Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Just think, a year ago, Casper was a nobody. He really still is, but for awhile gets to act like he is a big shot.
Julia Roberts and Ewan McGregor making a movie.
Jon Voight eating breakfast by himself.
James Van der Beek learns to race walk.
And, guess who sees the paps coming?
It is all so staged.
Even Malin Akerman knows it is staged.
"This one time, I counted to ten without using my fingers,"
Wilmer Valderrama tells all the single or not single women who want him to come up to the DJ booth. They have to be interviewed by Pedro first. yes, that is Nick Cannon too.


  1. I'm all for grab assing between loving couples, but sticking a finger up the butthole is going too far, Kim K.

    Mila defs does not look like the sexiest woman alive there! No way.

  2. @ Ingrid, exactly what I was going to say about Mila.

    I'm sad that MacGregor has to stand next to Roberts. Hope he asks her about Vera.

  3. wow every douchebag I hate in one photo string.

  4. I was wondering where they were going that he was dressed in workout gear and she a leather skirt, but her face gear makes it obvious - she's trying out for the female welder role in Flashdance 2.

  5. I know it was either Enty or a commenter here..but I agree...
    I think JLo is totally jealous of all the pap pics and attention that Harper Seven keeps getting. Suddenly her daughter is everywhere with her.

  6. I never would have guessed that was Julia Roberts!

    1. Agreed! I had to magnify that pic and it still looks like a different person.

  7. Oh Ewang (not a typo)

  8. Why are people friends with Wilmer Valderrama!? Argggh!

  9. I see a lot of u questioning Mila being the sexiest woman alive. Have any of u heard her in an interview? First I heard her defend Justin Timberlake (I think?) in RUSSIAN to a reporter at a press conference. She kicked ass! And then I heard her with Seth MacFarlane and 1 reporter. Mila completely tore apart the reporter for asking a (questionably) stupid question to Seth. I think she's so sexy bc she's hot, funny, is on Family Guy which every guy loves, and is a ball of fire that will stand up for her guy whether they're dating or not. She doesn't take shit. Which actually really confuses me for dating Ashton... With Mac I felt like she thought she could fix him which is very sweet but dangerous. There did I make my case? YOU may not find that sexy but do u see why Esquire reader would? Unless they find her emasculating. I think she's the hot strong hardworking woman men fantasize about.

    1. I completely agree. Love her!

    2. I completely agree. Love her!

    3. I agree but still questioning this relationship! She can do so much better! Crazy that I feel Ashton is a step down from Macauly

  10. So I suppose it's safe to say Julia and Ewan aren't filming a rollicking comedy?

  11. Mila is gorgeous... she's only recently (since ashton) looked a lil frumpier than usual in pap photos but who gives a fuck? I admire beautiful celebs who don't feel the need to paint their faces and wear heels to run errands.

  12. Yeah, seriously people. Mila's gorgeous and smart. The cop in the background of the Roberts/MacGregor shot is better looking than both of them put together.

    My issue is the constant, non-stop wish-fulfillment about Clooney's status with the girlfriend. Attention spiteful ladies and gays: he's not interested in you. Whether or not he's dumping his latest girlfriend is completely irrelevant to your life. Stop wishing and hoping it will happen. Stop writing about it like that's going to make it happen faster. Stop captioning photographs that "he's leaving her in the dust." It makes you look pathetic, needy and mean.

  13. I'm all for Mila not conforming to H-wood standards, but seriously why must she always be out and about in a greasy ponytail and sweats? At least put on a pair of pants!

  14. I love that Mila doesn't give a crap about her "image" and likes to go without make-up on her daily routine stuff. Shes not just sexy, but incredibly smart and well-spoken. I like her....just wish she'd get rid of Kutcher.

  15. Mila is a girl I'd KILL to have around. She's funny as hell, she'd rather stay in and read a book or watch TV then party in the clubs all night long. She's clever, intelligent and can carry on a conversation with you. I love to talk. I can talk all night long. I'll bet Mila is the type of girl that is the same. Sexiest in the world - I don't know - but sexy - absolutely.

  16. I can't stand Casper the idiot. Jlo needs to stop dating idiots.

    Doesn't look like Julia the HorseFace...

    K & K are in their little world of make-believe. He believes he is straight and she believes she is a virgin LOLOL.

    I like Mila very talented girl. The only thing is why is she dating that idiot Azzton...

  17. I love Mila too. She's totally hawt and smart.
    what happened to JLo's other child? Did she forget him somewhere?
    Does Van derBeek have really heavy legs for a guy? How is it some people can have such slender faces and then voluptous bodies? Lucky!

  18. I dont like casper(!) and his feral teeth. Gives me creeps. I dont know id jlo was jealous, but yes, suddenly emme all the place.

  19. What@Armartel??!!
    George isn't interested in me?
    That's ok, he isn't my type, but does what you said apply to Ryan Gosling too?
    Cuz I knoooow as soon as he gets rid of Eva I am getting a phone call.

  20. My cousin got down and dirty with Pedro, but I'm not suppose to know that

  21. My cousin got down and dirty with Pedro, but I'm not suppose to know that

  22. I wonder when that pic of Malin was taken. Isn't she pregnant? If she is in that photo...I know she has one of the finest bodies in Hollywood but sheesh girl just give it a break and enjoy your pregnancy!

  23. Ok, between Kanye's ugly red shoes and Kim's mirrored sunglasses, I'm even more appalled that these two are remotely involved in 'fashion'-and I use that term loosely.

    Ew, James VDB does not have attractive legs. At all.

    Nice pepaw sweater, Ashton. I think some guys can pull those sweaters off but not him.

  24. Good LAWD, Nick does not look good....

  25. what the hell are those glasses Kim is wearing? what a moron.

    "Casper The Friendly Golddigger" is what Michael K named that douchebag...hahaha

  26. I would let Ewan McGregor do nasty, horrible things to me.

  27. Julia better keep her claws away from Ewan, I sure hope he doesn't fall into bed with her. Ugh.

    I think Mila is a great choice! Gorgeous, smart, funny, all those things = sexy. I happen to love that she goes out like a real person, no makeup, sloppy BUT COMFORTABLE clothes. nothing wrong with that.

    HA about Jlo competing with Posh and Harper. Except Harper is not just a prop. Yeah, where's her son? I really can't stand her.

  28. I find Mila super cute and I like her personality.

    I find Ashton an abomination that should be cleansed with fire.

    I looked at my MSN at work today and saw a big article about "Mila wants to marry Ashton and says he was never married to Demi!" and I just about put my fist through my keyboard.

  29. Kim's glasses look bigger than her skirt.

  30. I think Mila is gorgeous! I also like that she wears what I normally wear to pick up my son from school and go grocery shopping!

  31. I love Nick Cannon but why, oh why is he hanging out with Wilmer?

    I'm going to pretend that Wilmer stormed the DJ booth and Nick was to nice to kick him out...it's exactly what happened.

  32. I've liked Mila since That 70s Show. She was really funny on it.

  33. How old is JLo Daughter and why isn't anyone on *her* case for being carried often?

  34. Is Kim giving Kanye a prostate exam?

    Love Mila Kunis. Can't stand JLo. When she dumps Casper, he and K-Fed should get together and make a terrible sitcom about 2 former gold-diggers...

  35. HAHAHAHA I saw that Casper dude backup dancing on an episode of Fresh Beat Band the other day! LMFAO!!!!

  36. @Armartel, you're not on a gossip site so we shouldn't speculate about george and stacey :|

  37. What happened to JBlow's other kid? I got twins and never lose one.

    I think Mila Kunis should be with Seth McFarland. They would make a dreamy couple.

  38. You can actually see the STDs jumping off Aston and onto Mila.

  39. I think Mila is a MUCH better pick for this years sexiest woman alive. Much better than Derek Jeters ex who doesn't seem like she can carry on a conversation let alone kick ass and take names while doing it.
