Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blind Item #1

This actress was almost A list way back in the day. In the not too distant past she was on a show for multiple seasons. A great show. A huge hit cable show. Everyone will always love her for one very important role with an A++ list actor. Anyway, she has not been doing much the last couple of years that would make her swamped with offers from fans, but at a restaurant the other day several fans approached her while she was waiting for a car to pick her up. They all wanted to say hi or have their photo taken with her and the first few just got a curt, "No." After that though she started getting increasingly angry that people were bothering her and at one pointed shouted, "I'm way too busy to be talking to you right now. Get a life." She then continued doing nothing and just waiting for a car which eventually arrived.


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