X Factor Hires Mario Lopez And Khloe Kardashian
Well, at least X Factor didn't completely lose its mind and just hire Khloe Kardashian to do all the hosting for X Factor. That would have been like a bomb going off every week and you would have been able to hear televisions across the world being turned off or the channels switched. The problem is, the show still hired her. They also hired Mario Lopez. The wife cheating host is a good host. He knows how to for sure and is trying his hardest to surpass Ryan Seacrest in the number of hours spent on radio or television each day. I think at first you will see the producers giving Khloe lots of things to say and that by the end of the season will reduce her to the role of sideline reporter on an NFL broadcast. They said her name at the beginning of the show, but with the exception of 30 seconds around halftime have not seen her since.