Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

At first I thought Daniel Radcliffe was exploring his feminine side when I saw his hair. Turns out the film he is working on is called Horns.
Denzel Washington on vacation in Italy with his wife.
Still has time for random fans though.
The Felicity Blunt wedding party. That is Emily second from the right and Felicity second from the left.
Kimberly Stewart and her daughter spend some bonding time together.
At some point in the next year, Malin Akerman will spend some quality time with her baby and they can laugh and laugh about this leather outfit.
You really do get the sense that if Wiz turned just the right direction, he would be invisible.
Michael C. Hall gets a tattoo on his foot.


  1. Is the "Horns" film based on the Joe Hill novel of the same name? That should be interesting. I can see him in the part.

  2. I will NEVER understand why any bride, in her right mind, would want her wedding party in white. It really irks me lol!

  3. WTF. We just watched The Five Year Engagement. Emily Blunt is unrecognizable as Emily Blunt in that picture! Am I drunk?!

  4. I never would have realized that was Emily Blunt. On a different note, Denzel, yum. Is there bad gossip on him? He looks friendly.

  5. I couldn't even tell which one was Emily Blunt. She looks so different now. I hate what ever it was that she did to her face!

    I don't like bridesmaids in white either.

    LOVE Denzel! Even with that little chunky belly :)

    I wonder what that comment about Malin Ackerman meant....

  6. Daniel Radcliffe looks like Vera de Milo with those pigtails.

    @BubbleKitten I think he was just commenting on how much her body's about to change. Nothing more.

  7. Emily cannot be in that picture from the Felicity Blunt wedding. I know she's had work done but... no.

  8. I just watched the 5 year engagement too, and kept staring at the picture and thinking that's not Emily Blunt... Cute movie though, a little too long, but cute.

  9. @Meg did you read Horns? I tried to but just couldn't get into it. I loved Heart Shaped Box and Ghost Stories though.

  10. Speaking of getting too much work done and winding up with a totally different face. I watch New Girl and this season, I'm too busy thinking about why Zooey could possibly think doing all of that to her face was a good idea to actually pay attention to the show. Still a good show, I'm just quite distracted by her going so overboard. I mean I really think she actually had a full face lift, a nose job and her lips plumped/ re-shaped. Sorry /rant. :)

    1. Thank you for your post. I thought i was going crszy because she looked somehow different to me. I saw a commercial for the new season, saw her face and asked my husband what the hell happened to her face.

  11. Emily, Emily, Emily........*shakes head*

    Kimberly's baby is cute. I'm sending her good vibes, I feel like she's going to need them. I'm curious how Benecio is as a father.

  12. The new season of Dexter is off to an awesome start! The season finale was one of the most awesome cliffhangers I have seen on TV!

    I watched the 5 Year Engagement a couple of weeks ago. Too long, but totally saved by Anna Faris' husband there, whatever his ame is. He's funny.

  13. Amber Rose is a really pretty pregnant woman.

  14. I thought Felicity Blunt was Tina Fey. And yeah, Emily isn't Emily anymore.

  15. @Maja - his name is Chris Pratt and YES he's hilarious. Watch Parks and Rec to see more of his wonderful comedy!

  16. did Emily Blunt have a head transplant?

  17. Is nobody going to comment on how scary skinny Wiz is??? I literally thought of matchsticks when I saw his legs! Doesn't he smoke a lot of weed? How can a human be that skinny??? He's skinnier than any scary skinny actress Ive ever seen!

  18. Oh god kitten heels.

  19. Oh, Emily Blunt. What have you done to yourself. I'd never have known that was her. She looks awful, and is starting to develop that ugly lollipop head. I can't even work out what she has had done anymore, it looks like she's had a LOT of work done on that face of hers.

    What bride in their right mind would want their bridesmaids wearing the same color as them? Unless she didn't want all eyes on her, which is unusual for any bride ;)

  20. Denzel is supposedly a he-whore that casting-couches many of his female leads. But I'm not one to gossip, so you ain't heard it from me! ;)

  21. michael c hall terrible tattoo

  22. While visiting Italy, I was told by a local that Denzel frequently visits Italy and is high on drugs and belligerent with staff.

    I hope it not true as I think he is a great actor.

  23. Why, yes, Michael C., I'll touch your chest and your arms!
    But yeah, feet are usually ugly, so I don't care for that tattoo. For the rest of of body, in the other hand... lol
    Yeah, I have a huge crush on him, I mean, he's just so... ok, yeah, I'll stop.

  24. I have a foot tattoo so I applaud him for his courage. It's painful as FUCK.

  25. I have a foot tattoo so I applaud him for his courage. It's painful as FUCK.

  26. I do NOT believe that is Emily Blunt! That is all.

  27. I must be high because I think the Emily B in that photo looks gorgeous. I think it's her change in hair color that makes her look not like herself.

  28. Who mentioned Kimberly Stewart as the anwser to the "not taking care of their kid" blind?

  29. I thought Emily's sister was Tina Fey.

  30. wow MCH hotness thx Enty not a fan of tats for myself but that man can do (almost) no wrong in my mind so good for him

    @Maja w a J. yeah the premiere of Dexter was awesome but last season was so incredibly bad except the cliffhanger you refer to that it's going to take me a few more good episodes to actually believe the show is back on track. The premiere that showed on Sunday should have been last season's premiere. Seriously it would have made sense and I could have spent 11 hrs and 58 minutes of my life doing something way more productive such as watching paint dry.

  31. Really? Bubblekitten and I are the only ones who question the whole Malin Ackerman comment? Wasn't there a blind recently about an actress who never sees their kid? I never even knew she was a mom until this caption...

  32. Smokey - she hasn't had the baby yet. She's pregnant and she can look at her wearing leather while pregnant and laugh at how awesome she looks. That's what I got from it anyway.
