Monday, November 05, 2012

Amanda Bynes Wasn't Naked In Tanning Salon

Amanda Bynes has had a bad few months, but finally it appears that she gets to put at least one tick mark in her win column. The owner of the tanning salon where Amanda supposedly got naked and wandered through the lobby says he reviewed the tapes from the day in question and spoke to employees and that Amanda was not naked. He went on to say that she is a great customer and was dressed appropriately. So, the retired multi-millionaire wins one. When she says she does not get naked in public she does not include stripping down to a barely there bra in the middle of an exercise class though, because that is perfectly acceptable behavior for a multi-millionaire. Also acceptable is driving while texting; hitting cars and then running; smoking pot while driving; DUI's; and hanging out in changing rooms for three or four hours.


  1. Yeah, she probably paid him off.

    1. Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking.

  2. Well to honest Enty all that stuff you mentioned at the end both Paris & Nicole did all that years ago. So yeah it does sound like a annoying young female millionaire's behaviour.

  3. we just need to lower the standard to the 'retired multimillionaire who is still in their 20's who made their money in hollywood' standard, and all of her behavior is perfectly acceptable, even laudable.

  4. Is she REALLY a millionaire? What does money even MEAN anymore?

  5. The fact that people immediately believed it happened should sober her up. It won't...but it should.

  6. She totally paid him off. She needs to REALLY retire. Like move to Arizona, wear high waisted slacks, golf all day, drive 45 MPH on the freeways, and eat dinner at Red Lobster at 4PM retire.

  7. The guy may have made it up, shes obviously got issues at the moment and would be easy publicity.
    Hopefully she gets herself together and does not head down the lindsey road. Amanda seemed to have quite a lot of potental a few years back. She was in most tweener movies and had the amanda show. Its sad to see her like this.

  8. I'd guess that the truth is somewhere in the middle here. I doubt she went full-beaver in the lobby, but I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of deal was made because she was topless in a thong or something.

    1. I dont use tanning places personally, but isn't it pretty common to go topless? Something about tan lines ruining that tangerine glow ectera.
      Nothing better than looking like an over ripe orange! :) maybe im just a bit jealius i can't tan, silly ginger skin hehe

  9. I wish someone could get her into treatment. She is so young, she's hilarious, beautiful, and has so much potential. I hope she gets help before she kills herself or someone else. At the moment she's just behaving like an ass.

    1. Agreed! I was a tweener when she was pretty big and thought she had a fair bit of talent. Great comidic timing and what not. Get help amanda! :)

  10. @Ella, yes, it is common - but inside the bed, inside your own private room. No one is walking around naked in the lobby (except Amanda).

    1. Thanks for clearing that up unknown. Its always been a bit foriegn to me lol!
      I guess if you've got it flaunt it!

  11. @Ella - it is common to go topless when you're in the bed which is in its own little room. It is not common to be walking around the entire establishment with all your bits and pieces bouncing everywhere :)

  12. Amanda was one of those few female child stars who seemed so smart and together. She was a cute kid, the first cracks didn't show until What I Like About You, it seems like her new role as a hot girl changed her.
    It's funny, as a kid she was known for being the smart and funny girl, but as soon as men thought she was hot she went for the hot dumb girl schtick.

  13. MULTIMILLIONAIRE?!!? I had no idea she had it like that Enty. I thought she was just another child star who dwindled her money.

  14. She was really charming in "Big Fat Liar" and "What a Girl Wants". I hope she's able to pull it together.

  15. @Montana I guess Dan Schneider pays well for his strange :P

  16. Okay so the story came from "In Touch" magazine and there were several sources. Now they claim they watched the security tapes and it isn't true? Think they'd want to do that first. Uh huh..Right, he was paid off.

  17. She's almost certainly a multi millionaire - She's been in multiple movies, in both starring and supporting roles and has been in multiple tv shows in starring roles.

    Compare it to Zooey Deschanel - When Zooey got her divorce it came out that she had 3.5 million, pre New Girl.

    Has Amanda done more than Zooey?

    yah, by alot.

  18. I wonder if Sam Lufti has ever considered her as his next victim?
