Monday, October 22, 2012

The Kanye West/Kim Kardashian Itinerary

If you think it is easy to pretend to be dating, well, you obviously have not pretended to date Kanye West or Kim Kardashian. Apparently they have an itinerary for their trip that is so thick that it needs to be placed in a binder. It has been sent to photographers and news agencies in advance and updates are faxed or e-mailed either the day of or the night before. It lists which clothes will be worn by each of them at which points during the day and who each designer is. It also lists where some of the designs can be bought. Each of the clothes being worn has been provided for free. It advises where and when they will be visiting sites or restaurants and has set up points where they should be photographed for "maximum advantage." The other day when Kim had to change clothes during dinner it was because they had double booked designers and none were happy so Kim had to change outfits during dinner and wear one on the way in and another on the way out. They also have listed all the makeup and other products they are using each day and where those can be purchased. The entire production involves 15 staff members and assistants, most of whom are being paid for by Kanye. It is amazing what some people will do to stay famous and stay in the public eye.


  1. Please. Go. Away.

  2. These heifers sure know how to work the system. I hope Kanye's credibility is worth it

  3. I'm exhausted just reading that.

  4. So what's the big? I do that too.


  6. I used to like some of kanye's music before, but now I can't stand to listen to any of it.

    every posting on them should be titled:

    I'm hoping honey boo boo steals her crown sooner rather than later. paris hilton finally disappeared, all we can do now is hope that kk et al does as well.

    1. Lololololololol, whores collide!! Genius!!

  7. I should do that.Maybe if I get enough social media friends people will give me free stuff.

  8. Why doesn't everyone report this? Seriously. Why doesn't People -- okay, not People, but Star or Us Weekly or the National Enquirer have this rundown? On their cover, even? Hell, Fortune or Forbes could do this as a cover story on the business of it instead of the entire media feeding the fake dating storyline.

  9. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Apparently they prefer this type of life. ((SHRUGGING))

  10. Why? Why go to all that trouble, every single day? Is that really any kind of way to live one's life? I just can't understand why anyone would ever want to live like that...I can't even be angry or dislike them; I'm just puzzled and bewildered by it all.

    (Of course, the media that deals in such foolishness is just as much at fault in its own way--wouldn't it be wonderful if someday all the paps, etc. send the binders back with a note saying "Don't send us these anymore; we really don't care, and we're not interested in following you," and then live up to that?

  11. That is insane! But, truth be told, if I got free stuff and all I had to do was get pictures taken, I would do it.

  12. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Can we have a November ban on KK? Consider it a birthday gift to all of us with November birthdays. Pretty please Enty...

  13. This seems too absurd to be true. But then I think about the fact her mom brokered her sex tape deal and realize this is absolutely possible. Pathetic.

  14. Please ban any Kardashian from this site.

  15. It isn't surprising that they would go to all that effort to stay in the public eye, but the part I will never understand is why ANY member of the public gives a flying flip about where either one of them goes and what they wear.

    Oh, but here I am commenting about them and that's really all they care about, isn't it? They are both gross, shallow, tacky people.

  16. On the Dailymail this weekend, there was an article saying that Kanye was going to propose to Kim on her bday (yesterday) because she is his princess. No seriously, it kept emphasizing that she is a princess. HAHAHAHAHA. Its funny how her bday came and went, and he didn't propose. How long are they supposed to be 'dating'? I can't wait until her deposition and all her shady dealing come out!

  17. And what the f was with the costumes yesterday?????? How does paps just happen to know where she is??!!! Ugh! All that ceap may be on smoking gun

  18. Who is surprised by any of this? These two are nothing but fame whores.

  19. What's even sadder is that these two actually have fans. Unbelievable.

  20. I'd love to know all the product placement so we can never buy any of it. Help companies know we'll never support their sponsers, cut off part of their scam.

  21. Disgusting. It's so unbelievable, yet I totally believe that they go to these lengths to stay relevant. How exhausting this must be.

  22. Kanye has lost his damned mind. His mama would be so ashamed. I get why Kim does this. She has no talent or skills so she has to whore herself out. But Kanye has a successful music career, and has for a long time. He is totally killing his credibility. How can anyone respect him after this?

  23. I understand why Kuntrashian does this of course, but why Kanye? He has a real career. Is he THAT desperate to stay in the closet?

  24. I hope Kanye got somebody to give him some acne cream and face wash.

  25. Jesus, who would want to live that way? Oh I forgot, famewhores.

  26. I don't think these two can touch each other, it would be like matter meeting anti matter. The universe would implode.

  27. Kanye is a worse fame whore than Kim and that is saying a lot. The MTV video music awards and saying he would be in the Bible is he lived in those times.

  28. I agree with Christina - a birthday month ban please Enty. You'll make so many people so happy.

  29. Now if they'd only put that money in a decent script and some acting lessons maybe the Karkrashians programme would look 'natural'!

    PS my outfit today is sponsored by a rum company from whom I won this wonderful hoody!

  30. I need photos of this "binder".

  31. I would normally call BS, but had the misfortune to click on Mother Kardashians Wonder Woman photo. Good lord, some people will do anything for attention. I used to think Kanye was above pimping himself out for yet more fame that he really doesn't need. I guess it's just never enough for some people.

  32. Today, you folks with cameras can catch me at the bus stop at 2:45. Approaching from the South side of the street will provide "maximum advantage" for your shots. I am wearing Old Navy today, shorts, t-shirt, flip flops (it's unseasonably warm). My unmentionables are by Target. My makeup is easy to reproduce by applying nothing.

    There. Flesh it out a bit and it's just like Kim and Kanye's: BORING.

  33. I would love a list of their sponsors so I can begin a boycott and encourage everyone I know to boycott those products

  34. It took me 8 hours to believe this post. The kicker? Her clothes are HIDEOUS!!

  35. It would be nice if the paps just stamped those binders *Return to Sender*.

    I'll be glad when they're gone, her ass and his ego take up way too much space.

  36. I'd pay her to not wear my clothes if I were a designer. She has looked like shit in every outfit for the past couple of months.
