Wednesday, October 03, 2012

The News Anchor Who Was Called Fat By A Viewer

Jennifer Livingston is a news anchor in LaCrosse Wisconsin. She recently received an e-mail from a viewer who called Jennifer fat. The e-mails was first shared by Jennifer's husband who is also a news anchor on the same network. The letter is shown above. Basically it says that as a news anchor, Jennifer is not being a good role model to the youth of the city, especially girls, by continuing to be so unhealthy and fat for so many years. Since when is weight the definition of being a good role model? There are so many things to look at, and the guy didn't say anything positive or that there was anything else the news anchor does that is good for the community, only that she is fat so is a horrible role model.  The author of the letter says he is not bullying and also says that he stands behind what he wrote in the letter.


  1. if she responds to every person who has an issue with her, there will be a lot of people changing the channel. not every comment is worthy of a response.

  2. Good for her!!
    I can't imagine what kind of awful remarks people in any spotlight, small town to Hollywood, have to deal with on a daily basis.
    I know that I've watched shows before and took to twitter because I had to insult someone lol but I am not proud of that.
    And another thing.. How does being chubby make someone a bad role model?

  3. She only responded because it got so much attention after her husband posted it though.

  4. Gosh, if only the "community's young people, girls in particular" had a chance to see thin girls and women on their TV, we'd probably all be so much better off.

    What a shame that TV offers so few examples of these "healthy" body styles.


  5. She is a horrible role model! That blazer!! I had to shield my daughter's eyes. Shoulder pads in my household...OVER MY DEAD BODY.

  6. Why is everything "Bullying"?? The guy made one comment to the woman. Just because he is a jerk for feeling the need to say something like this to the anchor, I don't see this as bullying. Just his unpopular opinion.

    1. Amen. It's not bullying, its an observation.

    2. It's an unsolicited opinion. That makes him an asshole with no common sense, but not a bully.

    3. I'm so sick of the word "bullying" especially when it's applied to adults it sounds so stupid.

  7. She has a really cute husband, three kids and a good job. Why let a moron get under your skin?

  8. I need to educate myself on the definition of bullying because I don't see how he bullied her. Is having an opinion that someone doesn't like now considered bullying in 2012? I genuinely don't know.

  9. It's quite obtuse of him not to consider that she IS a good role model for girls and learning acceptance - particularly those in their tweens/teens when the pressure to "fit in" can be so unbearable. Some girls/people are genetically predisposed to being larger, and some simply take longer to lose their "baby fat". I respect the WI station for employing her based on her skillset and not because some jerkoff lawyer may want to throw it in'er.

    1. I'd also like to add that it's rare I will say I respect anything having to do with WI.


  10. She was on GMA today. She does 5ks and triathlons but due to a thyroid issue she can't lose the weight.

    I think with this issue, more people are centering on the word "bullying" as opposed to the main message.

  11. She was on GMA today. She does 5ks and triathlons but due to a thyroid issue she can't lose the weight.

    I think with this issue, more people are centering on the word "bullying" as opposed to the main message.

  12. Like most news reporters she found something she could exploit to raise her national profile.

  13. Let's be real...would she have a job in one of the major markets? No, she wouldn't because she doesn't have 'the look'; mean but true.

    Why do I feel this could turn into a nationwide media storm with Jennifer's 'attractive' husband talking about how great she is and how much he loves her, regardless of size?

    1. Here in Philly (one of the major markets) we have plenty of ordinary looking news casters.
      Sure we have some hotties but they come and they go, and our favorites (Sue Serio) has seen them all.
      You don't have to be gorgeous to be good at your job and to develope a fan base.

  14. I consider it bullying because he's trying to shame her because of her size. He's insinuating that because she looks the same as she did the last time he tuned in, that her weight is a 'choice' she made and continues to make, that she's too lazy or not trying hard enough to lose the weight. How does he know what she's doing or not doing to lose weight, whether she's struggling with her weight to get healthy? Like she said... does he really think she doesn't know she's overweight?

    This just my opinion--and we know with what opinions have in common--that the letter writer is doing is the equivalent of telling a clinically depressed person to just cheer up and get over it, already. Yes, there is an obesity problem in this country. Singling out one local anchor in such a way is mean, rude, not at all constructive and devoid of empathy.

    (Let's be real here: how likely is it this person would have written the same letter to a male news anchor?)

    1. I agree. It's definitely bullying. This woman's being told, quite plainly, that she isn't worthy of respect. She did a very good job of explaining how kids can start being bullies when they witness their own parents acting that way. You see your parents, the primary role models, shaming other people like they deserve that kind of humiliating treatment, then it's really easy to follow suit.

  15. Ah, yes, another concern troll...he's just smart enough to know that if he starts bleating about "no fat chicks!" he'll get (justifiably) called out, so he couches it as "I'm concerned for your health/you're not a good role model" in the hopes of slipping it in and getting people to agree with him. Not buying it, dude...

    (What IS it about guys who take a woman's being fat as some kind of personal assault against their tender sensibilities? Crimony, you'd think these guys have the attitude that women as a gender owe it to them to all be fuckable at all times...oh, wait, that IS how they think!)

  16. I wonder how many of the people who comment on this site and either disagree with her or question her motives are overweight?

    Show of hands please?

  17. I think she HAD to respond, especially due to all the comments generated from her husband posting the email. She did a good job of responding, and presented it in a very stand up sort of way. Good for her. I wouldn't say the guy was a bully, though. Thoughtless and outspoken, yes, but not a bully. I would add, a bully would have said something along the lines of 'just off yourself so we don't have to look at you anymore'. THAT would be bullying. Saying someone is overweight, or fat, is not being a bully. Regardless, she handled this in a professional manner and didn't resort to name calling or otherwise antagonistic behavior.

    1. He didn't just tell her she was fat. He told her she wasn't worthy of respect. That's being a bully.

  18. Fat bashing is the last legal & sanctioned form of discrimination & abuse.

  19. I just really wish we could go to a place where people are kind to each other. I too don't think he is a bully just an asshole!!! I just don't understand why he thought he should send such a letter. The only purpose was to shame her and make her feel bad about herself. ASSHOLE!!!!!

  20. If she can't handle people criticizing her weight maybe she should choose a less public job. Or here's an idea - lose some fucking weight. The guy is right. Only in Wisconsin where beer and cheese is their own food group is this pig considered normal.

  21. He's right -- she is fat. I do question if he would deem fat men as equally poor role models.

  22. I'm from Wisconsin, overweight, and I like beer and cheese. I will take my pig self and comment that I thought her response was eloquent and smart. I'm not sure if I considered his email bullying and it was definitely something that could have just been deleted. She said that they discussed it over dinner and felt it was important to stand up against that thought to be an example to her 10-year-old daughter.

    If you have passion on this issue either way, please take a moment to play the video.

    By the way, fat isn't a choice I made and it truly sucks living in this skin sometimes. Diet and exercise don't always do the trick for all people.

    1. Don't worry. I'm sure it truly sucks living in Groovy's skin even more.

  23. @groovy. Chill out, you are horrible. If you read the other posts you would see that she has a thyroid problem. See making assumptions without knowing facts can make someone look like an A$$hole . Oops I think that just happened TO YOU.

  24. Yeah, because no one on TV should ever be anything than blonde, busty (mostly implants as someone naturally thin will usually be small-busted too) and svelte.

    Unless one is male. Then one can be both fat and even a bit homely. We have a guy on our local news that is morbidly obese. Every time I see him, I think, "They'd NEVER let a woman of that size be a reporter or on TV unless she was comic relief of some sort."

    It's easy to point fingers at fat people but as someone who lost weight (I'm overweight but not obese), it's damned hard to both lose and keep it off. Your own body sabotages you, LOL.

    Think about it. Look at all the dieting celebrities who look great. Then check back on them a few years later and guess what, the weight is back. If they can't do it, with $$$ and trainers and chefs, how can regular people?

    It's not as simple as "put down the fork."

  25. I used to live in La Crosse! Went to college there. Jennifer is well-respected there and kudos to her for addressing the issue. Also, Enty failed to research the fact that Ron Livingston (Office Space) is her brother. He came into the bookstore that I worked at with her once.

  26. She handled it with much more class than I would've! Pretty sure my response would've been something like "F*ck you, motherf*cker!"

  27. I think that ignoring comments like that is just another form of apathy. The way she took a stand against it was admirable, as was the way her husband defended her. Ive known men that would have just sat back and watched her get verbally berated.

  28. I wish people would stop equating thin with healthy. I happen to not be fat but I'm not thin either. My body naturally builds muscle easily which makes me look stocky in every day clothes. The supposed fitness professionals at my gym are always surprised that someone who is at the high edge of the "healthy" weight scale can run and lift more weight than the twiggy 20-somethings. Heavy does not equal unhealthy.

  29. Ms Cool, You said it, sister! And GemTwist, I'll bet you are spot on. Groovy is likely miserable in his own life, and even more miserable to live with. Alternatively, he is an arrogant jerk who thinks people care about his opinion, when everyone rolls their eyes behind his back.

    Yes, I have weight to lose, but LISTEN, PEOPLE: There are worse things to be than fat! I am not a serial killer, a bad mom, a criminal, or abusive to anyone. I am a moral and ethical person who pulls my own weight (pun intended)and lives my life with a "live and let live" attitude. Being a good person and a role model has nothing to do with size.

  30. "concern troll". Love it. It really bugs me when people try to hide their fat phobia behind this fake concern for someone's health. You know NOTHING about a person's health just by looking at their body. Assuming someone is unhealthy and lazy just because they're overweight is ignorant and foolish.

  31. Sorry but I've got one huge side eye to La Crosse, WI. Some years back they wanted to legalize shooting stray cats and now some @ss that lives there wants to posture and tell people about being role models. I lived in WI for almost 10 years so please no WI hate. Just must be something in the water up there.

    Meanwhile good for Jennifer for speaking up. I think the topic of people's weight is the last form of sanctioned discrimination in this country. Not that people shouldn't take care of themselves, though. That should always be a priority. Just saying that people shouldn't presume they know better.

  32. I'm 5'9" and a size 6, and there's no way in Hell I can run a 5K. I'm riddled with asthma, allergies (environmental and dietary), and chronic plantar fasciitis that developed from compensating due to having my knee broken. Plus, I have near-crippling stage fright. This woman could kick my ass! :)

  33. Ok, I read this site everyday and never comment, but I very much disagree with the post that fat bashing is the last acceptable form of abuse and discrimination. Um, hello, fat people can get married but gays can't ( in most states), being called gay is still a form or torment, as insinuating a male runs like a girl, for example. Too often we have pieces of our lexicon that bash others and it's a shame - it's also NOT A CONTEST.

  34. True story: My husband and I went shopping this weekend and I couldn't find anything that fit right. He kept saying, what's wrong with them?! I kept saying they just don't fit right! Eventually he responded with But you're not fat! I don't know why you think your fat! I was like, WHAT?!?! I never said I was fat!! My boobs are too big (34DDD)for my height (4'11") so NO tops fit right!!

    Interesting to me that he immediately thought I thought I looked fat. We've been naked together HOW MANY TIMES?!?! We even shower together. I've never said I thought I was fat, but that was right where he thought I would go. Interesting. BTW, I DO think I look fat, but that's beside the point. :)

  35. Amber said...
    I'd also like to add that it's rare I will say I respect anything having to do with WI.


    Fat Ass Beer-Loving, Cheese-Eating, Wisconsin Packer Fan

  36. If it was a male anchorman who was over weight there would have been no email. Why is it Okay for men to be overweight? Right now my ex son inlaw has my granddaughter on a diet. He and his brother's gf decided she was chubby, so they only feed her vegetables and water. She is 3 yrs. old and a 2T is big on her. Not all the female race was made to look like a plastic barbie doll. And you women that think only skinny is attractive are just as much a fault if not more. As, for the blazer comments, the anchorpeople's clothing is provided by the station. Personally I am 6 feet tall and wear shorts in the summer I have numerous scars from surgery on my legs. People always seem to think it is necessary to comment on my legs. What is deemed as acceptable behavior makes me sick. What kind of world are we leaving for the next generation.

  37. Not only does heavier not equal unhealthy, but thin doesn't always mean healthy. We all know someone who can eat an entire pizza and never exercise and look fantastic. That's not good either.

  38. I cried when I saw her response to this unbelievable jerk. Even more unbelievable was HIS response, another email reiterating his statement and offering to give her diet and exercise advice.

    The whole bullying thing came into play because of her daughters, to whom she talks alot about cyber-bullying. She felt she HAD to stand up to this guy on the air so her daughters would know that nasty, hate-filled emails don't have the power to destroy them, and that it's okay to stand up to bullies and not let them diminish their self worth.

    And, she may be overweight but I think she's gorgeous. Inside and out. LaCrosse is lucky to have her.

    And for the record, @Groovy, you're an asshole who obviously knows nothing about Wisconsin or the great people, like my parents, who live there.

  39. @chopchop - It was said in jest & you left off the 2nd line :P I'm Minnesota 'til I die.

  40. I wouldn't call this bullying. Tacky, sure, but not bullying. And I don't see why she felt the need to respond.

    For the record, I am a slightly overweight chick who is working on it and beating it thanks to a natural paleo diet. Only a small percentage of folks have true medical reasons to not lose the weight. I don't mean to sound insensitive; I have trouble moving myself due to health issues, but I can sure control what I'm putting in my mouth. That's all I've done for three weeks, no exercise, and I've lost 9 pounds. For the majority of us, lifestyle changes WILL cause weight loss.

    And all that said, yes, thin isn't always healthy and overweight isn't always unhealthy. Funny how lots of health issues clear up or get better when we lose weight, though.

  41. @old ;ady - your ex son-in-law sounds atrocious! Since when are 3 year old girls supposed to be skinny-minis? He is going to psychologically mess up your granddaughter in so many ways I hope for yours & her sake, you can do something about this!

  42. Agree - fat bashing is one of the last two acceptable prejudices. And it just kills me how some men who are overweight themselves bitch about women being overweight. And yeah, this guy was a bully - giving unsolicited, demeaning "advice". Adults can be just a bully as a child.

  43. @AKM - do you read the Practical Paleo blog/follow her on twitter? The paleo breakfast bread is SO good!

  44. Amber, I don't think I've found that one. My current fave is The Clothes Make the Girl. She rocks! Thanks for the tip.

  45. @AKM - I've got yours bookmarked now. Thank you, as well! :)

  46. The guy sounds like a jerk. And it's upsetting that weight - not education, not job or professionalism, not being a "good person" - is what is the barometer for whether or not she is a good role model.

    That being said, I do think we having gotten to the point where every comment made to or about someone runs the risk of being defined as being a 'bully' and where true, realistic comments can't be said because it is 'discrimination'.

    It doesn't seem to apply to this woman. And that's the problem with making comments to/about a person you don't know. But we absolutely to have a health epidemic in this country do to people being overweight. It's costing ALL of us. It's costing us in health care. It's costing us our actual taxes and pocketbooks.

    I'm not a big fan of just ignoring the problem and of people trying to address the problem being castigated themselves.

    Like I said - doesn't seem to apply to her. And he seemed like a dick that thinks women on tv should be thin since he mentioned nothing at all positive. But just sayin', I guess.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. @Amber, I guess I just couldn't fathom hating anything and everything just because it came from a particular state? *shrugs* It just seems really bizarre ... and I think it says a lot more about you than it does about the state of Wisconsin.

    1. @chopchop u must be picking a fight bc @ambers comment was a cute joke about a healthy state rivalry. Amber is nothing but nice here so u must be new or having a bad day. (that's all I'm going to say)

  49. @chopchop - It was A JOKE. There is a long rivalry between the two, and both rib each other constantly. No rational person would ACTUALLY hate it, and I don't believe I even used the word "hate". FFS. Are you just looking for a fight today?

  50. @katsm0711

    I'm so sick of the word "bullying" especially when it's applied to adults it sounds so stupid.

    Lol, I agree but then perhaps adults shouldn't be doing it in the first place! :)

    1. No @Ann. When kids do it, it's called bullying. When adults do it, it's called being a dick. Kids still have a chance to grow up and not become dicks so bully implies a childish, uneducated decision to be mean. Once the kid grows into an adult and is still a dick, there's no going back. And adults sound like pussies calling each other bullies. Oh great. Now I'm going to get in trouble for my use of words but seriously, adults look so wimpy when they say "bully".

    2. Honestly, when you dropped the p-bomb I thought you were about segue into a Team America monologue.

  51. Uh no for the person who said its just 'baby fat' that hasn't disappeared. It's a biological fact that children lose their 'baby fat' by 3, and after that its not 'baby fat' anymore, it's just fat. There's no such thing as big boned. Excuses.

    And this isn't bullying, it's an observation.

  52. I totally gotcha, Amber. In my part of the Midwest, there are a lot of Illini, Mizzou, and Jayhawks fans, so people tease with the, "Oh, you're a MISSOURI fan. Ahhh." And so on. Same with the Cubs and the Cards. And the Bears fans and the Packers fans. Silly, FUN rivalries all.

  53. I can attest to the thyroid issue, it's a would never know by looking at me (size 16) that I'm a seasoned half-marathon runner, got three lined up this season. Work my @$$ off but don't get anywhere with the weight, but I've made my peace with it. Just goes to show that you never really know what someone's issue are....

    And just because I can't let it go unsaid...Mizzou-rah!!!!

  54. I have Crohn's and contrary to most, I don't lose weight. For some reason, between the medication and the actual condition, I tend to gain weight. I can't exercise enough, or reduce my caloric intake enough to make up for it. What a prick that guy is, like he's anyone to declare who is considered a good role model or not.

  55. Obesity is epidemic

    Bring back Richard Simmons!!!

  56. I never understood the idea of there being only a few acceptable prejudices. "Acceptance" in regards to prejudice seems to me more like a pivot word, when society raises awareness about a certain prejudice, those who speak that kind of garbage know that they need to pull back their vitriol. But people who say negative things aren't going to stop spewing that crap, they're just going to be more careful of who's around when they do. If they're simply mocking for attention, then they'll shift their hatred into prejudices that are more "societally acceptable".

    Weight prejudices, Psychic prejudices (and honestly how many of you snickered and/or rolled your eyes when reading that P word?),  Sexual Orientation prejudices, Belief system/Religious prejudices...the list goes on and on but it's all just stupid, mindless hatred. 

    All it does is segregate people into ego-fueled groups where they are so concerned with bickering with one another over their perceived differences that they don't even realize how vulnerable they leave themselves.  Any 3rd party could swoop right in and clean house.

    But this is simply the opinion of a fat (at least that's what Im told anyway), psychic, bi-sexual pagan woman whose career is derived from her creative abilities; hardly the model of your typical upright member of society, lol. If I listened, by all accounts I'd be hiding myself in a dark corner somewhere and keeping all the unacceptable parts of my personality locked tightly in a box. 

    ...Yeah tried that for awhile, it was totally boring. ;)
    Let your freak flag fly. Screw the haters, they'll get their karma.

  57. LOL @ me being new here. That seems to be the big comeback when someone doesn't like being called out. I didn't see the joke in what she said and, no, I'm not picking a fight I just thought what she said was odd. And, for the record, no Wisconsinite I know ever thinks about Minnesota ... well, except when we watch "Fargo".

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Well. I guess he's entitled to his opinion. We're always cutting celebrities down on this site...he just did it to the celebs face.

  60. 4.5 minutes? This woman seems bright and happy in her life as a professional, a mom and a wife. I get that she should be peeved that someone wrote her that. But of all the stories of "bullying" out there I'm not sure why an email from a wackadoodle lawyer with old fashioned views on how women should look should have warranted a 4.5 minute on-air response.

    Was the email writer a d-bag? Sure. But perhaps the anchor could have spotlighted the numerous (overlooked) stories of racism, abuse, gay bashing and violence that are a bit more hard hitting examples of the kind of behavior we should never turn a blind eye to.

  61. The thing is we don't need to accept being fat. This is not an innate part of anyone that is unchangeable. Also, this isn't bullying, it's stating the truth, and as an observation made once, it's no sort of harassment.

    Not saying she should be stick thin, but obesity is a highly curable illness. Eat less, move more, make better choices. THAT would be being a good role model and the point the writer was trying to get across. Yes, she's good in the smart, educated sort of way, but there's no reason to stop partway.

  62. JenniferH: To politely disagree, he did not tell her she wasn't worthy of respect. He asked her if she thought she was a good role model. I'm having a hard time making one the other there.

    And NO he wasn't bullying. Jeebus..That work is this years
    Carb Free and Organic isn't it? Come on people let's be clear about this. I believe most of us do agree he's incredibly clueless and insensitive to her medical condition. If she's addressed it with her Dr. I don't see where this guy gets off thinking he can make it any better.

    Glad she stood up to him.

  63. *word* ..(proofreading is your friend, remember that sherry)

  64. But do you do readings, @Coriander? THAT would be awesome! (no sarcasm, I sincerely mean it!)

  65. You can't tell how healthy, fit etc someone is by looking at them. He made assumptions. As I have written before, I work out, have a personal trainer, have walked the Inca Trail, can't get the weight off. Have no health issues, take no medication, eat well. Am having another go at getting weight off by doing a meal replacement - am on day two and am only replacing breakfast. Will let you know how it goes. My dad is the same as me, fit and healthy but fat. Just turned 72, plays golf, swims etc. My mum was slim, ate well and died at 56 from stomach cancer that matastisised to her bowel.

  66. Is this the first rude email she's ever received? It seems a common line of shit to say, (witness groovy) when one has enough time on his hands to craft an inappropriate, invasive and controlling letter to a news anchorwoman. He took time put of his day for that. How pathetic. I am sure his life is riddled with problems and inadequacies and if we were to be able to observe him for half an hour, countless, assorted drafts could be written. I do not think she should have engaged him in this battle simply because you take people's power away when you stop caring what they think or refuse to give them what they want: attention, your anger, control over your emotions for the day. This is not a new battle and personally I think she gave it more credence than it was worth and gave him 15 minutes of fame. I understand what you are all getting at for sure about taking a stand, but this imo is an over reaction and unprofessional/awkward. I just don't think she resolved anything and Im not sure her kids are actually going to see a pay off emotionally or morally from their parents freaking out over an email from some codependent dude.

  67. Um, all you folks who say diets work?

    Not so much. Check out the links at the Fat Nutritionist for scientific reports, abstracts, etc., showing that one of the biggest contributing factors to weight gain is dieting,

    Some of you will have good results with some type of eating plan. Good for you. You get to do with your body whatever you want. But about 95% of people who intentionally diet will put the weight back on because the body has a bunch of very complex mechanisms to COMPEL it to put the weight back on.

  68. People are too judgmental about stuff that doesn't even concern them.

    I don't think it's fair that 99% of the fat bashing is for women. And I agree with those who say overweight does not always mean unhealthy and thin doesn't mean healthy. I'm overweight and work 40 hours a week and do heavy lifting and the like and walk a lot, and yes I get winded but have yet to have one single health problem because of my weight. I also have a coworker who weighs maybe 100 lbs, and is in waaaaaay worse shape than I am, and is only 2 years older than I am.

    If this man doesn't like watching her on tv, simply change the channel. Easy.

    Also, she has 3 children, most women don't lose all of their baby weight after one child, factor in two more. And mothers are much more likely to have less time to work out, what with taking care of their children and all. Unless of course they live in Hollywood.

  69. He's not a bully, but he sure as hell is a fucking idiot!

    I'm slightly overweight and can't get the weight off me for anything. I can eat less than 500 calories a day...nothing.

    It's hormonal. Not because I'm "fat" (my body type is very much like Christina Hendricks') or "lazy". It just is what it is. And Concern Troll can take his fakey fake concern and shove it up his asshole, along with a red hot poker.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Snapdragon nailed this early on:

    "(Let's be real here: how likely is it this person would have written the same letter to a male news anchor?)"


  72. It's bullying to me. Publicly shaming someone based on their appearance = bullying. Would it be okay for someone to go up to the guy who criticized her on the street and yell,"Bald asshole!" -or- say, "Wow. You've got a hideously big nose." ??

    WTF is wrong with people? I don't like the way you look, so Im going to say something? Jesus. Must be some self-loathing going on with these miserable folks.

  73. OMG! She is not obese.

  74. It really is incredible that people have nothing better to do than speculate on the physiques of other posters.

    I was under the impression that the blog was started to call out celebrities who think they are above the law and civilized behaviour.

    Instead, there's a definite witch hunt mentality that seems to go on whenever weight issues are discussed.

    Does one have to hate overweight people if one is thin? Does one have to hate thin people if one is overweight?

    Why has it become an issue between posters? Is it really anyone's business?

    I swear, if there were two people left on the earth, the one who was 146 pounds would be trying to make the one who was 147 pounds feel inferior.

    Anyone who has to belittle other posters for something as arbitrary as weight needs to get a life.

  75. Fat shaming is still the one "acceptable" form of bigotry, so good for her! Not so much as a response to that jerk - that POS isn't worth her time - but hopefully as a means to lift up others who are ridiculed for one thing or another.

  76. @Sarah G
    I came to post that too!
    I cannot believe that no one else has mentioned that she is Ron Livingston's sister.
    My bro is a news anchor approx an hour west of LaCrosse, in Mn and knows her professionally.
    He insists she is a very nice person and is not fame whorey at all. She is pretty settled in WI I believe, but this is definitely a ratings grabber for their station.

  77. Oh it's probably too late to weigh in here but as a Wisconsinite myself, I HATE the neighbor states. I was immediately on alert when I read Amber's WI comment, and then I saw the second line. Totally acceptable comment. It's a fun rivalry.

    Although I live in MA now and it is funny how quickly the Midwesterners band together here.

  78. This isn't bullying. Bullying would be if the guy constantly tweeted her and sent numerous emails. She's taking away from people who actually are bullied -- the ones that are beat up, tortured, and harassed daily.

  79. She publicly shamed herself. He did not write that letter in an open forum.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I just want to see what the email guy looks like. I hope he turns out to be a smoker.

  82. @ M

    I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that this woman IS harassed daily. I used to be overweight. I've lived that life. I have friends and family who struggle with it too. The only way to know it is to experience it, and/or see it affect those to whom you're close. People with weight problems take A TON of abuse. We live in a superficial society. Those who don't conform to society's beauty standards are made to feel like shit.

    And, yes, it is bullying. Someone mocking your appearance is bullying you. Someone who drives by and says,

    "You've got a huge ass"
    "You're ugly"
    "Nice clothes, reject"
    "I can't believe how bald you've gotten"
    "Who wears their hair like that"

    That's all bullying. It doesn't have to be one person repeatedly berating another for it to constitute bullying. Whenever you attack somebody unprovoked, you're bullying.

  83. Here's a photo of the email writer:

    The letter below it by Jumblebums made me LMAO.

  84. It's not just fat folks! What about the whole age argument? Anytime there is a post about Madonna taking off her clothes (for no apparent reason), if a poster she would mention she should put her clothes back on---it's "ageism." I don't equate nudity with being sexy. People pick what they want to get upset at.

  85. "And Minnesota looks and feels a lot like Wisconsin. Ditto Minnesotans and Wisconsinites. Hate to break it to anyone, but there ain't that much difference between the two."

    I gotta admit...I really like both states and I'm considering moving up there if my first choice -- Colorado -- proves to be to hard to achieve. And I think of 'em as...pretty much the same. Sorry, WI and MN folks! ;-)

  86. Well, well, well. So this douche is a fitness fanatic, hung up on his bodily perfection, a lawyer, and likely single.

    Jennifer might be "fat", but she has a husband who loves her, and three lovely daughters.

    Win for her.

    Why do I see manorexia and plastic surgery in this guy's future?
