Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Your Turn

When every baby is born, parents all want to know weight and length and the time the baby was born. Do any of you know the answers to those questions that were so important to your parents? I think I know what day of the week I was born and that is about it.


  1. 7:02 am, a Sunday, 7 lb, 6 oz

  2. 8lbs, 9oz. at 5:14am. I think that I was 21" long, but I'm not certain. I know that I was told, though.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Because those are the only other things to talk about besides the sex of the baby unless it has special needs. I think it's just being polite.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Haha. Reading comprehension.

  7. What up Susan! 7 lb 6 oz here too.

    That's all I know other than my birthday.

  8. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I was born at 4:35 p.m.
    7 pounds 6 oz.
    Don't know the length.

    Day - either Friday or Saturday. I could look it up.

  9. I don't have my stats memorized, but they are in my baby book - along with the names of all the visitor's, priest, etc. at my baptism. Aren't new baby books common? I was born in the late 50's and it was common to have them.

  10. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Just looked it up I was born on a Friday. Party Day !
    7 lbs. 6 oz. is a pretty popular weight on this site.

  11. I remember...8lbs 11oz, born at 11:15 AM. I only know the weights of my own children, though. I forget the times. *shame*

  12. Born on at 2:37 on a rainy Thursday afternoon. 8 lbs 3 oz. 22 inches. Wee!

  13. 234 pm, Tuesday, 6 lb 10 oz and 21 in. Long. I think I only remember all the detail because my dad delivered me, my parents both worked at the hospital so my arrival was somewhat exciting for a small Kentucky town.

  14. I was adopted, so no.

  15. All I know is I weighed one pound, eight ounces. I was born three months early. Turned out fine, tho

  16. The only thing I know is that I was 10 lbs 7 oz because I have been reminded of that many times throughout my life.

  17. Tuesday, 10:30 a.m., 4 lbs. 6 oz. (full term).

  18. I can never remember my daughter's: she was either born at 8:11 and weighed 8.15, or born at 8:15 and weighed 8.11. In my defense, I was on a lot of drugs at the time.

  19. Sunday, around 11pm, 10 lbs. 3 oz. and my mother nearly died because I was breech (rear-end first) and the doctor didn't think to do a C-section. Needless to say, I'm the youngest.

  20. Hmm I was 7lbs15oz, not sure about length. My mom had me convinced I was born at 7:32pm, dad swore it was 10:something am. Birth certificate proved dad right. So the woman who raised me knew less about my birth than the guy I've seen a handful of times throughout my life.

  21. Saturday, July 12 @ 11:45 AM (I think that's the time I was told), 4lbs 11oz, 21in.

  22. 2:04 AM on a Tuesday. Mom was in labor 3 hours start to finish. I was 7 lbs 2 oz and 21" long. :)

  23. 12:30 pm I was 6 1/2lbs mom said she doesnt remember what day of the week it qas lol

  24. All I remember my mom saying is I was a few minutes away from being born on Friday the 13th.

  25. 7lbs 9 oz. 7:55 am. I think I was 20 inches. 6 days early. Born on a wednesday in a freak Montana ice storm in July of 74.

  26. It's a big deal to new parents because it fits into percentiles, which help determine an infant's continued healthy growth. I don't discuss this data in conversations, with regards to my toddler, but my mother mentioned my birth weight quite often for some reason, 6 lbs 8oz.

  27. No, don't know - there are no baby pictures of me either! My mother said they burned in the fire, but I think she never took any!!!

  28. not the time. even for my kids i don't remember the times, they all blur together. apgar scores were big for awhile too, but haven't heard them mentioned lately(??)

  29. I don't know my weight, but I was born at 1:09 a.m. in Room 109, which makes for an easy detail to remember. The rest I'd have to look up on my birth certificate.

  30. No idea for myself. I know my 2 children's though ( which I should since one is 2 and the other only 6 months). Daughter 6:31 pm, Thursday, 8 lb 21.5 inches. Son 4:16 am, Monday, 8 lb 2oz, 21 inches

    In regards to the apgar, I do not recall them telling me for either one. I don't really think it is something important unless something is wrong with the baby

  31. None of them. I know my birthday though?!!

  32. My parents knew. On a Sunday, 11:38am, 5.8 oz, 19in

    With my son it was a little different because he was premature. So in order of importance, it was 1-are his lungs functioning, 2-weight, 3-length, then his APGAR, when it was available

  33. hmmm I was born on a Sunday - because I was late and my mom got a shot to speed up the delivery - (but since it wasn't legal to get this shot on sundays -West Chester PA...blue laws in the commonwealth back in the 60's-she went to the dr's office.) By the time she walked to the hospital (no car) i was ready to be born...I was under 5lbs and 18 or 19 inches. She can't remember what time but says it was in the morning after 9am.

  34. now My Daughter?? 7:31 am on a saturday 6lb 3 oz and 21 inches long

  35. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Sure. I arrived on a Wednesday at 7:10 a.m., 8 lb. 9 oz. and 20 inches long. And my three kids (who are all over 40) were (1) Saturday, 6:54 a.m., 8 lb. 2 oz., 20 in.; (2) Saturday, 6:10 a.m., 8 lb. 1 oz., 20 in.; and (3) Tuesday, 10:31 p.m., 8 lb. 2.5 oz. and 20 inches.

    Just don't ask me what I had for breakfast.

  36. December 23 at 6:45 pm. I think I was 7lb 6 oz. I was 2 weeks late and my moms doctor said he was going on vacation so he was doing a c section to get me out. I know my dad was wall papering the bathroom when they took her into surgery and had to rush over!

  37. 4/22 at 12:14pm. 5 pounds 9 ounces, 18 inches.

  38. 3:16 P.M 7 pounds 6 ounces and it was a Tuesday.

  39. Ok I checked google - it was a Saturday!!! Damn this makes me feel unloved:(

  40. I have no idea because all I've ever heard was how I nearly killed my mother who has added days to the length of time she was in labor.

    After all these years I think the story is it took her nearly a month to birth me.

    I had the squished head and face to prove it too.

    1. I have to laugh about this! My middle daughter really did have me in labor for 72 hours,about a day. And a half of this in hard,active labor. No drugs and worst OB ever! She hears the story all the time haha! Poor girl probably thinks I've embellished all this too. ;)

  41. Thursday, 9:30pm, 6 lbs

  42. Saturday, 7:11AM (born at 7-11 ha!)
    8 lbs, 14 oz. 20"
    Probably my worst BMI ever. j/k

  43. Sunday 9:50am
    6lb, 4oz
    length - no idea

  44. Think i was 8lbs, 2 oz, 7:50pm, valentines day. the story goes the dr justt finished saying if i didnt come out he was going home, and out I popped! First girl born on my father's side of family in 75 years.

  45. Yeah, I know what time I was born, weight/length, day of the week, all of it.

  46. Sunday morning at 4:30 am. 6 lbs. 5 ozs. I was 24 ins. long. My mother got to the hospital 30 mins. before I was born. They thought I would be a boy because they had 3 boys before me. My Daughter was born on a Friday at 12:26 pm. She was 10 lbs. 8 ozs. and 26 ins. Her apgar was 1 at birth and at 5 mins. was 9. She never cryed just gurgled and moved her arms and legs like "Wow I finally have some room".

  47. My Granddaughter was born at 6 am on a Sunday. She was 5 lbs. 6 ozs. and 18 ins. She was beautiful and came out smiling. I could hold her in one hand and did not want to ever let go. She wanted a bottle right away and drank it all. My Daughter could not breast feed because of medication she had to take for her kidneys. Still is beautiful and was 6 weeks early.

  48. I was: 8 pnds 2 ozs., 21 inches long, and born at 7:25 pm, on a Thursday.

  49. i was born at Noon...not sure what day of the week

  50. 8:01 pm
    6.8 lbs 24 inches long...and as yellow as a Chiquita banana


  51. Saturday, July 15, 12:33 PM (my birth certificate says 12:38, but my mother swears that it took them about 5 minutes after I was born to actually look at the clock); 7 lbs., 5 & 1/4 oz., 21 inches long. I no sooner had my head out the door (as it were) when I started screaming away, which led the doctor to quip "Looks like this one's going to be a singer!" I was 2 weeks late, and the doc had decided that if I wasn't born by Sunday that he was going to induce labor, so I came skidding in just ahead of the deadline (a pattern I've always been prone to in my life...). My mom's water broke around 8 AM, but she didn't go into active labor until about 10:30 AM, when my dad and both my grandmothers finally convinced her to go to the hospital, damn it, Jackie, what the hell are you waiting for???, and the doctor swore my birth was "textbook", which is no doubt the closest I've ever come to being normal in my life. ;-)

  52. Both of my parents can recite the birth time, weight, and length of all five of their children. We also know the story of the day/night we were born; what the weather was like, what they had done that day, how they felt all during the labor, birth, and immediately after. We loved hearing those stories when we were growing up.

  53. I was born at 1:25pm on a Friday and I as 7lbs6oz. Not sure about the length though.
    My brother was born at 10:32 on a Wednesday was 7lbs4oz and 21 inches.
    My sister was born at 4:55am on a Tuesday, not sure about her weight though.

    The only reason I know two of my five brothers and sisters is because I helped deliver the last 2 and was old enough to remember the time, date, and weight.

  54. October 5th. I *think* it was a Wednesday. 7lbs 4oz, 21 inches long.

  55. It was a big deal when I was born - my mom was in kidney failure, I was premature by a few weeks and she needed to be air lifted (medivac) to a shock trauma hospital with NICU a few hours away...but we were in the midst of a blizzard. When she went into labor they just had to "go with it" - and dad had to answer the very hard question of who to save between us because it was highly likely one would die.

    Anyway, I was born 3/15/80...a Saturday afternoon at 1:58pm. I was 5 pounds 4 ounces and 19 inches long. It was a frantic delivery and I was actually delivered when she was transferred from gurney to bed with half a push, then we spent a few weeks in the hospital and she didn't see me at all until she had recovered.

    My mom always insisted that we didn't turn the next age until the actual time of birth, so I had to wait for happy birthdays until 1:58pm. Also, I was the cause of her kidney failure - I was positioned on her left kidney and cutting off the blood supply. She never did let me live that down. She recovered from kidney failure then, but towards the end of her life she went into end stage kidney failure partially because of the damage/atrophy caused by me sleeping on a kidney bed....so we always talked about it!

  56. Yep, 8lb 8oz 22in long, 7:31am and it was a Sunday, 4 days past the due date. :D

    I could probably tell you my 6 siblings stats too, and my daughter, nieces and nephews, cuz I'm weird like that. lots of useless shit in my head. :D

  57. Born 4:44 am, 7lbs 7oz, 18 1/2 inches long, on a Monday. Three days early.

  58. I don't know the weight and length .. but it was Friday September 10th at 4:47 PM in the afternoon .. I wanted to make cocktail hour and the weekend.

  59. Born on a Thursday at 4:30 pm. Weighed 8 lbs., 5 oz. and measured 21 1/2 inches.

  60. I was born at 11:24 pm and weighed around 9 pounds. I was considered small compared to my 11 pound brother who was born 2 years earlier. I was born in distress- the cord was wrapped around me and was knotted up. I survived- only girl in a family of 3 boys. My mom was in labor for 2 hours with me, I practically fell out.

  61. I was born on a Saturday at 3:10 pm, weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and don't know my length. I was induced because I was 2 weeks late! I was jaundiced, so I was put in an incubator. My parents have a picture of me in it and it looks like I was in a toaster oven lol.

  62. I was born on a Saturday at 3:10 pm, weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and don't know my length. I was induced because I was 2 weeks late! I was jaundiced, so I was put in an incubator. My parents have a picture of me in it and it looks like I was in a toaster oven lol.

  63. I meant to look this up recently on my birthday. I only know it was a Friday & I think I was a 9 pounder. Poor mama.
