Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Real Life Barbie & Real Life Anime Are Friends

Last month I posted about the woman who spends all of her time trying to make herself look like a doll. Well, not all her time because she found the time to be bff with the woman who wants to be a real life anime (photographed together above). Why do I get the feeling that Anastasiya Shpagina, who is 19 years old and from the Ukraine could make millions of dollars in Japan. Apparently she spends as much as 30 minutes just to get one eye correct with her makeup. That is crazy. She also has online tutorials on how to apply her makeup. If this is is a hobby that is one thing, but she is considering making all of this makeup permanent. That is crazy. That is too much. There is a career for her if she keeps it like it is, but if you make something permanent, then I feel like there is something wrong with you and you need help.


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