Thursday, October 11, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Hello Helen Hunt. Looking amazing.

A pregnant Holly Madison keeps trying to make a few bucks. Here she is as Sleeping Beauty at Disneyland.
Jennifer Garner at the Washington D.C, premiere of Argo.
Ben Affleck showed off his dance moves.
How great is Bryan Cranston? Think about what he is doing now and way back when he was on Seinfeld.
Maksim and Kirstie Alley hang out with Kirstie's lemurs.
Kristen Bell at the premiere of her Target commercial.
Nia Long was there too.
Same for Anna Kendrick. Guess there was nothing going on last night.


OneGirlRevolution said...

Kirstie Alley has lemurs? Random.

seaward said...

There are premieres for commercials?

CamColty said...

No idea who nia long is but big NO to that jacket said...

I looove Helen Hunt's dress. And omg Nia Long!!! I've been obsessed with her for years, so nice to see a pic of her posted here :-)))

Unknown said...

LMAO at Holly Madison! hahaha I can't wait until Kim K is as irrelevant as her, she'll probably be trying the same things for attention!

MM said...

It's some kind of long-form commercial with a story and you can click to buy the things you see.

Kewi said...

Helen does look amazing, gorgeous. Holly makes a pretty princess Aurora surprisingly, given her past I'm surprised Disney did this. Jennifer Garner looks alot better in this pic than I've seen lately, I hope she doesn't have a bun in the oven.

Sandy said...

OMG - in my fevered mind Kendrick was at the Target thing to taunt Bell: "Neener, neener, I've appropriated your film career!" Because she has, you know. Kendrick is the just as tiny, just as pointy, just as brittle, just as smart (onscreen, at least), just as talented, younger version of Bell. Sad, actually, because I don't know how Bell's career was derailed (not really; I blame Rob Thomas).

misspeg86 said...

I love Bryan Cranston and I love me some Breaking Bad. Also I don't necessarily like either of them but I think that photo of Kirstie and Maks is beautiful.

Kelsey said...

I can't get over how different Bryan Cranston looks when he's not all Breaking-Baded-out.

katsm0711 said...

Wow I hope they aren't wearing all clothes from a new Target collection bc daaaaamn every piece looks like it was from the clearance rack and all the regular pants were sold out so they both had to buy a pair of full price jeans in different colors for continuity.

strawberrygirl said...

Anna Kendrick is a cool chick. She is a fabulous actress and not full of herself. I saw her on Letterman and she did this cup trick that was really cool. Below is the link. It's worth a watch.

CamColty said...


Talha Aziz said...

There are premiere's for commercials? Why?

Kitty said...

Ben Affelct can't afford a suit that fits?

Mama June said...

Love Bryan Cranston! Wow, they do a good job at making him look rough on Breaking Bad.

I think Kirstie had a reality show and her lemurs were on that, if I remember correctly. That's a good pic.

I just can't get into the skintight bright colored jeans look.

skimpymist said...

A knocked up sleeping beauty is not a good look for disney. Epic fail holly

eris hilton said...

A premier for a commercial, huh. We'll really just think of any excuse now, won't we?

KPeony said...

Anna Kendrick has permanent bitch face. She always looks cranky and entitled.

Those are some cheap looking pants on Kristen Bell. You can see the pockets!

Shocky said...

Anna Kendrick and Shenae Grimes have the same face. It freaks me out.

AndyCane said...

Bryan Cranston is amazing.

fireflies said...

If by "looking amazing" you mean "looking like a totally different person these days," then yes. Helen Hunt looks amazing. Shouldn't stars be required to change their names when they change their faces? So confusing.

parissucksliterally said...

Helen Hunt and Ben Affleck both look fantastic.

Sunny said...

Whatchu talkin' bout Sandy? Rob Thomas huh?

Anonymous said...

If Holly keeps showing up in Disney themed pictures, I'm guessing she is the reality star trying to work out a trademark name for her kid....Princess Aurora, Snow White, Dopey?

Mama June said...

Lol, I wanna know too Sunny! Rob Thomas, whaaaa?

chachi said...

Speaking of being a good weight (as per the last comments), Jennifer Garner looks incredible! Healthy and lush.

Gabi said...

@ fireflies, I agree Helen Hunt's face does not look like itself....

lostathome said...

I see TWO ring tailed lemurs in that pic. One is bigger than the other. Lmfao

Kewi said...

LOL he probably spent all of his allowance on keeping his tricks quiet.

pinch weasel said...

That was MY first thought! How long until we have premiers for celebrity babies? Or weddings? Or colonics?

g.strathmore said...

I am so jealous of Kirstie for having lemurs.

I have always thought of Ben Affleck as very blah-looking, but he looks GOOD in that photo.

warmislandsun said...

Kristin Bell's commercial premiere. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I really don't like her.

Pip said...

I want lemurs!

Virginia said...

i love love love Nia Long

lakeuniongirl said...

I remember Bryan Cranston from his days on Loving...that's how old I am. said...

@Ms.Happenstance thank you!! I love her too, was hoping I wasn't the only one. She's been in movies and tv shows since the early 90s, I'm kind of surprised people don't recognize her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pointy is hard to come by

Popnursing said...

How do you explain to the kids that Sleeping Beauty is knocked up?

Marcie S. Wogan said...

How Jennifer Garner puts up with Ben is the mystery to me. Although he did write that great email to Matt Damon trashing the Goopster, as always ; M

katsm0711 said...

@pop I just read that in the original Sleeping Beauty she was raped and gave birth twice all while sleeping. Thank god for Disney!

NYCGirl said...

You're not knocking Seinfeld, are you, Enty?

Lemurs. Huh.

Tatyana said...

@katsm0711 said...
"@pop I just read that in the original Sleeping Beauty she was raped and gave birth twice all while sleeping. Thank god for Disney!"

To be precise, she was raped and gave birth to twins when sleeping. Her babies were hungry and looking for something to suck on, sucked her finger and got the splinter out, waking her.

Anonymous said...

Lots of Anna Kendrick mentions enty!

ms_jacqui said...

Oh Enty Bryan is so enjoyable... you made me laugh and cry looking up all the old Seinfeld clips. I must get them and re-watch them all!

AKM said...

"Anna Kendrick has permanent bitch face. She always looks cranky and entitled."

Yes, she DOES. And in that Letterman clip, she keeps doing this weird sucking-on-her-teeth-or-something face. (I don't know how else to describe it.) She bugs me.

My brother met a guy who used to be one of Kirstie's lemur caregivers. He apparently was also a quasi-nanny to her kids when they were teenagers; he was paid to pretty much just hang out with them and play video games with them and make sure they were doing their homework and not getting into mischief or whatever. Anyway, the guy said that Kirstie was pretty nice and very funny, but a nightmare to work for...the kind of celeb who wants 3 dozen black roses at 2 AM, that kind of thing. No surprise there, I think.

YourNameHere said...

To answer the Rob Thomas question, he was the creator of the show Veronica Mars.

Sunny said...

Thank you @Your Name Here!!
I had just assumed he gets blamed for everything because of his crappy music. No more Blame Oprah. It's Blame Rob Thomas


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