Sunday, October 14, 2012

Taylor Momsen Is Naked

Does anyone listen to Taylor Momsen's band anymore? Did anyone ever listen to her? Taylor has gone into full artist mode now. She is doing spoken word songs which only people who really have big heads and think their words will change the world bother to do. Of course, since we don't like Taylor Momsens and no one likes Taylor Momsen and wants to listen to her self-righteous spoken word song, she decided to get naked at the end of it. So, if you can put up with one minute of crap, at the end of it all you can see a very blurry, but definitely naked, Taylor Momsen.


  1. Taylor is just a rich woman's Courtney Stodden.

    1. Wealth is not just measured in dollars but also eyeliner

  2. I read that her breasts are blurred out and her vajine region is shadowed. Only PG-13 avant garde. Wake me when we get to an R rating. But I stll won't care.

  3. She's the female Mos Def

  4. Where is it that they say rud instead of red? I can't recall.

  5. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I'm generally in favor of naked girls/women, but her bod (in the video, at least) looked kinda peculiar. The large shaded area on her vag and left hip (under her left hand), with not much shadow on her abs (above her left hand) made her upper and lower body appear oddly mismatched. Per her schtick, though, she's young and self-absorbed and thinks everything she does is Important, just like most teenagers. I'm inclined to cut her some slack. Her pseudo-Satanic posturing (or overuse of its superficial trappings, at least) bothers the genuine Satanist in me, but she'll either grow out of it (as most teenagers do) or grow more authentically into it (in which case, yay for our team.) Finally, I'm actually not yet tired of the whole overdone "smoky eyes" look that so many girls are going for nowadays. Later, perhaps. It'll soon go the way of duckface, with any luck...

    1. Oh lord, Thomas, be careful throwing around the word "Satanist" here. We've got some major conspiracy theorists who would love to crucify you for that.

    2. Please read about the Franklin Credit Scandal seaward. It's real. It very much happened.

    3. Yes, brittiany, I'm aware of the Franklin Credit Union scandal.
      Without having to dig too deep into this, because I'm about to go to bed, I've done a little light wikiing for you. Take a gander:

      Simple summary: It's bullshit.

  6. Her fans are ogling perverts and people who are too classy to be Juggalos.

  7. Replies
    1. Isn't it kiddie porn if she isn't?

  8. The naked bit is a nod to a Marilyn Manson album cover which is why is looks strange.

  9. She is 19. Google is your friend people.

    It is really not all that bad. And yes I noticed the nod to Marilyn Manson right away, I have seen to much.

  10. Anonymous12:23 PM

    @markla- you may be right: I'm not so sure, though :0 However, the idea of Taylor Momsen being Manson's next paramour tickles me to death. That. Would. Be. AWESOME, ha ha. It'd never happen, though. She's not his type. He seems (?) to favor brunettes with "real woman" figures and personal styles reminiscent of the 30s/40s. Which I can appreciate :)

    1. Even Rachel Wood had light colored hair.

    2. Even Rachel Wood had light colored hair.

  11. I actually like The Pretty Reckless, Taylor's got a voice like no other and the beats got kick. I will admit, I was set to be not impressed but instead found myself a fan.

  12. I actually listened to it, and if she wrote it, she's talks about being abused. If it's autobiographical, it may explain a lot.

  13. The long lyrics are simple, but I like the song "you" but The Pretty Reckless.

    She's a big fan of trying to be shocking, but it gets old after a while.

  14. Irrelevant narcissist is irrelevant...

  15. "I've never been free." ... Almighty BS. Truly.

  16. @katsm0711... "Wealth is not just measured in dollars but also eyeliner."

    Your spoken words could change the world. AWESOME!!!

  17. Satanist? Do you guys have awesome parties with sacrifices and rituals?

  18. Satanism has nothing to do with rituals or sacrfifices. In fact, Satanists don't even believe in Satan. The modern Satanic religion mostly only involves self-satisfaction on a large scale.

    There are some facets of Satanism where it's believed that they can affect will or have power to exact revenge on people by sheer force of will, but that's more on the fringe.

    Basically, Satanism is just Atheism without the Humanist aspect.

  19. Anonymous2:43 PM

    The Pretty Reckless has some decent music, if you want to go to YouTube to listen.

    To me, Taylor is another child actress who's acting out because she never truly had a childhood. She's more constructive in her approach for lashing out. I wouldn't be surprised if she was abused during her acting days.

    But if bitchin on her makes you feel better, Enty? Go for it.

  20. Crucifying a Satanist! Hah!

  21. Meh. The least of the Taylors in my opinion.

    Taylor Swift or bust!

  22. I rather liked it, though didn't want to. It was soothing, and poetic, IMO. I forced myself to watch it without stopping after a few seconds - I wanted to say it was pretentious, but it really wasn't.

  23. Eh, her music's okay. She could be out doing worse *shrug*

  24. Huh. I kinda like her music. I also kinda like the way she gave a big fuck you to the acting world and is doing her own thing.

  25. I think she's a much more entertaining train wreck than LiLo.

  26. Is it just me or did it seem to be about being abused sexually by a man? The whole father thing made me think that. And if so, the whole nude doesn't vibe well to me. Other than that I actually liked the vocal part.

  27. Anonymous4:12 PM

    @Suzanne- That's kind of what I've been thinking as well. I've been somewhat dismissive of her in the past, but the truth is, she's been at this for a while now. Past a certain point, it isn't a phase anymore, it's a career or lifestyle or life choice. If she believes in what she's doing and there are others/fans who believe in it too, I'd say she's doing something right. It's just hard not to wanna compare/contrast her to others (Wendy O. Williams, G.G. Allin, MM) who went the "look at me, I'm shocking" route...

  28. I actually like the Pretty Reckless. At least she's actually trying to do something legitimate and isn't out getting into car accidents while driving drunk.

  29. She looks like the grudge

  30. She was so cute in The Grinch.

    Oh, well, do your thing.

    And not everyone that goes naked and wears eyeliner and sings in a band was sexually abused.

  31. The lyrics to the song are very telling. Wouldn't surprise me if this was autobiographical, as someone above mentioned, as it appears to insinuate abuse.

    The website makes me laugh, it's interesting what some of you are willing to slut shame over and what is entirely hands off.

  32. "MrWolf said...

    Meh. The least of the Taylors in my opinion.

    Taylor Swift or bust!"

    mr wolf ftw!

    reading this at 7am on monday--and dying! #knocksovercoffee #lovesuperfunnystartstotheweek

  33. Why is a grown up man and an entertainment lawyer like Enty pretends to be *that* obsessed whether anybody likes a teenage girl?

  34. She seems a little troubled. Give her a break.

  35. I am sort of proud of the fact that I have no idea who she is. :-P

  36. My ex-wife has a graduate degree in poetry. As a result I have a bunch of poet/writer friends and I have to say this wasn't bad at all. Her revealing that she is nude while saying she is finally free is a statement about society. In a way we are all trapped in the box the world puts us in based on what they see, our clothes being the most obvious clue to what people percieve us to be. I dug it.

    Slut shaming and anti-intellectualism are two of my pet peeves. Whether you get it or not art helps us understand the world around us and is what truly separates us from the rest of the mammals.

  37. I like her band and music. She has a good voice.

    As Lucas, stillhere, and xoApril suggest, it's clear from her words in this particular instance and other songs, as well as her general oversexualized image that this is child is a product of abuse. Look up the song "Where Did Jesus Go?"~it's chillingly telling.

    @seaward, making reference to a wikipedia article as the end-all be-all truth of ANYTHING makes you look pretty naive. Like scientologists, when there are groups of people with power and a shared interest in protecting their own ass, they will do whatever they can to keep their truths concealed. Ritual abuse is out there, as are it's helpless victims. It takes more than a wikipedia article to know the truth.

  38. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Since two different posters have brought up "slut shaming", would someone tell me if it has actually occurred on this thread? I can't spot it...

  39. @Thomas - the reaction from some of the posters that have called her a "narcissist" "train wreck" or have ridiculed her getting naked, including Enty, I consider to an extent to be slut shaming. They did not examine the art piece for what it was before making judgment and comments. Considering the poetry, if anyone cared to listen to the words, indicates abuse and freeing one's self of it is pretty indicative of some of her behaviour and choices.

    My comment more so harkened back to other posts where if a woman is promiscuous and a poster here makes a judgmental comment about it, they are flamed to death. But yet, posters here were willing to judge and comment without listening and watching Taylor and her poetry and take a chance to listen to what she's saying, but simply gather she is trying to "get attention." Just an interesting parallel I found. Some people like pick and choose what's convenient to ridicule and what's not *shrug*

  40. Well, when I called her a narcissist, I meant that's what she seems like to me. Her art doesn't seem particularly artistic, just a self-aggrandizing hobby. This has nothing to do with her sexual activities, about which I know nothing, nor do I care...getting nude to be "deep" is not promiscuity - it's just trite.

    Some of us don't find her poetic, that's all. Criticizing her is not "slut-shaming"...what an embarrassing misuse of the term.

    I am glad you like her poetry and stuff, but those of us that don't are not oppressing her just because we don't idolize. What next...we're "bullies", under the newly expanded definition?

  41. If you want to be taken seriously, NEVER use Wikipedia as a reference

    At my college, (and every other school) a student cannot use Wiki as a reference as the info is laughably inaccurate.

    1. Yes, you're right, PR Princess. I should have just listed aaallllll the links from the reference section of the article. No wait, every single one of those is inaccurate and just a scheme to cover up Satanic abuse.
      Considering I was on my way to bed and leaving a comment for someone who believes in government conspiracies, not writing a research paper for your college, I did not care too much about being taken seriously. It was the fastest resource available.
      AND it meant I was compared to a Scientologist, which was a lot of fun :)
      The more you know~

  42. The following is not from wiki. The blog entry in and of itself makes for interesting reading, but the reader comments regarding it are as good or better:

  43. Anonymous5:56 PM

    seaward, I like the cut of your jib :)
