Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Bella Thorne at her 15th birthday party. Looks like she wants to be 25.
Even younger though is Elle Fanning who also wants to look older.
Christian Bale might be Batman but he still has to go to kid's birthday parties on the weekends.
David Blaine - "I just want to thank the people who gave me such an impressive cod piece. They made this all worthwhile."
Daniel Craig by Rankin.
Emmy Rossum playing softball and laughing instead of eating.
George Clooney leaves Stacy Keibler in his dust.
Hilary Duff with her personal trainer.
Apparently Lena loves her bodyguard.


  1. Hilary's trainer should be wearing the codpiece. Om nom.

  2. I'm sorry, but Elle Fanning is fugly. There. I've said it.

  3. Good lord! That is one hell of a padded bra on that girl!

  4. Hmmn, is that a possible reveal about Emmy Rosum and eating issues?

    I can't stand david blaine!

    Elle fanning really does look older but she's following in emma watsons fashion foot steps which isn't bad at all.

  5. Don't all teen girls try and dress/act older? These girls just have more money/access to hair and makeup people to make it happen.

    1. Yes! Thats what i was thinking! I remember my first, and prob only, padded bea- it was huge colorful floral, but i felt so sophisticated, lol. Perfectly nirmal. U spend first half of your life trying to look older, and the 2nd half trying to look younger, lol

  6. Poor Bella is growing up way too early, as my hubby pointed out a while back when she was in the daily pics,"why do her parents let her date a guy in college?" but at least her dress covers her.
    Elle doesn't look like she's trying to look older, she isn't even wearing makeup!
    Clooney you old dog, the look on Stacie's face says it all.
    How long before Hilary hooks up with the trainer?
    I would like to think Emmy ate before the game or maybe she's waiting, hell I don't even see food in that pic, Enty do you substitute food with alcohol?

  7. Wait! Who is little Lena's father?

  8. Her name is Leni, and her father is a famous manwhore named Flavio Briatore. I believe he gave up all rights to her, so Seal is technically her father.

    1. Oh thanks @nerners my mind jumped to omg the bodyguard is her dad not Seal!!!

  9. I want to be 25, too. Or even just stay 30. (My 31st is this wknd.)

  10. Tigga please, the younger sister from Modern Family dresses way more suggestively than Bella Thorne, and I never see ENTy picking on her.

    g.strathmore - If that's fugly, I'd love to see the beautiful people in your world.

  11. The Heidi pic is really sweet.

  12. I do not think 15 means what you think it means.

  13. Anonymous12:58 PM

    All girls try to be older, and all women try to be younger. It's sad really. But maybe not as sad as cantaloupe sized cod piece

  14. Were there ever any black people in lizzie maguire or any videos or movies she's been in.

    1. No, there were black people in the show and she worked with Regina King in Cinderella Story and also in Raise your voice

  15. I was trying to figure out who was in the last pic...Lena who? Then I realised that it was Heidi and it clicked into place *facepalm* also I know this whole girls looking way older than their age freaks the hell out of my bf. He feels bad looking at underwear ads on tv (namely the Bonds ads) because he knows those girls are prob really young.

  16. The Heidi pic made me 'awww', but I feel sorry for Seal.

  17. Why? Hes not there, and i dont see hes breaking his neck to see kids. This is exactly what happens in a divorce. Im glad kids are happy.

  18. Last night I was reading Lainey's posts on Emmy Rossum. Really funny stuff hahaha

  19. I love Bella's boots! IMO, it's not as much about trying to look older as it is having access to professionals fixing them up & teaching them tricks of the trade. Ha, I know I could have used some as a teen! ;)

    I think Elle is pretty, loved her in Super 8.

    Don't know why, but the thought of Christian Bale at other kids birthday parties makes me giggle.

    Emmy doesn't seem too thin to me.....?

    Amber, the 30's are great! Happy early Birthday! :)

    1. Thank you, curly!! There's so much I need to get done before 40. You know, like re-marry and breed. lol

  20. There was a black girl in cadet kelly @skimpymist

  21. Ahhhhhahahahaha! Yes, Seachica!!

  22. Amber, happy early birthday! So many Libras...my 29th (gasp!) is Friday.

  23. I think Stacey's face reflects what she thinks about George's choice of too tight leather jacket!!

  24. I agree, Amber the 30s are GREAT! You get your shit together!

  25. I thought before the divorce Heidi said Seal was with kids more bec of her schedule?

  26. @IngridSuperstar, I'm not sure what it is exactly about Elle's face that turns me off so much. It's smooshed in or something, and she carries herself like a limp noodle.

    Also, I thought Super 8 was incredibly stupid. I was very disappointed. Not that that's Elle's fault.

  27. ENOUGH!!! with these comments about women entertainers not eating. It is not their fault that they feel they can only get jobs if they are unhealthily thin.

    Why don't you rail at the industry and the culture that make them feel that way?

  28. @Cornbread - we are almost bday buddies! I'm on Saturday :) Happy birthdayyyy!

    @msgirl - hahaha I will work on it! *adjusts attitude*

    1. We ARE birthday buddies! Except I'm a few years older (sniff.) the 30s are fun... Happy birthday to all the libras out there :)

  29. Am I the only one who finds David Blaine incredibly sexy?

  30. Birthday last week here! Who is Bella Thorne? I've seen a few posts about her, and have no clue who she is. I find David Blaine to be a gigantic douchebag.

  31. @chopchop, no, I also find him very sexy and I don't usually like magicians. But he's got that sexy New York accent thing going for him. My dad - who LOVES magic shows - bought his coffee table book and it's actually quite interesting. It has a lot about the history of magic in the early 20th century.

  32. Amber, As long as you haven't fucked up your life a la LiLo or Octomom, your 30's are awesome! And having people tell you "omg you don't look 30" never gets old.

  33. Bella Thorne has old face. Can't judge the padded bra. I wish I'd had one as good as that during my teens.

    Happy Birthday fellow Librans! I'm Oct 20. 23rd birthday can't wait to be 30 and get my life in order!

  34. Yikes, that photo of George walking away from Stacy saya a lot. Usually, in a romantic relationship, the guy opens the door for his date, he doesn't blow her off as he exits first..hmmm
    Just kidding, As always ; M
    P.S. Stacy's career prior to becoming the official Friend of George consisted of staying extremely thin, constantly working out, & attempting to become an exercise guru. Current gig is the best one she has gotten to date. Raven's cheerleaders are paid $50 a game. I have posted a lot of photos of pre-George photos, showing how hard she has tried to get a long term paying job. She must be painfully aware that the one before, Elisabetta Canalis, also of "Dancing With The Stars", never was able to leverage her "George" media exposure into another gig. Even a male friend will usually open the door out of politeness.
    The ones of Stacy are really interesting as her career prior to becoming the official Friend of George consisted of staying extremely thin, constantly working out, & attempting to become an exercise guru. Current gig is the best one she has gotten to date. Raven's cheerleaders are paid $50 a game.

  35. George Clooney leaves Stacy in his dust..INDEED! Boy that pics speaks a thousand words doesn't it?

  36. That guy is staring HARD at David Blaine's "piece" lol And Christian Bale's daughter looks like Reese Witherspoons daughter Ava here.
