Thursday, October 25, 2012

Your Turn

Is the world going to end in December? Do you ever believe any of these future doom predictions?


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM



  2. I don't think it will end but I think something will happen with all the planets aligning.

    I do fear for all the dumb shit people pull to scare others that day.

  3. Anonymous10:05 AM

    No, the only thing we need to worry about is Israel and Iran going to war between now and then.

  4. Nah.

    The planets are aligning? Off to Google. :)

  5. I don't know about the world coming to an end but I will say 2012 has taken a boatload of folks with it. I cannot recall when I went to so many funerals ever.

  6. The prophesy states that the "age of men" will end, not end of the world. That could mean a change of consciousness, maybe an advancement in capabilities. Maybe a realization of how to use the 90% of the mind that we dont. Now, having said that, I don't believe anything like will happen in December

  7. MontanaMarriott- ditto. Especially in just September alone. Something is not right.

  8. Oh yeah sure hey. It's the day before my 50th birthday. We're going to be in Mexico to celebrate, but a bonus feature is that I figure if the world pretty ends and should we happen to be 2 of the only people left, it'd be more fun to be stranded along a balmy Pacific Ocean beach than here in our snow-covered home clime.

  9. No. And I'll be happy when the time passes so I no longer have to hear any "The Mayans were right." statements. For some reason I hate those.

  10. It just may be zombie takeover time. If it is, I want to turn into one quickly. No human survival shit for me.

  11. @kpist, the old thinking that "we don't use 90% of our brains" has been disproven. Sad to say, we are indeed using our whole brains.

  12. Nope, not going to end because of the 'prophecy' of the Mayan calendar. That would be like every year saying the world was going to end because the calendar stopped on the 31st of December!

    That said... we may be dooming ourselves in other ways (climate change, etc)... :-/

  13. As long as it doesn't end before I've seen the Hobbit... I don't care..

  14. No. Nee. Nein. Niet.

  15. Isn't it crazy, between several celebrities to close friends and family, I cannot wait till 2012 ends @Jane

  16. It does seem like so many people have died this year. What if all the people who are dying, all really being saved and we're the bad ones who will be here for the apocalypse? haha I'm just kidding, I don't believe that crap. Who knows though

  17. @Noetje: You said it! :D

  18. It is crazy. And everyone lost was under 60 so it isn't an age thing. My step dad unexpectedly went in September and that same day my mom and I were talking about all the funerals and deaths going on. My one funeral dress has had a lot of wear :/

  19. If I believed this I'd have sold all my belongings and would be living it up abroad with my family..alas, it's a gorgeous day and I'm currently sitting inside at my desk. ;)

  20. I don't believe that anything is happening, but we're still having an End of the World party to celebrate my housemate turning 30.

  21. Yes, I sold all my belongings last year to become a follower of Harold Camping. Unfortunately I survived the TWO apocalypses we had last year, but the third time will be the charm, I'm sure.

  22. The Mayan prophecy has already been disproven, as the Mayans didn't include leap years in there calendar, the end of the world should of happened last year...

  23. Finally, a question I can answer! I know some artists have some material about it there:

  24. Tinkabella, that ice cream cone sounds good. Let's have a CDAN ice cream party on the big day.

  25. Not gonna happen. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of silly people make fools of themselves that day though.

    1. SusanB " double tap " (just in case)

  26. I don't think that the world is "going to end" in December or anytime soon, but I definitely think that the shit is going to hit the fan sometime here in the next two years.

    I just have this feeling that everything is going to change really soon and it is going to be the beginning of the end.

    And it doesn't have anything to do with either Presidential candidate entering office. I hate when people use that as the reason for the "end of the world". GROW UP.

    And yes, I did recently stock up on three survival handbooks (Zombie, Man's sruvival guide, and extreme survival guide. Girl's gotta be prepared!) and yes I do keep them in my excessively large lady bag. You never know when Zombies will attack!

  27. @MontannaMarriott @Jane
    I'm with ya'll on the number of deaths that have happened recently. All unexpected. Just weird. I know of four in the past month.

  28. The "age of man" ending is going to be true -- what they aren't telling you is that the "age of women" will be rising.

    Ladies -- we are about to RULE!!

  29. So, okay, let's confess something crazy.

    I turned 18 in 2000 and was highly convinced I'd never actually make it to that birthday. I honestly didn't make plans for my future because I legitimately did't think there would be one. Then 2000 came and nobody died and tra la la.

    I know it's insane, but I feel the same way about December 2012. I won't really believe there's a future until I hit New Year's Eve.

    It's totally crazy, I cannot explain why I think this way. I just do.

  30. haha @Seaward! Whatever happened to ol' crazy Harold Camping anyway??

  31. It's a good excuse to get out to the bar and have a party LOL. If the world ends you don't have to worry about any pesky hangovers ;>

  32. Cindy - I like your interpretation!

    Honestly, I have no idea. All I know is whether or not the Mayan prophecies come true, I still have to turn 35 in December.

  33. Negative. No one knows when the end is.

  34. I don't think the world is going to end. But, something is happening, the world is on the brink of something huge, and I don't think it's a good thing.
    New Year's Eve would be a great time to have that drink with good friends and enjoy ourselves cuz' I think the ride is going to get very bumpy.

  35. MM, same here with all the deaths. I lost several classmates this year.

    Cindy, for the love of all WOMANkind, I hope you're right. Haven't these men screwed it up long enough?

    I'll be in Las Vegas, so I'll be in a good spot for the end of the world or whateverthehell. I'm going all in, baby.

  36. waaaaa. I hope not. I want to have a baby :/

  37. I don't think we're that lucky (and I always thought it was only the world as we know it would end, and we'd enter a new dimension).

  38. better I rephrase that, I just don't want to get my hopes up (of something wondrous happening on 12/21/12, b/c if we left this old world behind, that is exactly what it would be, wondrous).


  39. While I often weep for the future of humanity (because we're eventually gonna blow ourselves up, yo); it's not going to be because Mayans might have foretold it (depending on the translation/interpretation) many moons ago.

    That said, humans are idiots. We're doomed.

  40. @JSierra - you're absolutely right. Something huge is going to go down in the next 2 years - and we've been trying to prepare as best we can.

  41. No. A large comet could hit the earth & destroy all human life in December, but that possibility has existed every day of my life & will continue to exist every day until we are all dead of other things. Putting a date on it in advance is just silliness. Superstition is superstition whether it was the Aztec's version or the old Roman version.

  42. Sorry Mayans. Aztecs, Incas, Persians, Mecca, Buddha, Zeus, Thor, Immortal Elvis, Joseph Smith, yada yada yada.

  43. 12/21/12 is my tenth wedding anniversary. So yeah. If the world does end on that day, it won't surprise me...*L*

    But I'm with Del Riser on this one - I feel like there is going to be a huge change or shift happening (not necessarily on that date, but in the near future). And I think...I hope...that it will teach us all a lesson about how we treat our planet and each other.

    I must admit that I have read a bunch of survival stuff about what to do if the polar shift happens *L* Luckily, Alberta is a fairly safe zone. But Africa will be the safest! ;)

  44. You survivalists are getting me all worried, maybe I should finally do some emergency preparations!

    I tend to agree with others who say the shit is gonna hit the fan, but it has nothing to do with this prophecy. Altho I didn't know the planets will be aligned, that's a bit weird.

    I hope nothing happens on that day because I'll be all alone, my boys are off to NYC and then visit family in DC. I was so looking forward to my peace and quiet, not I have to freak? At least I'll have my dog. :)

  45. If it happens it happens. Today is my b-day and so far it's been crappy so I really don't care. I think I'll get drink then reconsider the question when I'm more talkative.

  46. That's crazy about the people under 60 dying this year - my father died on September 19th - his age - 58.

    1. My dad died on June at the age of 56. A few months prior, a loved one unexpectedly lost his father, who was in his 50's. This year has sucked. I am so ready for it to 2013.

    2. In June* Friggin auto correct got me again!

  47. If it was just the Mayans predicting the end of the world on December 21, that would be one thing. But many ancient cultures predict the end of the world on the same date, and they weren't communicating with each other. While I'm not totally expecting the world to end, I won't be surprised if it does. My hope is that the calendar does signal a new age, and the return of the Sky Gods (extraterrestrials) to fix all the problems humans have created.

    1. This is exactly where I am at. Too many civilizations without knowledge of one another all say this date is signifigant. I have an undeniable sense of something on the horizon. I cannot explain it? My family thinks I'm whack ,it is unsettling to my kids so I don't share much about it. StarGods .Advanced beings our ancients mistook for Gods who promised one day to come back .Perhaps they will return? None of us really know. I hope I'm just being silly or buying into hype because I'm not sure our world as chaotic as it is really ready for such an arrival.

  48. I believe in self-fulfilling prophecies, but no, I don't believe the world is going to end. The human race might end, most likely by our own hand, but the earth will still be here long after we're gone, and it won't miss us all that much, either.

  49. @iheartjacksparrow - Universal myths are fascinating. I wasn't all that aware that other cultures had similar end dates, but I did know that almost every culture has a flood story and a virgin birth story, the latter which is likely a myth of how our solaar system was created.

  50. Maybe the planets are going to crash into each other because of the magnetic force??

    Or maybe the oceans will rise to catastrophic levels (I hope not I live by the beach)!

    Or maybe there will be a polar shift and the North Pole will become the South Pole? I have my furniture tied down just in case this theory is true:0

    Or maybe the earth's volcano's will rise up all over the world and anyplace close to them are doomed?

    I am not sure what is going to happen but there are so many possibilities!!!

    I will be partying like it is 1999 on December 20th so whatever happens on the 21st I will have to severe of a hangover to worry about it:)

  51. well, just in case, I will get drunk everyday in December. I don't want to know when it hits.

  52. Gah...I accidentally hit "publish"

    Happy birthday, Bobbi! I hope your day gets better and it ends up being fabulous.

  53. Oh FFS. The Maya practiced human sacrifice. Wiki: In some Maya rituals people were killed by having their arms and legs held while a priest cut the person's chest open and tore out his heart as an offering. This is depicted on ancient objects such as pictorial texts, known as codices. So bad.

    It didn't work very well for them, did it? Why would anyone take advice from a primitive (by today's standards) cult?

    This reminds me of that nut job Christian cult leader who has declared the end of the world several times and been wrong each time.

    The world will probably end, many generations away.

    I wouldn't worry about December, 2012, though.

  54. Happy Birthday @Bobbi!

  55. If anyone has some spare time today I suggest you google Denver International Airport and make you sure you read up on the underground tunnels and warehouses beneath it. Veery interesting stuff.

  56. Thank You for the b-day wishes guys and gals:)

    I just realized also that 12/21/12 is also my husbands b-day.

  57. Gee, I've been around for the scare that California was going to drop off the states and float away, the 9/9/9 scare, the Y2K fear mongering, and I suspect I will wake up on the morning of December 22nd--make coffee, and read CDAN while waiting to do laundry.

  58. Feliz aniversário, @Bobbi!!
    Want me to sing it in Portuguese?? Lol

    @Roman, I loved it!! I think I'll join you on drunkness, lol

    Oh, no, no, no, hail no!!!! It took me 12 hour a day study, 6 days a week for freaking FOUR years to get into the stupid university and the world is gonna end a year and a half before I graduate???? HAIL TO THE NO!!!! By golly I WILL graduate !!! Lol
    Besides, it can't end right before my favorite time of the year. If it has to end, it has to be during the boring July winter...

  59. YES!

    I spend my day listening to youtube videos by gov't insiders, whistleblowers, channelers, prognesticators, all saying something's going to happen. I am convinced something bad's going to happen. But it's not "the end of the world." Not necessarily on the 21st, but within 6 to 9 months.

  60. I guess we'll see, won't we.

  61. None of these predictions ever come to pass. And if they did there isnt anything you can do anyway. Ya just gotta rise with tide and go with the flow.

  62. No, no, and happy birthday, bobbi.

  63. Was not aware we had another expiration date on calendar. No, don’t believe these things. It makes no sense.

  64. FSP gave more or less the same answer I was gonna write: "No. Nee. Nein. Niet."

    We're really supposed to believe a culture whose main solution to their problems was "kill some dude in a horrific way" is gonna have enough knowledge of how things work to accurately predict the end of the world?

    "Hey, Frank, I hope our crops are good this year."

    "Me, too... I bet if we murder Bob or Fred, they'll be off the charts!"

    Seems legit.

  65. Also, I hold the religious zealots who believe the world is much more evil now than ever, so sure Jesus has his airfare to Earth booked for next Thursday, in the same esteem as the Mayans.

    I'm not knocking Christianity or other religions. (Besides the Mayans, that is.) I just believe if Jesus didn't come back during the Black Plague, the Roman Empire, or the Holocaust and Soviet purges, he's not gonna deem gay pride rallies, women who wear pants, or Californians legally celebrating 4:20 as the height of evil on Earth.

  66. Hell no! And if it does, I don't care as long as it's quick and my family and I don't suffer!

  67. Them prophecies cannot be 100% accurately translated. From a lot of reading/research on it, it looks more to me like a prediction for a catastrophic event. Say, oh, I dunno, some (all) of the earth's plates shifting and altering its axis slightly. This is a weather event that happens on this planet every once in awhile (every 400-600 years, give or take) and leads to some of our craziest stories. Noah's Ark, as an example. Planetwide flooding is a definite possibility with coastal lines decreasing and the planet warming. So, too, are plagues of locusts or frogs with that kind of weather shift. Just sayin'. Less the apocalypse, and more a general APB on the across time weather channel.

  68. It's my 5th wedding anniversary so at least I'll be with the one I love.

    I don't really think it'll happen but if it does I have no power over it. Though I will start reading the Stand again to pick up some survival tips.
