Monday, October 08, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Happy Thanksgiving Canada. I hope you are having a lovely day.
Coming in a very close second is the 30th anniversary of Cheers.
Britney Spears takes her kids for McDonald's.
Then heads out in her new Smart car to get some
Halloween candy and a Christina Aguilera costume.
David Beckham gives a woman his shirt and then
gets tongued.
George Clooney, Stacy Keibler and Jon Bon Jovie head to a fundraiser.
Stevie Wonder was there.
And Jennifer Hudson too.


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Speaking of cheers- Rhea pearlman and Danny devito announced split today- very sad!

    1. Wonder if they are the answer to any blinds. Sad to hear about them :(

  2. those little Smart car deathtraps freak me out. #dnl

  3. I wonder if Stevie wears sunglasses all the time bc there's something odd about his eyes?

  4. Stacy Kiebler's body is amazing!

  5. Stacy kiebler must be so relieved she didn't get officially dumped yet. No more lake cuomo for her. I wonder who's next.

  6. Great. Keibler elf is out again. Time should be 'bout up shouldn't it?

    Is that JHud's little boy? If so, what a lil cutie.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians! Especially Keanu.

  7. Goddamn Kiebler looks good. Jealousy thou art my name.

  8. @kats - I'm not 100% positive, but I think blind people wear them, because sometimes their eyes "look" in random places, and it also helps indicate to others that they are blind.

  9. Lotsa commas. Sheesh. I can haz nap?

  10. Yes, katsm, Amber is correct. People blind from birth very rarely gain coordination of their eyeball positions, and sunglasses keeps from 'shocking' strangers.

  11. Wow, Kiebler is way more thin than I even realized. After seeing George's last piece on DWTS, I guess he likes 'em reeeeaaaaally skinny, huh?

    JHud is so gorgeous, and her son is adorable! She's someone I wish the best for.

  12. Oh, but I love me those cute little Smart Cars! I don't really think they're death traps, because they have super-reinforced frames and such. But try to convince my husband of that, ha, no way would he let me get one.

  13. I hate it when women wear short shorts with furry boots, Britney! What happened to your flip flops?

  14. A few years ago I went to Amateur Night @ the Apollo. It was August, and about a billion degrees in the theater with no A/C. At one point they tell us they have a surprise for us - an Apollo veteran who got his start there like other notable acts. They bring out Stevie Wonder, and the place goes NUTS. He did a couple songs, and it was AWESOME.

    Except when they let us in on the joke - it wasn't Stevie. Oooooohhhhh boy, was everyone in that theater pissed. I'm still bitter. Hah.

  15. Brit, no, honey.

    Happy Tday Canada, my home and native land.
    Wish I was there! :'(

  16. Jennifer Hudson's son is growing up so quickly! :)

  17. @ celebrity gossip hag:
    I've just been catching up on all the gossip after a few days without internet access - was really surprised to hear that. It's so sad to hear of their marriage ending 30 years must be like 100 years in Hollywood terms.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      I know! And I always thought they were a cute couple!

  18. They have those commercials on now that show how structural strong that are if a large vehicle lands on top. Doesn't show anything for a front end or side collision however.

  19. I was going to make a snarky comment about Britney's shoes but I have a pair of very Jesus-y Birkenstocks my girlfriend practically begs me to stop wearing. Meaning I totally understand the ugly/comfortable paradox.

  20. Haha califblondy, you beat me to it!

    Wow, Britney's sons are adorable. It doesn't seem like that long ago they were born.

    That girl with Becks resembles Blake Lively.

    Stacy is gorgeous. If I woke up tomorrow with her figure, I wouldn't mad. :)

    Aw, Amber I'd be bummed too!

  21. Very sad on the Devito Perlman split. How come no comments ET?

  22. Yes, I'm so bummed about Danny Devito and Rhea Perlman getting divorced. I need to go google that now. Does anyone know what happened?

  23. Is Kelsey in that Cheers photo?

  24. @Lucas, well said! I'm going to use that phrase ugly/comfortable paradox because I fall victim to it as well :)

  25. Lord help Britney pick out some decent clothes, and learn how to dress....yeeesh.

  26. After seeing George's last piece on DWTS, I guess he likes 'em reeeeaaaaally skinny, huh?

    I think he does. There was a lovely little anecdote in Kneepads the first time he was named Sexiest Man Alive. His father was fondly recounting how even as a child, young George had an innate ability to discern between a "nice lady" and a "pretty girl" (if I'm recalling this correctly.

    Actually I just googled it and here's the quote:

    "By the time he was 5, he knew there was a difference between a 'nice lady' and a 'pretty girl,' " remembers Nick, a longtime local TV personality, now a host with the American Movie Classics cable channel. "Those were two phrases he had. A 'nice lady' was somebody with maybe a little gray in the hair, maybe glasses, maybe two pounds too heavy. But somebody with the skirt a little shorter and nice hair, then that's a 'pretty girl.' He had that distinction down." [bolding mine]

    I remember being really disgusted how PROUD his father seemed about that. Two pounds overweight! Jfc. Unless you're a boxer or wrestler or something, there is no such thing as being two pounds overweight, in my opinion. I've never liked either Clooney much since then. And it made me really sad for Rosemary Clooney, since I can't imagine Nick and (assuming Nick's recollections were accurate) George were the only ones in their family sporting that kind of mindset.

  27. Lola,Hunter,Figgy: Staying uber thin & fit is Stacy's job. She was a Baltimore Raven's cheerleader before becoming a presenter for the WWE, whatever that means; next step, despite her being basically a professionally trained dancer was coming in 2nd in the ironically misnamed "Dancing with The Stars", after that she replaced
    Elisabetta Canalis, who had placed one up from dead last on "Dancing with The Stars" in the position of George Clooney's arm candy. Except it seems to have openly devolved into being nothing more than a friendship. Despite being an actor, you don't see any touchy feely going on George's part at all. I've put up a pictorial review of Stacy, along with all the others that came & went., comes with commentary as well. You will see lots of photos of Stacy, pre-George, doing nothing more than working out constantly & trying to brand herself as an exercise guru. (Aside, exercise all you want, Stacy is gentically blessed with very long legs, you can't achieve that from following her tips.)She doesn't have anything else to do, Please admire her smile as we have the same orthodontist.She does seem a bit thinner than her WWE days, perhaps that is from the stress of not knowing when her replacement arrives, or George's preference, Elisabetta Canalis is scary skinny ultra toned as well. She has to be aware that once the George related media exposure evporated, Elisabetta did not land any new paying gig. Oprah is now up, too. As always ; M

  28. g.strathmore, unknown, Lee Tanner: Rhea Pearlman & Danny Devito, I definitely remember seeing the posting of a blind that stated a very long term couple related to popular tv show would be ending, shocking the public & their fans. Most popular guess was Kyra & Kevin Bacon, which did not happen. So this must be it. Will try to recall where I saw it. As always ; M
