Thursday, October 25, 2012

Want To Be Justin Timberlake's Friend? Mock Homeless People - Justin Loves That

Gawker unearthed a video that was shown at the Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel wedding. In case you didn't know, the long time couple finally cemented their relationship. And when I say cemented, I mean a very very loose slurry. You know, the kind you could extract yourself from in a hurry if your career does not take off you think it will after such a wedding. You know, if you stay in these minor roles or have movies go straight to DVD and get paid more for wedding photos than your job.I seem to have lost my train of thought. Oh yeah. So, some of Justin's classier friends, shot a video of a bunch of homeless people wishing the happy couple well on their union before jetting off to Italy and forgetting about them all. I wonder if they gave them any money or just laughed while they admired the tininess of their own peens while flying on a private jet to Italy.


  1. God I hate them so much!!!

  2. That is despicable.

  3. Our local radio station was talking about this today, and I don't want to watch it. Makes me feel sick, and sad.

  4. Justin, make music again. You were really good at that.

  5. This is low.

    It doesn't help that i can't stand either the bride or groom. Both are as dull as dishwater, as interesting as watching paint dry etc, etc......

  6. And this video is awful. Forgot to add that. I won't watch it.

  7. Some celebrities have their heads so far up their asses they lose all sense of decency and dignity.

  8. I wondered when Enty would comment on this. Douchebag will not be able to get out of this one like he did Nipplegate. The backlash has been fierce.

  9. Shock that Timberlake is a self-obsessed narcissist = something that should have come before 2012

  10. What trash, so tacky! I really never liked Justin. I never forgot how ALL the blame for the super bowl incident got blamed on Janet, when it was Justin who removed her bra and flashed everyone. I don't even want to watch the video.

  11. Henriette, I disagree he will get out of it the same way he did the super bowl, blame everything on his friend, act all outraged and then walk away clean.

    Good thing people paid them for the photos, I have a feeling a rather large donation is going to be made to a homeless shelter...

  12. @Kendra
    I don't think so. He's already tried to blame his friend, but that hasn't worked. Even if it was the friend's idea, why would the friend think Douchebag and his new husband would find something like this amusing? He's friend would know his personal humor. A lot of sites, besides Gawker, have pointed that out.

  13. This was so unnecessary!! Ok we get it your on top of the world, but do you have to rub it in everyone's face? Fucking losers!1

  14. I also refuse to watch this.

    Ps that guy looks like flava flav

  15. Who wants friends like this?

  16. I'm not sure why people are blaming Justin and Jessica for this, since it was their friends who made it. I hope that I'm not held responsible for every decision that any of my friends makes...

    That being said, the people who did make this video are morons and I hope that people treat THEM like the scum that they are.

    1. There's a saying in Spanish, tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. They knew JT and Biel would find this trash amusing.

    2. ^ This ( sorry *karen* :-D )

  17. @Cathy - I think Justin/Jessica are getting flack because the friends that made the video are apparently good friends (the female is apparently his assistant and cousin). As others above have commented, your good friends are well-informed about your sense of humor (most of the time) - that's why you're friends.

  18. Maybe it wasn't Justin and Jessica's idea, but did they allow it to be watched at their wedding?
    Did they shut it off when they saw what it was?
    Did they laugh along with all their guests?

    Did you see their guest who mooned the paps?
    Those two have some classy friends.

  19. Ugh. I can be a total degenerate sometimes, but I cannot make myself watch this.

  20. At what point did Jessica say "let them eat cake"

  21. @ Cathy, I posted the same thing on another site. I can't control what my friends do, but I can react to them. I think the video was shown at the wedding.

    What I really want to know is what their reaction was - I assume they got a kick out of it because I hear JT is an ass.

  22. I also can't watch it. Pretty heartless of the friend and doesn't say much about them either. None of my friends would ever think this would be something that I would find amusing so, yes, it makes you wonder what kind of people Justin and Jessica are if the friend thought this would be enjoyed.

  23. Absolute garbage.

  24. Unkind human behaviour.

  25. Not only is this mean spirited and low, it's not even entertaining or funny. Why show it anywhere, let alone as entertainment at a wedding.

  26. I already hated Jessica and refused to watch anything she was in because she is boring and has no talent. I will now never pay attention to anything Justin Timberlake does, either.

    As for not blaming them for their friends actions, water seeks its own level.

  27. Huch and Rachel really need to be cut. I mean, an arterial cut. Killed. There doesn't need to be a trial; they're evil, end of story. The mere fact that shit like Huch and Rachel can exist in civilization... smdh.

  28. Some people are saying we shouldn't blame Justin and Jessica for this loathsome video. However, this was made by their closest friends and family, who know them best and I think it's safe to say are well aware of what these two would find funny. My friends and family would never do this because they know I'd be offended and disgusted, and because they aren't asshats who get off on exploiting homeless people for their amusement. I won't even watch this garbage. Fuck both of these vanilla douches.

  29. Well they just secured their place at the guillotine.

  30. I blame Jimmy Kimmell. He goes out every day & makes well meaning people look like idiots by feeding them some BS & asking them to comment. You don't have to be homeless to be publicly humiliated by smug celebrities.

  31. I thought JT was a nice guy. My mistake. But the people who actually made this video should be outed so I know who else to boycott. I can't bring myself to watch this.

  32. I refuse to believe that this video would be shown at their wedding or reception without prior approval from one or both of them. So I think we can blame J & J for this as much as the friends who made the video.

    Despicable behavior. Dislike both of them right now.

  33. Cruel, evil and unkind. I never liked Jessica and now, I don't like Justin.

  34. I won't watch this either. Gross. Once I saw a toolish guy try to get a homeless man to put a cone on his head for a few bucks outside of Lollapalooza. The homeless man refused. I wanted to buy that homeless guy a house, I was so proud of him. And fuck that guy for asking him to do something embarrassing for his own delight/facebook page/jerking off.

  35. this is absolutely fucked up. How insecure does a person have to be to take some of the people already horribly marginalized by society (considered untouchable by many)and make fun of them?

  36. I'm sorry, I would expect a 6.5 million dollar wedding to by somewhat classy affair. It reminds me of the damn Bridezilla shows where the brides are trying to have a "classy" wedding but because they are nothing but selfish bitches they have no idea what class is.
    Point is, just because you have money and can spend a ton on a wedding doesn't make you a better person.

  37. Jesus *be a somewhat* my fingers suck today.

  38. Yikes...bad sign of the times.

  39. @MAC bravo! Everything u said was on the mark.

  40. And these people are idolized why?

    There is not enough compassion in the world, and riches are wasted on the least worthy.


  41. I don't like Justin or Jessica either, but when people give toasts at weddings, it's not like the bride and groom read over them first. From what I read, this video was a surprise (as part of a toast), so I really don't think they had seen if first. And for those of you asking why it wasn't shut off, the whole video is only 20 seconds (the one Enty has here is looped three times), so it's not like someone could have gotten to the projector or whatever in time to stop it anyways.

    I think it was cruel and tacky of THE PEOPLE WHO MADE IT. But if this was a couple that people liked more, I don't think so many people here would be blaming them for something their friends did.

  42. I am disgusted!

    Obviously they enjoy this type of humor(if you can call it that).

  43. I already wondered about their friends' classiness when that picture of that woman mooning the paparazzi near the wedding compound appeared.

  44. Jesus, I just went to Gawker to read the whole story and the original video was over EIGHT MINUTES LONG.

    Can you imagine sitting through eight minutes of that? How can anyone with a conscience think this is funny? I hope it was played at the reception, went over like a lead balloon and the only sound was the sound of crickets.

    Some of the attending guests were Jimmy Fallon and Andy Samberg. I hope one of those guys leaked it.

  45. I was about to say the same thing Mango. 8 MINUTES! Even if the video was a toast surprise, at some point someone should've had enough sense to stop it, no?

  46. What a bunch of idiots JT have for friends. I guess that makes JT an idiot as well.

  47. Did they play Where is the Love by BEP as a background music?

  48. The person who made this is named Justin Huchel a real estate agent. DListed has a link to his website along with other links to Gawker. I can't recall where I read it (maybe a comments section) that if the guy, according to his site, describes himself as straightforward, honest, forthcoming...with a commitment to integrity, you know something in the milk ain't clean.

  49. All About Eve nailed it.

  50. @All About Eve Well said.

  51. I don't like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie very much, but I don't think any of their friends would think that it would be a good idea to make this video for them, especially at their wedding. Obviously, Justin and Jessica's friends thought they would find this amusing. The boycott has begun. And i used to like JT. Oh well.

  52. TMZ has video of them explaining to this guy in the video what really happened...he said he was paid $40 to be on camera and say some nice stuff. He was SO HURT when they told him it was all a joke. It was fucking heartbreaking.

    Fuck these entitled assholes. Have at it on twitter @jtimberlake- i did!

    1. Wow @jax. I watched the original but no way could I watch them learning the truth. Now I want to send them all money. You're judged by the company you keep and this is my limit where I actually do boycott their works. Not like Jessica actually does anything... Fuck I'm getting tears imagining the homeless people's faces as they were told. ShouldTMZ have told them? I'm undecided.

  53. hey gladys, how's the new job?

  54. Sometimes I think I'd like to be rich, but then I wonder if I'd miss my soul...

  55. I know it's not nice to hope bad things happen to people but I really hope Justin and Jessica are on a plane and it goes down in a fiery ball of wreckage.

  56. This is despicable. I'm afraid the guillotine slowly advances because of things like this. When you think you're better than most humans, you are, indeed, different from 'them', but you're not human anymore.
