Friday, October 05, 2012

RH-Miami Alexia Echevarria's Son Wanted By Police

Peter Rosello, the son of Real Housewives Miami's Alexia Echevarria's is wanted by the police and they are actively searching for him after he posted a video to YouTube of him punching a homeless man in the groin. Right before he delivers the blow he tells the world what he is about to do and then does it. It is a felony charge because the person was homeless. I love that the city of Miami protects homeless people by enhancing the charges up in cases like this. What a tool that he has to get his rocks off by beating up defenseless homeless people. Later, Peter and his friends probably went and compared the seizes of their own peen to see if any of them were longer than an inch. The video is below, but I have to say, you really should not watch it.


  1. Refuse to watch the vid, but what a d-bag for picking on the homeless. Not to mention he's an even bigger dumb d-bag for thinking it funny and posting it.

  2. Of all the franchise, the Miami group is the most pathetic. The first year, I barely tuned in -- I couldn't even tell them apart, and I still don't know who Alexista or whatever declassé fake name she's going by is. The Miami cast make the other casts look like highly educated professionals with emotional stability.

  3. Wish I could kick him in the nuts 100 times with my vintage steel toe combat boots.

  4. Oh my god. She's the mom who did absolutely everything for her boys. This is what happens, they turn into spoiled assholes who think they own the world.

  5. Man, I bet it's painful when your peen seizes. Ouch.

  6. FYI: The charge will be a 3rd degree felony,up to $5k in fines and/or 5 years in prison (in FL). These are the maximum ranges. Usually if you enter a plea deal and have no offenses on your record you get a lighter sentence that usually involves no jail time. Attorney Roy Black is a family friend.... They think he's driving a black BMW SUV.

  7. @Agent - so basically nothing is going to happen to the kid, and he's going to get to continue to be an asshole? :/

  8. Thanks for more info Agent. Glad Miami is serious about stopping this type of behavior. Stupid kid.

  9. @Lola, brilliant!!! Let the punishment fit the crime!! Notice he runs away like the little pussy he really is.

  10. Amber- possibly. Miami got serious because a Plantation Fl teenager got life in prison for beating a homeless man to death.

    OT: Paris and then Leonard C... my, my,oh my !! Glad you enjoyed.

  11. @Agent - Hopefully they'll throw the book at him then. He clearly stated and went into it with the intent of harming him. It's beyond sick. What a little psychopath.

    And re: OT - SO fantastic. Thank you :)

  12. This little man wannabe is a waste of air.

  13. Hey Agent... is the kid on the run in that car? Last I heard the police were "looking for him." And thanks for clarifying the legalities.

  14. wtf is wrong with him?!!

  15. The police don't have him yet but that is the car registered to him and they think he's driving that vehicle.

  16. Enty, thanks for outing fucking idiots like these

  17. I'm glad he was stupid enough to upload the evidence on YouTube. His mother was the same woman that ran a magazine (Don't remember which) where she stated that most of her customers (come from a poor neighborhood) buy her magazine because that is their only window into the wealthy lifestyle they crave. She was/is so conceited.

    Can the homeless guy file his own civil lawsuit against him?

  18. Entitled little prick!

  19. So hoping he gets a Miami judge with a seance of justice. Make him do 100 hours of community service while living like a homeless person does. There's something seriously wrong with the kid aside from his lacking empathy if he was also stupid enough to post it to Yotube because he thought it was funny.
    Hope someone pro bonos for the homeless guy and brings a civil suit. Evidence of prremeditated assault provided by the perpetrators is kinda a KO win for the atty.

  20. Seance = sense... My autocorrect hates me this morning. But it's rather funny so I'll leave it rather than repost.

  21. update from the Miami Herald:

    Gregory Samms, Rosello’s attorney, said Friday that he is speaking with police but a meeting between detectives and his client “hasn’t been worked out as of yet” due to a previously scheduled surgery.

    “He is physically incapacitated at the time,” Samms said of Rosello, who lives in Miami Beach’s condo canyon.

    'Surgery' sounds fishy to me:)

  22. Maybe they should sterilize all the couples on Real Housewives so they can't breed anymore of these monsters.

    I know. I know. Very un-pc. But you know they're all wretched parents.

  23. what a spoiled little punk. I'd love for him to get tazed, and tazed and tazed...till he sh*ts himself...and have that recorded and played on the non stop news channels.

  24. I thought her son was in a serious car accident has been in the hospital for months.
    Was this before the accident?

  25. I'm not watching the video. What a useless fucking jerk.

  26. This is what happens when you give your kids everything they want and treat them as angels who can do no wrong.

  27. I cannot watch someone get beated up even if they deserve it. What motivates people to not just be unkind but to be violent and humiliating? I am so glad karma exists..He WILL get his.

  28. Well, he certainly looks like quite a catch.

  29. "Here's the video, but don't watch it ..."

    Then why post the vid, Enty??
