Monday, October 08, 2012

Your Turn

Before eBay took it down, a man was attempting to sell a custom made James Holmes Halloween mask. The bidding started at $500. eBay took the item down because they didn't want anyone to profit off tragedy. What about blood diamonds? They sell those on there and they have killed way more people, but they live far away and are out of sight and out of mind and don't have the internet to complain. I digress. Do you think it is appropriate to be selling a Halloween mask of James Holmes?


Cathy said...

Appropriate? No. But it's a free country.

MISCH said...

Not at Ebay it isn't...

a non a miss said...

No that's awful and frightening. But as mentioned it is a free country.

skimpymist said...

Totally inappropriate. If this sicko wants to sell his mask than sell it on the streets. Ebay has the right to take down offensive products.

Cathy said...

I should add that ebay does have the right to take it down.

Ingrid Superstar said...

No, it isn't appropriate but people are assholes.

Amber said...

What would possess someone to even think to do that? Hope it's not someone I know. Gross.

Cecilia00 said...

In a world where we are so desensitized to violence and even just each other because of the Internet (its eaaier to like your cousins Facebook status rather than meet them for coffee) nothing is shocking or out of bounds anymore, and its like "enough already!"

Merlin D. Bear said...

Looked at objectively, he's a stereotypical bogeyman.
That's all I got.

Patty said...

In poor taste, yes. Appropriate, no. However, this person has a right to express themselves and sell this product regardless of what we think. Hope he loses money on the venture!

The Black Cat said...

I agree Merlin D. Bear, what could be more frightening than a deranged serial killer.

figgy said...

I agree with others that government shouldn't forbid its sale, but eBay is a private company so it can if it wants.

dia papaya said...

Why isn't the media reporting regular updates on the survivors? I want to know how they are doing! If they are are all out of the hosital? If they are back to work? If they're getting the all the support they need? Let's talk about this instead of a dumb mask.

Can any nice CDaN reader point me in the right direction?

Turkish Taffy said...

What bothers me is how this guy had obvious mental health issues and his family either would not or could not get treatment for him. Instead of laughing at and villainizing the mentally ill, I think the world should take a good long look at how we provide care and treatment for the mentally ill in order to prevent future tragedies.

auntliddy said...

No, its sick. Shame on whoever thought it up.

DewieTheBear said...

Tacky and offensive, but well within someone's right to sell or buy it.

Over the weekend, someone on Facebook posted that they were dressing up as a sniper. I am not-so-secretly-hoping for an encounter with the police and Darwin Award for guy.

SusanB said...

@dia - try looking at local Aurora newspapers and news sites - just google "Aurora Colorado news" - they should pop right up. If any media is keeping up to date on these people, I would expect the local media to do so.

I agree with free speech but also that Ebay has the right not to carry these. I would be easy enough to make your own costume with makeup and a wig.

dia papaya said...

I did a quick google search and the most recent articles are from July and early August. One survivor was speaking out about the lack of gun talk in the debates, but that was the only recent thing I found.

Makes me sad as a country that our media only focuses on sensational fear-based reports. I know drama sells but damn. Some of those victims will never be the same, be in rehab for years if not decades to recover function. The country needs to see the ongoing struggle of these people. It's important to see what guns do to a human body and how a lack of basic health care affects the people of this great country.

dia papaya said...

Ok!! I found one:

Guccihucci said...

No, not appropriate, but legal. Still if anyone thinks it's funny to dress up as James Holmes for Halloween, they should come to Aurora, where I live. I promise that costume won't be on for long, and the subject may need a trip to the E.R. dressed up up like that around here.

Unknown said...

Ugh I'm sick of seeing this assclown's face everywhere! I live in Denver so I'm still reading about this case. They've pretty much haven't been talking about the survivors, execpt last week on the news they showed a man who had his foot and shin blown off and has to wear a fake one saying that he forgives this fucker. Also a few weeks ago, there was a story on Denver Fox where a released inmate was saying that he acts all cocky and walks around like he's hot shit in jail. And when they released the new mug where he's trying to like crazy, he claimed that it violated his rights. POS

DarknessFalls said...

I live in Denver too, the media is really being kept quiet here, not a lot of information.

hunter said...

Wow, I think I'm the only person on here that thinks it is fine. Poor taste but whatever.

I'm sorry. :(

Mango said...

Inappropriate but not illegal. Why did this assclown think he could get anything resembling $500 for that pos?

misspoppypants said...

This is disgusting and the tragedy is not for entertainment. Obviously we have the first amendment so thats not even worth speaking about. We are so decayed inside.

dia papaya said...

Aurora and Denver-ites: Hang in there! I know it's not just the surviors and their families suffering, it's the whole community. You guys have been through a lot. I just get upset when I see that the world has moved on to the next tacky story and you guys are still dealing with the aftermath of this horrible event (and will for many years). No one likes to talk about the messy emotions that come after.

I know this is how New Orleans felt after Katrina, New York (and DC) after 911, DC after the snipers, Oklahoma after... well you get the idea.

Hugs to you and yours.

Unknown said...

Dia-heres a feel good story about one of the victims. A teenager got shot in the head but he's doing great

Tatyana said...

@The Black Cat said...
"I agree Merlin D. Bear, what could be more frightening than a deranged serial killer."

A drunk bus driver?


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