Monday, October 22, 2012

The Last Samurai Has Been Found - In Phoenix

Apparently in that Tom Cruise movie about the samurai when you are not quite sure if they died or not just in case it did really well and they needed to make a sequel, at least one of the samurai lived and then was in some kind of frozen cyber lockdown until earlier this month when he decided to show up in Phoenix on a train there. Two guys were beating the ever loving crap out of some guy on a train there while another guy filmed it instead of helping because that is what we do now as a society. If we someone who needs help we either start taping it or Tweeting about it but no one actually helps. Until, the last samurai. Some guy on the train who is riding with a samurai sword because, well, who knows why. Antiques Roadshow in town? The guy pulls the sword out of the sheath and starts advancing towards the guys doing the beating and they see the sword and run away. The samurais is being treated like some kind of superhero, but why was he traveling with a sword and why was he so quick to unsheath it?


  1. Phoenix has light rail?! How progressive of them!

  2. Life is turning into a Seinfeld episode on a daily basis......

  3. LOL Roman!

    I miss Jerry and gang at times like these. And yes, I wish I had a sword too! Especially since I'm back on the bus these days :(

  4. enty, those two guys were pummeling that poor man in the head. whoever was taping was probably afraid of getting beaten as well. I can't blame the person for filming and not helping. as a female, I wouldn't have stepped in either, though I would have wanted to do something to help.

    the point of the video is that the guy with the sword did step in, so no need to trash the person taking the video.

    1. Yeah @anna I agree with you. I think videotaping a crime and offering it as evidence is just as helpful as stopping it. Ok almost. But it is helpful.

  5. We love our light rail. Not so much the riff raff that ride it.Way to go Samurai dude!

  6. You definately need protection on public transportation! I mean you sit next to strangers and their leg is touching your leg and oh jeez, I get all itchy just thinking about it! I think I have a T phobia - I refuse to take the train so I take my car everyday now and it is costing me a fortune but for peace of mind - so worth it!!!!

  7. That's absolutely nuts!
    But I wish we had ninjas like that on the public transit here!
    And also, I wouldn't have video taped, I think I would have said something but you really don't know until you're in that situation. But maybe you should follow the rules for Zombieland.. #1 don't be a hero =]

  8. Wow, LOL. I guess good for him for breaking up the beat down, even though that was a bit intense.

    Unfortunately, I would have stepped in and gotten the ever-livin' crap beaten out of me.

  9. White guys beating a big black guy then out of nowhere a white guy with a samurai saved him. Are you sure this is not a Jimmy Fallon skit. That black guy sure looks like Questo to me.

  10. I thought it was illegal to own a katana...

  11. @JSierra, you do realize this happened in Arizona right? Of course it's legal lol. Actually, anything with a sharp blade for cutting is legal here, it's got to follow other weapons laws, but considering you can carry a concealed weapon w no permits, there's not many restrictions other than govt buildings.

  12. Go samurai sword guy! You really don't know how to react in those situations, you may end up being a victim yourself. Very scary stuff.

  13. Lol goes in circles

  14. Hahahhahahaah Enty said unsheath!

  15. @ jsierra lol. Reminds me of a guy I knew who was riding his pushbike on a freeway carrying a mace. The spiked ball on a chain not the spray. He got arrested though.

  16. simple- he is trained in martial arts. No different than carrying a gun if he knows how to use it.

  17. I'd take a proper samurai over a gun in most situations.
