dime if they should get divorced.

    Also, aren't pre-nups followed at the discretion of the judge? Basically,the judge doesn't have to follow anything/everything agreed to. Look at Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. Assuming they had a pre-nup, imagine if they had followed it during their divorce? Before they got married, Nick made more money. Afterwards, it was Jessica making more money.

    1. @flirtychick no! Remember, Timberlake is no longer a musician. He is a SERIOUS ACTOR

  19. A girl needs to look after herself...

  20. Trust me when I say that the insurance companies will need neither signed consent from Justin Timberlake nor a needs statement.

    1) It is perfectly legal and allowable to take out an insurance policy on anyone you have a financial interest in - i.e., your husband or wife.

    2) The amount of the Insurance policy can scale based on the financial resources of the insured. I.E., if Jessica Biel says "I need 5 million dollars of insurance on Justin Timberlake to compensate for the LOST INCOME I stand to lose should he die in an accident", ask yourself - If she stays married to him for the rest of his life, is it likely that he'll make 5 million dollars from now to his natural death? Dude will make 5 million dollars before the end of the year. The amount is not at all unreasonable relative to his income.

    3) Husbands and wives get insurance policies on each other all the time; It's normal. Not only is it normal, it's stupid NOT to me. My parents had insurance on each other, so do all my friends parents. If you're going to marry someone and start a family with them, it's dumb NOT to get insured to provide for your family.

    4) My ex girlfriend when we were living together had me insured for 4 million dollars, which was the amount of lost income she would suffer ($100,000 a year from 25 to 65) should I die. I had her insured as well. The insurance company didn't bat an eye, nor should they, we were a cohabiting couple with a joint account and financial interests in each other. It was all completely above board.

    ... Granted I switched the beneficiary as soon as we broke up, just so I didn't need to sleep with one eye open...

  21. Oh and for my blind guess, I'd say absolutely it's Jessica Biel. Also it's Blake Lively. And RDJ's wife, Kate Capshaw on Steven Spielberg, Casper on J Lo, the Cameraman on Julia Roberts, and every other married couple in Hollywood who has a financial advisor who's not completely retarded.

  22. Let me just say that working in Human Resources, PLEASE REMEMBER TO UPDATE YOUR BENEFICIARIES. There have been WAY too many times when an employee has died and left their ex that they could no longer stand named as the beneficiary. It's an ugly scenario. Mr. Wolf, I'm so glad to hear you remembered to do that.

  23. I also believe it's foolish to not take advantage of life insurance that's available. You never know what curve ball life may throw at you. The last thing you need is the stress of figuring out how to make ends meet while you grieve.

  24. If you have a race-car driver husband, or a spouse with extreme sport or hobby, then you would need a policy if you didn't work often and needed to support the kids.

  25. Just be cautious if your spouse is obsessed with the Dateline ID boxed set she made you buy her for her birthday

  26. They'll see more than a dime (prenups or not) if they get knocked up quickly, which I fully expect both Lively and Biel to do ASAP. That would probably be a little easier than murder (although I wouldn't put that past either of these hos).

    Ain't love grand?

  27. In other words, Ashley Judd, though not with a "new" husband, would be an actress in need of a policy. The "Jackass" wives, although I don't get why anyone would marry these guys, should get policies. Spouses of pilot hobbyiss (Mrs. John Travolta, Mr. Angelina Jolie) should get policies.

  28. *hobbyists* is the word

  29. Really, everyone should have policies. The question is not "if" you'll die, but rather "when and how". Not to be morbid, but everyone dies eventually. So you gotta appreciate your loved ones while they're here, and cover your butt financially for when they aren't. KWIM?

  30. My husband has a big policy on me and I never had to do a physical.

    I don't even bring in any income to the household but there's still a policy. I may not work outside the home but if we had to pay somebody to do all the shit I do around here it'd be pretty expensive. ;)

  31. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Welcome Ella Boo Boo! It's fun posting and getting in to the shenanigans. You'll love it!

  32. I'm gonna guess someone who is a big fan of the Lifetime Movie Network.

  33. Why 3 $5M policies and not 1 for $15? Does an amount higher than $5M activate some sort due diligence process for the carrier (like the physical or whatever)?

  34. @chopchop - I've seen that in a few cases too. :)

    ureallyannoyme - That's a possibility. It could also be that the premiums get too high after $5 million and the cost of 3 $5million policies is less than the cost of 1 $15 million policy.

    It's also possible that the insurance companies maxed the insured at $5 million and she had to get 3 $5 million policies because no one was willing to give her a $15 million - Especially if her husband is into 'high risk' activities, like drinking, recreational drug use, sky diving, etc.

  35. No way Blake Lively has A list name recognition. This has to be Biel.

  36. It was perfectly natural that Justin Timberlake was killed by that poisonous cobra.

  37. My family law attorney advice/ opinion. A couple with children NEED to have a will and life insurance!! Without kids--it is wise but as soon as you have a child you want to provide for it in case something happens to either or both parents.

    With respect to prenuptial agreements, if a judge doesn't uphold an agreement I drafted, I had best double check that my malpractice insurance is current. HOWEVER, under California law you can't bargain away child support.

    So Biel or Lively may want to have a kid soon if they are concerned about money.

  38. My family law attorney advice/ opinion. A couple with children NEED to have a will and life insurance!! Without kids--it is wise but as soon as you have a child you want to provide for it in case something happens to either or both parents.

    With respect to prenuptial agreements, if a judge doesn't uphold an agreement I drafted, I had best double check that my malpractice insurance is current. HOWEVER, under California law you can't bargain away child support.

    So Biel or Lively may want to have a kid soon if they are concerned about money.

  39. Hey Ella Boo Boo .. Whatever you do .. do NOT go into Blind # 2! ; )

  40. gee and here I thought my secret 30k plan was devious.

  41. This blind is absurd. Of course married couples, especially ones with kids, should have life insurance policies. And if I were the wife of Justin Timberlake, you best bet I'd be INSISTING there be one on him in the BILLIONS. He makes $15million in less than half a year, I'd bet. If that's all he's insured for, he's WAY
    The real absuridity here, though is Enty claiming Jessica (or some wife) "took out multiple policies" without her husband's knowledge. With the exception of a child, you don't "take out" a policy on someone else. You take out one on YOURSELF, and then name the beneficiary. So even if Jessica's the one paying for the policy, if it's JT's life that's insured, HE has to name the beneficiary, and has the right to change it at any time. (Like the commeter up above who changed his after he broke up with his ex and the commenter from HR who urged people to remember to change their work policy beneficiaries alluded to.) Any policy on YOUR life is in YOUR control, no matter who's footing the bill. So you have to provide both ID and signed consent before it goes into effect.
    The physical is just a way to get the price down- the healthier you are the less you pay. So JT and Jessica could well have skipped THAT part, since they probably don't give a shit about the premiums.

    1. sbalb- thank you! was just scrolling down to say the same thing.

  42. there's is no way you can take out a life insurance policy on a person without their consent.

  43. Welcome Ella! And Rejectedcarebear, your little Ella makes me smile here, there and everywhere!

  44. Biel does not have A list name recognition. If you asked me to name five movies she was in, I could only name three, tops. All of them sucked, BTW.

  45. Yes, Sarah, pronounced AC-TORE

  46. He is on the illiuminati sacrifice list between now and 2020. But heres the deal i know jts a good person and shes a gold digging whore. Now that i know she has a hand in this. If he dies she dies simple enough. Sorrynotsorry. Everyone needs to stop using people and sacrificing people irs ridiculous.
