Friday, October 05, 2012

Your Turn

Have you ever flashed someone? On purpose? Accidentally? Collection of Mardis Gras beads? If you count splitting pants, I have done it a great deal. Never the front though, only the rear.


  1. In my hick town, it was common practice at slumber parties to sneak out to toilet paper the neighborhood and moon cars on main street.

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Nope, nope, nope, and nope.

    And as I don't wear pants, that's not a problem for me.

  3. I have been flashed twice, both in public libraries. It was creepy and scary. NOT fun at all. I was young enough to be totally freaked out. Now that I'm older, I would probably point and laugh.

  4. I am surprisingly prudish when it comes to this topic. Though my Halloween costumes have historically involved a lack of pants.

  5. on a first date. Idoubled with one of my pals and her best friend. I thought it wasn't going well and I had nothing to lose. We dated for about a year after that.

  6. Yes to all, even the pants. I use to flash quite a lot when I drank. I'd go streaking too. I haven't split any pants since I lost 50ish pounds but I do manage to get rips in the knee area in my pants now. And no, I don't spend a lot of time on my knees ;)

  7. yes. in college (naturally). for a free drink. i have no shame!

  8. Years ago I stopped traffic on a very windy day I wore a beautiful linen dress with a full skirt. The wind blew the skirt over my head and my lovely white lacy panties were on display for everyone to see. If it was possible I would have died of embarassment on the spot

  9. Yes, the odd morning I tend to accidentally flash the builders outside my window - I just forget in my sleepiness they're there!

  10. I seriously considered lifting my shirt at a rock concert and told my husband I was thinking about it. We were close enough to the stage where the band would see. Heck, we were close enough for eye contact. Hubby didn't care. Actually, he was getting a kick out of it. Well, once we got there and the other attendees took their seets around me...well...yuck. I wasn't giving them a free show so backed out of it. Yeah, would, coulda, shoulda.

  11. "seats" not "seets"

  12. One time I was at a lake and just came off of a boat with my husband and we were walking on the dock and a bunch of 20 somethings were getting ready to leave on their boat and staring at me and I couldn't resists and mooned them - it was really funny because the way they reacted really made my whole weekend!!!

  13. once. coming out of a restaurant at night, i flashed my boyfriend by lifting my top up. there was (apparently) one man in a car that saw me do that, so my boyfriend was mad. i was 25 and my figure was worth looking at. in retrospect he was probably gay. like my husband turned out to be. whar kind of guy doesn't like that?

  14. I am pretty sure that I mooned some people while in a car on the highway, due to a tremendous amount of alcohol, and I have done more than my fair share of top flashing. But in my defense, they are real and they are spectacular!

  15. Years ago when we still wore stockings, the back of my dress stuck in the waistband of my pantyhose and I wasn't wearing underwear.

  16. Once, not on purpose. A friend gave me a gift cert for a full body massage for my 25th b-day. I'd never had one before and didn't know to expect.

    So the masseur leads me into the room and tells me to disrobe and get on the table. He left, and I did exactly what I was told.

    He walked back in and SCREAMED (bastard). He put his hands over his eyes and pointed in the general direction of the towel rack and said, "Cover. your. body. with. a. towel. for. God's. sake."

    I wanted to die of embarrassment. And I was lying on my back and this was the 80s, so (sorry for the visuals)...

  17. I fail at proof-reading. I didn't know WHAT to expect.

  18. @redronnie: That's not really flashing. It's happened to most women. Hey, it happened to Kate Middleton on her US tour - remember when her yellow dress blew up so far we know she wears thongs?

    Still embarrassing :-)

  19. At Mardi Gras a few years back i kept getting asked to flash for beads and my response was "The only plastic I show these off for is American Express Black." har har

    A few years before that I was getting into a car with my friend in Fort Worth and a guy just walked up next to the car and mooned us. We were laughing so hard we could barely breathe.

  20. No. I'm way too much of a prude for flashing...*L*

    But once when I was like 7 or 8 and in a play, I played a squirrel, and as I was squatting down on the stage floor in all my squirrely glory, and the costume split in the butt.

    A small kid in the audience said, very loudly, "mom! The monkey farted!"


  21. Oh Lord, if I had a $ for everytime I've shown my bewbs I'd be rich. I have zero shame but then I used to go to nude beaches too.

  22. LOL @ Maja!

    And I have, once, drunk standing through the sunroof of a limo on the Las Vegas strip.

    What I can I say? It was the 90's.

  23. Awesome comments! When I was a student I lived in a large accommodation block that had males and females all mixed up. I sat on the toilet one day, with my trousers and panties around my ankles. I was having a nice pee when suddenly the door flew open. It was a guy called Phillip, and he was the town slut. He didn’t shut up about it for the rest of the bloody term! All I can say is that it’s a good job my lady garden is nicely clipped!!!!!

  24. The comcast guy left to pick-up a wireless somthing-or-other to connect my pc to the modem. After waiting for 10 minutes I decided to shower and get dressed because he was taking so damned long. When I was in the room drying off, he came into the apartment without knocking and came into my room to finish the install and saw my beautiful chi chis on display. I finished putting the bra and shirt on and told him to continue. I went outside and smoked due to embarrassment. Couldn't believe it!

  25. Of course! Very often. :-)

  26. One night a looooong time ago I flashed my then-boyfriend (now husband) to show him my appreciation over him taking me out to dinner. However, he had stopped the car in front of the entrance and the couple walking out at the same time also got to see my appreciation. *G* I've only flashed him at home since then.

  27. @Maja - I am laughing so hard at your story right now. Thank you! ;)

    I've been to Mardi Gras twice and have a huge collection of beads but I only flashed people one time, on the safety of a balcony with my best friend. You don't *HAVE* to flash to get beads. ;-)

    I have big boobs so I have accidentally flashed people before too due to a less than straitjacket like bra and v-neck. I split my pants on the dance floor in college trying to drop down low to shake my ass. I can't decide whether I'm still mortified by that or proud I could move like that.

  28. I used to flash random strangers on the interstate when I was a teenager, until a creep followed me home one afternoon. Scared the crap out of me!

  29. I have flashed my bewbs quite a lot haha. I still flash my husband.

    I had my 14 month old daughter on my hip as we were walking through a furniture store. I was looking to buy a new loveseat and talking to the guy about what deal I could get on it. Well, my daughter reaches up and yanks my top and bra strap down. (I had a low cut shirt with a camisole on under). He didnt get to see full bewb but he seen enough that I now have a new loveseat that I got for a fabulous price haha. :)

  30. Sadly, yes. I blame it all in alcohol, Las Vegas and Tony Curtis.. Long story..

  31. Yes, twice I flashed my little boobies to the guy I ended up marrying. I guess everything worked out fine.

  32. Does walking around the Atlanta Greyhound terminal w/my black broomstick skirt accidentally tucked into my black tights in the back count, even though I was definitely wearing underwear? In all fairness, I was on my way home after my very first NIN show in January '95 and hadn't slept for probably 30+ hours...too bad I didn't do that at the meet & greet, though; I probably would have gotten even more attention than I did!

  33. Otherwise, no, I'm way too modest, although there have been moments where I've seriously considered it...when I was moving out of Athens, GA, en route to the airport in Atlanta, I tried to convince my about-to-be-former-roommate to cruise by Michael Stipe's house so I could do a drive-by mooning on my way out of town, but she wouldn't go for it. "I still have to LIVE here, damn it!"

    (Mind you, this is the same roommate who, after Whitney's version of "I Will Always Love You" won its umpteenth Grammy (Song of the Year, IIRC), basically lost her shit and leapt off the couch, yelled "I CAN'T STAND IT!!!", whirled around, dropped her pants, and mooned the TV in front of me and a mutual friend, much to my amusement and the latter's shock...then again, this was at home, not in the middle of Grady Avenue, so...)

  34. Robin, why did you want to moon Michael Stipe?

  35. Some Chinese tourists must have pictures of me buck naked in the fountain of the Montjuich Hill (Olympic stadium) in Barcelona on a bright Sunday morning...

  36. I'm always flashing my penis to people, I have no shame.

  37. I'm a serial flasher to my husband. Accidentally flashed a male coworker - didn't realize that when I bent over to write something on a table that my top fell open so much.

    Went to a popular spot for boaters this summer. Played catch with my son in the water. I jumped up to catch the ball then while I was about to throw it back, I happen to see a man on another boat snigger as he looked in my direction. My bathing suit top had sagged way below my boobs. I quickly went under and fixed it. Asked my son if he was going to tell me my boobs were out. "Oh, nobody saw anything much - just the nipples." I have large boobs.

  38. Yes accidentally, water skiing with three people in the boat looking back at me, the button holding the halter neck of my one-piece popped off. I let go of the rope, but those damned life belts hold you up real good.
    I will say that boobs look great in the water, floaty and perky!

  39. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I had a water ski moment too. I was a teenager and it was my 1st time. I was so happy I could get up and stay up. Got back in the boat all excited
    and took off my life jacket, not realizing my bathing suit top have come undone. oops. I also streaked once in a bar, wearing only shoes, kneesocks, a surgical mask and a hard hat kept a straight face the next day when I heard all about it from some guys that had been at the bar. they did exaggerate a bit though; I did not dance on the bar.

  40. Yes - pizza delivery, during a real tornado. My BF just signed a record deal and we were really giddy - my friend and I answered the door no bra, shirts unbuttoned, and held quite a lengthy conversation with the poor boy. This all took place at BF's parent's swanky high-rise. Totally unexpected

  41. Cancun, summer of 2002. And yes, bead were involved. The bar was appropriately called Fat Tuesday's

  42. I used to flash my husband and his band mates while they were playing bar gigs. Then my brother joined the band and things got awkward...

  43. oh totally! my friends and I flash our boobs at each other all the time. the idea is to not get tricked into looking at them.
