Monday, October 15, 2012

Want To Stick Your Head Out Of A Train Window?

This will probably make you rethink that whole thing. Watch as this teen discovers that other trains come very very fast the opposite way. One second later and it would have been very bad.


  1. Lovely. This pretty much ruined my day. My college boyfriend had pretty much this exact same thing happen to him when he was studying abroad, but he wasn't as lucky as this girl. Today would have been his birthday. Fan-freaking-tastic.

    1. Sorry to hear. RIP

    2. So sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking! What an awful coincidence for you to see this today.

  2. @Cathy
    omg I am so sorry! That's awful.
    What a terrible coincidence.

  3. @goes in circles - thanks. on his birthday, i try my hardest not to think about him, so to have this posted today was just kind of stunning. and i can't even bring myself to watch this video. it happened over five years ago, but when things like this come up (and the inevitable comments about the person being an idiot), it just really shakes me up.

  4. I'm sorry Cathy! That is really not a thing you want to watch or read about ever again I am sure.

    I just rode a train a few weeks ago. The windows didn't open and they probably shouldn't be able to be opened.

  5. @Cathy
    Stunning must be a bit of an understatement.
    I hope this won't ruin your day, but instead helps you reflect on the happy times you had with him.

  6. I think this is in another country because my daughter and I ride Amtrak a lot. The windows do not open!

  7. So close to winning a Darwin award. Although I feel she will be in the running again in the future.

  8. Oh wow Cathy, I'm so sorry. What a terrible coincidence that Enty posted this today. :-( (Not faulting Enty ... just reflecting on how videos we see on the net, esp. "fail" ones, can have another tragic side of the story.)

  9. HAHAHAHHAAA! i almost got beheaded!!! oh that was so scary! HAHAHAHAHAA1

    people get more stupid by the day.

  10. Cathy, so sorry for your loss and your pain. This coincidence may be his way of trying to communicate with you. Just tell him you love him. Death is not the end and he wouldn't want you to needlessly suffer. He is in heaven, no pain. I'm sure he would want you to remember the good times you shared together, instead of you forcing yourself to lock that door. Remember to smell the roses.

  11. @cathy - I am so sorry for your loss. I had a boyfriend die 19 years ago and I can let you know that the grief gets easier. This video sure doesn't help.

  12. Poor life decision right there... this is in Europe BTW.

    teehee, I almost died!! Moron. I would be bawling my eyes out and thanking the universe that I'm still here.

  13. i think in light of what Cathy shared with us-Enty, please take this one down. it's not cool, or newsworthy.

  14. Oh come on, you shouldn't have to take down a post because of one person. By that criteria, this blog would be empty because I bet one of us has been a victim of a cheating spouse, or a guy we dated was really gay but in the closet, or fell off a trampoline and was injured badly.

    Cathy, I am sorry that this post reminded you of what you went through. I hope this post also reminds people not to stick their heads out of a moving train window. I also hope that Cathy has stopped reading this thread, since it caused her grief.

    1. Thanks, Seachica, I was about to say the same thing. I'm very sorry for what Cathy went thru, and I hope that once she expressed her feelings about this post she moved on and isn't following it. That said, it's ridiculous to suggest the post should be taken down.

  15. @tamarind, so maybe we should just shut down the whole internet in case something might make someone feel bad, regardless of whether we know if they are telling the truth or not.

  16. @Cathy I'm sending a big hug your way. I don't believe in coincidences, maybe this is a sign that you shouldn't try to suppress his memory on his birthday but to keep him in your thoughts and reminisce.

  17. I can't even watch it, reading the descript is enough.

  18. @Cathy - I am so sorry! :( @ChasingHeaven - I was going to post something similar. Coincidence is one thing, but when it's a bit too close to home, I'd like to think it is synchronicity and there's a message or something we need to see or deal with. Still, that's a rough thing to have to think about.

  19. I learned this years ago thanks to The Young Ones.

  20. I would have been crying, not laughing.

  21. @Cathy, I'm sorry for your loss, and this unexpected reminder. I too would count it as a message to remember your friend and the good times you had and that he is still with you in spirit.

  22. The Young Ones! :) Let's lighten things up a bit with them:

  23. My husband was a freight train driver and now does track maintainence. He worked with one train driver who quit after the third person stepped out in front of his train. They don't advertise when it happens, as they don't want copycats. Every time I see something like this my heart goes out to not only victims and families, but the employees who are also collateral damage. My husband and his crew came across a young girl on the track just last week. Luckily the train was delayed, they called the police and a friend came and got her. If one person sees this and doesn't do it because of seeing it, then it was worth posting.

  24. Well said @feraltart!

    I don't believe in mere coincidence. Any time it seems like coincidence then it's a message. Time to pay attention.
