Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Tom Cruise Didn't Do Anything For Nicole Kidman - Sexually

Apparently Nicole Kidman did not find Tom Cruise to be all that sexual and didn't have a chance to explore her sexuality until they got divorced and she moved on to Keith Urban. In that interview Nicole gave to Harper's Bazaar she sure has not lost the whole Tom Cruise trick of throwing stuff out there that is almost a complete thought, but not quite. She talks about Connor and Isabella and makes you think they have a normal relationship, but does not come out and say they do or that she speaks to them. She says about Keith Urban, “He just gave me confidence through just being very kind to me and understanding me, opening me up to trying things, my sexuality, those sorts of things," which makes it sound like she didn't do anything with Tom or that Tom was a turn off the lights kind of guy and I don't ever want to see you naked kind of thing except in a movie when I will pretend we have great chemistry but looks really awkward to the rest of the world when they watch it kind of thing. But, she never actually says it. Nicole just implies that Tom was frigid and that Nicole was frigid and that Keith at least brought her down to the refrigerator, and maybe someday she will get to room temperature.


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