Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Today's Blind Items - He Is A Strange Man

Ever wanted to marry or date an A+ list movie actor? This actress did. She dated him for quite some time. Granted, our actress is just about A list in her own right, and she is a little strange in her own right, but talking about dating this actor and you get the feeling that she has never experienced anything like it before and that she is in no rush to go back to that place. She says that when she met the actor he was in character. A lot. So, when he was a little quirky when they first started dating, she thought it was some kind of method acting. Kind of. It turns out the actor dates every woman he is with differently. Our actress spoke to a couple of other people who dated him and they all give totally different accounts of who he was with them because he changes for each person. With our actress he was totally over the top everyday. Manic. Would be going full blast at 5am and not stop until he passed out from exhaustion around 10pm. The same all day everyday. She was tired just watching, but he made her participate in everything. There was no sitting around and part of the marathon days was to have sex at least three or four times a day. When she talked to another actress though, she said that when they dated, he would sit in a room and just read or stare at the television and that in the six months they dated, they had sex once or twice. One other actress says that when she dated the actor he was always cleaning himself. He would shower several times a day and had people come over everyday to give him manicures and that he would keep himself busy all day, but that it generally was about exercising and keeping clean and would only eat certain foods at certain times and that everything was regimented. They never got around to talking about sex. It is like the actor takes the role with the person he thinks he is supposed to have or his most recent film character. They all said he is strange and that no one ever goes back for another chance with him.


  1. Keanu? Seems permanently single.

    1. Keanu is permanently Gay if you didn't know. He is "married" to the Geffen son.

    2. What Geffen son?

  2. This definitely sounds like Jim Carrey to me, but I can't think of any A listers he's dated except Renee Z.

  3. Brad Pitt with Juliette Lewis as the girl?

  4. Replies
    1. That would be a shame. I still hold put hipe i can run away with him someday. Great profile phone, super cute of your little one. Makes me smile!

    2. Hope and picture. Thanks iPhone.

  5. Brad Pit? He seems to change with every girlfriend he has.

  6. I thought Jim Carrey too. I thought Jenny McCarthy for the girl even though that would potentially be her for two blinds.

  7. The girl could be Goop. They dated for a long time and looked alike.

  8. Immediate thought was Jim Carrey & Jenny McCarthy but I have no idea of any other actresses he's dated...

    However I like the Brad Pitt guess too. He does change with every girl he dates/marries.

  9. my first thought was Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy... something about the wording and the other clues speaks these 2, for me.

  10. Ralph Fiennes. The hint being 'Strange'. He was in that movie "Strange Days" in 1995. Gotta be him.

  11. jim carrey also dated lauren holly and rene Z

  12. Brad Pitt is a good guess, but I'm feeling Jim Carrey on this one.

  13. Doesn't jim carrey have a kink tho'?

  14. I'm thinking Jim Carey for this one. Sounds like there might be some personality disorder/mental issues with someone who can change like this.

  15. Johnny Depp/Amber Heard?

    Can't be Brad or Keanu - Enty specifically said this guy bathes.

    1. Brad did bathes, just depends on his girlfriend.

    2. I ment did take bathes

  16. Joaquin Phoenix and Liv

  17. i dont know why it's not giving my nickname...it's snit...gonna work on that

  18. I'm thinking it sounds like Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder.

  19. @Dandelion Can't be George, he only dates cocktail waitresses, trashy foreign TV presenters and wrasslers, lol.

    Seriously don't think he changes up like this.

  20. I don't think it's Brad Pitt...he seems to take on the girlfriend's persona moreso than entering into the relationship as a different person.

    Juliette Lewis-quirky
    Goopy- fashionable and all about the "craft"
    Angie- dogooder, uber-parent

  21. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Just to throw it out there, Bradley Cooper??

  22. I like the Sean/Scarlett guess.

  23. Anonymous10:35 AM

    So, the actor had these 3 roles:

    Manic, sex-mad, super-energetic guy
    Docile, catatonic, couch potato?
    Obsessive compulsive, diet obsessed, pampered neat freak.

    If it wasn't for the sex part, and the 'marathon' clue, I would have said Dustin Hoffman for Marathon Man for the first, and Rain Man fir the second but nada for the third.

  24. Leonardo di Caprio?

  25. I read this as Jim Carey, but agree that Brad Pitt or SBC could be good guesses.

  26. ugh..my comments arent happening? joaquin phoenix and Liv Tyler

    sorry if this I'm spamming this.

    1. Hello, snit! I like the Joachin option. Interesting call.

    2. Joaquin Phoenix popped into my my head too! Good call.

  27. What about Tom Cruise?

  28. My only thought about why it would NOT be Leo would be that he and Enty are friendly. I also don't know that Leo has ever dated an actress.

    I like the Joaquin Phoenix guess but I'm not sure he would be considered A+ list.

  29. Waht about Daniel Day Lewis? Not sure if he is married or not?

  30. My first reading this was christian bale or dustin hoffman..im not sure if either has been married for awhile but they both are method. Christian bale was in american psycho and the obsessive grooming would fit.

  31. My first reading this was christian bale or dustin hoffman..im not sure if either has been married for awhile but they both are method. Christian bale was in american psycho and the obsessive grooming would fit.

  32. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Daniel Day Lewis is married to Rebecca Miller, Arthur Miller's daughter. She said in an interview that for one film they did together he moved out and lived with other cast who were all living in character. Really method.

  33. I read this as Jim Carey too... McCarthy is not the a-lister though, enty has recently referred to her staged photo ops and a-lister's dont have to call paparazzi...

  34. Changing with every girlfriend sounds like Brad Pitt, but this sounds a little OTT to be him.

    I like the Jim Carrey guess. I would imagine that there are a lot of women we don't know about in between the high-profile gfs like Jenny McCarthy and Renee Z.

  35. Sounds like Jim Carey to me.

  36. Wow, what is going on with keyboards today?

  37. This could be a number of actors - Depp, Pitt, Carey, Cruise. They all seem like they'd be a bit weird and try to play a role off screen - Carey & Depp more than the others. I'm going with Cruise, though, just because I want it to be him.

  38. Can't be Brad, although I do know that physically he conforms to who he's with. He was always and apparently is still a pot smoker, which is usually someone who is very mello, not a party animal. Also Jennifer did want to go back for a second chance with him. Angie is still with him and is marrying him.

  39. If Pitt, his manic time could be during Fight Club or 12 Monkeys. Tyler Durden was out of control.

  40. The actor is Crispin Glover I WIN THIS THREAD!

  41. THIS IS BRADLEY COOPER! It has to be I just feel it...his a-list counterpart(s), I can think of Renee Zellweger and Zoe Saldana. He is really weird, you can tell...and Enty has never been a fan of him, nor his relationship/his behavior towards Zoe

  42. would anyone be *surprised* that this was Jim Carey? Probably not. and I've always heard that his personality is really dark. don't think this blind is him. probably someone we think of as really "normal"

  43. My first and only thought is Al Pacino.

  44. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The only person that fits this really well is Jim Carey. Joaquin's been with his sister for years. Dustin Hoffman's been married forever. Crispin Glover isn't A list. Bradley Cooper is a womanizer/the same type all the time. Pitt is the stable/dad/husband type. Carey is the weird, joking, method acting kind of guy. Remember the weird video to Emma Stone? Saying I"m in love with you, obsessed w/ you, we could grow old together? I put my vote in as Jim Carey.

  45. Anything written about Cruise these days is dripping with contempt, and Enty seems to feel a little compassion for this strange A+ actor, so not Cruise.

  46. Just to be different (although I highly doubt them to be A+)...Shia LaBeouf or James Franco?

  47. LEO...he played Howard Hughes who was a fanatic about germs...hence the part about always cleaning himself.

  48. I'm on the Carey train.

  49. I think it's Jim Carrey. Lauren Holly, IIRC, has hinted around more than once that at first he was fun, but then she realized he was unstable. It was a long time ago, so I can't remember where/when/quotes. I do remember she was polite about it, but the hints were there.

    LH talked about the relationship when she was selling a project. I always got the feeling she took advantage of him, to promote herself. I could go into detail, but nobody cares.

  50. Oh, and there have been rumors of Carrey having OCD for years, and he's TOTALLY a method actor.

    Remember how he lived as Andy Kaufmann for like a year?!

  51. CraftyGirl, I was going to suggest James Franco, too, with Amanda Seyfried for the actress.

  52. Jim Carrey is also manic depressive. I think it's him.

  53. I read Jim Carrey through this whole blind. Gotta be him-he is manic and lives in character the whole time he films.

  54. if its jim carrey, then the almost A list actress could be rene zellweger, or is she considered A list or higher?

  55. I'm wondering if Enty is friends with Renee Z.? Between this blind and the possible Bradley C. blind from a few days ago, hmmmmmm.

    (Not Himmmm, just hmmmmm.)

  56. Tom Cruise... Penelope Cruz?

    She always seemed like the most normal of this 'girlfriends'

    She is A-list and was his co-star in Vanilla Sky

  57. Sounds like Jim Carrey, but isn't that a little too obvious?

  58. i could see
    robert downey jr doing that,
    cruise - as being bored and "playing" the beards
    jack nicholson - on top of the list

    not Caprio, Carey. just because they play really believable parts exhibiting this behaviour, does not mean they are like that. they both played a bigger range roles than that. this is why they are called A lister - they are good at playing. :-)

  59. I don't think Jim's done anything noteable in 5+ years aside from personal life tabloid fodder, so I don't think he's A+ list. More B+ for all his work 10+ years ago.

    I think this is Joaquin Phoenix. I think The Master and him being almost a shoe-in for a Best Actor nom for the oscars this (next) year have risen him to A+.

  60. I read this as Jim Carrey, but I don't consider him A+ at all anymore.

    HOWEVER, Jack Nicholson...I think he's played all those characters, hasn't he?

  61. just for fun: Christian Bale (before his marriage) with Winona Ryder(A list weirdo),Samantha Mathis(1995) and Anna Friel(1999)

  62. Just to be different, what about Billy Bob Thornton? He dated Angelina Jolie and Laura Dern.

  63. Oooh French Girl..I like your reasoning. My first thought was Christian Bale too but then Jim Carey was mentioned. I seriously think he takes meds for Schizophrenia. MY guess but not sure. He has a total manic side.

  64. I don't know about Jim Carey... Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox both said he was great to work with... and the guy in this blind sounds like his creepiness would spill over into the workplace.

  65. My first thought was Jim Carrey.

  66. Uh, say what CarmeliteLady?

    "Joaquin's been with his sister for years."

    Boy did I miss that memo.

  67. What about Johnny Depp?? This totally sounds like it could be him.

  68. @Aoife - The phoenixs were a popular guess for a recent blind about an incestous family.

    With that being said, I do think this is Joaquin and Liv.

    They're both a little strange and he seems to do weird 'I'm living in a movie' things - LIke his fucked up 'fake' documentary with casey affleck.

    Plus it hints that he changes his character after each movie. Joaquin's latest character in the Master is a sex crazed freak.. and I imagine if I was dating Liv tyler, I'd be pretty sex crazed too.

  69. Great deductive reasoning, I'm with MrWolf.

  70. Jim Carrey, although Daniel Day Lewis is a great guess.

  71. Anonymous3:46 PM

    First person I thought of was
    Brad Pitt.

    Remember when Gwyneth and him looked alike ?

    I don't think of Jim Carrey as A+ list. Is he ???

  72. Jim Carrey was A+ years ago. He has the rep for being maniac. I'm on the Carrey train.

  73. At first, I was thinking Billy Bob but now am on the Joaquin train.

  74. I'm sure this Sean and Scarlot!

  75. Dicaprio is OCD, or said so in an a interview about Aviator, but I think it's Depp, who is a freak if ever there was.

  76. Jim Carrey. Isn't it well documented that he's bipolar?

  77. This person wouldn't have to be method acting if he's simply bipolar. He could have long phases of depression (lack of interest in sex, etc.) followed by manic periods of over-activity (sex or otherwise) so his partners at different periods of his illness may have very different experiences.

    That said, likely Jim Carrey. Lots of Renee Z./Jenny McCarthy blinds recently?!

  78. Mark - my first and only thought has been Al Pacino, too. And I have no idea why!

  79. Both Bale and Penn are in the Random Photos today hmmmm.

  80. Came back to post John Cusack as a guess, not featured in Random Photos but in his own post today (for kinda recreating Lloyd Dobler at a Peter Gabriel concert which is awesome but I digress...). The way its written the item implies the subject is a longtime serial dater and currently still single. Cusack's dated a ton of actresses in his time so there are many available to compare notes. Is he A+ though?

  81. Not Cruise or Cooper (the tip off is "sex at least 3 or 4 times a day" with an actress). My money is on Sean Penn, Depp or Carrey, because they're all completely batshit. I doubt Clooney would give enough of a rat's about any woman to go through such hijinx, and Pitt seems a little too dull for it.

  82. Carey can't be A+ at this time, how could that be? I vote Depp. Think of all his weird roles and the opportunity for method acting.

  83. I had two thoughts


    Josh Harnett ... but not A list. He seems like a right of passage for most of the Hollywood girls

  84. Christian Bale's been married forever

  85. Whatever, for me I read this a BRAD PITT and cannot fill it with anyone else right now…right or wrong.

  86. hiya alita and thanks! I'm not very good at these, but I can't shake the feeling it's Joaquin. Only thing is that he and Liv were together a long time ago...

  87. Jim Carrey. 98% sure about this.

  88. What about Val Kilmer?

  89. I'm actually going go for Bradley Cooper and Renee Z. I see him as being a person who has a tremendous amount of quirks that would drive a sane away. He has been on a health and exercise kick since getting sober and as a requirement for dating him, a woman must agree to watch the Charlie Rose show with him at night while he eats his Ben and Jerry. He also has a compulsion to shower three times a day and the women he dats usually don't hang around long.
