Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Jennifer Lopez performing in London. Earlier she had a big wardrobe malfunction when her entire breast "escaped." Way better than the Kris Jenner "accident" that she tweeted yesterday.
Apparently Justin Timberlake's mom was in charge of all the luggage at the wedding. But, did have time for a cigarette.
Katie Holmes is very tall when she is not standing next to Tom Cruise. Of course Narciso Rodriguez could be tiny.
Always thrilled to be at your event.
Ashanti and Nelly figure two D listers make a B when combined.
The Apt 23 cast.
Karina Smirnoff rehearsing yesterday before the show.
Lindsay Lohan vs the original.


  1. LILO...the bloat was natural

  2. Yup lindsay looks older than liz

  3. I'm so happy katie can stand tall. She's slowly going back to her creek days.

  4. I still CAN NOT deal with LL as Liz..,...nope

  5. Apt 23 is actually pretty good.

    You KNOW Kuntrashian is d-i-e dying to stick her leg out all Jolie-style. And Kanye's like "don't...do...it..."

    Ashanti and Nelly, euw. Just both of them are yuck.

  6. I don't remember Liz being a bloated, delusional crackwhore.

    1. No, she was a bloated alcoholic pill popper. Be fair.

  7. Is this Ashanti and Nelly picture a previous blind reveal?

  8. I did not know james van der beek was in apt 23. I think I might actually record an episode

  9. I find those Taylor vs Trash pics way too funny. Lifetime is going to rake it in by virtue of shadenfreude alone.

  10. Ha! Lohan looks just like old Elizabeth Taylor.

  11. Did KK steal the hotel drapes?

  12. To be fair to Lindsay Lohan, Elizabeth Taylor didn't look like she was in her 50's until she was in her 50's. So she has a 30 year looks advantage over Lindsay Lohan.

  13. Kim and Kanye don't look good, at all.

    What happened to Ashanti's face?

  14. Kim and Kanye look tore up (as we say out here in the country :-).

  15. Kimmy is looking a little rough there. Maybe not rough, just not as put together as she usually is.

  16. so the blind about the 2 rappers and the girlfriend.. kanye, nelly and kim?

  17. Well, Lindsay managed to pull off middle aged Liz. Unfortunately, Lindsay doesn't have enough frame of reference for class acts to even act like a class act.

    Yeah... I know what I mean and that's what counts.

  18. @skimpymist, not only is van der Beek in Apt 23, he plays himself, or rather, a fictionalized version of himself. People are always like "Ooooh Dawson!" to him. He's actually very funny. As is the dark haired girl who plays the "Bitch" in the title. The blonde is just meh.

  19. Is Katie Holms pigeon toed? She always stands so awkwardly with her toes pointing toward each other.

    1. I think she has problems with her feet. I keep saying that she seriously has foot issues and that's why she always wears those awful booties all the time. I think the have special arches in them or something corrective. Her toes do turn in a lot.

  20. If Kim Kardashian is going to wear a dress that looks exactly like a dressing gown, she really needs to do something with that sloppy bed head hair and just woke up face. Also, I think unless you've got a teeny, perky chest - that dress is going to make you look saggy!

  21. when is/did the liz taylor movie out?

  22. Wth is Kim K wearing?! Looks terrible and very, very ill fitting.

    Ashanti looks like a drag queen there. She's def gone down hill from back in the day!

    Vavavoom!!! Hubba hubba! That bitch from Apartment 23 is looking hawwwt!!!

  23. Kanye and Kim look like a couple of kids playing dress up in that photo - I think it's the angle.

    Lindsay looks like Liz at 60 on a really bad day.

  24. Lindsay as older Liz reminds me of Mike Meyer's Coffee Talk charater.

  25. Love Apt 23 but agree the blonde is snoozey.

    Ugh, Kim looks like a former diva who is getting drunk at home in her dressing gown. Bad dress choice.

  26. Astrid - hahaha Cawfee Tawk is spot on!

  27. Kristen Ritter is so pretty. It's like if Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz grew up. I mean that as a compliment.

    Kim looks like Cookie Monster's mom after a week long coke binge in the back room of a trailer park strip club.

    That dress is made for someone who is built like a 6' coat hanger. look at how long it is and how long the sleeves are! No excuse. Tailors are your friends.

  28. I REALLY like Apt. 23! figgy, isn't J VDB funny?! The self-deprecating humor reminds me of NPH's turn as "himself" in the Harold and Kumar movies. But is Tuesday the new night? I hope not! I have class on Tuesdays until December break. Blerg.

    But not tonight! "Raising Hope," "Go On," and "Don't Trust...Apt. 23." Yay! And writing a paper on GMOs and Prop 37. Boo!

  29. @ Astrid - Right on! She reminded me of someone...

  30. @Astrid - YES!

    "Rhode Island is neither a road, nor an island. DISCUSS."

  31. LOL at nelly and Ashanti shade

  32. I'm verklempt hearing you tawk about it.

    And Liho definitely has the bloat down in the picture.

  33. And maybe Kim borrowed that dress from Khloe. It totally looks like it's too long for her. Kanye looks "thrilled" as usual.

  34. I'm sorry, but Lindsay looks closer to Liz before she died than middle aged Liz. What has happened to Lindsay's lips?

  35. Anonymous5:15 PM


  36. I think James Van Der Beek's part was inspired by his role in Ke$ha's 'Blow' video. I know, I know, but he was really, really funny in it.

  37. That weird pose on Katie is because she spent years stooping in photo ops with GMD and she caught herself at the last minute. It’s Pavlovian! Girl still needs to deprogram in so many ways…

    Um, Kimye looks whack because they just f*cked in the limo on the way to that event. Look at her bed head! B*tch is “butt-nekkid” underneath that monstrosity. Either they banged or she blew him because Kanye can barely keep his eyes open, so he obviously just shot his load or is high as a kite or both. He’s probably pulling his jacket down to cover the cum stain on his pants. Wait, I'm thinking about them way too much. Ugh. I just threw-up in my mouth.

  38. LiLo looks like Jackie Collins in the second pic...

  39. I don't think I've ever complained about Enty before but this has been bugging me. I'm really getting annoyed with the way he makes smokers seem the equivalent of serial killers. And about 90% of the time when he mentions someone is smoking it's "chain smoking". How do you know they're outside smoking one cigarette after another? I used to smoke a pack a week. Does that mean all ignoramuses that came across me smoking outside a bar or on my break at work assumed I was there smoking 50 of them in a row? Cool.

  40. Old Liz was superior to Lohan. She looks feral as Cleopatra
