Monday, October 08, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Now We Know Why

This celebrity is A list in his field. He has had lots of romances, with lots of different women. Or he says he has at least. The only really documented celebrity relationship he has had was with this other A lister from a different field. They were not together long. Wham bam kind of thing. He told her he wanted to wait until they were in a committed relationship before they did anything. So, they got into a committed relationship and he still couldn't do anything. Nothing. Nada. No amount of Viagra was ever going to raise his flag. When she decided to talk to him about it, our celebrity insisted he had no issues and that he was tired. Every night. Every day. Oh, he was also sick. When she kept asking, he would get more angry. Super violent. Spit flying out of his mouth angry. Turns out he really likes men but can't ever take the chance of ever being caught with one because it would ruin his career. End it. No more love and admiration. He actually hates when female fans touch him. Reminds him of his failures. One outburst where he swung at the A lister was enough for her to walk out the door. With a broken arm which she had to keep outside a cast because she had press to do. At night she would come home and put it in a sling and cry. Took an extra month to heal because of what she had to do to keep up appearances.


  1. Kenny Chesney, Renee Zelweger

    1. He's not gay. My husband's boss' bro does landscaping & property repair for Kenny Chesney and they are buddies. Not gay. Not in the slightest.

  2. Wow! Good call JadeHenry!

  3. I second your guess Jade - I couldn't remember his name.

  4. Good guess, JadeHenry. I was wondering if you guys were leaning toward musician or athlete for the A list guy. I thought musician because they are more likely to be touched by their female fans.
    I'm on board with Kenny!

  5. Excellent guess Jade...And remember the hoopla over her filing for divorce on account of "fraud"?

  6. I'm not good at enty-ese, he usually puts clues in his blinds that I simply don't catch.

  7. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Renee just doesn't know how to pick 'em

  8. JadeHenry, I agree. Being gay WOULD end his career in country music. And he's definitely spoken out about not being gay and mentioned how he's slept with hundreds of women.

  9. Cinderella Man came out in 2005, so that could be the press junket RZ was on. KC and RZ got married in 2005

  10. I agree with kenny and renee. I always wondered why I've never seen him in any relationships since renee. Well this answers that fraud claim.

  11. "swung at her" makes me think it's a baseball player.

    Or maybe I just don't want to believe it's Kenny.

    1. And it also makes me think of Tennis with the 'wham bam'

  12. I love the Kenny Chesney guess!!! I'm not a huge country music fan, so does anyone know if he's still A-list?

  13. For the sake of argument, there are a few phrases in here that make me think the guy could be an athlete: "in his field," "raise his flag," and "spit flying."

  14. NapAssassin, with all due respect, if this is Kenny C.... he could still be gay. If he doesn't admit it to his girlfriend, he's not going to admit it to your husband's boss' brother. It's not like you can always tell by looking or talking about football over a can of beer or whatever. :)

  15. @NapAssassin, how do you/your husband's boss's bro KNOW he's not gay? Who does he date, then?

    I think Kenny and Renee is right, too. That always puzzled me SO much, and I find her likeable for some reason so have always been VERY curious about what really happened with the "fraud" there.

    How sad, if true.

    But if it is true, how about this, Kenny? How about if you say "okay I have enough money to live on well forever. I'm going to be honest, just come out and let the chips fall where they may"...? NO doubt there are plenty of country music fans who are either gay or in the closet who would be thrilled and helped by this. And so you don't sell any more records then Kenny? There are other things you could do.

  16. would your boss' brother really know this? I'm gay and I've had a ten year ongoing sexual friendship with a straight guy. You go out with this guy to a bar and he hits on women, talks about women...has beautiful girlfriends from time to time. And they never last. But when we get behind closed doors I know what he secretly craves.

    1. That is so true. All you can go by is someone's word. His brother has been friends with him since highschool. Probably knows a whole lot about the man.

  17. Kenny is still AList in the country world. He comes to town every year and its a huge party and its always sold out. My boss is obsessed with Kenny and thinks he is the sexiest. She would be devastated if he was gay. I think that's a good guess Jade!

  18. "field"
    "keep up"

    Its Kris

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I know nothing about NBA basketball but I seriously doubt Kris Humphries is A list in the NBA. Wasn't he some schmuck player for the New Jersey nets?

  19. Agreed on the Kenny c/Renee guess

  20. A Resident: the problem I have w/ that guess is that I don't see him as a-list in basketball and I don't see her keeping it a secret and taking the blame like she did

  21. I'm with the Kenny Chesney guess, it just fits too perfectly.

  22. The only possible way that this could be Kris is if Kim's people planted this story somehow. I believe that he really was victim in that scam of a marriage, not the other way around.

    Definitely Kenny Chesney.

  23. A-Rod and Cameron Diaz?

  24. Nice guess, Jade! I agree with this guess. Good work Sunny! Cant believe that was 7 years ago, where has time gone?

  25. kenny and renee got divorced seven years ago. and this is a current blind? it was common in the gossip world then that she divorced him because he was gay. so, why would enty give us this blind now? the timing doesn't make sense at all to me.

    I think its some other couple.

  26. It could be in the blind now because of the broken arm thing. I agree with Kenny and Renee, sadly. And as for the sports references, isn't he rumored to play a lot of softball? I seem to remember him playing for some high profile celebrity games, so maybe it's a thinly veiled hint.
    Def not Kim and Kris, Kim doesn't actually do press, does she? DOES SHE?!?! OMG, please say she doesn't.....

  27. @annabella
    I just noticed that the title of the blind is Now We Know Why. Maybe Enty is posting this now because there has always seemed to be a mystery surrounding the breakup of their marriage, and maybe an insider finally spilled the details?

  28. Anonymous10:45 AM

    My only problem is wouldn't Kenny and Renee's "field" be about the same because it the entertainment field? The way Enty is using field makes me think of an athlete or another separate occupation but still celebrity somehow.

    This is still very sad because she had to endure abuse that broke her arm.

  29. @Kari - in that same way, wouldn't sports also be part of the "entertainment" field?

    Kenny is music and Renee is acting - two very different fields.

  30. KC/RZ is a Ggeat guess because the clues sure fit. I love Kenny and really don't want to believe this about him (disclaimer). I checked Renee's IMDB and she only had one movie come out in 2005 -- Cinderella Man. It premiered in early June 2005, not long after they got married. I would assume that the 'talk' didn't happen that early in their marriage for her to have a broken arm for the CM press.

    I have sort of 3rd degree of separation knowledge of a woman from Chicago he dated for a while. I certainly don't know if they "sealed the deal" though, so I could be just grasping at straws. :)

    I always thought the marriage ended so quickly because it began so quickly--meaning, they sort of had that burst of "OMG FOREVERZZZZ" and then started actually talking about things - both of them had booming careers at the time. I think they just didn't think through the logistics of how it would all work. I've heard rumors that he just assumed she'd be able to come with him on the road (he tours a lot, for those who don't know) and she didn't want to give up her career either.

    And yes, for whomever asked, he is absolutely A list in country music, still. Permanently so at this point, given all his huge successes. At least in my opinion!

  31. Renew is not A list. Yes she got an Oscar, but what has she done recently? Also, I'm thinking the man is am athlete. Spit flying, swung at, raise the flag, could all be clues. I don't think it is KC and RZ.

  32. I wouldn't consider Kris A-List.

  33. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Ha! You guys are amazing. I always thought that something in the milk was't clean when she sited "fraud" as the reason for dissolving the marriage. seems a little odd to site fraud. I remember thinking hmm what could that mean? Probably that he's gay. I don't think that a country star could be openly gay, the whole republican hate thing, how they hate people who go against the bible, when they go against the bible all the time themselves. Thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not commit adultery, no republicans ever done any of those things . It's so silly when people say that you cant be gay because the bible says that you shouldn't like we all follow the bible every single day. who cares what the bible says anyways? This country doesn't havea a national religion, what if you're hindu? or muslim? Does that mean that you should follow Christianity's book, or that we should follow the Koran? I just do not and will not ever understand why republicans say that gay marriage is wrong just because it says so in the bible. When has that every meant anything in this country? and why the hell should it?

    1. I'm a republican and I don't think the bible and being gay have a fucking thing to do with one another, nor should they br mentioned in the same sentance. Nice genralization, by the way. And I like country music so I guess I'm as much of an asshole as you spout off about? I don't think so. Thanks for assuming, it proves you know nothing about everything.

    2. So are you actually saying that Republicans do not use an anti gay agenda in their politics?? Or that certain right wing Christians aren't anti gay and that Republicans don't run on a Christian, anti gay platform??? Really??? Than yes,you are either stupid or an asshole. Turn on the news for godsake!

  34. @PuggleMommy - it doesn't say that the actress is A-list now, just that at the time they got together she was A-list.

  35. I always wondered about Renee and Kenny too. That's awful whoever this is.

  36. The "raise the flag" thing could be interpreted as patriotism, and KC has patriotic songs. The phrase also could mean nothing and was just a less crass way of saying he couldn't get a boner.

    Kris Humphries is NOT A-list in the NBA, though he did sign a nice contract. A-list would be Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard, and Kevin Durant. And considering his whole affair with that Myla chick that he keeps trying to say isn't happening, I don't think it's him.

  37. Grr, sorry for the 2nd post. Hate that we can't edit comments. Thinking along the athlete theory for a moment (aka the KC Apologist Tour continues) I present two alternatives. Please discuss amongst yourselves. :)

    Tony Romo (Cowboys QB) & Carrie Underwood

    Barry Zito (MLB pitcher) & Alyssa Milano

    All of them are married now, so perhaps that would have been mentioned. I'm sure there are a dozen other reasons they don't fit either, but ....just for argument's sake, there you go.

  38. Oh, also, Kim would've sold this story already. It'd be some kind of "Inside My Romance Turned Horror" story, and she'd be a victim and she'd get try to find some way to make money off being an advocate for victims of domestic abuse.

  39. If it were Kim & Kris, she would have worn a sling/cast on her arm LONG after she didn't need it any more. She would have LOVED the publicity - a victimized woman. Are you kidding? Kim K WISHES that had happened to her.

    Kenny & Renee sound right to me also.

  40. Whiever this is, it isnt a "failure" to be gay.

  41. Not Romo. Didn't he just have a baby?

  42. @Nap You're my hero.

  43. Anonymous11:12 AM

    @Cathy: I wouldn't think the sports field was the same as the entertainment field but some would, what do I know? lol. I was just taking a shot in the dark and would hate for hit to be anybody including Kenny Chesney.

  44. C'mon guys. Kris and Kim are still in the middle of a bitter divorce. I dont know if this is true. But this reeks of a Kardashian plant. Remember the exact same allegations last December?

    This is coming straight from Kamp Kardashian. Klassic leak.

    And yes, the power forward the Nets who just signed a two year $24 million contract and is a household name is A-list.

    1. Did your brain explode from trying to replace the stupid k's? punny!

  45. KC has dated a girl from my town on and off for years, it doesn't mean he's not gay. Just thought I would throw it out there.

  46. Many women have come out and said they've been with Kris. And I don't think Kim is A List. Enty wouldn't call her that. She might think she is, but no one else does.

  47. Without naming any names, there are some posters who seem to come on here from time to time with drunken (seeming) ramblings about tangential topics. Usually best to just ignore them. This isn't the first time.

    1. Agreed! This blog has become a haven for trolls who have waaaay too much time, and spend it posting rambling message after rambling message on each post!

  48. Btw, Kamp Kardashian can't sell the story because in the pre-nup there is a Konfidentiality Klause.

  49. Anonymous11:16 AM

    @auntliddy: No it's not a failure to be gay and also not a failure to be in the closet because of your career in my book. I do think it is a colossal failure to abuse the women you have led to believe you are a straight man. I hate to say it but it does sound like it's Kenny & Renee.

  50. I have to agree with NapAssasin. Kenny is spotted at Petco (of all places) on a regular basis. He is always seen with a different hot blonde on his arm. I seriously doubt this is him.

    I think the divorce was based on "fraud" because of infidelity, not sexual orientation.

    1. You've actually just convinced me that he's gay. Different blonde on his arm? Come on.

  51. Anonymous11:16 AM

    And yes I just atarted a dems vs reps thing re: gay marriage in an election year. By the way what's the difference between not letting gay people have equal rights vs. not letting black people have equal rights? Why should some Americans not be considered equal to other Americans? Why can't they have the same rights to visit their beloved in the hospital when they're dieing? Or to inherit property? Or to get health insurance. Oh right beause it says it's wrong in the bible. And we base our laws and our constitution on the bible? Right? Well it's because we consider it to be a choice. We also used to consider black people as property too yet we have seen the error of that logic.Why why why WHY???? Why?Why isn't Gay Marriage legal? Can anyone tell me that ???

    1. Becasue the right wing Christian Republicans don't want it! Nor, if my history serves me right did they want to end segregation and jim crow laws... You didn't start it. The dumbass who responded to you started it or the Republican party started it. Its fine (I guess) if people are ultra conservative republicans but at least own it. That's their party, yes they disagree on equal rights for everyone, its absurd to say they don't. It shouldn't be used in the same sentence... Catch a freaking clue!

  52. So, just a general post, and slightly OT, but I honestly don't understand why people are still afraid to come out. There have been some VERY high profile people who came out over the past several years and no one cares. It absolutely lowers their credibility when they continue to lie about their orientation, so they just need to get over it. While some have had minor setbacks (Ellen, cancelling her show), overall, it hasn't really affected anyone's career (that I can think of, off the top of my head). Ricky Martin, Jodie Foster, Rosie, NPH, Elton John, I mean really...are any of them worse off?!?!

  53. Yeah, those of us who dig Chely Wright are still fans. Maybe even more so. *shrug*

    I can't think of any "patriotic" KC songs. ???

    My gut says this ain't KC/RZ, and KC isn't gay. Stuff I've heard around TN says that he's not.

  54. Dude, go do some yoga. This isn't a "Your Turn" thread on gay marriage. This is a thread about us being pissed at the woman-beater, and only at him. We can duke out politics on other threads.

  55. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Has Jodie Foster officially come out?

  56. Yes there were rumours about Kenny when he and Renee divroced, but the temper and the broken arm are new to me.

  57. @Kari, she supposedly thanked her partner of a number of years at some award show. I thought that was her big coming out. I apologize if I'm wrong as I have no first hand knowledge of anything. I'm just a celebustalker.

  58. Showing up in public with hot blondes does not a straight man make.

    I think it's kenny chesney. Raise the flag sounds like a patriotic reference not a sports one to me. I am on board with it being a country singer or a Nascaar driver.

    RE: Tony Romo dated Jessisca Simpson and Carrie Underwood so that's 2 high profile relationships.

  59. Back to Kenny and Renee....HAS he actually dated anyone else?!?! Being seen with does not count. I'm talking a 'real' relationship (by HW standards, not the rest of ours). I think it's just Renee.

  60. Silly girl, I have a family member in the music biz and he says that yes, they do count on a certain percentage of lost fans whenever someone comes out. Whether male or female, some of your fans are there because of physical attraction not just the quality of your songs, and they will leave and stop buying your music if they can't be attracted to you anymore.

    I can sort of understand the problem that gay actors would have (even though NPH has been playing a straight womanizer for 7 years now) but it still strikes me as odd that someone would stop buying your music because you're gay. And there are plenty of gay males who regularly get women shouting 'switch teams' at them. :)

  61. Good guess! I'd forgotten about those two. Poor Rene! My first thought was Kanye, but he doesn't date A-Listers. A gay rapper would likely fair better than a gay country music star.

  62. FS, you have a good point. If Kenny sings about a girl, some women may like to dream that it's a boy singing about them. A lot of his songs are great for weddings also. If all of a sudden they are about men, the songs lose the appeal.

  63. Ironically, one of Kenny's songs was my wedding song. It doesn't faze me in the slightest if he's gay or straight.

  64. @Kari, yes, @SillyGirl is right. She won an award probably about four years ago and thanked her partner from the stage - my recollection is that it was by name, and not some like "thanks to my lesbian life partner Blah Blah," but more or less, came out.

    Reading the blind, I was definitely leaning more toward athlete than musician, but Kenny and Renee fit too well.

    A question, though - there are a lot of us here, and Kenny Chesney has been in the public eye for so long - wouldn't at least one of us know a woman he hooked up with, or know someone who knew someone who did? If in fact he's slept with "hundreds of women"? I feel like our group is geographically diverse enough that if he was telling the truth, we would.

  65. I don't know anything about country music, but let's throw two names out there and see how the adults here would feel about them.

    Bruno Mars, rumored to be gay. What if he actually was?

    Justin Bieber, for the sake of the argument only. Immensely popular with a 90% female demographic. What percentage would stop being fans if he came out?

  66. @Unknown, several posters have said that he's dated someone in their hometown, but you're right, no one has said they know someone he's actually dated. There are WAY TOO many other celebrity connections for there to NOT be one here....good call!

  67. PS. It's a slow day here at work, so I love there's something going on here!

  68. I just googled 'Is Bruno Mars gay' this morning. It's his birthday, according to TMZ. I don't care, either way. I'd prefer them to be honest, over continuously denying it, however. Beiber, however, those little girls seem to think they'll marry him some day, no thanks to Katie saying she always wanted to marry Tom Cruise, and Kelly Preston saying she always wanted to marry John Travolta. Their money will stop flowing to the Beebs, I'm afraid, then he'll just have to stand on his musical talent alone.

  69. I would be a lot happier if the world that follows country music would not consider this guy being gay as some sort of tragedy.

  70. Anonymous11:39 AM

    @SillyGirl and Unknown: Thanks, I didn't know that.

  71. field & swung = baseball.. ARod? Jeter?

  72. i want to buy the kenny guess, but i run around in certain nashville circles that say he's, in fact, quite straight. and i've never heard a peep about him being even remotely violent. i have no idea who this BI could be...the broken arm thing is heartbreaking. there had to be sooo much at stake for the female in this equation to keep it so under wraps.

  73. Anonymous11:43 AM

    It appears that if you have a huge female fan base and are at the top or near top of your game, you or your handlers would fight to stay in the closet.

  74. @jane3113 You're right about the "showing up with hot blondes does not a straight man make" remark. My best friend is gay and he and I go out together all the time. For years before he came out, people thought we were a couple. Nope. Never. Just besties.

    Also, married women throw themselves at him constantly because he's hot. I find that a little creepy, but I guess since he's officially "safe," they can fantasize without offending their husbands? Regardless, it's kinda gross how blatantly they objectify him.

    I could see a closeted gay celebrity having the attentions of LOTS of beautiful women.

  75. Anonymous11:45 AM

    @Pookie: I agree but what could it be?

  76. @SillyGirl - Right. I'm unpersuaded by "he is rumored to date someone in my home town," or "he takes women to PetCo." Seriously, someone has to know a girl he fooled around with, or be one degree away from that. Kenny Chesney has toured the country for fifteen years, at least. If he is hooking up with women, someone here knows.

  77. @lazyday603 -- Word.

  78. Anonymous11:47 AM

    What about Jennifer Aniston/John Mayer? Renee and Kenny weren't together for long but they did get married...I don't know if that qualifies as a "wham bam" kind of thing

  79. Don't know if it is Kenny, but I agree with other posters where sometimes you really just do not know if someone is gay, no matter how well you think you know them. People show you what they want to show you. And hide what they don't want you to see.

    I've had two huge surprises with two men who act extremely hetro in my city. Date lots of pretty girls, have relationships...

    However, when visiting other cities... In both (separate) cases, the folks I met in the other cities thought the guys were gay because the guys pretty well slept with every guy in that group of friends in the other city(ies).

    One of the guys learned that I met his friends, and attempted to suss out how much I knew. I never let on. Just didn't want to go there. And it was none of my business. I kept his secret. And the other fellow's secret as well.

  80. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I don't think John Mayer is gay. I would suspect a lot of other people way before I would him.

  81. Totally agree that this is KC and Renee. Check out this pic from 2005 and look at her arm and how she's holding herself.

  82. Oops....forgot the

    1. My only argument here is that I broke my arm 2 weeks ago and no way could I have held my arm like that without a cast. My arm still kills and it's been in a cast for over 2 weeks. :/

      Or else maybe Renee has superhuman strength and broken bones don't bother her. I'm jealous.

  83. Would "spit flying" indicate a baseball player because they spit all the time? Obviously, I'm still holding out hope that it's not Kenny.

    I thought Renee said she had to check the box for "fraud" on the annulment docs because she had to choose something?

    The wedding picture where he's kissing her hand is one of my favorite celeb pictures.

    @M "do some yoga" is my favorite post of the day.

  84. @califblondy, you're right, she did say she checked it because she HAD to check something IF she wanted it annulled. I think, and I hope I'm not alone here, that there must be a SERIOUS reason why you would 'lie' and say it was fraud, only in order to negate the existence of the marriage. Otherwise, do what everyone else does and get a divorce! There's more to it than just 'because she had to'. There's a reason why she said FRAUD.

  85. Kari, i have no idea...but the more i think about it, the less i believe the female in question is RZ. if, given the timeline of her r'ship w/ KC, she had so little out at the time (one film, if i read correctly up in the comments), then i believe this had to be someone far busier, who had so much going on she had to hide the broken arm in order to avoid questions, hence the delayed healing time.

    i do think it may be someone in entertainment, since the BI reads different field, not different industry, but i have no idea whom this could be.

  86. Even though its written to sound like a baseball player, I'm voting for Kenny and Renee. Who else has been with an A-list (and only one) woman for a time so short that it raised eyebrows? Also, as long as athletes can play well no one really gives a crap about their sexual orientation. They'd just throw more money at them.

    The good old boys network that is country music would drop Kenny faster than you could say you say you think his tractor's sexy.

  87. Off topic... This is really funny.

    One Direction interview with an Ottawa radio station. DJ was, imo, pissed at the record company's rep's rules about questions that cannot be asked. She sprung the rules on the DJ immediately before the interview. Then she conferenced in a member of One Direction for the LIVE interview.

    Really, really funny.

  88. @ MDavies.
    she often holds her hands like that. Lainey has written about her posing.

  89. Anonymous12:02 PM

    @Pookie: Good thoughts. I don't know either if this isn't Kenny and Renee.
    I hope it gets revealed.

  90. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Wow, so much hate and vitriol. First of all, yes I ramble, yes I do go off on tangents. But, no I'm not drunk. I'm at work actually. It's a frickin entertainment comment section for goodness sake,didn't realise you all were so touchy, no need to get personal.

    My heart goes out to anyone living with inequality and prejudice. That's all. And the only argument I have ever heard about Gay Marriage is that being Gay is wrong because of the Bible. Just trying to open up a conversation on why aren't some Americans given equal rights? Sorry to offend anyone.

  91. Def Kenny Chesney. Occam's Razor y'all. No country bar would ever play one of his songs ever again if he came out. Same with radio stations. People would call in, protest, etc.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. I'm completely on board with the Kenny Chesney guess. I've met him and he pinged my gaydar in a million different ways. He's also a total douchebag....FYI. I was there on behalf of a children's charity and he was rude and dismissive....not just to me, but to the child that was there to meet him.

  94. Haley Berry/ David Justice

  95. Anonymous1:04 PM

    According to Enty's rules, once you win an Oscar, you're always "A-List". So Renee was, is and always will be A-List even if she never makes another movie. Please correct me if I have missed an update to his criteria. =)

    And I agree with everyone else...being spotted with a different girl on your arm everytime he goes to PetSmart is not an indicator of his hetero-ness. As a matter of fact, it might be an indicator of the exact opposite.

    Think about it. Why else would Renee and Kenny get married so quickly? He wouldn't until it was official. That was an excuse maybe, but I have known plenty of goody-two-shoes who rush to the alter because it's a sin to have premarital relations. Maybe she was eager, and he was hoping a marriage to a girl would give him legitimacy?

    And a new girl every time might be the indicator that once the girls find out he is "just not into them", they put two and two together and move on.

    Either way, I love his music and think he is yummy to look at no matter what. It's unfortunate that anyone would fear that coming out would lose fans for them. Being from Texas/Oklahoma, I know that it is true. Sigh.

  96. @Big, GOOD GUESS!!!!!

  97. Anonymous1:05 PM

    PetCo, not PetSmart. My bad.

  98. Yeah, Halle/Dave IS a pretty good guess. He was known to have been abusive, correct?

  99. David left Halle deaf in one ear.

  100. I thought Wesley Snipes left her deaf in one ear. She was already deaf in that ear when she met David. For years, she wouldn't reveal who had done it, but it eventually came out somehow, IIRC.

  101. Oh right. Wrong guy.

  102. I can (sort of) confirm that Kenny has a girlfriend! My friend met her backstage at his concert this summer. She is (in his words) a "smoking hot blonde" that works for ESPN. I think her name is Jenn Brown and a quick google search shows they have been together since 2010 (he allegedly cheated on a previous girlfriend with her).

  103. I can (sort of) confirm that Kenny has a girlfriend! My friend met her backstage at his concert this summer. She is (in his words) a "smoking hot blonde" that works for ESPN. I think her name is Jenn Brown and a quick google search shows they have been together since 2010 (he allegedly cheated on a previous girlfriend with her).

  104. Halle is deaf in one ear?

    news to me lol

  105. Yeah, Halle Berry worked for Mr. Gower when she was a kid.

    1. Ingrid, I just GUFFAWED

    2. Lol! Before or after George Bailey?!

  106. According to her Wikipedia page and some other sites Jenn Brown is married to an actor named Wes Chatham.

  107. It's not rumored, she's been on the cover of "knee pads" with him. Like I said, I'm not saying anything either way. I am an aquantiance with this person. Who knows? I'm just telling you some info. Not trying to star any trouble. Geez, it's rough around here..
    Sorry for opening my mouth....

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. i rad this is jake G and T swift the whole way. while i know he has had other gfs, i feel like they are recent enough to be considered high profile. perhaps now we know why they are never ever ever, getting back together lol. but the KC and renne guess is intriguing..

  110. ljsmed: I don't think anyone was openly disagreeing with you as there appears to be a lot of back and forth.I think you might be a little sensitive. You're good..Unless you accidentally got bounced over to this stream from another one.

    KC has always pinged my gaydar but I cannot see him as violent.

  111. Salman Rushdie and Padma Lakshmi.

  112. Obviously Chris Martin.

  113. Someone different; what about Zellweger and Jack White? I always found this romance odd, to say the least. He's is known to be pretty short tempered, has pretty old fashioned ideas about women and his religion could prevent him from coming out. And the weird stories about him and his ex wife/sister.. I don't know. Tbh, Meg White always gave me a huge lesbo vibe, maybe they were covering for eachother.
    Later on he married a model and had some kids, but I've never seen them all loved up.. They looked so businessy together.. Not like love. Same with Renee, or basically any other woman (even his ex/sister).
    I could see him as gay, and he was/is definately A list. Not sure about Kenny C.

    1. Whoa. Jack White is a huge proponent of womens rights and same sex rights. No way this is him.

  114. The Kenny/Renee guess seems to fit. And I love country music, both new and Alternative... I still remember Kenny's awkward laugh when Anderson Cooper asked him about the "Fraud". He said "Boy, do I wish I had fought that". or something along those lines...

    Did Renee hold her arms like that BEFORE the marriage?

    And, I like Chely Wright (except for "The River" song....) but I don't hear her on country radio.

    I think TPTB in country radio have all country fans pegged as idiots. (Remember the Dixie Chicks album that got NO radio play, but went to number 1 on the charts?)

    I don't *want* this to be Kenny & Renee, but it does answer the questions....

  115. @ NapAssasin I went to a thanksgiving dinner some years back with Rene's agent and he flat out told me he is gay. This is totally him. This is before Lindsay came out and he was like yeah, she's sleeping with this sam ronson chick that did some music on the meal girls soundtrack. i was like WOHA! Now we know! Yeah he is def. gay and Rene is amazing to keep that under wraps.

  116. Spit flying swing at white flag sounds like a boxer to me

  117. Wasn't she with Bradly Cooper too? he has a history of being violent and deeeply closeted?

  118. @portlandjewel

    Your history ISN'T serving you very well. Segregation and Jim Crow were entirely Democrat institutions.

  119. Raise the flag=NASCAR ???

  120. Raise the flag=NASCAR ???

  121. This is chesney. How many totally big country stars would play on san francisco?

  122. Not Kenny. Sorry to disappoint those of you who are sure of it. It was commonly known in Nashville that he had a serious girlfriend when he met Renee. He and Renee must have had a short, very hot thing and stupidly got married. He never gave up his girlfriend and for the 2-3 months he was with Renee, regularly returned to Nashville to hang out with the other woman, be seen publicly w/her and of course, sleep with her. The fraud was that he was never seriously married to Renee.

  123. Just throwing this out there, but how about Axl Rose and Stephanie Seymour (A++ supermodel at time)

    She was a Playboy Playmate & Victoria's Secret model when they were together which could explain her having to do different events to promote.

    He has had a lot of girlfriends but only confirmed celeb girlfriend was Stephanie.

    She has already said that he was abusive and sued him in the past for one specific incident, I think it was settled out of court.

    And I could see a lot of GNR fans not taking kindly to him coming out of the closet, hence the ruining of his career.

  124. Could it possibly be Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson? That was brief and I could see some of those clues fitting him.
    Another short marriage was Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman;noy sure they were A-list

  125. Jeter!

    Dude is 37, has never been married and, in 15 years in the public eye has only been involved in one or two long-term relationships. He's been linked to AT LEAT 11 celebrities.

  126. Katy Perry and Russell Brand

  127. Nicole "I like Arranged Marriages" Kidman introduced Renee and Kenny. So if he's gay, Renee knew it and the only fraud would be money - he had less than she thought or it was all invested in islands, for which there is a limited resell value.

    Knowing Enty, this could be Ernest Borgnine and Ethel Merman.

    I won't believe it of Lyle Lovett - Julia Roberts would be scarier than him.

    Maybe Carmen Elecktra and Dennis Rodman. I could see Mario Lopez being gay but not breaking Ali's arm. He wouldn't bother to care enough to hit.

  128. I dunno; this screams "Aaron Sorkin" to me for some reason.

  129. It premiered in early June 2005, not long after they got married. I would assume that the 'talk' didn't happen that early in their marriage for her to have a broken arm for the CM press.

    @redfish.....the marriage began in May and only lasted 4 months. The talk began big time when Zellweger announced she was seeking an annulment. The annulment was final in Sept. My understanding of an annulment is that it suggests the marriage was never consummated. That's an interesting turn of events for a marriage that was 4 months old.

  130. I'm on the " it's not Kenny" train. His aunt was my babysitter growing up. I just met up with her a few weeks ago and she talked about seeing Kenny in Detroit. I Got to text him too! He's not gay. I've been saying that since the whole RZ thing

  131. Lord, if only the Dario Franchitti/Ashley Judd thing would fit for this one ... WOOF!

  132. When I read this I could only think Russell Brand and Laty Perry.

  133. Cheryl Cole and Will.i.Am??

  134. It's not Kid Rock. I used to date someone who worked closely with Kid Rock, and that dude gets women like nobody's business. Which is shocking to me, really.

    Also, still no one has really had a convincing confirmation about knowing someone Kenny has hooked up with. The most convincing thing I've read so far was @littleman's Thanksgiving story.

  135. Anonymous8:10 AM

    "My boss is obsessed with Kenny and thinks he is the sexiest. She would be devastated if he was gay." Seriously? That makes no sense to me. Why in God's name would she be "devastated" over the sexuality of someone she has absolutely zero chance of ever having a relationship with? Unless in her fantasy world she truly believes she will meet him someday and he will fall instantly in love with her. Sounds like someone needs to get a clue and a life, in that order.

  136. Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra? Drew Barrymore and Tom Green?
