Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Amanda Bynes - Joaquin Phoenix Theory

At lunch yesterday, I heard a story that I have heard several times over the past few weeks. Urban legend? Truth? A really good publicist? The story goes that Amanda Bynes is not really as crazy as everyone thinks and is not as far off the deep end as everyone thinks. Myself? I don't know if she is that great of an actress to  pull of something like this. Joaquin Phoenix she is not. Apparently though, she thinks she is and has staged a lot of what has happened. I don't see it. Why risk getting busted smoking pot and driving after getting busted for a DUI? That would probably mean jail. Yes, she has gained attention, but not the good kind of attention. Before she decided to retire she was getting decent roles and great paychecks. Now? Maybe Canyons 2 would be on the horizon. I don't buy the whole mockumentary thing and think that she needs help. It is a good effort though by a publicist and if it happens to be true, then she can say she fooled me.


  1. But hasn't that already been done? I don't see the real benefit here. Last I heard Lindsay was lucky to get that lifetime role.

  2. Please tell me this is NOT a picture of Amanda?!?

  3. So if that is true we will see some documentary of it? If not it just makes her look even crazier! I still like her and hope she gets help if she needs it!

  4. Nice shirt. USA! USA!

  5. I guess it would be an entertaining mockumentary. Former tween sensation goes off the rails and becomes a total shitshow. Oh wait. We can see that on TMZ every day of the week.

  6. Anonymous8:22 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous8:23 AM

    What would be the point of faking it? Just the publicity if being a batshit insane used up has been at 25? Weird

  8. I guess the point of faking it would be for the sake of her "art" and "craft". Say this theory is correct, the motivation would be that she's become an inspired artist and she's trying to break free of the cutesy tween pigeon hole she's stuck in and express her edgier side. She'd want to start landing more serious and "real" roles. That being said, I don't buy it. I think she's a lost little girl.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Seems like an extremely round about way for only the chance to be taken seriously. If she pulls it off I suppose it would be an avant garde artistic interpretation of "reality entertainment" - but yeah not expecting this from sex tape archives girl

  9. Maybe she thinks if she hits rock bottom & then cleans herself up, she'll get that People cover "How I Turned My Life Around" and then everyone will be fawning all over her again. A "Britney Spears", if you will.

    That being said, I seriously doubt that is the case.

  10. Now I see - this is all an extended The Amanda Show sketch.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. She's a legend in her own mind.

  13. I bet Lilo's publicist feels like she got scooped on this one. Brilliant spin, I must say.

  14. Don't tell me... the illuminati are involved, too!

  15. Well that picture above has convinced me she's crazy.

  16. No way. If its true, then I want her booked for wasting taxpayers money for all the police time she has taken up. And Britney didn't pull a Britney, she just was, so I think Amanda is pulling an Amanda.

  17. Sounds like what a fan in denial would say.

  18. I guess it kinda makes sense. Think about it. She was a child star who, in her 20s, found herself reduced to taking supporting roles that she had to audition for (and even those were few and far between). After What I Like About You ended, she filmed a pilot or two that didnt get picked up. All the work was drying up and what little work she was getting wasn't in a lead role. How do you bounce back from that once your career starts sliding in that direction? What's a girl to do?

    Stage a Lindsay Lohan style trainwreck meltdown and "comeback".

    Although I don't know that it'll work, her career seems so done at this point

  19. I thought she showed so much promise when she was younger. I hate to see her like this.

  20. She needs to burn that entire outfit.

  21. @Karots
    Yes, on BG.
    Amanda was the most popular guess.

  22. is it even legal to DO that to the flag?

  23. Anybody remember that movie 'Dick' where Michelle Williams and Kirsten Dunst cut up a giant American Flag and made clothes out of it? Amanda must have raided that movie's Costume dept when they finished shooting.

  24. I think Amanda really is genuinely ill and she looks fairly thin in that pic.

  25. I always assumed she was the answer to the BG and we had all assumed that.

  26. She has turned into a human Barbie doll. Look at her stance and the way she holds her hands.

  27. She would do better if she were dating Joaquin Phoenix.

  28. @astrogirl I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING! Barbie! creepy. she looks really, really creepy.
