Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Taylor Swift Cheats On Conor Kennedy

It might not be getting pulled over for a DUI, but at last, there is dirt on Taylor Swift. No, it is not stealing or doing a line of coke. According to Star, Taylor Swift cheated on Conor Kennedy with Patrick Schwarzenegger at a family event and Conor was at the event too. Yes, it was just making out. Yes, it was  probably her attempt to get close to Arnold. She has always had a thing for older misogynistic guys who will treat her badly. I think the important question to be asked here, is will Taylor now write a song about herself. What would she call it? How about "I'm Never Going Out With Myself Again. Ever."


  1. Swifty you dog! Now here's the bigger question- is making out with someone really cheating? To me, sex is cheating but I guess its up to the person and what they consider to be cheating. But making out with your mans cousin is kind of sleazy.

  2. I'm waiting for the Stacey Dash post...Enty's gotta make her $$$

  3. I thought she was using Patrick as her cover until Conor turned 18?

  4. @FSP Stacy Dash post?

    I don't buy this either. pics please.

  5. Uh oh. Charlotte kissed the gardener.

  6. I need Taylor Swift to stop dressing like the 1991 Sears catalogue.

    That is all I wanted to add.

  7. TMZ is reporting that Linds and Dina got into a fight!

    Stacey Dash endorsed Romney via twitter the other day.

    1. Fight! Fight! Do you think blonde hair extensions were flying? I'm imaging it as two versions of Drunk Dina (original and 2.0) from Dr Phil.

  8. Anonymous6:08 AM

    @FSP, I bet you're right. He is loving all of us getting butthurt over politics.

  9. R.C.B., I too was wondering if making out is cheating, too. This new crop of young 'uns, Swift and K-Stew, seem determined to have little kissing and wrestling "affairs" in public instead of the steamy grungy sex that we used to expect from our celebs. I say, bring back the sex, or I'm tuning out.

    1. lolz too funny, we need real proof as well ;)

  10. We've been viewing her behavior through a gossip lens...Won't it be interesting in a few years, to see if she really is a nutcase, or just a normal, horny young woman in this whole Kennedy/Schwarzenegger triangle she's headlining.

    A lot of stuff she's done is so weird to me...writing SO MUCH about such relatively short-term romances for example. And the utter hubris of STILL pretending she's shocked when people clap, FFS.

    Whether or not she's truly nuts, or just boy-crazy & immature will all shake out in a few years, I guess my point is. It will be interesting which side of the see-saw she ends up on.

    1. I completely agree with everything you said! I think she's a combo platter of being batshit crazy, boy crazy and she has a severe case of arrested development. she what 22-23? and still trying to come off as 16. over her.

  11. Meh - not sure why it's a big deal that Stacy Dash endorsed Romney. I'm a democrat, but just because Obama is black doesn't mean that every black person is required to vote for him.

  12. Who is Stacey Dash? I hope she ends up on the other side of the see saw. Never heard that term before, but it's awesome!

  13. @FSP - did I miss something the other day?

    She is so bland! Even her cheating stories are bland! Patrick or Conor how do I chose? Strum Strum
    One is a man, the other uses mousse. Strum Strum
    But I love to kiss them both! Strum Strum

  14. IF this is true, she sounds like a perfect mate for one of the Kennedy clan. There is something in their genetic code: the men are incapable of fidelity, and the women are incapable of choosing men (outside the family) who aren't cheaters. So it keeps getting passed down on both sides to all generations.

    I've always thought that cheating men should look for the same thing in their women, just to make things fair, and that way no one can complain. Hence, perfection.

  15. I'm almost positive Stacey Dash sold her soul to the devil because she is in her mid 40s and she looks better than she did during Clueless!

  16. I don't think Stacey Dash backing Romney is a big deal, but the backlash she's received is another story.

  17. Rejectedcarebare and BartonF: Anytime you give your affection to someone else or act in a manner that would hurt and humiliate your partner - whether found out or not - it's cheating. If you wouldn't want it done to you - it's cheating.

    The skirt must be a tribute to the late Rose Kennedy and borrowed from Ethel.

  18. It doesn't matter if you consider making out to be cheating. You don't make out with a family member of your boyfriend. That's just tacky.

    I'm not sure I really believe this, though. Something smells in KennedyLand

  19. Libby! So well written.

    I think she's a nutter. And would try to play both sides of her see-saw.

    @FSP - just caught your Enty is a she comment. Hmmmm! You pot stirrer you!

  20. Seriously? She made out with her boyfriend's cousin at an event with her boyfriend in attendance? Pics or it didn't happen.

    And @goheels, NICE.

  21. (fwiw, making out is cheating. But when you're in your early 20s, relationships aren't necessarily that serious)

  22. @FSP - maybe she's trying to make herself relevant. I can't help but think that her endorsement tweet was timed perfectly to the Clueless reunion photos (right when people remembered who she was).

    But again, I think it just shows how far our country has to go when people are shocked that a black person might not vote for a black president.

  23. @Cathy
    Right? I had to Google her just to make sure I was thinking of the right person.
    And I should care who this person endorses?
    But now I's a black-white issue. any :/

  24. Enty must really want this to sink in since the 9:15am (EST) post isn't up yet.

  25. Don't buy it. At all.

  26. So true, Libby. She puts her feelings into songs, whereas most young girls would be putting them into a diary.

    It really will be interesting to see how this plays out in a few years.

    And I agree with all who say her fashion choices are atrocious - maybe what she needs are some girl friends who could advise her.

  27. Please....she's how old ? Cheating on an 18 year old is a no brainer...

  28. Making out? How old is she? 12? Well, at least she kept in the family.

  29. She's just a social climber and will grab on to any Kennedy man she can and the Kennedy men share women; remember JFK and RFK shared Marilyn Monroe?

  30. I think she really believes the "Girls are sugar and spice and everything nice" But maybe she is trying to change that by making out with the cousin? She wants some of that Lilo PR.....

  31. surfer...OR she could be venting to a friend. I've never been a girl's girl, but even I had my small circle of girlfriends to talk things over with. And my gay friends, of course.

    She doesn't seem to have many friends does she...or am I high? That could be a bad sign.

  32. I can already hear her next song, "I Couldn't Decide Between the Two of You."

  33. Stacy Dash is being cyber-bullied, big-time, over her Romney endorsement.

  34. No Libby, you're right. I don't think we've ever seen her with a friend.

    She's been in the business for quite a while now, and doing lots of touring, so she's probably used to being surrounded by "older" people.

  35. That's so sad about Stacy Dash. She has a right to vote for whoever she wants to, but I remember hearing about this kind of thing in Obama's last campaign. A lot of African-American McCain supporters were bullied about voting for McCain. It wasn't pretty then either.

  36. Oh, I think that black people who voted for McPalin were beaten up by their own conscience more than anything else.

  37. First off, stacy dash can opine any time without idiotic racial backlash. Thats wrong. Secondly, why are we so up in Swifts business? She's 22!!!! The other players are 18 to 22!! This is what young people do! Date around! Makeout! So normal! If it is even true!

  38. Swifty's musical numbers are akin to the average girl moping on her Fb wall about boys with randomly vague quotes.

    As for Stacy Dash, she can spout any political opinion she wants and if people are stupid enough to make general life choices based on what X celeb endorses that's on them.

  39. Didnt Maria Shriver ban/warn Taylor to stay away from her son? Shortly after that Taylor was linked to Connor. She tried going after Patrick first.

  40. All I can say is, if I found Mr. B necking with someone else, I'd sure as hell consider it cheating.

    As for her skirt, I kind of like it. On a summer afternoon, at the beach, or at a party, it works, although I'd prefer a different top.

  41. Interesting. She has all these "relationships" but she seems so innocent, I always wondered about her, like what is she doing with these guys? Does she have sex with them? Give them head? Or do they just hold hands and then she writes a song about it?

  42. She has so many because she is NOT doing anything with them! They want more hehheeeee!!!

  43. Question - How is making out with someone other than your SO NOT cheating? My own DH would have a whole lot of explaining to do if I ever caught him with his tongue down someone's throat other than mine, and no way in HELL would I accept the explanation "But I didn't cheat! It was just making out!"

  44. this was in the morning news so there has to be some truth to it...she always wanted Patrick anyways, I think she just got to Connor to get Patrick's attention...a chapter out of a romance novel, you can't make this stuff up...she needs to keep her pussy under control

  45. Celebration party at the Kennedy Compound as elders breathe a sigh of relief at not having another Marilyn/Darryl type scandal to cover up!

  46. Aw, the travails of a young virgin.

  47. I think her and Selena Gomez are best friends. She's also friends with a lot of other female celebrites.

    I don't believe this for a second. She seems to be in love with love and totally obsessive. Why would she buy a house across the street from her boyfriend, follow him to his boarding school, then make out with his cousin?

  48. I'm not feeling this one. Just like the deal with buying the house, where she needed to be the purchaser for the Kennedy's to acquire the adjacent property. It's just for appearances to the people who think Conor is too young. She wouldn't go a family function with lots of Kennedy fogies and chums just to play spin the bottle with a cousin.

  49. Eh. She was just drunk.

  50. Kennedys have been passing around hoes forever. It is like a family tradition.

  51. Are we so sure that Taylor is still a virgin? So many of her songs sound like a first-timer's ode to the one who got away. Plus, by the end of dating John Mayer, who still remains virginal at all? Sorry, not buying it.
