Monday, October 22, 2012

Steal $3M - Get 3 Years Probation

In a sentence that is sure to get Lindsay Lohan's attention, Bling Ring member, Diana Tamayo has been sentenced to three years probation and no jail time for stealing almost $3M worth of stuff from celebrity homes including Lindsay Lohan. Well, stealing Lindsay's stuff should not even be a crime because it was all probably stolen anyway. Diana was one of six people to be charged and somehow is the only one so far who has escaped jail time. It is because she dragged this thing out as long as possible until everyone was tired of it and wanted it to go away and not be bothered with it through another holidays season. Back in 2009 everyone was arrested and charged with stealing from celebrities like Orlando Bloom and Megan Fox. They were also charged with stealing stuff from Paris Hilton's house, but no one really cared about that either.


  1. She probably got credit for recovering stolen goods from Lindsay.

  2. @Lola - no doubt! Maybe her defense was that really, she's like a modern-day Robin Hood vigilante and she was just trying to get people's stuff back for them.

  3. Obligatory "I miss Pretty Wild." Oh Alexis Neiers, I love you so...

    1. OMG! I thought I was the only one who watched that show!!! They reminded me of myself when I was that age.....minus the money, photoshoots, and vacations.

  4. Were they not all like twenty-somethings? She looks a lot older.

  5. I remember this story! The court proceedings lasted longer than the fame of their victims.

  6. I agree with Enty. She dragged it out which was on her behalf smart. My cousin and her at the time husband burned down their home. She sang like a bird and pleaded guilty. He actually went to trial over a year or more after and charges were dropped.

  7. Isn't the only way you can drag out a court case is if you have enough money to pay your lawyers? So it's not exactly a choice to drag it out for a reduced sentence?

  8. Judging by her roots, she held off dyeing her hair as well.

  9. I see a Lifetime movie....maybe Lindsay can play Diana...

  10. Funny, Seaward! I loved that train wreck of a show too! And after the judgey mcjudgersons in the Britney comments yesterday, seeing the smiling face of baby rejectedcarebear is a really nice way to start my morning, so thanks!

  11. "My cousin and her at the time husband burned down their home. She sang like a bird [...]"

    I'm sorry but this made me laugh. For reals, do you know why she told?

  12. @kat0711 said...
    Not really. California's courts are so backed-up that it can take three months just to settle a traffic ticket. I'm sure it would take a hell of lot longer for something like this.

  13. I remember some fraud case, where the only person convicted was the one that made a confession, the others that said nothing were all released due to lack of evidence. So I learned from that time never admit to anything

  14. @Jemtastic- Her and the douche(many other reasons besides this) were already divorced and they got arrested at the same time. And this was months after the fire. Her ex took the insurance money, deposited it into his moms account, then divorced her for another woman who was well off. Anyways I digress, so when she got locked up they told her that he was there also. When the home was burning a firefighter was injured so that added another felony. She explained that her ex told her to put the hair straightener on a wet towel, take the kids and he would handle the rest. Because she admitted to knowingly putting the iron on the towel they said she was guilty. My aunt hired an expensive attorney but after a few months she decided she would plea so she could get everything over with. He never admitted to anything and posted bail. By the time his trial date came around the prosecutor already had a conviction from my cousin on the case.
    The whole story is freaking insane and there is a whole lot more to it but I don't want to drive you guys crazy. Seriously though they could make a lifetime channel movie about it all.

  15. Man, I learned at age 5, you never admits to nothing!!! Even if your mom says I know it was you!!! And I was an only child, blame it on the cat - never give up, never surrender!!!! :D

  16. How old is she? that is one ROUGH lookin broad
