Sunday, October 14, 2012

Susan Sarandon Was Sexually Assaulted On Casting Couch

Susan Sarandon is in the new issue of Elle Magazine and talks about a casting couch experience she had where she was sexually assaulted. Despite being what sounds like raped, Susan does not seem that phased by it. "It was not successful – for either of us. I just went into a room, and a guy practically threw me on the desk. It was my early days in New York, and it was really disgusting. It wasn’t like I gave it a second thought, it was so badly done." When she says it was not successful, do you think she means he didn't finish, or that neither one them got any pleasure out of it? She really is blase about it. Back when Susan was starting out, it was much more common than now. It still happens a lot now, but in much more subtle ways. If you sleep with a director or producer they will find you a part. You are not generally going into an audition and having sex for a part.


  1. I Took it to mean that she didn't get the part

  2. i took it to mean that she is trying to be as insulting as possible to the "man" that did this. someone still in the business that will read this, and having bragged to his ass-hat business associates, look impotent. but, maybe that's just what i'd like to think :)

  3. I assumed sex didn't happen. I was once called into my boss' office who made a clumsy play for me, nothing happened and I never really think about it at all, except to laugh.

  4. When I saw this I remembered seeing her in this movie in called The Other Side of Midnight and thought that must be it. She looked so young then (mid-70's) but she was actually 31. Wow. I was young and it made an impression.

  5. Her blase attitude is why there is still the casting couch. If these actresses would take rape (yes, it was rape or attempted rape) more seriously than their precious careers, it would save a lot of anguish for other actresses. I'm surprised that such a liberal feminist as Sarandon isn't and wasn't outraged about this incident. She is not sending a good message to young girls wanting to get into show business.

  6. I took it to mean that he couldn't get it up or keep it up, and she didn't get the part.

  7. @CarolMR: I agree and am surprised about how flippant she seems about the situation.

  8. Makes you wonder how she would react if a similar thing happened to Eva.

  9. I have no idea what she means. He tried but couldn't? And she didn't get the part.

  10. She was a hippie don't forget she was in Rocky Horror. I imagine her as not thinking sex is a big deal like "free love, make love not war..."

  11. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Not surprised she didn't take it seriously. Like Whoopi would say, "it wasn't rape rape". I can't stand her and the politics and stances she chooses to fight.

  12. i wish people could just do their work/art... i wish people could earn their parts with their skills in acting, not in bed.

    and yeah, i'm not cool with how she thinks so casually of this.

  13. The sad fact is, that if an actress or actor want to get ahead, then yes, "the casting couch" is one route to take. And it if was more common then than it is now, I can see how Susan Sarandon just thought it was part of the job interview process. Nasty and morally corrupt, yes, but it would only be rape if she was forced against her will, and it doesn't sound like it was against her will.

  14. Sorry, I know it's not a big deal, but it's 'fazed' not 'phased'.

  15. "It was not successful - for either of us"

    I took that to mean that he never got it in and she didn't get the part.

  16. Gross! And we will never know how she feels deep down inside. Im sure is her coping nechanism. I took not sucessful for either to mean he didnt get to rape her and she didnt get part. And may j add for man, douchebag!

  17. She was apparently asked in the interview if she had ever had a stereotypical casting couch experience and replied with that 'disgusting' event. We don't know if she said more if that's all that Elle printed. And I don't think this is the overall point of the article so they don't go into depth on it.

    I thought what she meant was that it was not successful for her because she didn't get the part of course, but also not for him because she fought him off.

    I don't think hippie chicks all about free love enjoy being assaulted any more than anyone else. Besides, she was married in college and through the 70s so presumably married for this event.

    Susan Sarandon advocates for Safe Harbor laws to protect victims of sex trafficking.

  18. She's not being blase or flippant about it. It seems to me that it's something that she's dealt with over many years and she is unemotional about it.Is she supposed to break down and cry?

  19. I agree with some of the earlier comments. I think this is either a case of Elle's editing of further comments or Susan is describing the unsuccessful event as her declining his "invitation" and thus losing the part. I don't see her being blase about a full-on assault.

  20. Is this a surprise? Isn't she a Roman Polanski supporter?

  21. i like susan's acting, just not her politics. i think she meant he didn't get the sex and she didn't get the part.
