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ReplyDeleteThank God!
ReplyDeleteand now the work begins.....Congress is going to be just impossible as it's always been.
ReplyDeleteRock on!
ReplyDelete@Misch, works both ways, don't blame it all on congress, everyone has to unite, and every voice should be heard.
ReplyDeleteThe President is just as much to blame for the division as congress.
Im happy about the results :)
ReplyDeleteas a non us citizen, I very much prefer a democrat in power.
+ 4 more years of Michelle Obama wearing fabulous outfits, yay!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy! I am also glad that the GOP has control of the House. Government should be controlled by both sides.
ReplyDeleteBeyonce is also happy:
(yes, its VERY immature :P)
@Beta I posted that on the other thread :-) She annoys me so much!
DeleteSarah and Beta, she removed it . Guess she remembered her favorite color is green $$$$ :)
DeleteGoldman Sachs - Federal Researve 2012!
ReplyDeleteWho's up for more inflation?
Reserve* (should drink coffee before I post.)
ReplyDelete*side eyes Enty*
ReplyDeleteExcellent. Now we just need to get rid of Stephen Harper and his conservative majority here in Canada.
ReplyDeleteHow many CDANers are happy about WA and Colorado legalizing (or is it decriminalizing)marijuana?
sitting back waiting for my free stuff.
ReplyDelete@lisa - me too!
ReplyDeleteNate Silver's chances of getting laid by ladies into data wonks with bad haircuts just went up 100% (+/- 1.4% margin of error) last night.
ReplyDeleteLol!! Favorite comment!
DeleteI am very happy about the legalization in Colorado and Washington. This, and the other states that legalized gay marriage are excellent victories. Neither gay marriage or marijuana should be illegal anywhere. Neither law affects my life directly, but I am so very happy that these natural things are being legalized FINALLY.
ReplyDeleteI am also thrilled about the winnings of females over the ultra conservative white men for many of the senate races.
And, of course, I am elated that Obama won again - although I always knew he would.
Yay! The rest of the world is proud of you, America!
ReplyDeleteartemis, they shouldn't be too happy, we did it hear in RI 2 years ago and immediately got a letter from the feds reminding the state that it is still considered illegal at the federal level, feds trump state, any dispensaries that open would be subjected to raids and arrests.
ReplyDeleteJoseph Kennedy III won Barney Frank's old seat in MA. He is the 32-year-old grandson of Bobby Kennedy !
ReplyDeleteI just saw a picture of him last night. Wow, does he look like a Kennedy. He looks more like JFK than JFK Jr. did ,for sure.
DeleteFor those who've been up all night wondering, the LA County vote on porn stars having to wear condoms went through. All the big issues in Cali, guys.
ReplyDeleteSarah, that was a nail biter :)
ReplyDeleteOk, Obama, what now?
ReplyDeleteAs long as the sequesteration thing never goes through and I keep my job, the outcome of this election means very little to me.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all those who voted for Obama--enjoy your win. :)
karen, defense department or contractor?
DeleteOh, good. Four more years of exactly the same thing. And I legitimately voted against Todd Akin.
ReplyDelete@Sarah, so now what, a condom-watcher on each set? how is that going to be enforced, or does it not spell that out?
ReplyDeleteI could totally picture some guy with a utility belt full of condoms yelling "CUT! Wrap ya tool, don't be fool"
Delete@me I'm not sure, I'm in Orange County but was at a party with someone from LA County who made me aware of it. Our guess was what it will actually mean is that porn will just be made outside LA County
DeleteI live in australia and this was on our t.v channels all day. I'm glad obama won.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't help but notice on the nbc (i think) program that they made a big deal out of the white and non white demographic. This is important why? We're all human, we all bleed the same. So how come they felt the need to make this some kind of borderline racist debate. It certainly came across as rubbish reporting pulled out of their arses to me.
Did anyone else notice it?? It was shown on the seven network here in western aust and was preceded by President obamas speech about how anyone can make it in the us.
Beats the hell out of me, Ella. I don't think most people in this country pay attention to that either way. I would think a majority don't give a damn about the race card, but politics in this country still emphasizes sex, sexual orientation and race like it will help make up anyone's mind. It's totally ridiculous.
DeleteKinda makes me glad im an australian, we as a country don't give a damn about much to be honest. Australia is a very multicultural place. Anyone is welcome here and for the most part accepted, black, white, tan of bloody purple lol!
DeleteDon't get me wrong there are some bad eggs that atempt to preach religious intolerance and such. But as far as i'm concerned there are a-holes in every race. If your a good person then your a good person end of story. But i'm only 18, so what would i know haha :)
@ella - The mainstream media uses a lot of divisive techniques in order to bring out emotional reactions from people, to push buttons. It's getting trite and most people I know are colorblind, but the msm will still try.
ReplyDeleteIt just seemed to be creating a divide that didn't exsist. In the scenes where the cut to the suporters it was a diverse audience all celebrating. I thought in this day and age, we as a planet of multicultural people would be over such bullshit.
DeleteI know racism still exsists by why promote it on a show that was broadcast in many countries.
Ella fellow Australian here, look at the gap that exists between indigenous and non indigenous Australians. white Australia policy. northern territory intervention. offshore processing of asylum seekers. we have no right lecturing ANY country about racism. just because it isn't on channel seven news, doesn't mean its not happening.
Deletethe area i grew up in is full of a bit of everyone. There was no bridge between the indigienous aussie and those of us whose parents immagrated there. We all played together, went through our childhood with skinned knees, riding bikes together, sharing first kisses ect regardless of skin colour. I did nurrajerri at school had friends out on the mission. The only divide was between the elder generations 60+. All us kids thought it was stupid. One of the local 30yr olds called me a "white c**t once to which she was told by the elders and kods around to shut up and not be a pig. So yeah we have it pretty good here i think.
DeleteI only speak on behalf of myself and experiences but yeah i never had a problem with racism besides that name. :) i'm glad to live in a place where my future children will know tolerance and peace not hatred and discrimination
Don't get me started on the offshore processing. It makes me so angry! Thats more about needing a better government i think though.
DeleteSounds like u guys, the younger gen are getting it right. I didn't mean to sound like an ass or make assumptions about your experiences. I should focus more on the positive rather than negative side of things. still lots of work to be done everywhere!
DeleteWhoooooo-hooooooooo!!! :)
ReplyDeleteO Happy Day!!!
ReplyDeleteSo happy for all of you!!
ReplyDelete@ella. race breakdown is important to highlight the need for republicans to rethink their platform. 90% black vote and 70% Latino is a huge landslide for the democrats. our country is becoming a minority majority (less than half white), so if the republican party wants to survive, they need to reach out to the non-old white male voter
ReplyDeleteit matters
Thanks for pointing that out. I'm not american so i don't know much about the minority/majority thing. Its good to hear another rational point of view. Maybe the republicans should get out in the communties and socialise with the public so they are a bit more up to date with the opinions of the people. :)
DeleteExactly what beguessin said. It really highlights how the Republican Party has marginalized and alienated a big chunk of the population. I hope they can turn it around and start reaching out to blacks, Hispanics and women. During this last campaign their message to these three demographics was just awful!
DeleteY'all, I live deep in Red country, and I do sadly believe that racism is at the heart of many folk's opposition to Obama. Now, I am certainly NOT saying AT ALL that all Red folks are racist - no way Jose. I personally know people of all persuasions on both sides of the political fence.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I do believe through my own observations that racism is still a factor in our society. Fading, to be sure, but still underlying. Let's shine a light on it so it can wither and die!
ITA Frufra
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
the Rest Of The World (minus China)
Ella, one reason it's such a big deal is because the percentage of non white voters is growing and is expected to exceed white voters by 2050. One of the Republican problems is their inability to recognize the change.
ReplyDeleteThe party comes across as being a tad out dated. Noticed some commentary about sexism in romneys campain. They need some fresh blood and a shake up. Get in to the communties, all of them not just key electrates and find out what they care aboutin redards to the countries affairs. :)
DeleteAbout in regards# sorry lol. Sleepig pills are kicking in.
DeleteMaja, China is very happy with the Obama win.
@nap assassin...tempus fugit...(time flies)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYAY! Also happy about the legalizing marijuana & marriage equality. Glad Elizabeth Warren won, I really like her. Lots to be excited about!
ReplyDeleteNow, if we could just get rid of Mitch McConnell, I'd be thrilled!
I absolutely believe race played a hand in this election. Exit polls from 2008 showed Obama taking 96% of the black vote. Racism works both ways people. There are waay more people who voted for him because he's black than refused to vote for him because he's black.
ReplyDeleteIt should be about the best person for the job not bout their ethnicity. (Personally i think obama is the best choice but that neither here nor there.)
DeleteI get it was a big deal last election progess and what not. But it shouldbt be now
Does it concern anyone else that all the foreign countries are happy Obama won? What exactly does that mean?
ReplyDeleteWhew! This has been a long, bitter and grueling election season.
ReplyDeleteI've been in North Carolina for just about a year now and I never dreamed I would be harassed like I have been due to my liberalism. I've been called n-lover, a pinko commie, introduced to people I don't know as *She's-one-of-THEM!* A 'friend' thought it would be a hoot to introduce me to some good ol' boys who claim to be of the Ku Klux Klowns. I have found out quickly who is my friend and who is my enemy down here.
@Frufra...race is definitely a factor. :/ Gahhhhh!
Thats really pathetic! Hope you told those people where to go. Go on you for sticking to your morals :D
DeleteAmen Frufra. I believe the #'s show that Pbama won the majority of the minority vote. Sigh..some day, some day...Still want to see a woman though.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Warren won...Yaaaaaaay....more taxes...just was MA needs...
ReplyDeleteNBC also said last night that Mitt won 59% of the white vote. I hope that those numbers shape up not to be accurate.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, also a mighty 'here here' to the first open gay senator who also happens to be a woman. I never doubted my fellow Chicagoan, but I wasn't so sure about a lot of these other races, and they looked good.
Oh, and old white male Republicans? Stop talking to women about how they should feel about and what they should do about rape. GFY.
Regardless of political leanings, this was a great election for women!! The two men who think rape can be "legitimate" and a "method of conception" lost their races, and there are now more women in the senate than any other time in history!!
ReplyDeleteDid you hear Todd "legitimate rape" Akin compared himself to a cancer patient in his concession speech? What a tool.
DeleteThank you VIP! I knew I could find answers to those questions right here.
Deleteiheartgoss said...
ReplyDeleteDoes it concern anyone else that all the foreign countries are happy Obama won? What exactly does that mean?
I want to think it means they're happy for us not electing Bush 2.0.
Also think it means they're happy they won't be bombed out of existence. **waves at Vicki**
Delete@Sarah: great minds think alike :D
ReplyDelete@Beta :-)
DeleteSo happy my guy won! Cali still voted for the death penalty though which bums me out.
ReplyDeleteYay Washington and Colorado too. Legalize it, brau!
@Agent**It, I'm a contractor who serves the DoD. Like half the working class around DC. :)
ReplyDelete@Agent**It, I'm a contractor who serves the DoD. Like half the working class around DC. :)
ReplyDeletekaren, I understand your concern. I hope you are not affected .
DeleteI hope it won't come to that Karen, would be bad for you and the whole country if an agreement is not reached
DeleteThe only thing I'm disappointed about is that the assisted suicide measure in MA seems to have lost by just a hair--obviously, suicide is not a good solution 99% of the time, but when you're definitely dying and all that's left is pain and suffering, I don't think it's unreasonable to want to take care of one's arrangements and then check out peacefully. (IIRC, in Oregon it's turned out that very few people actually take advantage of the law there; it seems to be more like a fire escape inasmuch as you never really want to have to use it, but just knowing it's there is comforting. Anyway, I know damn well that if I tried to keep my mom alive as a vegetable, as soon as she finally passed she'd be back from beyond to specifically kick my ass for doing it.
ReplyDeleteI'm also glad that we now have so many women headed for the Senate, that the rape apologists have gone down in flames (I know way too many survivors, including people very close to me), and that my home state of NH not only has a female governor, but their entire Congressional delegation will be female as well!
here, here, VIPBlonde!
ReplyDelete@Ella, I'm from Brazil and I never even knew how much race matters to some people until I lived in Arkansas for 2 years in an exchange program. It was very unsettling to me. My whole life I knew there was the human race and then, I found out there was white and black race. I felt very intimidated because that was never a reality to me and I didn't know how to act or to say because I was afraid that I my offend someone with my "ignorance".
ReplyDeleteAnd the most curious to me is that I always expected some kind of racism from white folks and then I got to see a different side, coming from African Americans (which, I never understood this either, because if you are born in American, how does it work to be African too? And that I'm "latina" because I was born in America, South, but America nonetheless).
I hope nobody takes offense in what I say because I definetely don't mean it like that. I'm just trying to show the perspective of someone who is foreigner and had the experience of getting to know a side of a country that I was not aware of.
I know this is a sensitive subject to some people, so I really wish nobody gets upset with what I said...
I completely understand white lily. I grew up in a Hispanic country where I don't remember the same divide like here along racial lines. One of the first things that really struck me as odd was the whole black church and white church, in my country we all went to the same churches together. And I also agree about the racism coming from African Americans too, believe me I've been on the receiving end of it a few times as well as from whites but this doesn't stop me from hoping that one day it will get better.
Deleteit was Lindsay's endorsement that did Mitt in.......HAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteLMAO Misch!
ReplyDeleteNow that the elections are over, it's time for the Christmas ads/decorations/music/excessive spending/gluttonous American behavior to commence! And blame for why one party lost over the other. Blame & Holiday oversaturation, yum!
ReplyDeleteRobin, ITA. I voted for all three measures.
ReplyDeleteYay! Thank you America!
ReplyDeleteLove, the rest of the world.
Rock on Barack!! And congrats to Elizabeth Warren!
ReplyDeleteAn unqualified amateur gets another 4 years based on Affirmative Action Sad. Only people who pay taxes (53%) should be allowed to vote
ReplyDelete@Clubber - I paid nearly $70K in taxes this year. So far. How many votes does that buy me with your analysis? Because they're all for Barack.
Delete@Agent**It, I don't THINK I'll lose my job (my boss doesn't seem to think so), but it would certainly be a huge kick in the pants for the DC Metro area who voted Obama in if we all lose our jobs because of it.
ReplyDelete*sigh* And ButterKwup's comment is why I looked at this post as being a complete disaster in the making.
ReplyDeleteButterKwup, as an American that is Black, comments like yours are offensive on every. Damned. Level. I grew up in the South and continue to live not even attempt to make it seem as if race-based voting was the sole domain of Blacks.
Enty, I think you're great and, what I have heard about you, you're a caring person but this post? It brings out the worst in people and was just unnecessary.
@iheartgoss... yes and let's hope it doesn't mean what you think it does...
ReplyDeleteHappy! Sad in my state that idiot Steve King beat out Christie Vilsack. Beyond happy that Justice Wiggins was retained. Love the gay marriage acceptance in a few states! (Iowa all ready is pro gay marriage, thank God).
ReplyDeleteObviously, race plays a factor or we wouldn't be talking about it so much. Why is it that because 90% of black voters voted for Obama that some automatically think they did so because of race? That's like saying the 56% of whites who voted Romney only did so because he was white.
ReplyDeleteHe is such an idiot. So happy that he was voted out!
@Minnesota: Michele Bachmann? C'mon. Deal with that mess already.
ReplyDelete@White lily, I find it hard to believe that you are from Brazil and the most racist place you have ever been is Arkansas. Really hard. And as for Australia, having a "few" nutjobs. Yeah sure.
ReplyDeleteThe math is very simple for the Republican party 72% of voters are white and Romney got 60% of their vote. But the numbers are going down every year. I also think that the Republican party will have to split in two to survive.
Im going to ignore that australian comment cause im not sure how it was ment. But have you been to brazil? Or australia? What makes you think brazil is racist? I have friends from there that are racially colourblind and just generally nice people. As for myself my hometown was filled with many culturally diverse people. No one had problems with anyone else except a very tiny minority of bigots that where always shut down quickly. as i stated earlier in this thread we are all the same on the inside we all bleed the same.
DeleteEnd rant. Have a nice day.
Akin's concession speech was pathetic! Don't let the door hit you on the way out buddy! Bye Bye! NOT going to miss you in the least!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes twas a great day for women!!
Hope we can all come together and do what's best for the country as a whole. I'm so over people arguing! Lets work together people! We all want the same thing in the end!
@kltx why? I don't know if Arkansas is racist or more racist then other places. That's the only place I've been to.
ReplyDeleteBrazil is noted over and over again as one of the most racist countries. And you come to America to find Black people are racist against White people.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to re-post what I said yesterday, modified to reflect the results:
ReplyDeleteNow that the votes have been counted, please keep in mind:
1) No candidate is really as evil as they have been portrayed by the months of hyperbole and memes.
2) The world won't end because your candidate lost
3) There are many people in this country who have legitimate opinions that are different than yours. That's called diversity, and it's what makes our country great.
4) Let's give our elected politicians a chance to be effective -- even if they weren't YOUR choice, they were elected by a plurality of the people -- and practice compromise rather than divisive politics.
5) If you're a democrat, keep in mind that you did NOT win the entire country. Almost 50% of people voted against your presidential candidate, and you failed to win the majority of House seats. You don't have a mandate. You have to serve the entire country, and that means working with Republicans to come up with workable solutions for all.
6) If you're a Republican, you had best take a few months and think about the lessons of this election. You lost in several places and amongst several voting groups that you had better inroads in before. Voters in those areas gave you a chance these last 2 years, but didn't like what they saw. Like it or not, you will have to start appealing to a broader audience, and not just your religious base. That starts by figuring out how to work together with Democrats to improve the country, not hinder it.
@kltx, you know, if you gonna twist what I said to fill your own agenda, I will not argue with you. And I pretty sure that Brazil is not one of the most racist countries. And with that argument, not worth the discussion.
ReplyDeleteKltx seems to be all knowledgable about everything. We'd best not have a different opinion. :0
Delete@Jemtastic- This is the world we live in now, whether you like it or not. Sticking your head in the sand solves NOTHING.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like the discussion, don't be a part of it. Simple.
And this morning's facebook post, about how I feel about the gay marriage & marijuana provisions (and a few other things):
ReplyDeleteI love my new state. Here in Washington last night, we decided to take a new (more responsible and less expensive) approach to the drug war. We are well on our way to allowing all couples to marry. We renewed a requirement for 2/3 legislative approval to raise taxes. Our voting was done almost entirely by mail -- much more efficiently, and with far less disenfranchisement. As a result, turnout here is really high -- expected to be 81%! Yes, we don't know every race's result yet, but the delay is worth it to have a system that works.
And I'm glad that congress is getting closer and closer to representing the ethnic, gender & sexuality mix of the USA.
I'm a Canadian girl who is VERY happy right now. I have great hope for the future. Ya did good, America! (Now just legalize pot and gay marriage everywhere, and you'll be beyond awesome. L)
ReplyDeleteI don't care who they are, what color they are, or what party they belong to. In today's global climate the best leader should be socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Yesterday's choices were diminished fiscal rights or diminished social rights, we lost no matter who won.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, now it's time for us to shove Harper out too. Whatever it takes. Bush Light has to go!
ReplyDeleteOh shit! I'm white and voted for Obama..Did I screw up? No, no IO didn't! Looks like women, Latinos and Asians also preferred Barack Obama although I could be slightly off on some of that.
ReplyDelete@white Lily, I did not twist what you said. I paraphrased. And I am truly perplexed how you live in Brazil and you have never seen racism. Supermodels from Brazil see racism there and discuss at length. That is why I am confused by your comment.
ReplyDeleteSeachica, your first post is my favorite one. (Not that your second was bad.)
ReplyDelete@plrtz glrb, I know as an American I can not speak on another country's issues. So I am always mistified when someone from abroad speak on America's. Every country has issues and those issues have long and varied history that cannot be explained or thought out in 160 or 200 characters.
ReplyDeleteWell we didn't elect Bush 2.0 but we got Carter 2.0. Ugh. I couldn't stand the first Carter.
ReplyDeleteWorst election ever in my lifetime. A choice between Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
Woo Hoo! Proud to live in Washington State! Legalize marijuana, check. Legalize gay marriage, check!
ReplyDeleteThis won't affect me directly, but both will affect many friends.
*cranks up Cypress Hill*
Jax, excuse me? You tell me that sticking my head in the sand solves nothing but on the next line, you tell me not to take part in discussions I don't like. What exactly were you trying to say?
ReplyDeleteI'm just as American as anyone else; for someone to belittle my choice by intimating I am too stupid to make an educated guess, is offensive. I don't back down from discussion, but I think there is a time and a place. With this being a gossip site, it didn't seem appropriate considering the traditional fun of CDaN.
The whole 'black people only voted for Obama because he's black' holds no water. Blacks voted for Clinton, Gore, and Kerry. The common thread is that they're Democrat. The Dems are seen as being more progressive on race issues. So any Dem candidate will get play in the black community. If Hillary had won the nom in 2008, blacks would have voted for her, too.
ReplyDeleteNo president will ever have a mandate again. So saying that means little. Romney wouldn't have had one, either.
I have no problem with this post, but it does illustrate why having it poses problems. People feel compelled to take swipe and tell others to not participate. Yet we tell each other to be involved in the process and play nice.
We need to make up our minds. Just because I don't agree with half of you doesn't mean you don't have the right to express your opinion.
No one is sticking their heads in the sand. Folks are tired of being stereotyped and being labeled simple-minded. Just like you. We have intelligent thoughts. Just like you. We want good lives. Just like you. We work hard. Just like you. And we express ourselves. Just like you.
In spite of different opinions, WE ARE JUST LIKE YOU.
But if someone can't see that, it's their loss. Don't chase after ghosts. Chase after what you believe. Follow your path and you can't go wrong.
Thank you for calling me all knowing, but I prefer omnipotent.
ReplyDelete@Layna Day, how long do you think the parties can stay this way. I think the republican party has to change now. And the Democrats have to change in say 20 years.
That's funny, Bon M, I was just thinking today that it was one of the best elections in my lifetime, what with the wins for marriage equality, women, legalization of pot, and the end of Mitt. Guess it just depends on your viewpoint.
ReplyDeleteThe proposal that only those who pay taxes be allowed to vote just infuriates me. There are a lot of us who live below the poverty line, who pay no income tax...and yet we pay sales tax, gasoline tax, and a dozen other taxes. So can we vote part of the time? I worked all my life, paid taxes, and voted. Now I'm retired and don't have enough income to be taxed, and I'm supposed to stop voting? Please.
I don't understand why all the women on this site care more about abortion and contraception than the economy. Roe v Wade will not be overturned by an SCOTUS and even if it did, rights would revert back to individual states. You are willing to live with extraordinary rates of unemployment and stagnant economic growth in exchange for free birth control pills?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your enlightened point of view! two points:
Delete1) Access to contraception IS an economic issue Slate
2) If people were trying to legislate what you could and could not do with your penis, perhaps you would feel differently
I'm with you @clubber! I never understood how my little tiny womb is the most important issue to sway my vote.
Delete@kltx: I think a third political party will become viable in 12-16 years. I think the GOP will break into ultra-conservative vs moderates and they will pick off some Dems who have similar opinions.
ReplyDeleteWell this board ought to be a more peaceful place now. No more complaining because Obama hasn't had a chance to work his agenda. And no complaining how hard it is to find a job or that the value of your house has decreased significantly. And apparently the government is so much smarter than we are and just knows how to spend our own money better than we do.
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to enjoy your increased health insurance premiums and increased federal tax burden.
And remember no complaining if you are an Obama supporter. For the rest of us buckle up because it is going to be a tough financial ride.
Since I'm not a millionaire my taxes shouldn't go up and home values and sales are going up so meh...your comment doesn't scare me
DeleteContrary to opinion, Obama isn't the Anti-Christ. Neither is Romney. Too bad some on both sides don't know that.
ReplyDeleteWhat a simplistic way to put it Clubber! I also believe with Obama the economy will CONTINUE to improve. I didn't only vote for him to get free birth control and all the abortions I want! And if you believe that drivel that Roe V Wade won't be overturned if more conservative judges are placed in SCOTUS, which we might have new justices during this next term, then I have a bridge to sell you. You don't like birth control, don't take them! You don't like abortion, don't get one! But if you are a true conservative you should believe in small government out of our lives so what is your argument for having the government tell me what to do in my PRIVATE life??
ReplyDeleteSeachica - It's a great day in WA state! The Cascade divide has melted a bit!
ReplyDeleteNow I better go get my MM before the prices go up!
@Frufra I have been in the heart of West Texas for years and it is absolutely disgusting the way that people act here.
ReplyDeleteWhen he was first elected my freshman year of college, people went around drawing black men hanging from trees on whiteboards (we all had whiteboards on our doors so friends could write messages). They would run down the halls screaming racial profanities and would write and draw various other graphic pictures featuring Obama.
Any Obama sign here is vandalized within an inch of it's life and I have gotten into arguments with grown men where I get called an ignorant bitch, a fucking whore, and most of them turn physical.
The people here are very backwards and still see white as the superior race; all others are ignorant, dirty, greedy, and not worth anything. Women are held only one step above minorities and our Lord Savior Jesus Christ is the end all be all of every argument or decision.
The part/people of our nation that are closed minded and ignorant will never change. In 50 years it will be the same thing. Good ole frat boys in their fishing shirts and polo hats slapping each other on the ass and shoutin about how they told that bitch to suck their dick and get out and coming up with all sorts of horribly vulgar and graphic racial slurs.
God Bless the USA.
I also agree that a 3rd party should be formed from moderates of both parties. Obviously, the Reps need to look deep inside and stop catering to the Tea Party if they want to get things done. Also, stop being the party of NO. Old dead Reps like Rockefeller and Goldwater probably would have left the GOP by now.
ReplyDeleteThe thing with Roe vs Wade is that the GOP has tried to chip away at it for years. If they try to take away that right, what's to keep them from going after something else?
ReplyDeleteI'm not aware of any measure that says taxpayers should pay for elective abortions.
Birth control can often equal freedom to work and make money for women. Few babies = more time for education and job training. Productive rights and employment go together, IMO>
Unfortunately. This is a very sad day for a lot of people too. Obama being re-elected is a HUGE mistake. But...if people want him. They deserve what they get.
ReplyDeleteAlso to say race is not an issue is ridiculous. To this day people are convinced that Obama is Muslim, and aren't convinced he is really a US citizen. I have friends in the South whose families still designate if someone they are telling a story about is black, even if it has absolutely no point in the story.
ReplyDelete"And the black woman..."
"The little black kid,,,"
I mean Reproductive rights, yeesh!
ReplyDelete@msgirl: It's amazing. Goldwater was considered very conservative in his day. But these days, he'd be run out of the GOP. Same with Rockefeller.
I think most of us want fiscal responsibility and social freedom. Neither party fulfills both issues. We have to go with the one that comes closest for us.
WHAT VIP SAID. My mother always said that if abortion or birth control was a debate about men's bodies, it wouldn't even be a blip in the political landscape. How dare the public tell a man what to do with his body! The horror! But since it's about women, you bet they're going to think they know what's best.
ReplyDeleteThe whole doom and gloom over any candidate is puzzling. We all deserve a chance at good lives, and we vote for who we think helps us with that. It may not work that way. But it doesn't help to say YOU deserve what YOU get.
ReplyDeleteWE deserve a chance to be happy. And so do YOU, crila16, even when you brush us off with the YOU PEOPLE copout. Plenty room at that table, if you want a seat. If not, best wishes.
@KLTX I have never been to Brazil but when I was teaching in the Dominican Republic I experienced a lot of racism.
ReplyDeleteYes I am very aware that the two countries are not near each other, two totally different cultures, yada yada. I am just trying to lend shed some light on how KLTX came to that conclusion.
I have also remember doing reports and readings on racism in South America, especially Brazil.
And in honor of Amendment 64 I am going to smoke some pot right now! Cheers fellow stoners!
I was wondering why people are complaining about Beyonce? I just saw one sentence on her blog, or was there something else?
ReplyDeleteWell said Layna. I personally am Fiscally conservative and Socially more liberal. I am pro-choice, believe in gay marriage, believe that women are the ones who have the right to decide what to do with her body and for strict gun control laws. I am, however, against them using the tax payers money to pay for a woman's abortion. If she wants to's her right and choice, but I shouldn't have to pay for it out of my pocket.
ReplyDeleteDue to the poor economy, My #1 right now is economic recovery...then I'll worry about social issues. Unfortunately, there are a great deal of people more concerned about social issues, than the economy recovering.
This Floridian is very happy with the results...although my office (all Romney supporters) is VERY quiet today. I couldn't help but wonder what they'd be like if he'd won, considering how direspectful some have been towards me. And all I did was tack my "Women for Obama" sticker up in my cube... ;)
ReplyDeleteVery proud of CO, WA and MA! Equality and progression...let's keep it going!
@Tuxedo Cat - her post that said "Take That Mitches" has been removed.
ReplyDelete@Butterkwup Obama was by far the better candidate.
ReplyDeleteSo, using your logic, any Black voters who didn't vote for McCain in 2008 are racist?
I'm a fiscal conservative, social moderate who is pro-choice and a registered Republican. I have no problem with birth control or abortion, I just don't want to have to pay for other people's poor choices. I also happen to be part of the 1% and despise Obama for taking more from the hard-working people of America and giving it to welfare and food stamps so people can lay on their couches with their IPhones
ReplyDelete@EmEyeKay Thanks, got it!
ReplyDelete*makes room for crila16 at the lunchroom table*
For me, social and economic issues go hand in hand. I believe if we were more open-minded in who could do what, more jobs could be created and we'd have a more diverse workforce.
So much of what goes on in this country is based on nepotism. Such a shame. A lot of us are more than capable of getting things done, but there are those who are too scared to give us a chance. We just have to make our own way and bring someone along with us. Creativity is what will get us ahead. And no political party can stop that.
@crila16: Considering the economy is your number 1 concern, you should be happy that the candidate whom The Economist endorsed as being better for our economic recovery actually won.
ReplyDeleteI guarantee the Republicans would lay off their campaign against the evil of Unions(and stay out of women's reproductive zones) they might have won more states. My husband is a state employee and unionized. In an already struggling economy we can't afford a pay cut or to lose benefits. Die-hard Republicans voted full democratic tickets to ensure we keep our awesome state funded benefits/ decent wages.That's what you get when you attack employees that work for your state/government. It was the clincher for me how Ryan acted in Wisconsin. I won't apologize for choosing Obama because of this. I live in the here and now,not 16 years from now when the defecit will be X trillion. I have 3 children to feed,clothe and educate now.
ReplyDeleteNot everyone on food stamps and welfare are moochers. No more than every millionaire is generous and caring.
ReplyDeleteA person will be lazy, welfare or not. And most don't get enough in government aid to live high on the hog.
I know plenty of working people who can't afford iPhones, but buy them anyway. That's crazy and speaks more to a superficial outlook than to work ethic.
This country is fucked!
ReplyDeleteProud to vote for him yesterday. I was feeling good about his chances based on Nate Silver's predictions. It was nail biting time when Romney started winning early. I'm soooo relieved.
ReplyDeleteso, um.. has Lindsay chimed in yet?
Like @ Clubber Wang, I am a fiscal conservative, social moderate who is a registered Republican.
ReplyDeleteI am pro choice, I have no problem with birth control, or abortion, a woman's body is her's to control. I don't have a problem with the legalizing of marijuana, or gay marriages.
I do have a problem with big government trying to run and control every aspect of my life.
The government doesn't make money, it spends it, and it gets it from us, then ramrods us into things we don't want.
I support our president whoever it is, I hope this time he can actually get something done.
Like @ Clubber Wang, I am a fiscal conservative, social moderate who is a registered Republican.
ReplyDeleteI am pro choice, I have no problem with birth control, or abortion, a woman's body is her's to control. I don't have a problem with the legalizing of marijuana, or gay marriages.
I do have a problem with big government trying to run and control every aspect of my life.
The government doesn't make money, it spends it, and it gets it from us, then ramrods us into things we don't want.
I support our president whoever it is, I hope this time he can actually get something done.
If President Obama is able to give citizenship rights to people who are now illegal immigrants, there will be considerable income added to your tax base...
ReplyDeleteThere are millions of people right now in your country who would be proud to pay tax.
I need some clarification on the Legalized Marijuana passage in Colorado.
ReplyDeleteIf we go to Colorado to vacation and enjoy some marijuana, what happens when we come home and my husband gets called for a random drug test? Could he be fired?
And cudos to Maine and Maryland for passing marriage equality.
The racism thing is freaking crazy. I saw one of my half black friends commented on a political post and someone actually replied "hey (friend) you kinda look like Barack Obama, how can your comment possibly be bipartisan?" He was dead serious. Could not even believe that crap. The reality is conservatives have alienated minorities and its their own fault they don't vote for them.
ReplyDeleteHi, _+_=_!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Mr President!
ReplyDeleteI love how you people claim to be colorblind and someone like msgirl has a problem with people using "black" as a descriptor in stories, yet half of you have said "old white men" "racist white Republicans" etc. Do you not see the hypocrisy there? Or is it only racist when it's against a "minority"?
ReplyDeleteIt's also really easy to talk about everyone being the same, and we're all part of the HUMAN RACE and all that typical progressive garbage from the Whitopias of Portland and Washington State, but it isn't how the real world works. Funny how you are the ones that scream loudest against racist whitey and those hateful bigoted rednecks, yet you don't live amongst the vibrant diversity you claim to love! Why is that? Why not move to SE DC, or inner city Chicago or Detroit?
Ever wonder WHY people are racist, especially poor whites? It's usually because they don't get to live in exclusive gated 99% white communities and get beaten up and tormented daily in school, etc for being white. I know that's why I'm a "racist". But of course it's not an excuse to explain away white racism, only blacks get to use their (usually BS) claims of racist whitey to explain away their behavior, right?
It's OK though, it used to bother me, I could never understand how white people could be so freaking blind and stupid, and how they could actively cheer on their own demise. I still can't understand it but it will be wonderful when the vibrant diversity comes to your neighborhood and you get a taste first hand. Be sure to tell them you defended them on the internet and how you're not racist! I'm sure that will make a difference.
Oh and what do you have to say about black on white violence rising 18% in 2011 (DOJ statistic)? You think it can't or won't happen to you? You don't care because it's racist whitey getting what they deserve? If it was the other way around you couldn't scream loud enough about racism, but when it's white victims, it doesn't matter. You all are vile, disgusting hypocrites and are truly delusional. Seeing you get what's coming to you and what you so richly deserve will be priceless.
PS no I didn't vote for Mittens, I'm no Republitard nor am I a Democrap.
888 -> Racist
ReplyDelete888 - if the story is not at all relevant to whether a person is black or white or whatever, why specify a black person as descriptor but not feel it necessary for white?
ReplyDeleteRacial divide is alive in America, I think you just proved that point. Racism from blacks is no better than racism from whites.
BTW I'm from NYC I don't think you can get more diversity than that. As a matter of fact when you ride the subways the probably is great that whites are in the minority there. I don't have the stats but I think that might reflect the city itself.
Economic inequality plays a huge part in racism.
@All about Eve and @Ella Bella Boo thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI never said that there isn't racism in Brasil, I belive that happens in every place on Earth. I was just saying that the point of view here is different, that's all.
@kltx, I don't know if you took offense in what I said, if so, I apologize or if you are just being a troll, either way I will no longer keep this pointless discussion and yes, you did twist what I said because I never said there isn't racism here. Whatever models' interviews you may have seen/heard, I'm sure all of them would tell you our biggest problem is social and economical dispaities, lack of education, so many other serious things. But, what would I know, you seem to know more about my country then I do.
I don't know if you would consider what I saw/heard racism, but my comment that I saw racism from African Americans was based on a comment I heard in class one day back in HS, that's all. I wouldn't say it was just that girl there were other people who agreed with her since it was a debate in class.
Wherever I went and had to fill out a form I had to pick from "latino", "caucasian", "black" or "indian" and so I thought, the race is based where I was born? So Brasil, Venezuela, Colômbia, Equador, República Dominicana and so many others were tossed in the same category just because we weren't born in North America? We are countries with such rich cultures, diversities, background and we don't even speak the same language!
I had people telling me I was white, my sisters are blond with blue and green eyes, then again, my grandma was black... so much history, so much diversity... but I'm just latina.
@JSierra that does not justify. The Domenican republic is in Central America I can't talk about them but that's like saying USA and Mexico are alike just because they are close. =)
I apologize to everybody else about this but I don't understand the defensive posture when all I said was what I saw and never said it was the portrait of the state (although I should say states, since the city I was in was in the borderline with Texas) neither the country...
So many Obama supporters on this site, so congrats! I didn't vote for him this time, although I did vote for him in the previous 2008 election. Honestly I was fairly indifferent to the outcome but a lot of my coworkers are pretty perturbed - mainly because I work in medicine for the government this may mean some will be out of a job or others will take a pay cut.
ReplyDeleteWe joked about it in the operating room today after we finished a case quickly that we are just gearing up for Obamacare 2013. It will be interested to see in the next few years just how healthcare will change.
"I think most of us want fiscal responsibility and social freedom. Neither party fulfills both issues. We have to go with the one that comes closest for us."
ReplyDelete*cough* Libertarian *cough*
Yes, the president and the Dems have a mandate. Throw out the effects of Citizens United and Reep gerrymandering and the Dems would have a forty seat majority in the House and a HUGE mandate. All of you silly-ass "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" idiots need to STFU. You're Democrats already, just duped by very sophisticated propaganda into thinking otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI said it before: Obama is the most competent president our nation has had since Roosevelt. We have already wasted so much of his potential. If the fourth of this nation who know better would stop being tools, we could actually turn things around and live in a country that we can be proud of.
What a night!
ReplyDeleteWhite Lily,
ReplyDeleteWe can always agree to disagree and I am neither a troll or offended by your point of view. I always enjoy a good honest discussion. Two points, one Adriana Lima is the model who has discussed race and the treatment of some of her relatives and two normally African Americans are assumed to not be racist because racism is a word of power. They can definitely be prejudiced, but typically not racist.
To those bitter about Obama's election and predicting doom and gloom for us all, you are entitled to your opinion. I just don't like the implication that us voting for the candidate we did makes us stupid. That's what's infuriating me.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am black. I voted for Obama, not because he is black, but because I was totally against everything Romney stood for. His color had jack shit to do with anything.
And btw, I was floored and pissed that George W was re-elected when he was, but I sure didn't call people stupid for voting for him. And I got over it.
ReplyDeleteDo people actually believe that the "Obama Phone" is a thing?!? Don't people read newspapers? Just because you saw a video of some lady screaming about her "Obama Phone" on YouTube, that does not make it so. Honestly. PICK UP A PAPER. WATCH THE NEWS. IT'LL DO WONDERS FOR YOU.
I applaud your post, B Profane.
ReplyDeleteObama was not my first choice his first term, but given the mess he inherited, and the lack of cooperation he's dealt with, I think he's done a very capable job with many things he's accomplished.
I would like to see what he could do without one hand tied behind his back struggling up hill. He is a decent man who wants the best for our country-and he is a leader I am comfortable trusting -he may not always do things the way I would but I like many of his ideas and I'd love to see what change he could bring if he could move forward without such negative opposition.
Robin, the assisted suicide was the only thing I felt strongly about that didn't pass--but it came close. I've watched both my parents die long suffering deaths without the option to help them end their pain--so I feel very strongly about it. Proud that it at least got on the ballot and I think as close as it was, it will come up again.
So happy to have Elizabeth Warren. Now I am concerned with Obama giving Kerry some kind of national job that opens his seat--that could let Brown run again way too soon.
Thank you to the international posters, I am really interested in how our politics come across to the world.
@ kltx and @ White Lily
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who live in southern US states, I don't think you realize how outsiders experience (for the first time) what we consider to be overt racism. I was stunned by what I encountered in South Carolina, Louisiana, and Tennessee.
In New Orleans, a shop owner in the French Quarter rushed out of her store to tell me, "don't get into that nigger's cab", and attempted to call over a taxi that had a white driver. I told her eff off, said my best friend is black and that I was going to report her to the police, tourism board and any other gov't body I could think of. Her response was that Northern blacks are different from Southern blacks.
The cab driver wasn't shocked by it. He said it happens to him all the time. Turns out he was from Nigeria and was wrapping up his second Masters degree (engineering) and would return to Nigeria in four months. But everywhere I went, I heard the N word. I encountered the most polite people on earth with old school manners in the South. Unfortunately, a lot of those same people were spewing vile, hateful words about blacks as part of their everyday conversation. There's obviously racism in Canada (and definitely Australia), but people are not as open and overt about it. It is really, really shocking to be in an environment where overt racism is common place. White Lily, I completely understand where you are coming from.
I admit I didn't vote for President Obama. I disagree with him on a lot of things. I even like some of the things he did in his first term. But he's still my president and I will pray that he does the best job possible. But since I did vote (Gary Johnson :( ) I reserve the right to criticize him if I think he does something wrong. And I'd say the same thing if Romney had won. Like Seachica's post said - none of the candidates is as bad as some say (although I'm not so sure about Roseanne Barr who was on the Florida ballot) and I will hope for the best no matter who won.
ReplyDeleteI think most of you confuse liberalism and libertarianism.
ReplyDelete"Liberalism" today, as we know it, is socialism. Communism. Plain and simple. Whether you like it or not, "spreading wealth around " is a Marxist, unconstitutional act. Socialism does not and will never provide you with freedoms and rights. You are not a free individual when the government owns your business, your healthcare plan, or anything else you do or use on a daily basis.
Libertarianism, however, is the belief that what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours. That no one should tell you if you can or cannot smoke pot, have an orgy every night of your life, or marry someone of the same sex. Your business is yours, your money is yours, and your life is your own. There is freedom here.
Liberalism and libertarianism are two very different concepts. I suggest you start looking into these things before the next election. The distinction will be useful. Remember this when you're waiting for a government employee to call you back with approval on a medical procedure you've asked to have performed. Gone will be the days of you just making an appointment and seeing your doctor. You will need to ask a centralized permission granter. Bravo, folks. Bravo.
To those of you who cannot fathom life under socialism, think of it this way. Your iPhone is now a wePhone. Obama doesn't believe your phone belongs to you - it belongs to all of us because we cannot afford our own. And as such, you must share your phone with me, your neighbor, and the crack whore down the street, because we cannot afford to purchase our own wePhone. Not only do you need to share your wePhone with me, your neighbor, your crazy conservative cousins, and the crack whore down the street and her pimp, there is now a centralized authority who will tell us what we're allowed to listen to on our wePhone. They will tell us how often we're allowed to use the wePhone (most likely between 8am and 5pm Eastern time and never on Sundays). They wil tell us what games we are allowed to load onto our wePhone. They will tell us what cover to put on our wePhone. No matter that you are the one with the job, who is working hard to put on your own table and pay your own rent. You MUST take care of me, your neighbor, your crazy conservative cousins, the crack whore and the pimp, the raging drunk in the street, and the unwed mom with 5 kids from 5 different men, plus millions of others who have nothing to do with you and whom you will never meet. If you are someone with a job and earning a steady paycheck, I'd like to know what in the hell is so appealing about this plan.
I'm sure you all think that's laughable, but it's very real. Women, you might be reaping the benefits of the free Yaz, but if you're unfortunate enough to develop cancer when Obamacare is installed, you might be rethinking that stance when the feds won't allow you to choose your own treatments or trial. While you're laughing, you might want to start researching and learning more about your suddenly diminished medical rights and resources. It's some scary shit. There's a reason why Obama made the birth control an issue - because it deflected your interest away from the things he didn't want you know about. Ya know, like the life threatening things.
But Obama is highly endorsed by celebrities, and Lord knows celebrities are not corrupt or shady people. They all live by such high standards. You've never seen or read a story on this website about any celebrity doing something wrong, questionable, illegal, unlikable. Never. They're all saints who can be taken at their word. Trust them. They must know best.
Sadly Jolene people do think the "Obama phone" is real. Many of us who do have a brain, know it isn't, but it is fun to say "Obama phone" Try it ;) kidding.
ReplyDeleteSo.... I see the sandbox is still filled with piss and cat pooh.
*not directed at you Jolene*
Anyone wanna talk about how the DOW took a major header today? Or the storms that are going to slam into the East coast again? Or the 7.5 Earthquake?
Nope, I didn't think so.
For those of you who think that Nate Silver is all that:
ReplyDelete--Nate's Senate prediction: 52.5 Dems (including indies)
--B. Profane's Senate prediction: 55 seat edge, Dems.
They just called the ND race for Heitkamp, making the final Senate number...55. Booya! Suck it, Silver. And I out-predicted him on the Senate races two years ago too.
MadLyb - Late December, 1963!?
ReplyDeleteLong time lurker - First the president does not really have the authority to make people citizens whether or not its desirable or adds to the tax base or whatever. Second the federal goverment does not have the right to force religious organizations to pay for medicines or procedures they find immoral its called religious freedom - both of those events are happening and its called tyranny. Might be small scale but there it is. Third just because a state decided to legalize marijuana - does not make it legal. federal law trumps and Obama has raided the pharmacies and growers (i think at a higher rate than the evil bush but not sure) Fourth - while reproductive rights equals economic rights is a cute phrase its doesnt mean i should have to pay for activity between consenting adults - fifth - You can't run away from math. The feferal government has been spending more than it takes in forever but a growing economy and growing work force has kept it some sort of balance. The economy is not getting better. The labor participation rate is at a 25 - 40 year low, a whole lot of people are unemployed or under umployed or have given up looking for work. We need jobs and economic growth way more than we need medical marijuana, free contraceptives or marriage equality. More jobs means more taxpayers. You know what ends medicare as we know it - medicare - there is simply not enough money to pay for all the stuff that Policticians right and left have promised. At least Romney and Ryan were sorta or kinda looking at it and at least trying to reduce the rate of growth and get the fed back to its historical size in the last 70 years (18% of the economy), Right now we have a debt crisis, no one is really buying our tbills - the fed is hoovering up all that debt and stashing it thier portfolio - right next to all the social security bonds - Obama did not address this, has not addressed this and seems to not even aknowledge that math is involved = and when the carousel stops and what can't go on forever will stop and then it will be real painful - sure the rich will get in the shorts but the not so rich will get in the shorts much worse much worse - I did not vote for Obama in 2008 because I did not think he had the executive experience to run the country and I think that has been proven right I did not vote for him in 2012 because of the will to power he has displayed (Think bush on steroids) his economic ignorance (No country has ever had economic growth by making energy more expensive) and the debacle in Benghazi - he made no effort to help those people and then lied about the event in the aftermath) Are energy prices are going to skyrocket - Coal mining and coal fired electric plants (you know the real cheap electricity) will be strangled by regulations. Our electrical sysyems will be less robust as no one invests in them anymore because there is no money to be made. the Marcellus SHale boom, the Bakken oil deposits will be targeted for more envireometal oversight to either make it more expensive (so solar and wind can compete fairly). With more expensive and less reliable electricity More jobs will be lost, more manufacturing will leave for china and other countries. And life is not as fun to live without heat and lights - And now solar and wind can not gennerate the gobs and gobs of energy the modern world requires.
ReplyDeleteUnless Obama suprises and becomes a rational thinker about the problems we face its going to be tough and its going to be tough for the the next democratic hopeful to blame the bad economy on Bush after what will be 8 years of economic misery
Oh, and for all you supposed "libertarians"...have you read Bakunin? No? Then STFU, you're not real libertarians. The last thing we need is a bunch of Norquist-brainwashed, preachy, selfish weenies lecturing as if they're real libertarians. You're not. STFU and vote Dem for the next 20 years while you do the reading to know if you're a real libertarian.
ReplyDelete"Third just because a state decided to legalize marijuana - does not make it legal."
ReplyDeleteFirst, you're a tool.
Second, your pseudo-rationalist theses are a bunch of crap. Put the Ayn Rand down and do some actual rational analysis.
Third, if you knew anything about politics you'd know that both the Dems and the Reeps at the Fed level have been waiting for the states to push MJ legalization politically so that they can backslide into supporting de facto nationwide legalization without taking the political hit of being soft on drugs. Within six months Obama will zero out DEA and DOJ funding of MJ prosecution as "uneconomic in these trying times" and the Reeps won't say boo. And that'll be it, MJ will be effectively legalized nationwide within two years, except for the Deep South and Texas.
oh yay more Texas hate *rolls eyes*
ReplyDeleteB, can you please post some links. I would be interesting in reading more of this.
*not trying to be snarky B..okay maybe just a wee bit..but I would like to read up more on this topic*
Hahaha I totally agree JoElla, it IS funny. Buuuut people still think it's a thing! I just...don't understand.
ReplyDeleteOh! And for that matter, Obama did not waiver welfare work requirements. WHEN DID THAT BECOME A THING? Oh yeah, Romney's ad claiming it. Again, facts will tell you it is so, NOT A POLITICAL AD CAMPAIGN. Same goes for Obama. Just because they said it, does make it 100% true. People are just too lazy to actually LOOK THINGS UP.
Here come the crazies! Some people are swallowing the kool-aid when they say Obama is a socialist.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know what happens to MM in the states that legalized pot? I'm hoping the cost stays the same and doesn't get shunted into the rest of the system. Some of truly take it for medical reasons, not recreation. I'd hate to have sick people pay more for it.
Sorry, not meaning to slam Texas, but politically it's unlikely that Texas will pass outright MJ legalization for decades.
ReplyDeleteB Profane, I do hope your words ring true as RI passed medical MJ two years ago. My friend had been approved by the state to open a compassion center, only to be repeatedly threatened by the Feds that if he opens he will be raided, arrested and all assets will be confiscated. Even though he is licensed and approved by the state.
ReplyDeleteFrom what we see the feds are ramping up their attacks not down.
@Jen, you come across as extremely ignorant...and just because you can spell libertarian doesn't make you one...your post was very verbose and lacked depth or facts. Please cite facts next time you decide you want to partake in political discourse. Have a blessed day:)
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way Enty, nice job in stirring the po;)
ReplyDelete*does NOT make it 100% true.
ReplyDelete"Anyone know what happens to MM in the states that legalized pot?"
ReplyDeleteAh yes, now that 502 has passed legalization advocates need to come clean about the truth of the initiative, if only to not scare the med MJ folk. All that legal language about taxing it and forbidding home cultivation and the 21 year-old age limit? It's a bunch of crap. Impossible to enforce, and no one in Olympia is even going to try. 502 means effectively full legalization without regulation, because it's just too easy to "bootleg" weed.
Sorry, we lied about all the tax revenue. The real tax revenue will turn out to be a pittance. But enjoy your legal weed, hey?
@ B, Honestly I really would like to read more on this please.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you are ever in my neck of the woods, ya'll come on over. I promise the kids won't go all 'honey boo boo' on you, but hubby actually does a mean BBQ =)
Only some some backwards Texas folk lore is true.. we can BBQ!
"From what we see the feds are ramping up their attacks not down."
ReplyDeleteThat was then, this is now. Holder has been signalling that in a second Obama term the DOJ will drop all the Fed MJ harassment of dispensaries.
Obama has governed from the hard left from the start, without compromise. Net loss in jobs, economy in the shitter as a result of borrowing from future generations to spend on crony capitalist projects in the present. But hey, "free" (er, not really) government healthcare. (Yeah, let's put a big unaccountable bureaucratic monopoly in charge of our healthcare. It's worked out so well for Vets and Indians.)
ReplyDeletePresident Golfpants will continue to govern from the extreme left, occasionally appearing before the groveling masses to read two-faced talking points off his indispensable teleprompter, pretend to care about the concerns of the captive pet constituencies, pay lip service to "compromise," and try to duck responsibility. Notice how he suddenly came out for gay marriage, not in the first or second year of his admin, when he had a fully Dem majority congress, but just in time to hoover money out of your wallets to fund his re-election? Notice the footnote about how he's not actually going to push for gay marriage? Wouldn't want to irritate all the socially conservative racial minorities, ya know. Priorities, and all that. And you celebrate him, you poor, pathetic pets. Yay, led about!
Race, sex, religion, sexuality matter in this country because the left keeps on bringing up the subject to demonize the right. Lefties are the only ones who care about these issues anymore as they're a convenient way to keep certain demographics in line. And thanks for the fake-sounding anecdotal stories but I am a minority (here) and I would not live anywhere else but the US. It is amusing how people from other countries (Brazil?! Australia?!! Fucking whitebread Canada!!!!) come in and pat us on the head for electing a black guy. Provides a lovely 20/20 view into the content of YOUR character, judging the book by its cover. The US is more diverse, by a long shot, and offers way more opportunity for people of all races and religious/ethnic backgrounds than any country in the world, and that's not due to the government; it's due to the people and their Constitution. And if you want examples, you can start by looking at the rising stars in the Republican Party, past and present, and the conservative policies of restrained, Constitutional government.
So, okay, it is how it is today. But no more blaming Booosh, no more blaming conservatives, no more blaming whites, men, straights, religious people, etc. Not with any credibility. These never were logical arguments but they had emotional appeal to those highly invested in dividing people into groups and hating their fellow human beings by the acre.
Wow. Just... wow at some people here. This comment last night from Neil Tyson said it best:
ReplyDelete@neiltyson Always been fascinated that in any state, counties with big cities or institutions of higher learning, tend to vote Democrat.
The end.
Amartel said...
ReplyDeleteRace, sex, religion, sexuality matter in this country because... Lefties are the only ones who care about these issues anymore
You said it all right there pretty much. The rest of your rant is the same ignorant spiel that you guys can't over unfortunately.
Your candidate basically told half the country to go fuck themselves, and shockingly lost. But instead of thinking hey, let's work together anyway and just make things better - it's people like you with your ignorant rants that PROVE why bipartisanship doesn't seem to work. You have no interest in it, you just want to hang on to everything wrong and try to prove some imaginary point you have in your head.
Fuck off.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @Amartel. Thanks for the laugh(s)! That was fun.
ReplyDelete@Jen..What sort of doctrine do they preach at the Libertarian meetings? A wePhone? Seriously? My sister has started to go all Libertarian on me and I love her. And I don't think everything I read or hear is the truth..BUUUT..When she goes off on wild stuff like this, well ya just lose me. You're imaging a scenario based on paranoia. Those never turn out well especially in your head.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama...please proceed.