Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Today's Blind Items - She Had Him Convinced

This A list model and D list actress at least in regards to ability has been dating this A list actor for quite some time. He had her convinced that all the rumors about him and his sexuality were untrue. At first when they started dating they would have passionate sex every night. She was used to three or four times a day or at least guys wanting it that often with her, but she still put it down to his age and his work schedule. Then, after a few months it reduced to a few times a week and then to about once a month and then, as she discovered it was just with the help of several Viagra pills. No man had ever needed Viagra with her before. When she confronted him about it he would say it was because he was tired or sore from working out or jet lagged. He would then take her shopping or on a trip and she would let it slide. When she started talking about marriage and kids though, this action star admitted that he prefers men over women.


  1. Jason Statham & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

    1. Good guess! But no way is Jason A

  2. Rosie Huntington Whatever

  3. What @Suzy said.

  4. @Suzy very good! ITA. And shouldn't this blind be called "He Had Her Convinced"?

  5. Wow first thing I thought of was George Clooney and Stacey Kiebler, but I am always terrible at these!

  6. @Danielle, I was about the post the same. The title is all wrong.

  7. Hmmm...one of my friends knows Jason. I feel like I need to ask her about this...

    Is he really A list, though?

  8. This isn't Stacey and Clooney?

  9. I thought Stacey and Clooney but...he's not a huge action star is he?

  10. Love Statham but have heard rumors for a long time...Rosie you're not that hot...

  11. Is Stacey a model? I thought she was a wrestler/actress.

  12. Yep I'm on the Jason and Rosie bandwagon. Aww what a shame. They do look a bit disconnected in pap photos though.

  13. Um, yeah, the headline should be the other way around. As for the answer, Jason and Rosie or George and Stacey both work, Rosie seems more the type that would be used to "guys wanting it at least that often with her" and shocked that someone would need Viagra.

  14. yeah defo jason and rosie.

    damn, why are the sex mad models always stuck with gay gays? wish my GF had her sex drive! haha.

  15. Statham is A list in what world? Could this be Leo and Bar or his latest model du jour?

  16. I would say Jason is A-list in the action genre... Not overall mind you... But I still think its them.

  17. Leo isn't known for being an action star and he'd be A+ list, at least.

  18. What stands out to me is the part about his performance may be lacking "due to his age". I would think Jason or Leo aren't old enough to be having erection issues and needing viagra. Know what I mean? I need to think some more on this....

  19. I've never even heard of Jason Statham.

  20. @BubbleKitten - I took it to mean that he needs Viagra to get it up since she's not a dude, & he isn't very into it.

  21. As sad as I am to hear confirmation that Statham is gay (no surprise, but I can have my fantasies!) I definitely believe he is A List overall.

    He has opened several of his own movies and they rake it in, money-wise, plus at least one franchise in there (Transporter).

    What I find hard to believe is that he felt the need to string her along--why not just have an outright "beard contract" and have no need for subterfuge?

  22. Please don't let this be Jason. I've already lost Vin.

  23. I'm not sure Leo is known for 'working out' either (one of the reasons he's too tired). Definitely someone who's more of an action star. Statham certainly fits, which would be a real shame because he's HOT. Wonder if it's going to come out that they split and why (she wants a family, he's just not ready yet). Not sure what other 'action star' is dating an A list model/D list actress. That being said, I don't even know who this Rosie person is.

  24. Statham’s films earn more money per $ spent.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Jason is definitely A-list, in the way Arnold & Stallone were A-list in their heydays. He stars in action film after action film and has a franchise (Transporter). He just doesn't branch out at all, so if you don't go to movies with high school boys, he may be off your radar.

  27. I had heard rumors about Jason years ago and was surprised to see him dating any chick but figured maybe what I'd heard was wrong. I still am not sure. So many people are accused of being gay I Hollywood that I just wait till enough proof comes out (Travolta) and then make up my mind.

    Is Jason A list? Would the average person know who he is? I doubt it. Still love his Guy Richie movies tho...

  28. I had heard rumors about Jason years ago and was surprised to see him dating any chick but figured maybe what I'd heard was wrong. I still am not sure. So many people are accused of being gay I Hollywood that I just wait till enough proof comes out (Travolta) and then make up my mind.

    Is Jason A list? Would the average person know who he is? I doubt it. Still love his Guy Richie movies tho...

  29. Jason Statham movies do not even summarize the movie on the box, they literally just put JASON STATHAM in huge letters and you just know what kind of movie is. That being sad, I'd say he's A-list for sure at least in the action world.

  30. So I just Googled Jason Statham and thought "oh right, that guy." And oh yeah, he sends my gaydar into overdrive. And my gaydar is nigh on infallible! ;-P

  31. If it was Jason Statham, wouldn't the blind have said "Foreign born A list actor"?
    That aside, I don't consider him A list. I just don't think he has the same ranking as Brad Pitt or Leo.

  32. @Roxx, I didn't know he was foreign born. Wonder if Enty left it out because it would have been too obvious? That being said, what A list action star is dating an A list model, D list actress?

  33. Yep, Jason is A list - can open a movie just with his name on the screen. And the rumors have been around for a while. It's him and Rose.

  34. Does he only like Men Men or He likes both? gotta make sure.

  35. I have to be honest too. I don't know who Jason Stathom is either. Would he be considered A list? I just asked 2 of my co-workers and they've never heard of him either. Can he carry a movie by himself as a lead. That's an A list. I just saw his name for the first time today, that he was filming a movie with Wynonna Ryder.

  36. @crila, he's heavy action, lots of shooting, slicing, stabbing, strangling, legs flying, blood everywhere. Usually dark and in foreign places. If you've seen one of his movies, you've seen them all. Much like the Rambo movies, but his are all different characters. I only know who he is because my husband likes these movies. I like to watch because he's hot. :) Not much sex stuff in his movies, though he always seems to have a girlfriend/wife in the movies.

  37. He carried The Transporter 1,2 & 3 by himself. He carried Crank 1 & 2 by himself. He was in the Expendables 1 & 2 with Stallone. He was in The Italian Job with Mark Walhberg, he was in Snatch with Brad Pitt. He was also in Cellular and London with Chris Evans so yeah he's A List.

  38. Thanks, @nevermindthat, I need to add all those I didn't know about to our queue! Mark Walhberg?! I didn't know they did that movie together! YUM!

  39. Off topic but once again, I'm going to have to close CDAN because the advertising is creating a script that slows down everything on my computer. I'm sure the revenue must be worth it but I probably close CDAN two or three times a week because of this. I'm on a Mac with Firefox. And in order to really stop the slowdown, I typically have to close Firefox an d reboot. That's how bad the background advertising can get on this page. The only place where it's problem free is on my iPhone.

  40. B - Ask your friend!

  41. Someone said that the answer to the big blind item can always be found on the Daily Mail website and sure enough, there is Rosey Hunington-Whiteley in today's pics. The article calls her boyfriend an action star.

  42. So Jason Statham is the new Jean Claude Van Damm?

  43. am i the only one that has never had a problem with pop up ads? everyone seems to be moaning about them at some point but i've never had a problem with them?

    1. I have no problems with page loading/speed, will ocassionally get a harmless pop up on my desktop and no issues on my phone at all. Perhaps those having real issues have certain types of malware/spyware on their computers...?

  44. Elizabeth, get an AdBlocker or similar type of add on for your Firefox, it really helps. :)

  45. I was going to go with Ryan Seacrest Juilana Hough.. but ryan is not action star... soo i dunno

  46. Jason is big over here in the uk. Big muscular english dude :) He was also with Kelly Brook for about 7 years I think....

  47. No thxs. Megan fox over rosie any day.

  48. On what plant is Clooney and A list action star and Stacey Keibler an A list model?

  49. Jason is totally an A - and not just on my list, LOL. Studios know that even the ones that don't make big box office will do good on dvd. He's a brand unto himself. In addition to nevermind's list, he also did Killer Elite with Rober De Niro & Clive Owen, but nearly always carries movies on his own. I think the only one with a sex scene was The Bank Job, which is light on the action. The Crank movies are great mindless fun.

  50. Jason Statham gets top billing in his movies, generally, and isn't that the definition of an A-lister? Also, I lived in the UK recently, and he is a very big deal there, definitely A-list. I would say he and Rosie for this. Stacey Keebler isn't a model, and George Clooney isn't an "action star."

  51. Both Crank movies have a sex scene with Amy Smart.

  52. Is Jeremy Renner dating a model?

  53. I LOVE Jason Statham! He is on my top 10 dream guys list. I don't care if he's gay/bi/transgendered or what. He is the sh*t.

  54. Good question G

  55. I doubt Jason Statham is gay. He was at my job with his lady Rosie & I didn't get that vibe. He was pissed because he couldn't eat sweets, but I didn't get gay from him.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Do you work at Barneys Greengrass?

  56. Jason and Rosie, she looks bored w/his mean grimaced face now

    I would say Clooney and that chick BUT I do not think he is penetrating her or any woman for that matter.

  57. Clooney is A+ list, mos def more into men than women, Stacey is Dlist-strictly a contract piece. Blind not about them. He's not even trying anymore, another topic for later, as always ; M

  58. 1) Why is the blind titled "She had him convinced"?
    2) I refuse to believe Jason Statham is gay
    3) it all sounds TOO obviously Jason Statham

    Therefore, I call BS on this BI!

  59. Jason Statham is A list in my book. I drew a complete blank on this one so as usual am jumping on the bandwagon with Jason and Rosie being the couple.

  60. You all are disappointing me. Statham is one of the few actors that I will go see absolutely anything he's in. And his movies are always jam-packed on opening weekends. Yes, he does the same thing over and over again, but he does it better than anyone else.

  61. And I bet 95% of males under the age of 40 would know who he is.

  62. I thought that Jason Statham was in his late 30's, but he is 45 and Rosie is 25. So, I'm sure she could think a guy who is 20 years older than her might have problems in the bedroom because of his age.

  63. mngdds, I was thinking the same thing. On what planet would an A list model need to go on Dancing With the Stars? An A list model would still be Kate Moss or Naomi Campbell. Stacey Kiebler isn't anyone in the fashion world, A list or otherwise.

  64. "She was used to three or four times a day"

    She used to sleep with a 15 y.o. boy?

  65. Why do people always say, "it's a shame he's gay, he's so hot!' Give me a break. It's not like you're gonna date him anyway.

  66. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Jason Statham is Definitely A list. He makes more than any action hero ever in the entire world ! Definitely A list.
    However, I never heard any gay rumors about him. The blind definitely fits, though.

  67. No not my Jason :( I refuse to believe this is Jason :) oh hell yes he's A+ he's brilliant.
