Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Power

She is probably one of the biggest power players in Hollywood. She has producers afraid of her and she is not shy about making sure she gets what she wants. She is also a B+ list actress with A list name recognition who is married to an A+ actor. Our actress also hides a very big secret from the public. She is a lesbian. Yes, she has had sex with men, but she says it is strictly for procreating purposes. In the past she had a very close relationship with one of the most famous male celebrities of all times. The thing is she says they were lovers, but they were just friends. Our actress was way more interested in one of the celebrity's co-stars who was A list herself at the time. Our actress and the co-star had a two year relationship and saw each other constantly. Today they can't stand each other, but at the time, the pair were as close as could be. The hate comes from when the co-star told our actress that she was going to get married to a man. Our actress had been told by the co-star that she was finished with men and only wanted women. It has been a long long time and the pair have never spoken since that night.

Our actress threatens producers to get parts she wants for herself and for people she is close to. She threatens to withdraw her husband from movies and also speaks for several other A list male actors. Our actress would not normally get the parts she does, except for the fact that everyone is afraid of her. Not only can she threaten to have one of these actors suddenly pull out of a project, she also knows where every body is buried in town and is not shy about telling someone exactly what she knows. her favorite trick is to give a Hollywood kiss and hug and whisper a nugget into the person's ear before the meeting starts. She knows literally everything about everyone.


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Jane said...

I read this as Nicole Kidman and Naoimi Watts (as the woman this is aout) but it's clearly not. I think the A+'list actor husband will be a great clue for you blind item experts on here.

SkittleKitty said...

Angie and Brad are all I've got, but don't think it fits them.

Christy K. said...

For some reason Annette Benning and Warren Beatty come to mind. Hope it's not though.

Karen said...

B+ Actress:
A+ Actor Husband:
Famous Male Celebrity:
His A List-at-the-time female costar:

Cathy said...

I was thinking CZJ, but I don't think she dated anyone that famous before her marriage...

figgy said...

Given her power and knowing "everything about everyone," I'm guessing it must be someone at least 50 or older...?

JJ said...

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson?

danatestingsite said...

This sounds like Jada and Will to me, but who did Jada date before Will?

kday said...

Throwing this out there:
Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks?

Karen said...

I was also thinking Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks...having trouble with the famous male celebrity who she supposedly slept with (but really didn't).

danatestingsite said...

Okay, I've got it.

Jada, Will, Tupac and Janet Jackson.

kday said...

Changed my mind: Kelly Preston!

hothotheat said...

I read it as Rita Wilson also. Not sure why. But she's not in a lot of things as an actress, she produces a lot which would give her this kind of power.

coolranchdoritos said...

I immediately though Will & Jada but have been trying to figure out the other people involved...hmm..

Karen said...

What about Kelly Preston and John Travolta? I don't know if I'd consider them as high as B+ and A+, though.

figgy said...

What's not discussed in the blind is, what's the deal with her A+ husband that he's okay with this arrangement? Either he's gay himself or has other relationships. I'm inclined to think the former, which points to Kelly Preston and John Travolta.

Mama June said...

At first, I thought Julia Roberts because she scares me but I know that's not it. :)

I think Rita is a good guess, I could see her knowing everything about everyone. Hmm....thinking nugget could be a clue?

a non a miss said...

Will and Jada, I'm with Dana!

Karen said...

B+ Actress: Kelly Preston
A+ Actor Husband: John Travolta
Famous Male Celebrity: George Clooney
His A List-at-the-time female costar: One of the girls from Facts of Life? Mindy Cohn?

Jazz Hands said...

Kelly Preston, John T. for A+ actor, Charlie Sheen for ex. Rene Russo for other actress? She was married in 1992, just a couple of years after Preston split with Sheen.

Kelly would speak for many other actors via Scientology connections, and that would explain 1) how she knows so many secrets, and 2) why she and John T. stay together despite his outing.

Karen said...

B+ Actress: Kelly Preston
A+ Actor Husband: John Travolta
Famous Male Celebrity: George Clooney (dated 1987-89)
His A List-at-the-time female costar: Changing this to Lisa Whelchel (married from 1988-2012)

kriss_t said...

I thought Kelly Preston, Travolta with Charlie Sheen being the male celebrity...Maybe the chick is Rene Russo fr Major League. She was also in Get Shorty w/ Travolta. She married in 1992, which would be a few years after Major League.

Anonymous said...

@Jazz Hands- I think you've got it!

danatestingsite said...

I wouldn't consider Kelly Preson or Rita Wilson B+ list actresses, but maybe that's just me.

I'm still on the Will and Jada train, especially after reading this:

kriss_t said...

haha Jazz beat me to it!

AngusParvo said...

No way Rita Wilson has that kind of clout. A

lalalalauren said...

Oooh, unrelated but Megan Fox had her baby: Noah Shannon. Weren't there guesses of her and BAG for a blind about him being so controlling he'd already picked out a baby name that was marketable? What is baby Noah going to sell us?

A RESIDENT said...

Kelly Preston. Cruise was the famous male celebrity. Kelly McGillis for the co star. She said in an interview she "was done with men"

danatestingsite said...

Also... since Enty called the other guy a celebrity but not an actor. That's why I'm thinking Tupac.

MISCH said...

Is Kelly Preston that powerful ? Is John that much in demand...I just don't know..

Grey said...

Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig

A RESIDENT said...,,20275794,00.html

The Real Dragon said...

Well this is interesting. I refuse to believe it rwta Wilson. Nit the lesbian part nothing wrong with that but the threatening. She seems so nice.

Ms. L.L. said...

Its totally CZJ. She dated Sean Connery before marrying M. Douglas.

Karen said...

@Dana, Enty did call him a celebrity, but then mentioned that he had a that sounds like an actor.

goheels83 said...

@lalalalalauren boats?

Chris said...

Dana's guess fits the best so far.

Anonymous said...

@Dana- I would never consider Tupac "one of the most famous celebrities of all times". That definition makes me think it's someone me, my mom and my grandma would all recognize..

crila16 said...

I was thinking CZJ and Michael Douglas, but CZJ doesn't exactly get good roles anymore. She's had a horrible string of movies and didn't work at all from 2009 - 2012. Otherwise, I could see CZJ being a HUGE biatch.

hollywood dime said...

This smells like jada. BUT jada doesn't get enough acting roles for me to believe its her. I met a girl she was dating a few years ago and she was STUNNING!!!! She and will were sharing the girl. jada pulls better looking women than most men do. Lol

danatestingsite said...

@Karen - yes, he did at least one movie, Poetic Justice, with Janet Jackson, who I believe is the co-star Enty said. But he's more known as a rapper.

Jennifer H. said...

I can't imagine Kelly Preston is that scary and knows so much she can have people pulled out of projects. I think it's someone older or at least the A list actor is someone older who bridges the gap to old Hollywood, like Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson, etc., or they come from an old Hollywood family line like Clooney, Douglas, Bridges. If you know about everyone, you've got to be hooked up well.

crila16 said...

Can't be Kelly, Rene and John T. Kelly and John T were already married when John and Rene starred together in a movie. Also, Rene was never an A list actress. Kelly most certainly isn't a B+ actress either. Kelly also doesn't get any good roles that keep her at as a B+ actress.

Anonymous said...


a non a miss said...

There's a movie about Noah and his big ass ark coming out soon.

allaboutkelli said...

I read this as Rita Wilson and TomHanks the whole way through. Hasn't Enty implied that she's not the nicest before???

katsm0711 said...

It's obvious Why they named him Noah @lala

They are bringing back THIS

Mike Rowe on QVC - Noah's Ark

Now! said...

But is Jada really a B+ actress?

coolranchdoritos said...

@ Dana

THANK YOU for figuring out the rest of the details it was driving me crazy :)

Jada & Tupac were on "A Different World" together and supposedly dated. Tupac & Janet were in "Poetic Justice" together.

whocaresnow12 said...

Kelly Preston has zero power, especially not power like that.

TV Junkie said...

The first thing I thought when I read this is that someone's trying to be on the next installment of "Hollywood's Most Scandalous Murders"! Not a real show but I'm sure it will be one day!

yodelay said...

Jen Garner

Now! said...

If it is Jada, and she is throwing her weight around to get good parts, why hasn't she had any good parts recently? Voice work on "Madagascar 3" hardly counts.

Silly Girl said...

I really want to be on board with one of these guesses, but no one seems to fit the bill yet. I'm hung up on them having so much power. Like Jane Fonda. She strikes me as someone you don't want to mess with, if she's in bitch mode. Or Carol Burnett. I realize neither of these match the rest of the criteria, but that's the age group I'm thinking. Barbra Streisand, someone like that......any thoughts?

Cathy said...

I'd be on board with the Jada guess, except for a couple things: if she can get any parts she wanted, wouldn't she aim a little higher and have more going on than she does? and what other A-list male actors does she speak for?

JSierra said...

@yodelay I read this as Jen Garner to, but I don't really have any evidence to back it up.
She married Scott Foley, dated Michael Vartan, and than the obvious is Ben who I could see being down for an open marriage.
Also possible bearding going on with Foley and Vartan making it ok for her to also pursue same sex relationships like her men do.

But that's all I got.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Y'know, above all else, she's *DEFINITELY* who I'd want to sit by at dinner.

tara17 said...

I was thinking Kelly Preston and other comments solidify my guess. Part of the power due to her $cientology ties. I somewhat respect this person's savvy, but I don't condone their behaviour.

Brooke Wheeler said...

I agree with Silly Girl, I don't think anybody has gotten it right yet. If Jada were this powerful, she would actually get good parts. She doesn't. Also, I think this person is older as well. Where is Himmmm when we need him?

chigirl said...

I don't think it's Kelly Preston/John T -- Kelly hasn't had very good roles recently.

CZJ is an interesting guess- esp. with the Sean Connery connection, which I had forgotten. Who would his co-star have been?

Jada is also interesting...but is Will really A+ anymore?

This is a hard one.

NernersHuman said...

Sean Connery has been married for decades, if he had a relationship with CZJ, it would have had to be on the DL.

JoElla said...

Rita and Tom jumped out for me.

Tom is pretty powerful and Rita has that major bitch vibe going on. And isn't one of their sons a total douche and they made a situation 'go away' for him?

libby said...

Merlin--Me too!
'If you can't say anything nice about someone, then come sit by me.'
Amen! lol

tulsa70s said...

Agree it's likely not Jada Pinkett or Kelly Preston.

Rita Wilson is a good guess--depends on who the male celebrity was (would've been early 80s). That male celebrity sounds like a crossover singer/actor.

Other possibilities:
Calista Flockhart/Harrison Ford
Amy Madigan/Ed Harris

But I don't know their early relationships.

Anonymous said...

First people I thought of were
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett. Even thought I wouldn't call her B+ !

gr8p said...

No fucking body is afraid of CZJ. It's not her. Jada Pinkett will whisper in your ear if she's standing on a ladder! No producer is afraid of her, either. This is Nicole Kidman or Kelly Preston. Definitely.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Jen Garner and Ben?

ms snarky said...

pity this wasn't a year ago, I would have said Katie and Tom.

JustJen said...

I can totally see Rita Wilson for this. I've heard (maybe here?) that she is one of the big power players and that she has her own little mean girls clique in Hollywood.

She's got two enviable roles right now - The Good Wife and Girls. Two hot shows and she contributes nothing to either (not a slam - she's just not a great actress and as far as stunt casting goes, she's kind of a meh). So how'd she score those?

What has me puzzled is the first part - who was she involved with before Hanks? They got involved on the Volunteers set (85 or so) and married in 88. (I can't believe I know that....) So we're talking...what? Mid-80s? Early 80s?

coolranchdoritos said...

@tulsa70s if calista/ford - maybe robert downey jr for the celeb (though not sure if i'd say he's one of the famous of all time..) so i'm kinda stumped there.

i think you guys might actually be right on 2nd thoughts - needs to be someone bigger and more powerful than jada with will smith. the fact that the 2 celebs in question are married makes this more narrow/difficult i think. who has rita wilson dated in the past?

BubbleKitten said...

I've heard that Sandra Bullock was a lesbian for years now. But then again, I can't really make all the other pieces of the puzzle fit. Can anyone help me out?

captivagrl said...

Rita Wilson

Icecat said...

Jada seems very intimidating to me. I could see this as being her. Maybe the the parts and all of the press is for their children they keep whoring out?

Jada & Will FTW

OneEyeCharlie said...

1st Timer taking a different tack. This strikes me as older Hollywood power.

Most Famous Male Celebrity of all time - Elvis
Co-star - Ann-Margret

Elvis & Ann-Margret starred together in Viva Las Vegas(1964). She married in 1967; taking her off the market but allowing plenty of time for two yr romance.

Need to walk it back to who had the hots for Ann-Margret? Then again... who didn't?

Silly Girl said...

@OneEye, I think you're on the right track. It's going to be someone with REAL clout in Hollywood, not this pretend clout. I think Nicole, Kelly, Jada, all that is pretend clout. I don't think they are the right guesses at all. I think it's more old school.....Rita Wilson is a good guess, but it still doesn't seem right. Her roles haven't been all that great, nor that of her kids. Tom Hanks, stands alone. He doesn't need her influence, nor her guidance in choosing roles, or pulling out of them. He would do just as well if he told her to buzz off and let him go it alone. We need to look old school, OLD SCHOOL.....

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Jada, Will Smith & Anne Heche?

MadLyb said...

Jada was my first guess - and I like the tie-in with Tupac and JJ. Tupac definitely is one of the most famous celebrities of all time. He's like a legend by now.

MadLyb said...

Because this woman is doing this in H'Wood, I have to admire her. She obviously knows how to play with the big boys. Good for her.

Terri said...

If it is Jada, it would explain how her kids get these parts in movies that they aren't made for. The Karate Kid? Whip My Hair is a hit? Please.

bessanne said...

Not Rita Wilson--she was not involved with anyone famous before Tom Hanks--definitely not anyone considered one of the biggest celebrities of all time.

libby said...

I think it's Jada, and Terri convinced me---It's how she's gotten her kids those projects. The key is---parts for herself, and the people she is CLOSE TO.

'Biggest celebrity of all time' implies he's deceased, to me. That fits Tupac.

Also, Will seems unable to divorce her, while simultaneously having zero chemistry together.

With her ties to Scientology, it's not implausible that she got close to someone high in Co$, who dished ALL the dirt to her. Blackmail's one of their ten commandments.

noseygal48 said...

I wasn't seeing this as jada but now I am. It could be someone old though. But jada does fit. It's crazy all the roles her kids have gotten...hmmmm would explain some things.

Silly Girl said...

I just don't see Jada as having THAT much credibility with the muckity mucks in Hollywood. I think most would look at her and pat her on the head and say, go home, we'll take care of it. I don't see her as someone to take 'seriously' in HOllywood. Put her up against an AnnMargaret, AM will win every time!!

JustJen said...

OK....Jada kind of fits except for the "would not normally get the parts she does" - what parts has Jada had lately? I can't think of any...

Fijigrrl said...

I was NOT on the will/jada track until I started reading more and more of what you guys said... especially @noseygal, getting her kids roles... Hmmmmm.... Oh to be a fly on the wall in Power Actresses house...

Unknown said...

The power sounds like Julia Roberts and she seems to have a lot of A list friends.

coolranchdoritos said...

Off topic but

Megan Fox and BAG just had a baby boy!

Weren't they the popular guess for the dad who was making deals to name his kid some marketable name? Can't wait to see what it is.

El Roy 13 said...

^^^^ I am betting BAG named it Sol Angel or Sol Angelos

Shit You Can't Buy said...

First people I thought of when reading this is Michael Jackson/Elvis Presley, as the biggest celebs of all time. No idea how this would fit, but mkay xD
Don't think Lisa Marie Presley acts, neither did Jackson. Maybe it's an old Elvis blind? No idea -..-

JoElla said...

uuuuuuuuugh if Jada has this much pull in hollywood.. no just no..

if this isn't Tom and Rita, then it has to be old school hollywood.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

B. Wheeler said:

>Where is Himmmm when we need him?

Funny, but I was just thinking that myself...

*opens hidden door, climbs stairs up secret passageway, pops open door to rooftop, tiptoes over to water tower, finds control panel, and turns on Iron Man signal* ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good for Jada if this is her. Beat those f'ers at their own game. And yes, 2Pac is DEFINITELY one of the biggest celebrities of all time. If you sit down and READ the "Thug Life" code, you will be amazed at how this man got rival gangs to agree on ways to reduce gang violence and make the community safer. That is huge! Decades of law enforcement couldn't make it happen. 2Pac did.

Silly Girl said...

Biggest celebrities of all time, Tupac? Only for a select few. I would bet serious cash my parents have never heard of Tupac. My point? 'Of all time' means it's someone bigger than this. Tupac is small potatoes compared to some other celebrities. Seriously small potatoes.

crila16 said...

Jada is no B+ actress. That would mean that Jada was equal to Jennifer Aniston or CZJ.

I've been thinking about it and I'm going to have to go with the CZJ, even though I'm not sure if it entirely fits, because of the roles she's been getting. It just seems she's the only B+ actress (besides Jennifer Garner) who is married to an A list actor.

crila16 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bessanne said...

CZJ does have bipolar--she could scare people, and probably does not have the sensor to not say things she shouldnt.

Anonymous said...

OK... what about Arnold Schwarzenneger/Linda Hamilton/???

crila16 said...

Rita Wilson - Definitely NOT a B+ actress.

Jada Pinkett - Definitely NOT a B+ actress. She's lucky if she's a C+. Besides, everyone knows Jada is gay and so is Will. This wouldn't be much of a BV.

Jemtastic said...

I still can't understand how Jada got her Matrix part so quickly after Aaliyah's death. She's pulled some stunts with her kids and she's an around-the-way girl from way back; I can totally see her amassing information AND using it.

Also, just because your parents haven't heard of Tupac doesn't negate his fame; I'm sure our parents would name people we'd never even think of on their list of GOATs.

JoElla said...

What about Bruce and Demi back in the day?

MadMarlin69 said...

This sounds like a much older person. May even be a dated blind. Tupac is not even close to on e of the most famous male celebrities of all time. Elvis Presley? Frank Sinatra? Jack Nicholson? Gotta look for a crossover celebrity who was also in movies. Not just any celebrity. Most famous of all time???

Vkn said...

2pac is not the biggest celerity of all time.

Chismosa Street said...

Tupac is famous, but not that famous to be called as 'the famous male celebrity OF ALL TIMES' That description fits someone with a global popularity and cross generational recognition like the members of the Beatles, Michael Jackson and Elvis. I think enty was exaggerating with famous male celebrity of all times description.

MissMatador said...

This made me think of Angelica Houston as she's an actress, producer and director, it sound like whoever this person is she's a major player. Angelica & Jack with a side of Warren Beatty, don't know who the other woman would be.

Annette Bening is a really good guess though and I can see her being manipulative and scary!

rhinovodka said...

Penelope Cruz, Javier, & Tom Cruise

Himmmm said...

(crash lands on rooftop)
aaaaaaaaalllriiiight ROBIN! DAMNIT!
I'm what's the big emergency??


You want to know WHAT?

Oh for you have any clue how hard this mask is to get on and back off? Not all the brownies in PA would be worth it!

But...since you made me fly all the way back here just for this - Give me a sec and let me run this through my computer.

(Okay, probably gimme an hour b/c I'm grossly out of the textosphere at the moment. It takes time for friends at studios/agencies to reply with answers ya know ;-) And FYI: All of those brownies WOULD be worth it).

SMOOCH! Back in a bit...

story said...

I think the Kelly Preston/John Travolta is right on. John being a high level Scientologist would be privileged or at least somewhat knowledgeable of some of those auditing sessions celebrity members have go through on a regular basis. Seems very possible.

carolinec said...

Himmmmm??? where did you go?!

bessanne said...

i like the path of angelica huston and jack nicholson/warren beaty and annette---but dont know how they all connect.

i could see angelica or annette being very intimidating and maybe swinging the other way ;)

and welcome back himmm, very interested to hear your input!

MadMarlin69 said...

Almost sounds like a very famous male celebrity who was on TV for a bit the way it is worded about his "co-star at the time" when talking about her 2-year relationship with said celebrity.

Jessie said...

I just fell a lil bit in love with Himmmm.

The bit about procreation causes me to think it is someone who has had a few kids. And I agree it sounds like someone older. But I don't have any guesses.

skimpymist said...

I don't know what movie scene @himmmm is tallking about

Mama Abroad said...

So far I'm still on the CZJ train. According to imdb she has her own production company and her brother's company co-financed Traffic. Sean Connery as her ex. But I agree, it's hard to make her fit based on her roles (Ocean's 12 I think was her last big one?). Plus she has talent so it's not like she's sticking out in these films as untalented.

hmmm said...

Maybe Angeline,past 'lover' Mick Jagger,who else has the power to do this kind of stuff?

Himmmm said...

Okay gang - the prelim reports coming in are interesting. First...let's broaden our scope shall we?

The linchpin here is obviously: Who is/was the biggest celebrity ever? (in fame not girth)

My pals at CAA bestow that title to the one and only...Princess Diana. (And the fuckers at CAA BURIED the same bodies about which the power-lady in this equation seems to know).

Aside from Prince Chucky, we know Di dated JFK Jr., Dodi, Terry Stamp, Kevin Costner and many more. (I didn't say it was correct, just their guess. But it does open up new avenues of thinking non?)

There are only about 4 living women who petrify players in this biz. Since Sherry Lansing is retired 'tis not her. Of course, Sharon Osborne and my wife scare me but I'll wait for my other pals to reply back shortly before expanding (HINT: BI answer is NOT my wife!).

Meanwhile, I have to go and apply some talcum powder from the chafing this damned costume keeps giving me. Nothing worse than rust rash! ;-)

So think: Princess Di? Or...?

Mary said...

Well, if we're going old school:

Katharine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy
Lauren Bacall/Humphrey Bogart

Eagerly waiting for Himmmm's input!!

SashaJames2 said...

Yayyyy always so excited to see you. Welcome back and always happy to read your posts.

Mama Abroad said...

I don't think ithis s old school because the actress threatens to pull her A+ list husband from projects, all in the present tense. Then again grammar isn't Enty's thing...

Unknown said...


Yes, the procreation bit definitely implies kids, which eliminates quite a few guesses.

supapimp said...

Does anyone else read himmmm's post with RDJ's voice in their head? Lol

coolranchdoritos said...

@ supapimp - haha yes!

glad himmmm is here but i'm even more confused - i'll just wait for you smart folks to figure it out :)

Erin said...

Sure did, supa

VK said...

I'm leaning towards old school Hollywood too. No way jada has that much power in Tinseltown.

Terri said...

Not taht I am questioning Hmmmmm, but the blind says biggest MALE celebrity of all time.

Anonymous said...

@Himmm- darling, Enty wrote: "one of the most famous male celebrities of all times". MALE. Not Princess Di as the biggest male celebrity.

a non a miss said...

Michael Jackson as biggest male celeb. Married to Lisa Marie, former Co$? Just guessing out loud

Anonymous said...

Come back Himmm. I don't have brownies, but I make mean cupcakes with Oreos and and peanut butter inside. DELISH! Worth a couple nuggets of info.

coolranchdoritos said...

I think himmmm was saying, Princess Di was biggest celeb, so look at who she was connected to?

But I'm totally confused over who this could be so I have no clue.

Himmmm said...

Whoa kids....don't get overanalytical on me. I meant (by the Di thingy) that to open our guessing beyond yesterday's TMZ coverlings. NOT that the big celeb is/was a woman. Sorry for any confusion (English is my 2nd language lately).

That said, my pals keep firing back at me with women that are (ahem) more "mature" in the age range. (THIS IS FOR THE BI GUESS PART). Pals at WME and elsewhere are shouting about Cybill Shep. but she doesn't have an A-list hubby (or any hubby of which I'm aware).

They are also saying Barbra S. But I don't really see James Brolin as A list either. Josh Brolin? Perhaps. Scary? Always.

Keep in mind my queries were about 1) Who is the biggest celeb ever? and 2) Who is the scariest living woman power-player actress in Hwood who can shakedown any producer?

All answers are either these or the ones you mentioned (Preston, CZJ, etc.).

So sorry my powers seem to be fading. I'm going to fly to Enty's 1-story walkup and hold his bacon hostage now until he spills the answer. I shall return when I surmise the truth from this wicked sorcerer of gossip! Cheers!

MrWolf said...

Himmmm's given us a good starting point.

Four terrifying women -

It's not Sharon Osborne, Ozzy doesn't act.

It's not Sherry Lansing, she's retired.

Who are the other two? :)

Unknown said...

I totally wanted to be a genuis-billionaire-playgirl-philanthropist for halloween... but the costume would be logistically difficult to create.

Was anyone afraid of the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor? Perhaps somethings were mentioned in the marital pillow talk...

VeeBee said...

Mia Farrow/Frank Sinatra/Woody Allen??? Just trying to make the "biggest celebrity" piece work!

Himmmm said...

Tricky part is that all of the viable guesses coming in to me are all A-list actresses who are married to A-list men. Though according to Enty's bizarro listings, who knows what that entails. Most popular thus far seems to be Annette Bening.

But seriously? Warren? When's the last time he carried any film? Back to the lab...

Basil said...

Isn't Naomi Watts playing Diana in a movie????? She's in alot of movies but clout and power? Not so sure.

Ms. Rose said...

While Harrison Ford is and will always be A+ in my world, I'm not sure Callista is B+. Still, am throwing their names into the contenders pile.

Is Ben Stiller A+ ? Prolly not....crawling back into my corner to think some more.

Karen said...

I'm so glad that Himmmm is back to save the day--and save me from boredom until I leave work.

raven said...

No idea how to fit it in, but to me the most famous male celebrity of all time was probably Frank Sinatra.

Unknown said...

Gracie Allen, George Burns, and Betty White FTW!

Unknown said...

I know it's posted in present tense, but if we are going for most, all time, superlative famous... maybe Charlie Chaplin?

But if we are going for people who are still living... Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?

Karen said...

Let's remember that the male celebrity could be dead or alive, but everyone else is alive: the actress, the A+ husband, and the male celebrity's co-star (former A list, now ?).

msgirl said...

I know Jen is supposed to be super powerful, and didn't Enty say she runs the Mom's Club of Hollywood. And her parties are booze and pot? Oh and sex toys too. I could see lots of secrets being spilled there. Drunk girls with famous husbands who also know lots of secrets.

But she doesn't get great parts.

I don't want this to be Annette. Love her. She hasn't acted much lately not her.

Biggest celebrity is Elvis, Michael, etc. Not Tupac. He's super big in the hip hop world, nowhere else really. We have to think worldwide.

When I think powerful woman all I really get is Hillary, obviously not her but someone like that.

it took forever said...

Hi Himmmm, what about Steven speilbergs wife i heard she is really scary !

Chismosa Street said...

One more reason I don't believe the Jada-Will-Tupac-Janet slant is because at the time Poetic Justice was being filmed, Janet was already married to Rene Elizondo. So I don't see the part where she wanna get married with a man part comes from because she was married to that same game guy from 1991 to 2000.

Karen said...

Spielberg is an A+ director, not actor; can't be Kate Capshaw.

Also, we should focus on actresses with child/ren because of sex with "men" (plural) for "procreating purposes." This makes me think of Kelly Preston because she has kids with Travolta and had a son with Kevin Gage.

Mary said...

Just to throw this out there: Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, with Crawford being the scary one who was once married to Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.

Sue T. said...

"She is probably one of the biggest power players in Hollywood." So it can't be Liz Taylor or anyone else who has passed on. Otherwise it would be written in past tense. Plus, Enty usually labels Old Hollywood blinds as such. I still think Jada is the best guess, despite the fact that she doesn't fit 100%. If someone DID perfectly fit all the clues, we would have figured it out by now! I think she could plausibly be called B+ since she toplined a TV show (Hawthorne) and everybody knows her name.

Terri said...

I am stumped as to how Jada would know all this info since she's not from Hollywood. Would it be from overhearing the audits? Or is the gay community so deep she knows secrets from lovers?

Unknown said...

There are not many power roles for black women so that you really have to fight for - so it easily is split between Halle Berry and co. So Jada must be out.

Then, the jewish producer community is not so Scientology bound to have their secrets outed there, as a powerfull group they are, there must be a huge lever on them. and that is not money.

I tend to go with the Kelly Preston / John Travolta guess - because not only the Scientology secrets or possibilities to apply power - but because of the gayness of JT - who has to know who is closeted, who had some underage boys parties, and so on.

Now the other former A actress: Brooke Shields - which allegedly had "relationships" with Michael Jackson, Prince of Monaco, and Kennedy Jr. And she had a "relation" with John Travolta.

She was in Endless Love with Tom Cruise - what a surprise...

On top of that Kelly Preston auditioned for Shields Part (Emmeline) in the Blue Lagoon.

Now add Scientology info and gay knowledge into this nice mix, maybe add Kennedy connection to or through Schwarzenegger and it becomes a strong influential web.

if its not 100% nailed, its not very far away.

musesx9 said...

Going with Jada...
She has always said she was with Tupac.
It was rumored that she was very close with Janet.
Also, there's a pic of her in the DMC.
I can't understand how she produces, directs and gets even the parts she does. She always sucked.

ruby said...

It's Annette Benning

dia papaya said...

Robin, you are GOOD!!! Can you make money fall from the sky too?

Looks like I missed all the fun today. My magic healing hands were very busy!

Mr Himmmm - Glad you're back. I know you are busy but, damn, a girl gets lonely. The play pen's not as much fun without you. Be safe out there!

The Real Dragon said...

Annette Benning ur on to something.

who ever it is you do you girl

CarolMR said...

Which famous person did Annette Bening date before Warren? I believe she could have learned a lot about everyone from Warren.

Jane said...

Himmmmm! welcome back! ((hugs))As much as I'm liking the JT & KP guesses, what roles are going to KP? Also I love John Travolta always have, but is he really all that powerful anymore? He's kinda hanging on for dear life at this point, trying to outlast the massage scandals....other than that I got nuthin...

Unknown said...

Ent is a woman ... who else knows everything ?


Jane said...

I'm going with Catherine Zeta Jones as the B+ actress with the dirt on everyone, and she was rumored to be with Jon Peters before she hooked up with the nasty Douglas family. (Jon Peters was a Hollywood Producer and a former lover of Barbra Steisand)

lc said...

Angelica Huston

Unknown said...

If she speaks for other A-listers means that the celebs are in the same production company - which is rare, since many of them tend to have their own ones. hence the myriad of logos of production companies at the beginning of the movies - each one brings one or two actors to the table.

Ms. Rose said...

I don't think Angelica was ever married to Jack.

This Blind has obsessed me all day.

Roman Holiday said...

What about someone like Meryl Streep or Glen Close?

I think this is someone from the older crowd??

Kloie said...

Sounds like Penelope Cruz to me.

MadMarlin said...

Elvis, Ann Margaret (for the one who went back to men) and..........???

Kloie said...

Not sure why, but to me it screams Penelope Cruz, Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz (who maybe said she was "done with men" at that time, but got over it).

spud said...

Harrison Ford as "one of the most famous male celebrities of all times" and Anne Heche as the co-star.

spud said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EGB said...

Jane, I like the Jon Peters connection, and thanks himmmm, any day on here is a bit more fun when you (whoever that may be) show up!

MadMarlin said...

Bill, Hillary and Barbara Streisand. Any other actress claim to have an affair with Bill? (not that Barbara claimed to have done so, just saying')

Mango said...

Re the Glenn Close guess.. My friend's cousin was in a play with Glenn Close and he called her a MAJOR mega bitch. She was horribly rude to stage hands and the actors who she didn't consider to be in her stratosphere. The "little people" indeed.

Unknown said...

on imdb - these guesses here - they don´t really have many producer credits.
Zeta Jones = 0 producer credits Pinkett = 7 (but half is tv series),
Julia Roberts = 8 ( half tv again),
Rita Wilson = 5,
Kelly Preston = 0,
Jane Fonda = 2,
Anjelica Huston = 2,
Mia Farrow = 0,
Angelina Jolie = 3
Annette Bening = 0
Cybill Sheperd = 4 (all TV)
Sharon Stone = 6
Joan Collins = 5 (all TV)

Travolta = 2
Cruise = 17

To be a power producer you should have more than 1-5 produced movies. Like Gale Anne Hurd (Cameron´s ex) with like 44 titles. Or Paula Wagner with 19. This is heavyweight in the business.

Barbra Streisand 24 producer credits, highly connected, long time around
James Brolin is fairly known.
first hubby - elliot gould also oscar nominated

Who her celeb friend is Elvis ( Barbra wanted him for A star is born.

now he had lots of co-stars - the best known ones would be:
Nancy Sinatra
Ursula Andress
Angela Lansbury
Hope Lange
Barbara Eden
Carolyn Jones
Lizabeth Scott (strongly associated with lesbians)
Debra Paget

White lilly said...

Hum... I like the Anjelica Huston, Meryl Streep or Glen Close guesses. At lest on terms of poweful women who knows it all...
Then again, I have nothing to link them...

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Hi, Himmmm! I've been away from the computer for a few hours, but when I saw it was up to 168 comments, I knew you must have stopped by--good to see you! *hugs & head skritches* (I'm not sure why you're talking about PA, though--I thought you were in Miami, and I'm in Massachusetts, near your old MIT stomping grounds, remember?)

Mama Hen Alert: Sorry to hear about the chafing, but I've got just the ticket for that: Anti-Monkey Butt Powder. Seriously. I'll vouch for it. It's made w/calamine powder for both absorbency and soothing sore skin, and comes in Original (made w/talc), Lady (w/cornstarch), and Baby versions (ditto)--the Baby smells best, IMO. Go to and read the glowing testimonials, and then order some, OK? It will make you feel better, I promise.

As for the actual BI: Perhaps we should be making a list of all the current A+/A actors, along w/their wives, and see who might click--right now, I'm thinking Kelly Preston may be the best we've got, what w/being married to Travolta & all her CO$ connections (threatening to sic them on someone would scare the crap out of most people...), but I don't know who the male celeb would be for her; CZJ might be another good possibility, w/Sean Connery the huge celeb--what A list (at that time) actresses has he worked with over the past 15 years or so? And would her being a lesbian explain the alleged requirement of sex X number of times/week in their prenup?

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

dia: I wish--especially right now, w/all my utility bills due! (Nothing like catching up after a summer of unemployment, eh?) Alas, I think my only superpowers involve kickass baked goods, and being a charming and witty mama hen both IRL and online. Which reminds me...Enty, perhaps we should see about putting some good sturdy gymnastic mats up on the roof so that Himmmm doesn't hurt himself next time he crash lands on it? Waterproof, of course, so we don't have to drag them in every time it rains...

Take care of yourself, now, Himmmm, and don't forget you have a standing dinner invitation (along w/a nice batch of brownies, of course!) the next time you're in Boston, OK? If you're up for some seriously incendiary Chinese food, I know just the place--heck, you probably remember it from your student days at the Institute. (Do "suan le chow show" or "dun dun noodles" ring any bells?) And, of course, your identity is quite safe with me--why would I spoil everyone else's fun by tattling on you? ;-)

Eeekalicious said...

I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this, but in 2003 Kelly Preston starred in the movie "What a Girl Wants"....

Eeekalicious said...

Sorry, as a possible clue "making sure she gets what she wants" in the second sentence...

katsm0711 said...

Does Angelina Jolie fit?

Jane said...

Robin the mad..Monkey butt powder is FABULOUS! I second that recommendation..

Mary said...

Could the Princess Di connection be in reference to her title - Princess - and could Himmm be making the connection to Will Smith - The Fresh Prince? And that would lead to Jada...who seems like a good fit for this...

lazyday603 said...

Tupac is famous in the world of rap, but that world is invisible to the vast majority. The Ramones are legendary if you follow alt rock, but I wouldn't tell people who like pop that they were the biggest stars in music. They weren't.

Sarah said...

Tupac, who claimed they were friends. He wasn't typically quiet about his conquests either. He did Poetic Justice with Janet Jackson.

Sarah said...

Lisa is a conservative Christian.

pegd said...

I agree with Rhino. My only thought was Penelope.

redronnie said...

I think this is old, old hollywood..and before my time, Valentino period. He was married to Natacha Rambova who had an affair with Alla Nazimova, who was a producer, actress. Who had a lavender marriage. Valentino was of course A+ and his name lives on today, his wife Natacha Rambova was an actress who used her power and influance over studios and producers. Alla Nazimova married twice but no sex - She also was the godmother of Nancy Regan. But this may be too far back - Himmmm you will have to provide a few more clues

randominternetperson123 said...

I wouldn't discount Jada just because people don't consider Tupac "one of the most famous celebrities of all time." I certainly do and I was not aware anyone else didn't until I read these comments. I guess it is up to who you ask and where they are from. I am in a huge city where I can't go one day without hearing Tupac's music somewhere, seeing people wearing Tupac shirts, there is even a big Tupac mural...and I am 1000s of miles from LA so it's not like people her worship him because its his hometown or anything. I could go outside in my city and ask a 90 year old if they know who Tupac was and I am pretty sure they'd say yes. I would think that most people in cities like NYC, Philly, Chicago, LA, SFC etc would definitely consider Tupac one of the most famous celebrities of all time. Anywhere urban has a huge hip hop vibe going on, even if you're not a hip hop head you're still not getting away from it. If Enty's in LA, I assume the hype around Tupac is even bigger there than it is here so I could see how being surrounded by people who consider Tupac A+ would lead Enty to believe that everyone feels that way.

Unknown said...

I wish I could find a way to make this one be Betty White. :)

Unknown said...

@Unknown, earlier I tossed out Gracie Allen, George Burns, and Betty White for the win. ^_^

Other than that, I'm stumped.

Unknown said...

@George Turner: i love the thought of Betty White having everyone by the short and curlies... :)))

J.D. Jones said...

Good guess. I think this fits.

J.D. Jones said...

Good guess. I think this fits.

KittensRUs said...

That was my first thought

boxofdiamonds said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
boxofdiamonds said...

JUST to add to the Awesome guesses above, I may be off-track.. but my first thought was...

Goldie Hawn who has been around forever- She is A+ list and so is her 'common law husband' Kurt Russell. GOldie produces A LOT and has MEGA Clout in Hollywood- as does Diane Keaton and Rita Wilson (as mentioned above)

Diane keaton who dated Jack Nicholson for a while- Diane also dated Al Pacino for a long time-and as was mentioned above, Angelica Houston- also dated Jack Nicolson-
Not sure if Diane Keaton is married but she may be single-

and I am thinking of Shirley Maclaine and her brother Warren Beatty- married to Annette Bening...

I think ALL of the above women have children and they all are Powerful "POWER PLAYERS" in the Hollywood industry and have dated/married Hollywoods A+-List Men in the past or present-

I really do like the Rita Wilson/Tom Hanks guess.. and CZJ-

I am leaning towards Rita Wilson or Goldie Hawn ????

boxofdiamonds said...

Also wanted to add RE: this being Goldie Hawn-

The Blind says that "She (The Power) threatens producers to get parts for Herself and the People she is close to"...

Kurt Russell i am sure gets his OWN parts but Goldies daughter- Kate Hudson- she may need a helping hand in all of the films parts she has gotten and continues to get..

So maybe Goldie helps Kate get all the film roles she gets...

just a guess...

Unknown said...

Could the famous male celebrity by...



#1 Had an affair with Daryl Hannay/Tom Hanks (Splash) / Rita Wilson connection.

#2 Had an affair with Madonna/Warran Beatty (That terrible cartoon thing) / Annette Benning connection.


redronnie said...

@boxofdiamonds - like your guess, I was taking it too far back in old Hollywood, Goldie Hawn, she'd still have currency with her history as a producer and links in hollywood.

MaxineAlisha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JoElla said...

I totally forgot about Goldie. She was a major power player back in the day. But what did her first husband do? (produce? music scores?)

a non a miss said...

Goldies first husband was in a band, the Hudson brothers. My mom met him and Goldie when she was pregnant with her son Oliver. My mom was a waitress at a night club. She also met the Temptations.

Silly Girl said...

I LOVE Oliver Husdon. Love, Love, Love him. LOVE. Even though he's related to Kate, I LOVE him.

cinephreak said...

List of 25 greatest male stars of all time.

Could he be old now? Like Clint Eastwood old?

Yndy said...

Not Annette. The one reliable source I have on that is not someone she would've slept with for procreation or power when it happened way-back-in-the-day (pre-Beatty, pre-fame.)
I think Himmmm's tip toward the 'biggest star of all time' is on the money. If we are still dealing with recent enough past that the power woman in question is still around? That limits things a tad.
So firstly - does 'BSofAT' refer to a) global popularity, b) box office records, c) name that won't go away 50 years from now? What?

Just a reminder that some of the biggest stars like Elvis, Sinatra, even the Beatles were musicians who did films. (you forgot the Beatles did movies huh? Ringo Starr, cave man... Can't unsee.) Michael Jackson? Did The Wiz. (Another one you don't think of right away, eh?)

While Tom Hanks does have a bazillion best actor oscars and Rita is certainly a power player - I can't imagine she'd feel the need to hide either. Plus who are all these other actors that she could snap fingers and have walk away?

This one is tougher than it looks on the surface and it doesn't quite feel like we've hit it yet. But I'm inclined to go with older possibilities like Goldie, Rita, and Barbra over the younger gen.

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