Friday, October 26, 2012

The Best Of Stefon


  1. Bill Hader plays the character of Stephon so well, that you know there has to be a "real life" Stephon that he basis it on.

    Also read that the writers try to get Bill to "break" by changing up the lines on the cue cards at the last minute, right before air, such that when Bill is "Live" he is reading some of the ridiculous lines that Stephon says for the very first time.

    The banter between "Stephon" and Seth is priceless. Almost makes it seem like Stephon and Seth have a secret relationship off-camera.

    Also, kind of off topic but does Seth Meyers remind anyone else of Jeff Lewis's boyfriend Gage Edward from the show Flipping out?

    Have a good Friday and great weekend everyone.

    1. Spot on, Seth is a east-coast Gage. I agree completely with your rationale, down to the banter, that is almost better than the character. This is my favorite part of SNL, and weekend update. Can you imagine if they played Jeff Lewis and Gage!!

  2. My family is convinced Stefon is based on my cousin. Who lives in NYC & is a fashion designer. But we all must know a Stefon if so many people think its funny, right?

    1. I do know the difference between it's and its. Apparently my iPhone is determined to prove the opposite.

  3. I'm not usually a hater, but I think this is easy, cheap laughs to basically make fun of "flaming" gays. I don't think it's cool.

    1. @sparkly I'm straight and I love Stefon. I also never thought of him as gay, just the craziest raver from the 1990's who did every kind of drug that left him "off".

      I used to think Stefon was based on Terrrrrrri (lol) from Reno 911

  4. Oh, not trying to troll btw, just curious if anyone else out there feels this way? I watched a presentation by a humor writer once that pointed out how often the "uncomfortable" feeling that "gay" characters or actions give us is an immediate response to our own fears of being "different" from normal male/female roles. Nervous laughter is the response. Hence, every gay rape joke, man in a dress for cheap laughs.

  5. There will be a Stefon movie some day. I'm certain of it.

  6. Stefon is my favorite thing about SNL!

    Bill Hader has said this character was based on a barista at a coffee shop in NYC.

  7. Thanks Enty, this made my week after these horrible kid/human stories.

  8. I think stefon could be gay or straight. He is supposed to be me at asshole hipster type that knows what's cool before its cool... psuedo intellectual never touched a wrench in his life new york transplant.

  9. What? Not the time he finally kisses Seth Myers??

  10. I never focused on the charactor being gay. I think its more a takeoff on some uber uber hip new york metro guy who can just never go anywhere run of the mill, it always has to be somewhere over the top.

  11. I watched this Saturday and even Stephon couldn't keep a straight face - it was hilarious! Well to me anyways, I love when they can't keep a straight face!!!

  12. I never looked at Stefon as gay either. I just love when he breaks character and talks about midgets on skateboards. Lol

  13. I think Stefon can't be defined as gay, straight or even bi. The guy is literally open to everything: sherpas, clones, sunburned drifters with soap sud beards, human fire hydrants, Gurmfs (German Smurfs), cholos, a stuck up kitten who won't sign autographs...

    1. "a stuck up kitten who won't sign autographs" omg I'm dying!!!!!

      OMG what if someone photoshopped pics of these ridiculous images?????

  14. I love watching him try not to lose character. It has to be so hard not to just crack up!

  15. So I'm pretty sure "stefon" has a yelp account, saw it on the interweb somewhere.

  16. I haven't watched much SNL since, like, 1995, but I downloaded a recent episode, saw the magic that is Stefon, and then downloaded three year's worth of SNL. I effing LOVE Stefon! And I weirdly have a huge crush on Bill Hader now.

  17. My favourite lines:

    "New York's hottest club is BOOOOOOOOOF!"


    Seth: "What's a human suitcase?"

    "It's a thing of when a midget on roller-skates wears all of your clothes and then you pull them through an airport."

  18. I came in here hoping this was about STEFAN from Family Matters. Urkel's alter ego.

  19. Stefon is THE reason we still watch SNL. Agree with all of you, we never really thought about his orientation, as like Kitten Caboodle said...he's open to anything.

    I hope they never turn the sketch into a movie. I don't know if Stefon is of the same caliber as the handful of successful SNL movies. Although if you can make a film from Coneheads...

  20. My favorite is "DJ Baby Bok Choy who spins records with his little ravioli hands"....

    I am disturbed by how OFTEN he uses midgets in jokes because I hope little people find it hilarious and stupid and not degrading. I think personally think this is a monologue of what he hallucinates and is not supposed to be anything but absurd because he (like so many hipsters) does not have a firm grasp on reality so it cannot be taken seriously and that is why I love it. And I think he could be gay but it is more likely he is metrosexual/hipster which is only concerned about what is hip or cool at the moment in his psychotic world view.

  21. I'll be another dissenter. The first time I saw Stephon, I thought it was amusing, but not hilarious. As a character, though, I think it's played out. I've seen it already, move on.

    But now I see other people still like it, so that's why they keep doing it.

  22. More Stefon! He's the best part of SNL these days. I love how the writers intentionally try to make Hader crack-up. It's cute the way he talks to Seth Meyers too. The old joke of trying to find "family fun" in NYC. Priceless.

  23. P.S. Stefon reminds of my best friend from childhood who lives in NYC now and spends his weekends like this! He just hit 40 and is still looking for these beyond Studio 54 parties.

  24. The Best of Stephon is a classic contradiction in terms!

  25. I love heprechauns and Jewpids. My Jewish best friend loses it at the Jewish jokes. He's usually laughing so hard he is crying ( FYI hader is Jewish too ). L' chaim!

  26. Love Stefon. I always assumed that the humor was directed at uberhipsters, and not gay men. Totally agree that Seth Myers is a dead ringer for Gage on Flipping Out.

    Can't see Stefon being turned into a movie, since the joke plays on sort of visualizing the places that he's ramblin' on about...

  27. My husband and I were wondering if a real Stefon existed after seeing on SNL last weekend.

    I hate the comparisons of Seth to Gage b/c Gage is SO WHINY! GAH! And Seth is adorable.

  28. Last weekend's Stefon was the absolute greatest. Bill was breaking so hard he was crying! And all caused by the Jewish Dracula, Sidney Applebaum. John Mulaney writes Stefon with Bill, and if you've seen any of his stand-up you'll realize why Stefon has so many comments about midgets. I don't agree with people who are sick of seeing Stefon - I can't get enough! But I think they waited a good amount of time this year to bring him back. It was so good to see him, and you could hear how excited the live studio audience was, as well!
