Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Two Former Champs Head Home On Dancing With The Stars

Drew Lachey does not have the name recognition he did when he was the season 2 champion of Dancing With The Stars and it has showed as he was the first celebrity kicked off last night in a double elimination. I kind of wish they had double elimination rounds every week. Sometimes the season feels like it drags on forever. Get rid of two at a time and cut the season in half. You knew that even after Bristol Palin finished in the bottom on Monday night she was not going home. Way too much name recognition. I was kind of surprised Kirstie Alley didn't go home, but then again, I don't have a bunch of billion year volunteers to work a phone bank for me. It turned out that 5th season winner, Helio Castroneves was the other celebrity sent packing. I was kind of shocked about that one, but the 5th season was a long time ago, and these are the cream of the F listers so it is important everyone knows your name. I think he was really good in Season 5, but this time, good is not enough, you need to also have the biggest name that a bunch of people at the nursing home who have access to a phone know.


  1. Oh Enty, please with the DWTS!!! Post some iteresting shit so my day is not so dull - this is just dull on all kinds of levels!!!!

  2. I will admit that I watched this last night for the first time in years... Because my 98 year old grandmother wanted to watch it!

  3. Drew was pissed he got sent home.

    I like Helio but I think he had some mistakes and also he probably doesn't have the same fanbase as some of the others.

    My bet right now is on Emmitt.

    Can't wait for Paula Abdul to see how she does as a judge. I think we need some new blood on the panel.

  4. bristol is still on the show? fix!!!!

  5. That was so disgusting! Grrr

  6. Drew was super upset to be leaving the show. Bristol was a bad dancer before and is a bad dancer now, poor Mark.

    I don't like this all star season - I want to see bad dancers, not good ones.

  7. I'm pretty pissed off about last night. I was excited about this season, but I'm completely over it. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep watching. I want to see good dancing. Amazing dancing! Not a boring, petulant nobody like Bristol. And Kirstie can be a load of fun, but she should have gone home before either Drew or Helio.

    Helio was such a class act last night. Too bad I don't follow racing because I'll miss having him around.

  8. i tuned in monday because i read online that shawn johnson's dance was really great. i caught bristol's hissy-fit. that woman is really immature. i was shocked at her comments. good luck to her son.

  9. I want to hear more about Bristol and Kyle Massey both being there at the same time last night.
