Monday, October 22, 2012

Russell Means Has Died

Russell Means, a former American Indian Movement activist who helped lead the 1973 uprising at Wounded Knee, reveled in stirring up attention and appeared in several Hollywood films, has died. He was 72.  His acting career began in 1992 when he portrayed Chingachgook alongside Daniel Day-Lewis' Hawkeye in "The Last of the Mohicans." He also appeared in the 1994 film "Natural Born Killers," voiced Chief Powhatan in the 1995 animated film "Pocahontas" and guest starred in 2004 on the HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm."


  1. RIP. I've always liked his work :(

  2. Last of the Mohicans is in my top 5 movies. I remember him from that, RIP.

  3. He's featured in a book about the American Indian Movement called Like A Hurricane. I highly recommend it, and actually need to re-buy it since I loaned it out and never got it back.

  4. I just watched The Last of the Mohicans again, I really like his character and portrayal of him.

  5. He led a fascinating life, and I'll also always remember him fondly as Wandering Bear on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

  6. I know this sounds weird but I decided to watch Last of the Mohicans again last week, and while working in the yard yesterday Russell Means jumped into my head. The scenes at the end of the movie where his character confronts Wes Studi, and his final scene with DDL are some of the best ever. Look at his eyes and you can see the anger and pain without a word being spoken. RIP.

  7. Rip. end of an era

  8. Sad. He was a very cool guy (and a good guy too).

  9. Wounded Knee was a horrible thing. Places like that shouldn't exist in the United States.

  10. "How is your vagina?"


  11. "Former" no, he was never a "former" he was an AIM activist until the end.
    We lost a "Voice" he was involved in land claims, education, equality..he was a role model, a strong spokesperson, a spiritual leader.
    "Giga waabamin menawaa"

  12. This man did a lot for indigenous Americans. He changed the way the world and the media perceives and treats them. I am very sorry that he has passed on, but I hope that his spirit continues to inspire people.

  13. journey well, russell.


  14. RIP Russell. So many of your films touched me. Fly home to the Great Spirit. We will miss you.

    From Last of the Mohicans:

    Great spirit and the maker of all life.

    A warrior goes to you swift and straight as an arrow shot into the sun.

    Welcome him and let him take his place at the council fire of my people.

    He is Uncas my son. Tell them to be patient and ask death for speed for they are all there but one, I, Chingachgook, Last of the Mohicans.

  15. Wow. This led me to about an hours worth of reading on the 1973 incident and the murder of Anna Mae Aquash. I had already known about the Leonard Pelletier case, but her murder was senseless.
