Thursday, October 04, 2012

Your Turn

Who won the debate last night? Other than Big Bird of course. Did the debate change the vote of anyone?


  1. I think Romney took it home!!!

  2. Obama had an off night. Regardless of how Mitt came off, his facts were still wrong. It is a disappointment that he didn't get challenged more.

  3. I dont know, I did not watch.
    Give Obama some alcohol for #2 and have him go all Nicki Minaj on Mitt.... Then I will watch.

  4. Mitt did amazing! He spoke clear and to the point.
    Obama lost it after his first 2minutes.

  5. Romney killed it, Obama can't debate without a teleprompter.

  6. There was a debate last night between Big Bird and Mr Burns? What???

    Oh ya. I was playing the drink game and remember nada!

    *this is my funny post bc I know it's gonna get ugly up in here in 5... 4... 3...*

    1. Oh a drinking game for the debate!! I will watch for that too!
      What are the rules?! I may just play.. Hehe


  7. I tried to watch and just had to turn it off. I am desperately trying not to get addicted to politics this election.

    Obama has a decent chance--he needs not to screw this up.

  8. Romney killed it, Obama can't debate without a teleprompter.

    1. You might not like Obama, but as a woman, assuming Gina is a girl name, how could you vote for a Republican?

    2. Katie- I am a woman. Weather you like it or not sometimes the party is not what you need to be looking at. But the policy. It is up to the states to determine abortion laws if that's what you are getting at. And I doubt mittens would take by the repeal on dont ask don't tell.

    3. Katie- how about because some of us care about issues other than abortion and how many we can get?

  9. Mitt won the debate. Didn't change my vote for Obama. Checkers died a long time ago and presidential debates haven't been game changers since.

  10. I watched "Taxi" instead. I typically read the recaps the next day.

  11. Mitt Won! Yes I'll change my mind and vote for him. It's like Simon always says one audition can make or break you. -__-

  12. Romney won by a landslide; they both still stink. A shame that these are the 2 choices for president.

  13. I didn't watch, I listened to them on NPR. I'm not voting for either of them so it was just more information and entertainment for me while I was cooking dinner and doing laundry. Obama fumbled a bit but Romney still doesn't have a real platform. He has talking points but no plans on how to carry out those talking points.

  14. @ Lalaay, will you be watching the other debates or make your decision based on last night? Please respond with the smart answer....

  15. If you don't want to vote for either of them, explore your third party options.

  16. I was not at home during the debates, but caught recaps.

    Mr. President looked ill at ease from the get go.

    Did it change my vote? No.

    Good idea Caitlyn! LOL.

  17. "The smart answer"? Who are you to decide what the "smart answer" is? Both candidates have good sides and both candidates have bad sides. Anyone who totally agrees with either candidate is incapable of intelligent decision making - there has to be something you disagree with on a candidate's platform.

    Me - don't like either one. Voting Libertarian. He won't win, but someday.........

  18. Mittens won, but it wasn't enough to sway me to the dark side. (uhhh) Anyway, I'm looking forward to the VICE Presidential debates -- now THAT is going to be a party!!

  19. I will vote for Obama, of course. Unfortunately, the President didn't really show up last night. But one off night doesn't change an election. Mitt Romney is a HUGE d-bag liar.

  20. It was boring as shit. Romney won. Doubt it changed many minds though.

  21. Also, step off public TV, Willard!!

  22. I'm tired of hearing "Its not my fault" from Obama. Its been 4 years since he took office. He know that was the length of a term and he didn't get it done. Last night solidified my decision not to vote for him again.

    1. Lauren, congress blocked every jobs bill and threw the economic recovery and American people under the bus to make this a one term presidency. With restrictive measures thrown at women's health and reproductive rights, and no plan from Romney to turn things around till after the election? Who do you get your facts from besides the tea party and Fox News?

    2. The Republicans ran on "jobs, jobs, jobs," but never came up with one jobs bill. It's been "abortion, abortion, abortion," and how many times have they tried to repeal Obamacare? Last I heard, it was over 30 times. I am impressed that Obama's been able to move forward on many things in spite of the Republicans trying to block everything in their efforts to make Obama a one-termer. I've always felt that givernment works best when one party does NOT control the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate. There should be issues argued over, public debates had, and compromises made. That's how we all move forward together. The Republicans' refusal to address the issues and engage is a demonstration that, to get anything done, a party must rule absolutely. That is a wrong and dangerous example to set and a giant step backwards.

  23. Susan B - As long as more people learn about it each election, it will build. At least people have actually heard of the Libertarian party now. When I found out about it in the 90's... not so much. lol

    Go, Gary!

  24. That was not a debate. America lost.

  25. I too am voting Libertarian! GARY JOHNSON would fix our country.

  26. George Bush took 8 years to destroy the country. It's only fair to give it 8 to bring it back.

  27. Romney won only because Obama let him.

    Didn't change my vote Obama all the way.

    Tea Party screwed up the changes he was going to make in Washington.

    He needs Congressional support to be more effective.

  28. Communism:

    1. Lol I am from Philly (originally Port Richmond) I can say that Port Richmond is not the neighborhood to wear a Republican t-shirt..
      Freedom of speech is great but if you are also from Philly you should know that if you wore that shirt in the wrong neighborhood you could be shot.. But good for her for having a strong enough opinion on who should run our country and she can't even vote lol

  29. @Lauren - the sad thing is, having only a Libertarian president probably wouldn't help too much - there needs to be libertarians in Congress as well.

    I'm also sick of people referring to Obama or Romney as dirtbags, or scum, or whatever pejorative is popular right now. They're both good, decent men with different ideas on what is best for the US. Liberals are not bad people. Conservatives are not bad people. And those who continue to call the other side names show a lack of kindness and decency.

  30. I'm not voting unless PA get's Gary johnson on the ticket.

    (oh...just scrolled too Lauren)

  31. Anonymous10:36 AM

    As a proud Libertarian, I sadly can't vote that way; the numbers for a third party candidate to win simply aren't there. I understand that the presidential race usually is deciding which is the lesser of two evils. But this is an easy choice. I want the president who isn't going to add another 6 trillion dollars to our deficit. Not a president who after having 2 full years of complete control (democrats controlled both houses and presidency) still feels it is necessary to blame his predecessor. I want someone who is not going to apologize for our country and is going to stand up for our allies. This man won't meet with The leader of Israel but will make time for Letterman and JayZ. I want the president who will act presidential and will stand up for what our country is really about. My vote is for Romney.

    1. Thank you! First time poster, long time lurker.

    2. Very well said!!!

  32. @SusanB - perhaps you haven't heard the things that Tea Party nutters have been calling those who don't look like them, or agree with them.

    1. Ms snarky- you just called them a name. Two wrongs don't make a right. I have never called Obama anything then what he is. A socialist.

    2. Lol, you should probably look up the actual definition of a socialist.

  33. I didn't watch it and couldn't care less.I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than watch it.

  34. @ms snarky - actually I have heard them. As I said above - that behavior is wrong on BOTH sides and I'm sick of it. It just leads to more division and hatred in our country at a time we can least afford it. I blame both sides for this disgusting rhetoric. I'm sick of hearing people called names because of who they decide to vote for. (although I do reserve a little scorn for those who vote for someone because "all their friends are voting for him" or "he's the better looking one" or equally stupid ideas).

    @discoflux - I actually heard of the Libertarian Party back in the 1970s. I haven't voted for their candidate every four years but I would estimate I've voted for the Libertarian candidate for president at least 50% of the time. And I've been a registered voter since 1971.

  35. And this is a little off-topic, but does Enty seem to be posting more and more controversial topics on CDaN? I suppose he wants the hits so he makes more money (nothing wrong with wanting to make money) but there are lot more divisive topics lately that seem to be causing a lot of hard feelings. As much as I hate to, I'm thinking about not looking at the comments any more, some of them are just so mean-spirited (not that I'm blameless)

  36. If you go back 4 years, Obama is an awful debater...
    Hillary won all of those
    Romney won in the number of lies he told..the fact checkers are having a field day

  37. Mitt won the debate performance, but he lost on content. His facts were.wrong, he offered few details, and he contradicted himself. He can't cut taxes AND not cut taxes.

    I'm a female, so no way can I vote Republican. I also don't want government interfering with my personal decisions, like how I have sex, whether I can use birth control, or telling me who I can marry. I am for Obamacare and eventually a Universal Healthcare system. Obama's got my vote.

    1. I don't think Republicans care about you using birth control, I think it's just that they don't feel taxpayers should fund it.

    2. Why? Because its women? If it something to do with make genitals u bet it wld be covered!

  38. I worked last night and woke up this morning to discover that America has fallen in love with Romney. What a surprise! Time to stock up on contraceptives and thong underwear, y'allz.

  39. Who "won" or "lost" isn't important. What matters are a candidate's positions. I too am supporting Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson.

  40. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Roe vs. Wade isn't going to get overturned, and Republicans no matter how hard they try can't change that. However, as someone who is female and ProLife I don't think that I should have to pay for someone to have an abortion. If Romney wins Planned Parenthood isn't going to disappear. Also, if ObamaCare is that awesome then why did they, specificallyPelosi give some many wavers to companies and people? Is it is so awesome the we should all, no matter who you are, should have the same system. in this case, we have politicians dictated legislation that they themselves do not have to participate in.

    1. Pelosi's companies asked for a waiver from Obamacare about 30days after it was enacted and got it. Anyone on the fence about this election should try and make time to read Michael Massey's blog Daily Rant. He equally despises FOX & MSNBC.

  41. Still voting for Keyboard Cat!

  42. Romney won it hands down. He killed it.

    When Obama asked the moderator to change the topic, it was all over.

  43. I am a female - and a feminist - and I am happy to vote Republican. I don't think it's feminist to spend more money than we have and pass on a huge debt to my daughter.

    Voted for Obama in 2008 because I was inspired by his personality and message. Not impressed with his results, and the fact it's 'always somebody else's fault.' Not impressed with his drone warfare program, or the results of the 'surge' in Afghanistan, or the fact that Guantanamo Bay is still open.

    He's failed. Sorry, I believed in him too, and I understand he had a lot of nasty opposition. Does he think he'll have no more nasty opposition if we give him 4 more years? No, they'll be just as nasty and he'll be just as ineffective.

    Time to give someone else a chance.

    1. They won't be obstructionists anymore if Obama is re-elected. No point to it then. They'll have to start worrying about their own jobs.

  44. Obama is a terrible speaker, I saw him on Oprah years ago and she said he was going to be President some day and everyone laughed, including The President. I figured if he decided to pursue politics beyond being a Senator he would get some coaching for public speaking. Michelle was much more relaxed and actually spoke up for him a few times. I think his heart is in the right place, he's a doer and doesn't crave the spotlight, he doesn't come off as being a slick used car salesman. I don't think people like this come off looking good no matter what in these type of debates.

  45. Romney showed everyone what an empty suit Obama is. He fooled me last time, won't happen again. One termer, for sure.

  46. I am a republican- 45.

    While I am not on board with every angle the R have, I do believe they represent my outlook and the ideas I have for how our Country works best.

    The whole womens rights/birth control/ abortion issues suprise me, every 4 years they get brought out, drug around and then put away until the next major election. It is truly dissapointing that people really think there isn't any other time to speak up and out about this in between elections....and the people who jump on the Republicans want to take over your uterus- please.

    Al Gore- thank you for proving today that you really are better off sitting at home.

  47. not a romney fan at all, but he did come across as fairly normal and intelligent, and nowhere near as conservative as he pretends to be. wonder what wing nuts think about that? Didnt change my vote, I'd be surprised if it changed anyones. I have no use for undecided voters. I dont think they shldbe allowed to vote, because if you havent made up your mind by now, you arent paying attention, and wont be making informed vote anyway. Ithink people say they're undecided to get attention.

  48. "Not a president who after having 2 full years of complete control (democrats controlled both houses and presidency) still feels it is necessary to blame his predecessor."

    133 DAYS, NOT 2 YEARS.

    "I want someone who is not going to apologize for our country and is going to stand up for our allies."


    "This man won't meet with The leader of Israel but will make time for Letterman and JayZ."


    "I want the president who will act presidential and will stand up for what our country is really about."


    "My vote is for Romney."


  49. Just scrolled through all the comments, and I have to say: I am a woman and I am 100 percent voting for a Republican. Yeah, and I voted for George W. Bush, too. Honestly, I do not go in the voting booth worrying that abortion is going to be banned. I worry if my husband is going to lose his job, if my grocery bills are going to be any fucking higher, if my gas prices are going to be higher, if the cost of my child's education is going to be so astronomical that I'm going to have to take loans out the wazoo and if our country is going to be safe. These are the issues that concern me. There is not a war on women in this country.

    And let me tell you something else, I am not an Obama hater in any way. I respect the man; I respect the office of the Presidency. But I was HORRIFIED at the way this administration handled the killings in Libya. Obama thought it more important to hit the campaign trail and the late-night talk show circuit and APOLOGIZE to the fucking terrorists who killed our own people, rather than hold a proper press conference and stand up and fight for America. That 100 percent CONFIRMED my decision to vote for Romney.

    1. Show me quotes where any of this happened. And not from Fox News.

      Since when does the President control gas prices?

    2. You know, you cant just run around willy-nilly blowing people and things up cos ur pissed! Im sure obama was/is FURIOUS about that murder. After all this is ores who killed bin laden. I think he has a long memory on this stuff. But part of being a leader is THINKING things thru before you commit to action that cant be undone. Its called leadership, forsight and forethought.

    3. Susan- very intelligent answer.

  50. Well said Nutty_Flavor and Christina!!!

  51. @JenniferH - very good point - I also agree - one party should never control the presidency and both houses of Congress. Read about the congresses of 50-60 years ago - it was a whole different atmosphere - both parties tried to work together to get things done while maintaining their principles. The petty bickering that goes on now is reflected in the name calling and bitter arguing in the general public now. I don't know what happened to change things, and I wish I knew how to change it back. The only solution I have is term limits: a 6 year presidency (1 term), 12 years (2 terms) for senators and 10 years (5 terms) for representatives. Also, you can only have a total of 30 years as an elected official in ANY capacity, from dog catcher to president.And if it could be made a law, I'd have any candidate for office to have to have worked in the private sector for a minimum of 5 years before they can run for office, just so they know how the rest of us live. That's my idea.

  52. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I love how if you have anything negative to say about Obama then you must only watch FoxNews and are clearly not informed. That's funny considering Imost news agencies spend their entire day blowing the President and talking about how wonderful he is. It's also interesting that now everyone is saying how horrible a speaker Obama is when 4 years ago it was the opposite.

  53. I'm a female, and sticking with the President. Those who vote with a person willing to cave in to Tea Party crazies deserve the country they're apparently wishing for. Good god, I'm shocked by this line of comments.

    1. Me too. Still waiting for the apology quotes.

  54. Ok, has anyone here ever gotten themselves in serious debt? Like bankruptcy, losing your house, defaulting on your credit cards kinda debt? Ok, now, how long did it take you to be in the position to be able to get a mortgage again? Longer than 4 years, I bet, right? Probably closer to 7, the amount of time it takes for delinquencies to drop off your credit report.

    Now, imagine that problem times a million, and a Congress that fought you at every turn...

    And as for Obamacare, that means my friends mother could NOT get dropped from her insurance because she had an active cancer diagnosis. THAT is a big freaking deal.

  55. Anonymous11:19 AM

    When the President makes a point to block any drilling in our country and wants to put restrictiOns on coal mining and blocked the pipeline that would help free our dependency on oil, I think that does show some control over gas prices. If we had our own oil we wouldn't have to cave to OPEC.



      From that flaming commie newspaper - not to get facts in the way of your rhetoric

  56. I think if Obama was white we'd be having a different conversation.

    1. U got that right sister!

    2. Katie- you are simply a racist. Why does the liberal side continually take that childish stance. It has nothing! Nothing! To do with race. Look at his politics. Look at all sides. Don't be so one sided as to throw the race card up so quick.

  57. What about ecological ramafications? I wld hv liked ti hv their exolanation on that. Remember, if we crap up earth, we have no where to go, lol

  58. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Brooke, I understand where you are coming from. Obama had a lot of debt to clean up.The problem isn't so much that he didn't pay it back, but that he made it 6 trillion dollars worse. He spent more money than Bush did in his two terms. I didn't like Bush but he had two wars and didn't cause as much financial damage as Obama did.



  59. Anonymous11:24 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I think Romney took it. I'm sick of people saying that the republicans hate blacks . Let us not forget that a republican was president when they were freed from slavery by the emancipation proclamation. And yet again it was a republican in office when the 15th amendment was ratified, giving blacks the right to vote. Well I believe the government shouldn't be able to tell us who we can marry, I also don't think the government has to be responsible for contraceptives and health care. Part of the problem falls on us as the public. People who go to urgent care or the emergency room for the sniffles or cause their little one coughed twice in an hour. Those services are for people in urgent or emergency cases. A little common sense goes a long ways.

    1. Ahem, repubs are anti gay marriage, how is that not telling people who to marry?

    2. And I'm agreeing that you should have the right to marry who you want.

  61. If you believe Abraham Lincoln's Republican Party is the same party of today, you have no fucking blue what you are talking about.

  62. They go er because hv no health ins. If they did, theyd see family dr. Do u nit get that?

  63. Romney won the debate. He has my vote, but he always did.
    Being "folksy" and "charming" are not the qualities I look for in a President. President Obama has not done the job, time for someone new.

  64. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Here is the statement...
    The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims -- as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

    This did not come from the president, it came from the US Embassy. Now if you think this didn't have to get cleared by someone in the White House, you are wrong. All Obama had to do was throw someone under the bus for saying this. And we all know he is good at that.

    1. Youre wrong on so many levels i cant even get into it.

    2. Not as good as Congress throwing us all under the bus by killing job and veterans bills.

    3. "It appears that Governor Romney didn’t have his facts right," Obama told an interviewer from 60 Minutes. "The situation in Cairo was one in which an embassy that is being threatened by major protests releases a press release saying that the film that had disturbed so many Muslims around the world wasn’t representative of what Americans believe about Islam, in an effort to cool the situation down. It didn’t come from me, it didn’t come from Secretary Clinton; it came from folks on the ground who are potentially in danger. And my tendency is to cut folks a little bit of slack when they're in that circumstance, rather than try to question their judgment from the comfort of a campaign office."

  65. Mitt R for me (even if he's a liar or bad faith),he was into the debate contrary to Obama who looks unfocused

  66. Everyone's saying Mitten's won. Until you check his facts, then you find out he's either flat out wrong or lying.

  67. I am not even going to attempt to enter the fray...oy. This site is supposed to be fun, I hate to see commenters duking it out.

    Can we get back to our regularly scheduled programming and resume snarking on Tammy Cruise, LiLo, etc.?

    1. To some of us, like me, this is fun! Enjoy the trash too !

  68. not every Repulican thinks the Tea Party is the way to go FYI.

    We are all individuals- and while I watch FOX, I also listen to NPR, read more than 2 newspapers a day- helping me form my own opinions about my life and how I think it should be lived.

    To all those here who continue to try and peg all Rebuplican women into one hole, you are showing your true colors....being a liberal is such a one way street/my way or the hiway.

    My neighbor thinks Obama rules, then screams when a CHP has the nerve to ticket her doing 85 on our local freeway- like somehow the rules do not apply to her. The guy who wants to open a winery next door to all of us is a mean businessman- but she can run a ag business and a underground restaurant from her property and we are all supposed to turn a blind eye. DUH.

  69. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Katie, name anyone else who has added 6 trillion dollars to the national debt. I never said it was as much as all of the presidents combined. I said it was more than Bush and that is the truth, no matter what my "rhetoric" is.

    1. The New York Times would disagree.

  70. Anonymous11:35 AM

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  71. Anonymous11:38 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Anonymous11:39 AM

    awww, I was wrong he didn't throw the embassy under the bus... he went to hug them and they tripped and fell in front of it.... MY BAD

    how is quoting Obama more credible than quoting Fox News?

    1. Did you really just type that?

  73. Why do liberals get so angry and say such hateful things when someone has a differing opinion then themselves. Sheesh.

  74. After reading the comments, there are a lot of you that need to read something other than a headline! When the second dip recessions hits hard, and it will, who will you blame then? The point is to vote the best person to save our country and not focus on the lame topics neither side can do anything about, pro-life, pro-abortion, war on women, tea party, racists, gay rights.. they are all smoke screens..

  75. Anonymous11:43 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Katie, you are correct, his Republican Party was not the same as it is today, but neither is the Democratic Party the same as it was fifty years ago. Both parties have moved away from the middle. Republicans have gotten more conservative, where as the democrats have gone more socialist.

    Auntliddy, your argument makes no sense. A person is not going to and can not be turned away for inability to pay. But from a financial stand point, an office visit at a family practice in my area at a Mayo Clinic health system clinic is $75 to start at. Emergency ro visits start at 200. Which would you rather pay for?

    1. The reason I pay so much for insurance now is because people without insurance use the ER.

    2. Yes I agree, so lets use them for actual emergencies, not for little things, like sniffles or a cold, or stubbing your toe. If anything all hospitals have patient advisory nurses you can call at no charge to see if what bothers you is worth coming in to the er or better to wait till you can get into a family practice.

    3. Of course dr visit cheaper. But im talking about people who hv no money, no transpo or just dont know about the clinic. Or its 7pm and clinic closed, baby has 103 fever. Sometimes only alternative is er. It is wasteful but sometimes nothing in place fir them right now nor they just dont know about it. Or they dont care; its easier to go to er. How u gonna tell whats emergency and whats routine cold? U get into whole gray area there. Honestly, the whole system shod be restructured to avoid excessive er visits. Using resources already in place.

  77. I was amazed that Obama didn't do quite as well against Romney as he did against Eastwood at the RNC convention. At least against Eastwood he got in a few zingers! ^_^

  78. Facts do tend to have a liberal bias.

  79. How can Obama be a socialist when taxes are at their lowest in US history?

  80. Your comment regarding Obama's race killed your credibility @Katie.

    I'm a Republican and I don't give a damn about Obama's race. I also realize that the federal gov't can't do anything about abortion/birth control. I don't vote on social issues. They don't fix our economy.

  81. GinaBeana I love you!

  82. Anonymous11:51 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Who do you think is going to pay for Obama care? Is it free? Nope, if you want better and more affordable healthcare the answer is to open the state borders so you create more competition. More competition, more competitive prices.

  84. I guess you didn't see the chair lynching in Texas or the Obamas depicted as apes. Nope, no racism here.

  85. This is what the fact checkers say about the apology:

  86. Sure, so a few jerks mean anyone who doesn't vote for Obama is racist. Could it be because he's a crappy President?

  87. Anonymous11:55 AM

    There are bad apples everywhere. There are racists In both parties. Just as I condemn that type of behavior, I also don't think that I should automatically be judged as a racist simply because I disagree with you.

  88. Carrowsboy- being a socialist has very little to do with taxes. Healthcare, welfare, government programs for the well being of its citizens, harder stances on freedoms of speech (look at the damn Internet laws they are trying to pass), large government owned companies, government owned banks (we have given them billions, so we do own portions of them all). Those are the topics I worry about and question. You think you taxes have gone down under him but they haven't, they are just called different names and the money is taken from you through other programs.
    It is not right. Read the constitution. The government shouldn't be spending trillions. It should be making it by properly taxing imports, which it doesn't. It makes money from exports, but they tax business more and drive labor to other countries. Look at the lovely farming taxes Obama as put in act. Or even here in Washington state small farms get more taxes put on them under a democratic (socialist) government.

  89. Birth certificate? College transcript requests? Because he couldn't possibly have gotten through college on his own.

  90. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Katie, you still haven't answered my challenge. Who has spent more money them him? What has he done successfully? And since you are so informed, where is the missing money from the stimulus...apart from in his cronies hands.

    1. "What Knoller doesn’t specify, naturally, is what the debt was when Bush began his presidency. And that’s a glaring omission, because unless you don’t know that, you can’t accurately compare the records. So here it is.
      In 2001, the national debt Bush inherited was around $5.7T, give or take. Some of that debt in 2001 has to be attributed to Clinton, just as some of the debt in 2009 when Obama took office has to be attributed to Bush. When W. left office in 2009, the debt was nearly $11T. That’s an increase of 89 percent.
      Under Obama, the debt has increased from about $11T to about $15T, about 40 percent.
      And what’s behind that increase? Historically low taxes and historically low revenues — and the worst financial crash since the 1930s. There’s been no “binge” in spending, as Knoller wants you to believe.
      With the exception of the last sentence, these are also true facts.
      Of course there’s been a spending binge under Obama; that’s the whole point of stimulus spending! So, Obama increased the debt some $700 billion in his first few months in office. Since then, as Blue Texan notes, we’ve taken in much less money than we otherwise would have because of a lousy economy and, yes, because of very low taxes compared to our historical norms. And not just because of the Bush tax cuts, either, but also because of the Obama payroll tax holiday.
      Knoller is right that, in simple dollar terms, the delta under Obama has been higher than under Bush. $4.939 trillion is indeed bigger than $4.899 trillion. Blue Texan’s insistence that we should look at the numbers in terms of percentage of increase is also plausible, although not if we’re going to compare eight years to three! On an annualized percentage basis, Obama still beats Bush.
      But, again, that’s not shocking! Bush inherited a mild recession that quickly righted itself. Even the massive spending on two wars and the Medicare drug boondoggle wasn’t as hard a hit as the Great Recession, whose effects have occurred mostly under Obama.
      Overall, I’d argue that the “who increased the debt more?” debate is rather silly. The bottom line is that Bush and Obama have continued an American tradition that’s been the norm my entire lifetime: spending without regard to revenues. Bush wanted to cut taxes while funding two wars and a domestic legacy. Obama wanted to create an even bigger domestic legacy–a major move towards universal healthcare coverage–while ramping up a war and stimulating the economy. The key difference is that Obama’s preference was to also raise taxes–albeit only on top earners–to help pay for it; Congressional Republicans blocked that effort."

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Plus if they got a better handle on the medicare and Medicaid fraud going rampant in this country we would all be paying less.

  93. Ah, thanks JoElla! Smashbash-you live in Washington state? That's where I grew up. Missing some good Washington fall weather right now....

  94. Good point Christina add welfare to that list and you have the holy trifecta of why our economy is collapsing.

    Ginabeana- it is an amazing beautiful fall day.

  95. So voting for Obama only because he's black is better? That seems educated.

  96. Did you know that Mitt Romney was named after his father's close friend, Willard Marriot? Yeah, the hotel guy. Romney's totally one of us.

    Bottom line is, Romney had an exceptionally good night last night. If you didn't know anything about his policies, you probably didn't notice that his comments were completely inconsistent with his policies, and thought he delivered a beat down. It won't happen again, because Obama won't let it happen again.

    @ whomever made the comment about Obama apologizing for Libya, you're an idiot. That did not happen.

  97. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Where is your quote from? Thisnis clearly biased with the statement Obama wanted to create a bigger domestic legacy. But that observation only comes from an uninformed racist. You know, a republican as we like to call it.

  98. And and let's be blunt. I probably make less then 99% of you here. But I work hard for my little pay so I don't need the governments handouts. I'm a single father of 2 kids. I refuse government help. So I guess I'm truly am part of the 1% that never gets talked about.

  99. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Did you know the Romney donated all of his inheritance because he wanted to be a self made man? Besides Obama is clearly one of us too. He went to private schools in Hawaii, went toharvard and now parties with the Hollywood elite. He totally sits at the same VIP table I do.

    1. Obama eorked his ass off, took loans, git merit based scholorships, thats hiw he git where he is! Nothing was handed to him! Romney had workd on a silver platter- no matter how much he pretended to be poor, he and his wife always had big fat cushion of money under them. Be real.

  100. I didn't watch the debate but then again I already have my mind made up to vote for President Obama.

    I am over 50 yo but under 55, so I have definitely paid my share into Medicare, only to lose it if Romney is elected? And given a token voucher? Companies used to give a pension and medical insurance for life, but no more. So I don't get that and I won't get Medicare.

    I'm also overweight and over 50, so would probably be rejected by any insurance company for having pre-existing conditions, if Romney has his way and repeals Obamacare.

    And the Republican party is for smaller government, except when it comes to people's bedrooms and women's bodies. So no thank you.

  101. Anonymous12:12 PM

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  102. Personally, I'm deeply upset that my Birthday and Dairy Queen Bilzzard initiative were not mentioned once!
    I'm allergic to real political debates between gossipers.

  103. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Layna Day,
    Explain why Obama got over 90% of the black vote then.

  104. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Sugar: I toast my Sonic lemon slushie to your day. Cheers!

  105. Obama for me.

    The other guy is a smarmy liar who changes positions every 10 seconds. He'll say whatever he needs to say on a given day. Last night is a good example. He lied his ass off. Yeah, he was aggressive doing it. Wow. I'm more concerned with the lying.

    I don't think President Obama is a good debater. Hillary beat him in '08. On the other hand, I love to see him around real people. He's comfortable, and the people love him. Robme is like the tin man without his oil. Very stiff. Doesn't know how to relate to regular people because the only regular people he knows are his gardeners and wait staff ("I'm not eating those cookies! Where'd you get those, 7/11?").

    I was surprised Robme's dismissal of 47% of the population didn't come up. Ditto for the uninsured being able to go to the emergency room.

  106. I get why a lot of folks support Obamacare. That being said, Obamacare is not the answer. As a person who works in the medical field who is also married to someone in the medical field and sees how Obamacare will affect healthcare in the future, I can tell you it is a BAD program and it will bankrupt our country. Without going into some long diatribe, I can tell you that there has to be a better way to go about this. Our country will suffer if Obamacare stays. People have no idea how much it is going to cost us, and how restricted your healthcare is going to become. You have no idea.....

    1. Oh, but we do...I'm a nervous wreck about it.

    2. I smell a doctor in fear of losing income.

  107. Cheers, Layna! I'm getting something thick and chocolately when it's my birthday!

  108. Anonymous12:18 PM

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  109. I didn't watch, but I read the feeds and the transcript. Romney won because even though he was very loose with the facts and contradicted a lot of what he supposedly stood for, he was aggressive and more animated than Obama. To the point of being arrogant and rude. Unfortunately, the Prez did not challenge many of the things Romney said. He is not the best debater, but I wish he would have pushed back. I expect he'll do better in the next two debates.

  110. Romney won this one--he's a forceful speaker but neither candidate was good at following the debate rules. I was pretty surprised to hear Romney say that having your adult child under the age of 26 covered by medical insurance is "already available in the private sector" (without ObamaCare). Wow, wish I had known that--because neither my husband's work insurance nor mine covered kids after they turned 18 unless they were in school. (We both work for large corporations).

    So we ended up paying $342 a month to have our son covered via COBRA rather than have him go uninsured. With ObamaCare? He's covered through my husband's work. That's a big savings for us.

    I'd really like to know which private insurance companies insure adult children without ObamaCare.

  111. No. I'm voting for Obama. The rw is scary.

  112. Dear sweet 7 lb.-8 oz. baby Jesus. Religion, politics, assorted other sensitive topics...what the HELL is Enty thinking this week?! I personally shall be hiding out until, oh, say, Halloween. Gah. :-/

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  114. To quote a Democrat that I campaigned for...It's the economy, stupid.

    This election isn't about women's rights, gay marriage, health care, Guantanamo, racism, or anything else. It is about who will turn the economy around. It's about who will address the budget deficit, so we can create a functioning economy again. It's about who has the guts to address our biggest cost centers (military, Social Security, welfare, etc.).

    I am undecided, truly undecided. I *want* to support Romney, because he has the executive background needed to run an organization the size of the US government. His Mormonism concerns me, because I think they are a cult. Granted, less so than Scientology or the Hale Bopp folks, but still cult-like. Obama has had four years to make a change, and I'm unimpressed (BTW, I voted for him 4 years ago). The argument that Obama needs a democratic congress to effect change is bullcrap in my opinion. A good leader will work with a congress representing both sides of the aisle. Obama inflamed and created division with his and Pelosi's stance of "my way or the highway."

    When we have fixed the economy and gotten people back to work, THEN I'll have the luxury of voting based on personal issues. For now, I'll vote on who I think will best lead the country and impact our crappy economic situation.

  115. Funny yet not a surprise that the post with the most comments is the political one.....

  116. I'm not going to blame black people for voting for Obama en masse - I'm old enough to remember going in a voting booth with my mom who was so excited to be voting for a Catholic for president (JFK). It's totally understandable.

    And my comments about Libertarianism aside, when a woman runs for president on either ticket, she'll have to be a card-carrying socialist or communist for me NOT to vote for her. It's been a dream of mine to vote for a woman for president in one of the two largest parties. And BTW - remember how badly the so-called neutral press treated Hillary? They criticized everything but her bra size. It was absolutely criminal what they did to her and I'll NEVER forget it.

  117. Romney burned down Obama's strawman army. Epic debate.
    The real world is scary, George, but we have to live in it. Voting for four more years of delusional dreams financed by Other People is not going to make the real world go away.

  118. BTW, I think Romney won the debate, hands down. Listening on the radio, you could hear Obama's hesitation in his voice - like he wasn't confident in what he was saying. Romney came across like a confident executive. I can't say it changed my mind, but it's something to think about. I'll probably make my mind up in the voting booth.

    To whomever suggested no one informed could be undecided -- bullcrap. The election season goes until the 1st Saturday of November, so I get until then to weigh the pros and cons of each candidate. That's not uninformed; that's taking time to weigh the options and potential consequences (and gather more information). I wish more people were undecided; it would lead to better decisions!

    1. Seachica- you brought my point home. Mitt is not great but last nights speech was strong for him. I watched every moment and you could see Obama stumbbling. He just had an off night. On purely a debate win or lose Obama lost. He didn't do that good. Maybe next debate he will do better. I will watch and give him a chance.

    2. I said that about undecideds and i stand by it. You dint just start paying attention the month before the election. You must hv views, ideals that u support. Thats your political platform. Which one aligns with your ideas and ideals ? Then uou watch your candidate. Obama a known entity, but the repubs had wide running field snd lots of debates. Theats when you chiise your candidate. Then watch conventions. You certainly, if u hv done all that, cannot be remotely undecided unless u just to lazy to think, read or listen.

  119. For those who say to vote for Third Party candidates:

    I am registered as Peace and Freedom. Their presidential candidate is Roseanne Barr. Yeah, that one.

  120. And, this is why I avoid threads like these because the faces behind the masks are exposed forever, albeit how brief. Monstrous.

  121. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I'm not saying that they only voted for him because he was black but that the democrats always have the majority of blacks in their pocket. He also won because McCain is useless and might as well have been in a coma during the debates. But guess what you would say if Romney gets over 90% of the white vote. Mthere will be a huge uproar about all whites being racist.

  122. So can we finally agree that voting for Mitt doesn't equal being racist?

  123. Anonymous12:43 PM

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  124. Anonymous12:45 PM

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  125. Holy buckets, politics on CDAN again! We're so divided already.

    Since we're here, I'll go on record as being for Obama.

    Bush came into office with peace and prosperity (by his own admission), and blew the whole thing up. Obama came into a nightmare situation with a tanked economy and 2 wars (which weren't even on the books by the way - Obama put them on the books, so he gets blamed for the price tag). Then he had controlling majority in Congress for 5 months. Franken wasn't seated until the summer of 2009, and Republicans have threatened/used the filibuster a record number of times (requiring not just a majority of votes, but rather 60 votes) He's faced obstruction, and he gets blamed for it. Which is what Republicans were counting on all along, drag their feet, prevent anything from being accomplished, then hang it around Obama's neck. They've kept millions of people unemployed to put one man out of work. The tea party morons ran on jobs in 2010. Where are the jobs? They're too busy debating "legitimate" rape.

    With what the President has faced, I'll take:

    -The stock market doubling
    -Gaining jobs for 30 straight months - we were losing 700,000 a month when he took office
    -GDP growing by 2%, after it shrank 10% in Bush's last quarter
    -Major health care reform providing health care to millions who didn't have it before, ending denial of coverage based on pre-existing conditions, ending lifetime maximums, allowing kids to stay on their parents insurance up to age 26
    -Saving the auto industry
    -Equal pay for women
    -End of Don't Ask, Don't Tell
    -Killing the guy who was actually behind 9/11 after Republicans said he wasn't a priority (while lying us into a b.s. war of choice with the wrong guy/country)
    -Keeping us safe. If Republicans got credit for it after 9/11, Obama gets credit for it since he took office

  126. A third party or libertarian vote in this election is a vote for Obama, so just admit it.

  127. Romney told 27 LIES in 38 minutes.

    But hey he "won" according to America. Um ya.

    He's a fuckwad. I hope none of the "poor people,oops I mean low income, rather" vote for him. You're sealing your own fate if you do.

    Obama had an "off night" because he had to rely on FACTS rather than BULLSHIT like old Mittens.

  128. I'm not even american, but whatever:

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  130. Anyone remember the South Park episode where they have to vote for a new school mascot and they have to pick between a turd sandwich and a giant douche bag? That's how I feel about most elections, it's between the two douches or turds that happen to have rich friends.

    In the end the giant douche wins by alot. It's a fantastic episode, I wrote a paper about it in college and got a B!

  131. I was going to avoid commenting but whomever said,

    "Republicans have become more conservative and Democrats have become more socialist"...I have to laugh at the casual use of inflammatory rhetoric? It's nice that FOX, have so convinced some portion of the populace that "liberal" is SUCH a dirty word.

    So Rs have merely become more conservative but Ds have become SOCIALISTS!!!

    That would be the equivalent of saying, "Dems have become more liberal and Reps have become more facist."

    1. I said purely Obama has socialist policies. That does not mean all democrats are that way. Hilary Clinton is not a socialist democrat, she is more conservative. I am a libertarian, so a very liberal republican you could say. But I don't like the word republican. Just like people don't like the word socialist.

  132. Oh, this is why I love statistics. The stock market doubling has less to do with Obama than the global economy recovering.
    The GDP may have shrunk by 10% in Bush's last quarter but it also shrunk in Obama's first YEAR. And for the first time in history debt is great than 100% of GDP. Obama has put more on the national debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 and more than Reagan and Bush did in 12. (And by the way, Clinton put on more in 8 than Reagan and Bush did in 12). Reagan also had a faltering tax base and a recession. Bush had the "credit card" war and still spent less than Obama.
    Bush inherits peace and prosperity and then 9/11. There goes the peace.
    Why hasn't Obama repealed the Defense of Marriage Act?
    I also love how everyone says all Romney said last night was lies but doesn't delineate them. Tell us one. The fact checkers are going nuts? Tell us why.
    And, for god's sake, not everything is about race. If Obama had actually done everything he said he was going to do, he would have got the vote regardless of whether he was a black homosexual potsmoking alien. How can it be racism when he actually got elected once? If he doesn't get elected again, it's the economy stupid.

  133. Does no one remember that during Clinton we had a huge Internet bubble. Then we had the housing bubble. Then pop.

  134. slow clap for Susan, who doesn't care about women's rights.

    Have fun raising your grandchildren when you're 45.

    All I can say is I'm glad I'm Canadian.

    Honestly you people slagging off Obama are CLUELESS to what you actually have!!! And you want to replace him with a CORPORATE suit?? ONE who considers TRUMP to be "small business?"

    The man wants to help you but you are too stubborn to see it! How dare he give a shit about the middle class and human rights! The audacity!

    The day healthcare was "forced down our necks" in Canada was the best day ever- we ever celebrate it!

    I'd gladly take Obama or Clinton in a heartbeat up here instead of the stodgy old fuck we have.

  135. Whomever said that Romney gave away his inheritance...well, yes he did. By the time his father died, Romney was already wealthy, so he didn't need it.

    HOWEVER...when he was in college his parents paid for his education and gave him (and later Ann) an allowance. Furthermore, by their own admission, Mitt had been gifted enough stock, prior to college, that they were able to sell it off little by little to support themselves until Romney became successful.

    So, you are correct that he gave away his inheritance in 1995 ( to Brigham Young University) but pretending that somehow means his success was not directly attributable to his father's wealth (and therefore he is an entirely self-made man) would be erroneous.

  136. @smash, it wasn't your comment I was referring to. Saying someone has "X" tendencies doesn't bother me. It was a direct quote that someone made about the Rs have become more conservative while the Ds have become more socialist.

    If comparative statements are being made that are not intentionally inflammatory:

    "Rs have become more conservative while Ds have become more liberal"

    or (if you want to inflame everyone):

    "Rs have become more facist while Ds have become more socialist"

  137. Exactly Lola. Robme cashed out some of his stock to pay bills in college. This is what Marie ANNtoinette calls hard times. For most of us, hard times in college is selling your plasma to make rent.

  138. There are enough important issues to discuss in this election without being intentionally inflammatory, which immediately ends any intellegent debate.

  139. I think Chris Rock said it best: "If you vote against Obama because he can't get stuff done, it's like saying 'this guy can't cure cancer. I think I'll vote for cancer."

  140. when i saw them in their costumes (RED tie/BLUE tie), i gagged and turned it off. its so staged. do the canidates even know who they are anymore?

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. I only watched part of it (I'm not American) and I thought Mittens came across as smug and condescending, and Obama seemed at a loss for words, quite literally. I still think Obama will get a second term though. I think most Americans are smart enough. Although secretly I hope Romney wins, and then reveals that he's a polygamist, Big Love style!

  143. @ Oatslass, No. Was that a smart enough answer for you? Would you like me to pepper in a few words about social issues and the economy to explain my voting process?

  144. Romney won, but he didn't have all the facts correct, nor did he give specifics. I am sick of generalizations. If you go to (great site that gives you the truth and doesn't take sides) you'll find Romney leading with lies, while I have yet to find any from the Obama camp. Partial truths, out of context maybe, but out and out incorrect info/lies? no.

    I don't want to go backwards 30 years. I want separation of church and state, something Romney is not willing to do. This is what brought us to America in the first place :-P.

    The blame for this country's mess doesn't lie with the presidents. It lies with an incumbent Congress that has NO term limits. So we're stuck with a buttload of Good Ol' Boys that have been around for 20 yrs or more, and big business has them tucked nicely into their front pockets :-P

  145. @dia

    Well, you were right about it turning nasty.

    For those against Obamacare, you all have forgotten or never learned what happened when FDR first proposed SS. Or when Medicare was first talked about. Even I can remember the horrible ads on TV from the American Medical Assoc. What about Mitt and Mass. and their Insurance coverage for all.

    My brother is 63 and on welfare and SS. He has ALS and is trying to get his Masters Degree. 5 years ago he lost his wife to cancer. She fought it for 10 yrs. and it cost them every dime they had. This should not happen to anyone.

  146. Out and out lie?

    And the biggest lie of all? I promise to cut the deficit in half in my first term. Whoops.

  147. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I'm just glad to see Republican, Conservative and/or Christian women on this thread voicing their opinions and speaking up for what they think is right, when they are so clearly outnumbered here: good for you :)

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Shouldn't we all be allowed to say what we think is right without judgment and abuse?

    Both sides think they're the moral good is part of the problem.

  150. The possibility of Mittens being in office scares me to death, far worse than the Bush Jr. puppet show. How restricting of my rights can someone be and also be completely delusional about foreign policy? Mittens isn't disclosing how he is going to reduce our debt but he intends on increasing spending for the military? No more PBS/NPR? Really? Come on already folks. We're royally boned with Mittens in office. While I believe in everyone's right to believe in whatever religion (or not) they choose, I'm not sorry to say that being a Mormon doesn't help his cause. It would be equal in my mind voting a Scientologist into office. The LDS is pretty extreme in their beliefs. I don't think he wants to identify (or really can with his religion) with many Americans. I also believe that Mitt is not capable of tackling issues such as child abuse/slavery nor would he try to. Obama is at least protecting my rights as a woman. Although Obama has made some very catastrophic decisions as of late. So, I'm voting Libertarian. Gary Johnson just spoke in Salt Lake City and has a two-part webcast with Larry King Now. Instead of having politicos try to mold us into what they want, why don't we vote someone into office who will let us live our own lives without feeling discouraged about the gender we were born with or our sexuality. Someone who will discuss foreign policy and has a plan to get the US back on track. He intends on keeping the military strong while finally getting our collective asses out of the Middle East. So I encourage everyone to at least watch Johnson. He does have some excellent ideas.

  151. Chris Rock also said: "We ignore his whiteness, but it's still there"

  152. mitt, still voting for Obama.

  153. Obama did not have fire in his belly last night. So what. Should that be a reason to vote for the greedy opponent? I will vote for Obama because I'm a woman who is concerned about healthcare, women's rights and the environment. I will vote for Obama because I want him to pick another excellent Supreme Court Judge. Makes sense, eh?

  154. "I'm not saying that they only voted for him because he was black but that the democrats always have the majority of blacks in their pocket."

    Well d'uh! Black Americans aren't stupid. They are just voting in their best interest. Ask any African-American old enough if their life was better under Reagan-Bush or Clinton?

    It's a shame Southern whites still haven't figured out that you should vote for who best represents them and not what their church or buddies tell them.
