Thursday, November 01, 2012

Blind Item #1

This couple consists of a B+ all movie actress. She is foreign born. Her husband is an actor although he has really had no success at all except with one role and when it is gone, who knows what he will do. They have had a lot of problems in their marriage. Lots. Way more than most celebrity couples. Despite all that, they have pulled together after a miscarriage the pair suffered earlier this year. They had already told friends and family and were preparing to have a tabloid cover when they lost the baby. The marriage at one point a year or so ago was headed to divorce, but now, it appears that the tragedy brought them closer than ever have been.


  1. Emily Blunt and John Krasinski

  2. That sounds about right

  3. That is what I was thinking, *karen*

  4. Boy I had no idea, but that seems like a good guess Karen

  5. Agree Karen.

    I think John is a great actor, I don't watch the Office anymore but I've seen him in other movies and he is hilarious! I hope he finds success after its over.

  6. I was thinking Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz.

  7. Also- what happened to her face?! She was pretty before, now I don't recognize her.

  8. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Emily Blunt and John Krasinski.

  9. This couple's tragedy aside, this is one of the happier ending BIs.

  10. Also, 'closer than they have ever been' is still probably not that close. I used to love John, but he makes me sad now. He was such a genuinely good guy when he first started out.

  11. ButterKwup what did I miss about them? Please fill me in.

  12. Nothing juicy JoElla. Just referencing the fact that he married an actress who was known to be kind of a horrible person, just for the (I'm assuming) fame factor. She is a well-known cheater. After he was in Clooney's football movie, he suddenly became very 'Hollywood', with his Italian wedding and his over-moussed hair.

  13. @ButterKwup - I'm not sure that it counts as cheating if the spouse is aware of and okay with it? I was under the impression that John gets off on the fact that so many other guys enjoy doing his wife. Also, I'm really not sure she's AS horrible as everyone thinks - she's stayed very close with Anne Hathaway and Stanley Tucci, so at least on that film, she must have been somewhat nice (which is ironic, since that role was playing a cold bitch, that everyone assumes she is like in real life).

  14. Cathy- I remember a blind (?) about a guy liking watching and knowing his wife was with other dudes, but I didn't know it was them! I only remember an old one about how she had a rotating door of other guys that the husband tried to ignore. That one was revealed as them b

  15. Emily and John came to mind immediately.

  16. As much as it pains me to admit it, this does sound like John and Emily (I love them together and as individuals). But I don't think John will vanish into thin air after The Office ends, which kind of gives me hope that it's not them...but if it is...I really do hope they work things out and they can call themselves proud parents very soon.

  17. Just to pull things down a little lower: if Emily sleeps around so much, how do we know John is the one who got her pregnant that time?

  18. That's what I was wondering too^^^

  19. Anonymous9:24 AM

    These poor people. My heart really goes out to anyone that's suffered a miscarriage.

  20. I've seen John Kras in other things besides The Office, and I think he's a good actor, too. He's not going to disappear.

  21. Whoever it is, what a nice turnout for a change...

  22. What about Rachel McAdams and Micheal Sheen? It fits except husband part.

  23. I hope it is not John Krasinski either, but I'm not sure the "he's a good actor, he won't disappear" is that valid of an argument. Lots of great actors disappear after a well-known and loved role for many reasons. Sometimes I think Hollywood is as much about luck for many of these people as it is about talent, being in the right place at the right time for the right role to really achieve superstardom. I am not sure I am expressing myself well, but think of all the excellent writers who go unread or unpublished, while stuff like "50 Shades of Gray" takes off. It's not always about talent, that is for sure. I can see John Krasinski disappear after the Office is done. Look at a lot of the Lost cast. Really talented people on that show, and where are they now?

    Boy, did I ramble or what? I don't really have a good guess, but I can see how it could be John and Emily.

  24. While I think Emily and John mostly fit, Enty's description of him ignores the movie he has coming out soon (Promised Land). He's one of the stars, but also co-wrote the screenplay with Matt Damon (the lead).
    I'm just saying if this is John K., Enty may be short-changing him.

  25. Yup...Emily and John.

  26. I am going to chose to put this in the category of this is one of EL's "CERTAIN SITUATIONS, CHARACTERS AND EVENTS PORTRAYED IN THE BLOG ARE EITHER PRODUCTS OF THE AUTHOR’S IMAGINATION OR ARE USED FICTITIOUSLY" blinds because I can't take any bad thoughts in my brain about John Krasinski right now.

    I was never into "The Office" until I started watching it earlier this Spring on Xfinity and now I just love the show [watching it right now, to be honest .. the SuperBowl episode with that weird Indie film with Cloris Leachman and Jack Black] and am pert near despondent that the show is ending. So .. won't accept any bad things about John, Jenna, Rainn .. well anyone on the show frankly. Love it that much. Haven't been this adoring of a cast since Buffy went off the air. Of course, some of you could now be thinking .. Holy Crap! She has sh*t taste in TV!! But .. well .. I like it. LOL!

    So .. there's worthless post #2! LOL!

  27. wow, you guys are good! i love the john k/emily b guees.

  28. Either Emily Blunt is the serial cheater or she is the subject of this blind, but it's unlikely she's both. Best wishes to the couple in question.

    P.S. @Wil, imo you have great taste in tv.

  29. But John Krasinski has had success in movies! Recently in Something Borrowed and It's Complicated. He was FANTASTIC in Away We Go (although that wasn't such a box office hit), and he's been in tons of other movies since The Office started. I don't think he would qualify as someone who's only done "one thing" and will disappear after the show! I really like him - he could charm the pants off anyone, that guy.
