Ariel Winter Wants To Divorce Her Parents
It has been a long time since a celebrity kid wanted to divorce their parents. Usually it is for reasons other than not getting along, like being able to transfer school districts and play sports, but in 14 year old Ariel Winter's case it is because she is mad at them for trying to stop her from dating her 17 year old boyfriend. Good for them. Can you imagine if every kid tried to divorce their parents because their parents put their foot down and told their kids who they can and cannot date? No kids alive would ever have parents. I think it is great that Ariel's parents are not falling into letting the Hollywood kid get whatever she wants. Look at how Lindsay Lohan turned out. Yeah, now look at how Emma Watson turned out with her very strict parents. I think I will have to go with Ariel's parents on this one. They let her star in Modern Family and according to The Enquirer, Ariel is living with her unemployed actress sister Shanelle Workman who used to be on One Life To Live. That sounds like enough freedom right there.