Sunday, October 14, 2012

Russell Crowe And His Wife Separate

Danielle Spencer has been through a ton with Russell Crowe. She has stuck by him when most sane people would have already split and never returned. Apparently enough was enough though and the two have split after nine years of marriage. The pair met 22 years ago. They have always been on and off, with Russell and his cheating usually being the cause of the off portions. The two finally managed to get it all together when they were married and have two kids together.


  1. Those collar bones could cut a stick of butter. Damn.

  2. Crowe Flies!

    but seriously, he must be a nightmare to live with with the temper and cheating. The world is his bloated oyster.

  3. I have not figured Russell Crowe out other than to think he's a huge asshole. Yes, he was compelling to watch onscreen, almost the way Kevin Spacey is compelling to watch, but the more you learned about him the less you liked him and he started to look really unattractive. Les Miz may help, we'll see, but she knew who he was when she married him. Just like that Kayte knew what Kelsey was when she married him. No pity for either of them. But Russell better just quietly write her a big check because if he wants to gain anything positive from Les Miz, he won't want the ugly stories of the real Russell to compete.

  4. good for her. his out-bursts scare me.

  5. Russel Crowe is my fantasy phone sex partner. He's on my list of 5 celebrities that if I get the chance to phone sex, it's not considered cheating. (seperate list for real sex but RC's VOICE omg!!!) I haven't told my bf yet.

  6. I hate it for their kids, but I can't help feeling she knew who he was and what she was getting.

  7. I hate it for their kids, but I can't help feeling she knew who he was and what she was getting.

  8. Exactly. They married not long after the whole Meg Ryan debacle and she had known him a decade by then. If you're willing to go down the aisle after that your eyes have to be wide open.

  9. With his temper can't understand how she lasted this long..

  10. Goodness, she looks like she'd be 90 lbs soaking wet.

  11. I agree she knew what she was getting with him, cheating, rages. He must not get physically mad with her though, he could snap her like a twig! I feel sorry for the kids, she hung in there a long time.

  12. After what he did to Meg Ryan I bet he had to marry up quick to save his career. He probably ran a line on her just like with Meg and she believed him. The shame is on the liar. He's a pig.

  13. Read story about him online, huge jackass. Not remotely surprised.

  14. I was reading about this last night and apparently she raises the kids here in Sydney Australia while he's over in the states for the majority of the year and that's what they cited as the reason for the split (and yes the cheating probably didn't help either). What I don't get is that aaages ago before the whole Meg Ryan thing, they split up for the same reason that he was spending too much time in the states trying to get a leg up on his career. Didn't they think about this before they got married? And also why didn't they just base their life in the US? Not being mean but it's not like her 'singing career' is successful...

  15. @MissPeg...
    They don't want to raise their kids in Hollywood

    for the note and i yet said this story: when he worked on A GOOD YEAR(in France in 2005),he went to go to the local pub with technicians & co-stars and paid some rounds of drinks.He was a good tipper and watched rugby matches with every one.One of my family member lived in the same aera and i was able to visit the set and even was fired because my cellphone rang during a scene (Ridley Scott or director of 2nd unit yelled me during 5 minutes before to fire me)

  16. he broke with Meg Ryan in 2001 and he's married in 2003 .He was nod for oscar in 99,2000 and 2001 and won in 2000 so your theory on his marriage is inaccurate

  17. Russell Crowe was the popular guess to a blind about a Hollywood actor who would pic a female on the set of each film and seduce her (or maybe even pressure her??) into having threesomes with him and his wife.

    He's fairly despicable as a human being but he's often great in a film. If you haven't seen "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World", check it out. It's fantastic, he is wonderful in it and BONUS: Paul Bettany co-stars.

  18. he really does yell his own name during sex, I've heard it from a few crew members.

  19. Russell Crowe looks like a derpy potato in that wedding shot.

  20. Mango 'answer to blind gossip" How can you possible judge a man by what is said on a gossip site. He may have been a popular guess mean people are right. The whole story may have been fiction.

  21. I know an actor who worked with him for months on Master and Commander. He said Crowe has a mercurial temper and would go off about something and have a tantrum. But - big BUT here - he would always publicly apologize to whomever he yelled at. Not great that he is having temper tantrums, but at least he recognizes he's an ass and publicly acknowledges it through apologies.

  22. I'm surprised they lasted this long!

  23. I forget where I read it, but there was an article that some poster on here linked about him. It was incredible, he is an ass, a big one at that. I wish I remembered where it was, it was incredible that someone could be such an egotistical dick.

  24. ^^I think you're referring to:

    or Google I was Russell Crowe's stooge, by Jack Marx, in the Sydney Morning Herald.

  25. timebob & strathmore, between 'bloated oyster' and 'derpy potato', you two have given me a serious case of the funnies. hee! #lovesit
