Monday, November 12, 2012

Blind Item #1

This musician from a B+ group is married to an A list actress. He needs to know this is not her first trip to the rodeo and that when he cheats on her, she has heard all the same excuses in the past from a husband and multiple boyfriends. Everyone cheats on her so when you think you are getting away with it, she is just biding her time and yeah, she actually packed up the kids and moved. She also has a way of making the other person look very bad. Unlike with her past relationships, she was acting normal in this one and not desperate. Her reaction to all of this will be interesting.


  1. My mind immediately went to Goopy, but she hasn't been married before, right?

  2. I was going to say Hudson but she hasn't been A list since Almost Famous. GOOP kind of doesn't make sense because Coldplay would totally be an A list band.

  3. Kate's a better guess than Goopy - good job, Under the Big Skyy.

  4. Definitely GOOP - I think B+ sounds about right for Coldplay.

    1. @Cathy - but was Goop ever married before Chris Martin? And how is she A list these days? I would also say that Coldolay is an A- band.

  5. Also, Kate Hudson has talked a lot about how unnatural she thinks monogamy is, so I don't think this is her.

  6. When was Goop married before?

  7. Goop wasn't married before, was she? Kate Hudson was but she really never made her ex look bad.

  8. Can Muse possibly be B+ though?

  9. GOOP wasn't married before. And if Coldplay isn't A-list, who is?

    Kate Hudson fits better because she's been married before.

    Any other actresses married to musicians?

  10. Enty posted an article a while back titled Kate Hudson & Matt Bellamy are Married. Goldie said it in an interview or something. He didnt know if they did or she was wasted. Since then I've figured they can be included in the married guesses for BIs. I like her for this.

  11. If it didn't say "B+ group" I would think Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. The word "rodeo" makes me think country music.

    1. Good guess on Nicole Kidman! But Keith Urban is a solo artist, so he's not in a group.

  12. Kate Hudson never made her ex look bad when they divorced. They both seemed to move on easily, and remained friendly.

    Gwyneth makes more sense for everything else, and she actually just moved their family from London to LA. That's a pretty substantial move and has had people wondering, it's very off brand for them. Chris has allowed himself to be seen with her, which he has rarely done.

    1. @Sarah - A-Roid looked pretty bad when they split, and Kate Hudson seems more likely to be called desperate than Gwyneth Paltrow when it comes to relationships. She kept things civil for the kid when she divorced, but Kate Hudson has had a lot of boyfriends since then. Also, Gwyneth has only been married once, so this cannot be her. And I would also say Coldolay us at least an A-.

  13. Goop hasn't been married before, but she was engaged to Brad Pitt and he came out of that looking HORRIBLE.

  14. If the past husband line is the fudging, Goop fits. However, there has been a blind reveal about how clingy and desperate she can be. I think Chris could cheat on her forever and she would never leave him.

  15. Heres the blind that was revealed 7-4-12

    Today I wanted to tell you the history of this A list movie actress. She would never do television. Wait. She would never do scripted television. Anyway, our actress has had lots of high profile boyfriends and every one of them has said they have never felt as free as the day they were finally free of the actress. One actor said it was quite possibly the happiest day of his life and he had to act sad at some premiere and all he wanted to do was shout and scream. Our actress is a clinger. A big clinger. As in if she decides to date you then you are going to be with her until you do something so egregious that she has not choice but to leave you. You can’t break up with her. It does not work that way. One boyfriend tried to break up and then went and shot some movie on the other side of the world. Third day there, the actress showed up at his hotel room door with a suitcase saying she was there for a visit. One actor wanted to break up with the actress so much that he cheated on her. She got upset but the actress was not going to leave. He then got the idea of getting caught while cheating. She broke up with him after that but would still call him everyday and talk to him. That one was before caller i.d.

    One actor who lived with the actress said that he never asked her to move in but that she just kept bringing stuff over and he never noticed and then one day he realized she was there all the time. It took him years to get away from her. Even in her current long term relationship, her significant other knows he can do anything he wants and that she is never going to leave him. He has done a lot and even been caught, but she just will not go anywhere. They can go weeks without seeing each other but she calls. All the time. All day. Texts all day too. Hundreds of times a day. Her significant other hired an assistant just to respond to the texts. Apparently his life is so much easier since he thought of it. One week of telling the assistant what to say in the texts and now one year later, the actress is none the wiser. Of course the assistant has got to see plenty of naked photos of the actress. She is big photo sender. She is also a big hypochondriac. She wonders aloud about everything she eats and how it will affect her and would like your opinion too. She has very few friends because they are subject to the same type of clingy. Not very many people can deal with that kind of constant barrage of attention and neediness.

  16. I'm on the Kate Hudson bandwagon. Coldplay is unfortunately A list - may God have mercy on my bleeding eardrums.

  17. Amber- I think Coldplay is the 2 1/2 Men of the music industry. They're hugely popular, but everyone hates them. Like Nickleback.

  18. @Butter - Ugh. I wasn't ready to see the name "Nickelback" this early in the morning. I'm not even drunk yet. ;P

  19. Goop was my first thought, but that's giving her too much credit. Definitely think she's the clingy type, so it's not her. Kate Hudson, however, seems to be a perfect fit. Keith Urban isn't in a 'group' and I'm sure TC didn't 'cheat' on her. No one else left, is there?

  20. Kate hudson immediately came to mind. Didnt owen wilson try to kill himself after they broke up? That made him seem pretty screwed up.

  21. I have nothing to contribute to the blind, but in no way should Coldplay and Nickelback ever be compared. I understand that Coldplay's ubiquity rubs some people the wrong way but they are actually very talented. And have done a ton for equal rights around the world. I am as much of a music snob as anyone but Coldplay gets a pass from me forever for writing "The Scientist".

  22. I know Chris Robinson said Kate kept bringing stuff over and was moved in before he knew it and they hadn't been dating very long....(referring to the old blind)

  23. Kate Hudson wouldn't care she wanted another baby and even tried with A-Rod...
    Are they actually married ? If so wonder if there's a pre-nup...
    When she was married to Chris he wasn't working she footed all the bills... she was looking for someone who could hold their own with $$$$

  24. I agree with the Hudson guess, maybe the ex she made look bad was ARod

  25. Can someone please explain why Gwyneth is called GOOP?

    Personally, I love Chris and Coldplay. I think he is too good for her!

  26. @nicksauntie - she has a lifestyle blog called GOOP.

  27. Kate Hudson is NOT A list. I've got nothing, I rarely do, but some guesses of KH and GP (who also does not fit) would be very helpful here.

  28. Chris and Gwenny.

  29. MUSE & COLDPLAY are A list bands
    Kate hudson is B list with A+ name not married
    Gwinnie Paltron is B+ list with A+ name and married

    no one fits

  30. Muse is NOT A list. At least not in the US.

  31. Nobody really fits for this blind.

  32. Lucas, ITA. LOVE that song!

    I don't have a guess-first thought was Gwyneth but she wasn't previously married.

  33. Gwyneth has an oscar = forever A list.
    Coldplay is also A list.

    But the packing up the kids and moving doesn't fit b/c she's only had kids with Chris Martin and they've never split as far as I am aware.

  34. I agree that Gwyneth is A list but having an Oscar doesn't guarantee A list status forever. Is Cuba Gooding Jr A list? How about Roberto Benigni? That dude with the schnoz (can't remember his name)?

  35. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I guess Kate Hudson. She and Goop seem to be the same type of clinger. And Goop with her cleanses and OCD blog really fit the super clingy/hypochondriac blind from 7/4/12.

  36. Yup...Kate Hudson. Goop has only had 1 marriage. Can't be her.

  37. Who is Kate Winslet dating? It seems like she has been cheated on a lot.

  38. What about Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford.

    They recently got married so I hope this isn't the case but weren't they believed to be a recent blind item about cheating?

  39. Kate Winslet is dating the nephew of Richard Branson, Ned Rocknroll. He's very cute, but not a musician.


  40. What does GOOP stand for, though? I know it's the name of her blog, but what does it mean?

  41. @ Silly Girl GOOP=Gwyneth Oily Odious Paltrow

  42. “Well, G. P. are my initials and Goop is actually a family nickname,” Ms. Paltrow said.

    1. From here:

  43. Actresses married to musicians:
    Katherine Heigl
    Nicole Kidman
    Mandy Moore

  44. Don't remember all the clues, but I'll go with Heigl, just because I don't like her. :)

  45. kate hudson it says past a husband and multiple boyfriends

  46. You guys are seriously DENSE. "Not her first trip to the rodeo" does NOT mean that she was married before. It is an expression that means a person is not naive. I can easily believe that ENTY would consider Coldplay B+ list... it is HIS perception of the band, not how popular YOU think they are. Goop is A list because of her Oscar. It's Gwyneth and Chris Martin. Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt both cheated on clingy Gwyn.

  47. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I remember the clingy blind, and being shocked that it was Gwyneth. There was also a blind reveal that Gwyneth and Chris were having a trial separation earlier this year. I think Frufra nailed it.

  48. I think the reference to a HUSBAND is why we're thinking she was married before, not the rodeo. Talk about dense.

  49. To add to what everyone said, Gwyneth did some country movie recently. Country Proud or Country Strong. Whatever.

  50. agree with Amber, unfortunately Coldplay is A or A+ list (at least in Europe) :P
    Muse is most definitely A+

    though from the blind, imo the best fit is Kate Hudson and Matt Bellany
