Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Is He That Stupid?

Apparently this B list all movie actor is way more of an idiot than everyone thought. Either that or he just does not want to see what is right in front of him with his B- list movie/television actress significant other. His friends have told him. People who are not his friends have told him. He has caught her with other people and somehow she has managed to talk her way out of it. He has stopped talking to friends after they have pointed it out to him. He will not listen to them. Apparently whatever his significant other says, he believes. She also must be a way better actress than I have ever given her credit for because he says that she is the best sex he has ever had and he has been with at least one person who will do or say absolutely anything when she is with a guy. So, why is he that stupid? She is always with her female . Always. Every second of the day. The assistant has always had a room down the hall when she has been living with our actor. Before they started living together, the assistant had a room down the hall at the actresses' house but in reality always slept with the actress. Everyone tells the actor what the assistant is, but he is convinced it is all rumor. Even when confronted with some photos of the two half naked and kissing. He bought the story that they got a little drunk and were doing some "exploring."


  1. If it said wife I would have said Blake and Ryan but no clue

  2. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt...

  3. Dax Shepard and Kristin Bell?

    1. The ex who will do anything for a guy is Kate Hudson

  4. Justin and Jessica. It says significant other, which could mean married or unmarried.

  5. I think camembert got it. There are quite a few pics out there with Miley getting "frisky" with her female assistant.

  6. Oh wait, scratch that. This chick is her old assistant, her new assistant now is a guy.

  7. Dax is on Parenthood. Not them.

  8. Channing Tatum, Jenna dewan (AHS)

  9. Martin Sheen and Rachel McAdams. He has a sweet looking face, that looks like he could be easily decieved!

  10. No clue but what a sneaky bitch. I hate when people lie and cheat. Just be honest, it is not that hard!!

    As for faking it, trust me (unfortunately I know from experience) with practice every orgasm is the best orgasm in the universe. You just have to believe what your selling ;)

  11. The Tatum's. Amanda Bynes for the hookup who'd do anything with a guy she's with?

  12. Hahahahaha! I think you mean MICHAEL Sheen, AnneBolyen. Though now I'm going to think of Martin Sheen being cuckolded by Rachel McAdams and giggle all day.

    1. Ha! Of course! I love Martin sheen! Freudian slip!

  13. Is Jenna Dewan b list???

  14. If not for the "all movie actor," I could buy Emily Blunt and John Krasinski for this . . .

  15. liam hemsworth, myley cyrus, amanda bynes

  16. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Sounds like Miley and Liam to me. She's been caught in bars kissing girls.

  17. Liam and Miley. Its already a known fact that he is not that bright.

  18. When a man loves a woman... That song says it all

  19. Timberland and Biel with Cammie Diaz as the free spirited ex. Enty had separate blinds about Biel's "assistant" and Cameron's freak.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This has to be Justin and Jessica, with all the recent rumors about her assistant. The freaky ex could be Cameron Diaz. Maybe this is why Justin isn't friends with Lance Bass anymore. Lance tried to out Jessica!

  22. While the rumors of Biel's lesbian tendencies are rampant, does Justin Timberlake have a reputaiton for being an idiot? I don't think he does. The actor in this blind does, which makes me think not him. Also, "B list all movie actor" seems a rather poor descriptor of Timberlake. I mean yes, you could describe him that way very, very loosely but it omits a lot of what else he is known for.

  23. After spending that much money on a wedding I guess you have to hang in there don't you Justin?
    I fail to see what could possibly be attractive to you with this woman.

  24. Martin Sheen?!! Oh wow. :)

    Didn't Timberlake do the Mickey Mouse club, so would that knock him out of the "all movie" category?

  25. This SCREAMS Channing Tatum/Jenna Dewan. He seems very nice but not super bright and there have always been rumors about her not being the most upstanding human being.

  26. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Timberlake does SNL quite often. Not him.

    I don't know anything about Tatum/Dewan, so but I don't think I would call her B-. Miley is higher than B-.

    Gotta be someone else.

  27. I think JT would be described as a "celebrity" since he is music AND movies; enty usually reserves "actor" (with no qualifiers)for someone who only acts.


  28. Here's the list of celebrity couples. I guess Tatum and Dewan is the best guess. Not sure if it's Liam/ Miley or not. Miley is usually referred to as a fjavascript:void(0)ormer A list teen or a celebrity. She's not just considered an actress.

    Below is a list of hollywood couples.

  29. I guess Tatum and Dewan is the best guess. Not sure if it's Liam/ Miley or not. Miley is usually referred to as a former A list teen or a celebrity. She's not just considered an actress.

    Below is a list of hollywood couples.

  30. The problem I have with the Tatums guess, is that I thought he was supposed to be a lot more savvy than appearances led one to believe. Not that long ago, Lainey wrote about him and his production company, making him about to be something of a power player in the Hollywood scene. And he has done well with his career choices, so from that perspective it doesn't sound like he's an idiot.
    My immediate thought was Biel and Timberlake, but the problem with that guess is that she kind of gave the impression that she was desperate to get married to him, so you'd have thought she'd be more discreet if this is her.
    In other words, I haven't got a freaking clue.

  31. Am I the only person old enough to remember Justin was on the Mickey Mouse Club? I also don't think he'd be labeled as an all movie actor. That being said, I have no clue, could be anyone.

  32. Isn't Channing Tatum the bisexual one in that relationship? Also, if the rumors about him cutting Magic Mike to make himself look better than Alex and Matt Bomer are true, I don't think he's that stupid.

    I have no guess for this yet. TimberBiel just doesn't seem to fit for me.

  33. Channing Tatum has no problem with whatever his wife does on the side. Also, no way in hell is Jenna Dewan B-.

    This is Timberlake and Biel. Enty has said many times what a terrible actress she is, how her assistant is more than that. The ex who would do anything: Britney.

  34. Yeah, Justin also did some disney movie way back when.
    i am not sure i want to consider jenna dewan b- list though. Hmmm.

  35. @Smokey772, Enty once revealed a kindness blind about Robert Downey Jr. (I believe it might have been July 4th) that called him "all movies", even though RDJ has done television. I believe the "all movies"/"all TV" applies to what that person is currently doing, though I don't know how far back Enty takes into account.

  36. Miley Cyrus has a male assistant. Cheyanne something.

    I hope this is BAG/Megan Fox. That would be Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

  37. I can't see this being Justin, he's not known for being stupid. Plus as someone else said, Jessica was far more desperate to get married than he was, or so it seemed.

    Still, if this is them, I'm laughing so hard right now because I really don't like him at all! I'm a bitch!

  38. Also, I know what people are saying about significant other, that it could mean married recently, but I'm not buying that.

    This is someone else, methinks. But what do I know?!

  39. The only rumor was that Alex and Channning didnt get along which they both denied. He didnt cut no Matt bomer scenes I read the script and Ken character had Less screen time than he had in the movie.

    Wouldn't channing be considered A-list? Brother had 3 movies gross over 100 million this year. I dont considered Jenna B- more like C+. I dont think is them Ted Casablanca said thats relationship he roots for. IDK

    I guess I go with Miley and Liam. Wasnt there BI that said she hook up with Jennifer Lawrence.

  40. Doesn't Justin Timberlake do SNL often? And not just in the hosting role as I'll bet simply hosting SNL wouldn't cause Enty to change his "all movies" title.

  41. I thought that Miley and Liam were the answer to the blind about him just staying her for the wild and freaky sex......

  42. It's Liam and Miley guessing by the pick Enty put up random part 1lol

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. What about Ryan gosling and Eva what's her name?

  45. Jenna can't be B- list. I can't recall her being in anything that made money.

  46. I have no idea, but why is she keeping it a secret that she likes the ladies? Isn't that every straight guys dream?

  47. I read this to be R-Patz and KStew

  48. I DO see this being Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake. Enty did a Blind Item a couple weeks ago that hinted at Biel's Sapphic relationship with her assistant. and while Timberlake isn't usually called stupid, because financially, he's a wizard, he could be in denial at the truth--ergo--he's stupid in this situation.

    ALSO: Presently Timberlake is all movies and I think Enty makes it pretty clear Biel's a bad actress only known for "7th Heaven" and some movies ("Rules of Attraction").

  49. Read this as the tatums as well all the way through.

  50. Oh please please please... let this be Ashton and Mila! And Demi as the ex...

  51. Slightly off-topic, but I didn't really know who Channing Tatum was. Then I rented "The Vow" last weekend, and boy, is he pretty!

  52. If it's Biel and Timberlake maybe it's not stupidity but ego that would make Justin believe Jessica. Because you just know that man thinks he's the shit and every woman is crazy for him.

  53. I read this as Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds with the ex being Scarlett Johannsen

  54. @izz: exactly my thoughts.
    timberlake doesn't come off as dumb, more like gullible because he thinks he is god's gift to women. He simply can't believe someone would cheat on him, because he is too great and sexy (barf)
    Even when looking at their People-cover, he is trying to get all the attention, while Biel is somewhere in the background, looking meh.It makes him look like a total douche tool, but whatever floats his boat xD
    Guessing Cam Diaz for the ex, remember a blind about her being a freak.

  55. I think it's Biel and Timberlake. If she gets to stay in the closet she's got what she wants. If he's a horndog he gets to tell the bimbo's he can't be serious because he has a wife. Everybody is happy.

    You don't get to where Timberlake is in the business and be gullible or naive unless it's willful. This is a deal pure and simple.

    Call me when they file the paperwork making the marriage legal in the States.

  56. Honestly, none of the guesses fit so far. Timberlake would be described as a singer/actor.

    The only guess that seems even remotely close would be the Ryan/Eva one, but that still seems off.

    I got nothing.

  57. Can't be Timberlake. He was on the Mickey Mouse club!! That is a TV show, last I checked. The blind says "B list all move actor". Guess again!

  58. Maybe that's why Jessica Biel has those God-awful bangs! To hide her raised brow when she thinks "Can you believe this dummy?"

  59. Everyone that keeps pointing out that Justin was on MMC way back when... When the term "all movies" is used, it isn't literally that someone has only EVER done movies, but they only do movies NOW and they're identified as a movie actor by people. It's not exactly like Enty goes onto IMDB before he writes the blind to verify that someone doesn't have some obscure TV credits.

  60. Really don't think Enty would have used "B list all movie actor" for Timberlake. He would have said "celebrity" or "singer who does other things" or "dude who wishes he could act".

  61. He may not be as stupid as we think. He may just be enjoying the best of both worlds. Just saying..

  62. the clue is GIRLFRIEND, not wife

  63. When did Kstew do TV other than promotional appearances on talk shows?

  64. "This B list all movie actor..." is the open to the blind item. So it's not Timberlake. He's not an all movie actor. He is a singer, actor, masturbator, etc. I don't think it's him. I haven't got a clue who this might be. I would say the Tatum's but his wife is not B-. Soooo...

  65. Well said Bridget!

    It seems funny to me that some are adamant they can dismiss someone from a blind guess because they were on TV 20 years ago!

    JT is a "Celeb" though, not an all movie actor. Liam got his start in Oz with several years worth of credits on TV including a regular spot on Neighbours so he doesn't fit either. Best guess is Channing with Amanda Byrnes as the anything goes ex... but I have never heard of his wife before, is she considered a B- actress?
