Monday, October 01, 2012

Usher Is Kicking Tameka Out Of The House They Shared

The past few months have been pretty bad for Tameka Foster and they do not look to be getting much better. Usher has sent her a letter demanding that she move from the house they once shared and find someplace else to live. Tameka has been living in the $3M home since the couple announced they were divorcing. She probably thought she was going to get to stay in it forever, but nope. The house is being sold even though Usher does not need the money. He is just doing it to make Tameka even more miserable.


  1. Well shes a bitch, but he picked her! If she forsnt hv custody, then out she goes. It wasnt like they were married 40 yrs.

  2. That is the mother of his kids. He should have some respect. Maybe she is horrible but then he should have kept his junk in his pants. There is no need to be a spiteful douche in front of your kids.

  3. It's his house, he can do what he wants with it.

  4. Oh no! Gasp! Is she going to have to et a real job now and worry about paying bills?!? The horrors!!

  5. @Alma--- Spare me that BS...if the shoe was on the other foot and she had the chance to do that to him, you would applaud it.

    1. He has more than enough money not to be a little bitch about this. If my ex had lost a kid- no matter what a pos i think he is I would not take a running headstart to kick him in the balls. And I'm not even a fucking milionare!

  6. She has made herself look like a complete gold digger. That being said, he has made himself look like a complete dick.

  7. In the divorce agreement Usher was given permission to do with the house as he pleases, but he has to give her a 60 day notice before he even puts it on the market. Plenty of time for her to perk up those jacked up tits and find herself a new cash cow.

    And no, I am not an Usher supporter at all.

  8. They both suck. End of story.

  9. I think some of you are forgetting that while she may be a less than admirable human being at times, she recently lost her eldest child. What kind of spineless, spiteful, useless, and fucking UGLY human being would continue to kick her while she is down in this manner, especially considering she is the one who gave his children life. The man is a pig bastard and I hope he gets leprosy of the dick.

  10. what @WBotW said...

  11. They both look like spiteful assholes. But, after a bad breakup who isn't?

  12. Child she didnt even hv custofy of. Why? I feel for but her behaviour wldnt be any different.

  13. I'm not an Usher supporter either, but maybe she shouldn't have pissed him off by going on ET last week and airing their dirty laundry, talking about how he is an absentee father, he refused to take a drug test, etc.

  14. Rather ballsy to presume he's doing it just "to make Tameka even more miserable."

    They have divorced. His ex-wife is still living in one of his assets. You say he doesn't need to sell it for the money. However, he also doesn't need the mess of his former wife occupying his property. As a lawyer, you should know that it is extremely difficult for a property owner to remove a tenant from his or her property. If Raymond has refused to leave, either directly or passively, she's left Usher with little recourse.

    Also, as a lawyer - regardless of whether you really are in entertainment law, or wills & probate - you should know how messy divorces are. People rarely split leaving rainbows and newly-born kittens in their wake, with no hard feelings whatsoever.

    Usher has a right to protect his assets, and that's exactly what he's doing - regardless of how justified you think it is.

    1. I agree. I am not a big Usher fan but it is his house, he bought it with his money, and they are now divorced. Simple as that.

    2. Agreed. I do not care for Usher, and it is unbelievably tragic that Tameka recently lost her child, but Usher is doing nothing wrong by enforcing his legal right as property owner to protect his assets. He is under no legal obligation to allow Tameka residence in his property. This is a non-issue.

  15. Keep going, Usher and Tameka will write that book; once she does, don't go crying about it. Turd.

  16. If I were living at the mercy of my ex, I will not be bad mouthing him in the press so as to be in his good graces. She has been nothing but a bitch to him since the split, so I don't blame him.

  17. Didn't Usher offer her a olive branch after her son died to settle things calmly between the two of them and she refused.

    How many single mothers live in a mansion for free for over three years. Plus she doesn't have primary custody of the kids anymore.

    Sorry, but I side with Usher on this one. As said above, its his house and he gave her 60 days notice to get out. She has more than enough time to find a place for herself. He is hardly going to be homeless.

  18. So that's what The House of Usher looks like. Didn't Vincent Price used to live in The House of Usher?

  19. They are both ass wipes. He should sell the house, set aside the money and hire some wonderful, nurturing nannies to care for his kids and give them the kind of life he and his equally selfish wife never could.

  20. IF it is his to keep or sell,

    THEN she shouldn't bite the hand that feeds her,

    ELSE he kick her out of it with nary a how-do-you-do.

    Simple logic, really.

  21. good that he waited until after the oprah interview to do this

  22. This is why you don't hear boo out of Jesse James first wife. She always kept her mouth shut and the checks kept rolling in. I can imagine the stories she could tell about him, Sandy and every whore he banged on his office couch.

  23. No single person should live in a house that large. Can you imagine how much housework is involved in cleaning that beast?

  24. They're both assholes so don't really care about this

  25. What an ugly house. Why, with that kind of money, would someone buy such a monstrosity?

  26. Tameka needs to just shut it before she ends up "overdosed in the tub"

  27. All I can think is "Who the heck needs all that house?"

  28. Usher's house, he gets to decide. I think she's been a gold digger from the start. His mother knew right away. He should have listened to her.

  29. Team Usher. He will be lucky if the damage isn't in to six figures. It's a bad idea to be nice in these situations. Oh the stories I could tell.......

  30. Team Usher. And God forbid something bad happens on the property while she's squatting there - he could be found liable. Hasn't he given her more than enough already?

  31. A year ago she had a bounce house type business and overcharged for it, based on who "she" was. she lives off the fact that she was married to usher, tried to make it sound like he didn't go to his former step-son's funeral...btw, he drives a mini-van...not the normal ford or toyota, but it isn't a mercedes either...i have met them both, not knowing who either was when i saw them. based on first impressions, he was a decent guy. i realized who he was when some stranger ran up to him off the street, and he never lost his cool or made a big deal about being spotted as he got out of his car. the ex on the other hand was throwing around - do you know who i AM comments and i didn't know nor did i care and i was glad that i was just an observer and didn't have to deal w/her one on one.

  32. I don't care if she's a bitch, I wouldn't wish the year Tameks had on my worst enemy. My mom used to say you don't need to kick a dog when it's down.

  33. I don't care if she's a bitch, I wouldn't wish the year Tameks had on my worst enemy. My mom used to say you don't need to kick a dog when it's down.

  34. While I feel for her a bit after the year she's had, look at that house! Come on. Can't she be happy with a regular house? Most people don't ever own a single family house that's a quarter of the size of that monstrosity.

  35. If she had custody of the kids and then Usher kicked her and them out the house, I would think he was a horrible person.

    But it's just her in that huge house. She doesn't even have custody of her first set of kids.

    And if she hates him so much to denigrate him in public, why doesn't she go back to her previous name? She is clinging on to the name "Raymond" as though it were a life raft and she's on the Titanic! When my parents divorced, my mother kept the name primarily because she wanted the two of us to have the same name to avoid confusion (I was a teenager by then). She can't even use that argument because her first kids have the same name as her first husband.

  36. At one point, he thought she was good enough to be the mother of his children. In fact, he believed in her so much that he ignored his entire family's advice and married her anyway. Team Nobody.

  37. Why does everyone think Usher has to take care of her for the rest of her life??? they were married 1.5 yrs.

    Tameka does not need to live in that huge house, Usher has the kids.

    She should WANT to move on w/her life and get something SHE can afford.

    Usher said that the upkeep on that house alone per yr is over a 100,000--she could not afford it and he'd have to pay for the rest of his life.

    for what so she can have 6 bedrooms??

    she nds a 3 bedroom condo or townhouse, that's it. (for when the kids visit)
