Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

I would say this Levi Johnston wedding kiss is in the top 10 most awkward wedding kisses of all time.

Demi Lovato tries to hide from the cameras at the airport.
I think Eva Longoria always looks her best when she is not trying to look her best.
The entire Ramsay family after eating dinner. "You will kill someone."
Never let it be said that Smart Water makes you have good acting choices.
Doesn't Jennifer Garner look really good lately?
And then there is Ke$ha.
Kim Richards has had one too many plastic surgeries.
Kristen Stewart is wearing a cropped t-shirt, or as she likes to say, business in front and a party in the back.


MontanaMarriott said...

LMAO R u reffering to the Oompa Loompa as Kim R? lol Although I did call BS when Kyle stated cosmetic surgery was not for her on that episode of RHOBH

emily_h said...

Kesha's hand is enormous.

rhinovodka said...

Levi's baby looks like she wants to run away.

Kim Richards reminds me so much of Demi Moore.

rhinovodka said...

oh wait did I mix them up? Is that Kyle, I don't have a clue, whoever she is, she reminds me of Demi.

EmEyeKay said...

Enty, please, do not ever say "business in the front and a party in the back" again.

Thank you.

libby said...

I think Ke$ha looks better than I've ever seen her. I only know her from gossip blogs, but her legs used to be heavy and untoned, even dimply. She looks like she's started working out maybe?

Kristin Stewart looks EXACTLY like my older sisters, when they were 14 and hot as hell in their Jordache Jeans, circa 1981.

Seachica said...

@rhinovodka - that is Kyle. Kim is the oompa loompa. Good one, Enty!

JSierra said...

Every picture I saw of Levi and what'sherbutt it looks like that darn assault rifle is about to fall right out of her arms.
Almost like a slight breeze would send her sailing towards the ground.

I strongLE VIse you to get a better grip on your small child.

Eeekalicious said...

Maybe the bride carried the baby instead of a bouquet?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Enty on one of the worst wedding photos ever. I agree with Libby too that Kesha looks wayyy better than usual. I suppose Annette Benning is the reveal for the earlier blind about the viagra popping married older guy cheating and being crucified in the press. What was she thinking marrying that dried used douchnozzle Beatty, more like Master-Beatty. Once a cheater always a cheater.

Oh Brother! said...

Jennifer Garner is campaigning for her husband's movie, hence the new wardrobe.

Momster said...

"Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-doo,
I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you
. . ."

katsm0711 said...

It's so bizarre to see the cool youn 20 year olds wearing updated versions of the grunge I wore when it was new in the 90's. I had that exact same outfit as Demi but her pieces are updated to also fit today's trends. I mean it's just weird!

parissucksliterally said...

why are posting ANY pictures of Levi Johnston? i forget who he is, until you keep reminding me.

jax said...

i don't blame Levi, i blame thew shitty photog who doesn't know to shoot in rapid fire mode. if this is the best one they had to sell to INSIDE EDITION LOL....then that's sad.

BitterBlondin said...

I think everyone looks really good! Well except for the awkward wedding pic :)

misspeg86 said...

OMG I need to get to where Kim Richards is. Look at all that sweet gold!!!

misspeg86 said...

On another note, I hope everyone is ok after Sandy? Has it passed yet? News here says there have been some deaths which is so sad. Sending our love, thoughts and prayers from the land down under! We are thinking of you xoxo

Mamaroni said...

Who holds a baby like that?
Who holds a bottle like that?
And who in the hell buys Kesha's music?

Jeneral said...

Kesha, put on some damn pants!

PS said...

Aniston actually looks preggers. I'm surprised no one has tried to start rumor # 4 billion 79.

BitterBlondin said...

Just learned that a friend got his brother & his wife killed in the storm. A tree fell on their car, killing the parents but the children were rescued. So sad.

Sunny said...

@Bitter Blondin
I'm so sorry to hear that. Ugh. Do you know if your friend's brother lived in New Jersey? My cousin (who lives in NJ) just shared a very similar story. I'm wondering if it's the same family

katsm0711 said...

I'm so sorry @bitter

surfer said...

kats - how are you doing today, better?

katsm0711 said...

Much @surfer thanks! I feel embarrassed for how much I panicked yesterday and NOTHING happened to me. I wasn't crazy though bc 2 trees fell down just a few houses from me, 1 went on a house. And 97% of my town lost power. I'm one of the 3%, don't ask me how! A fireman died in the town next to me when a tree fell on his fire truck. I would have thought a fire truck could handle that. So yeah I feel silly for panicking but it was scary. Someone posted here they r in Florida and experienced winds like this many times, but we haven't and I didn't know if my house was built to withstand it. You're ok up in Toronto right? Oh, only thing is, this is confusing, my iphone Internet finally is working normal but I'll see a missed call and then I can't access my voicemail. I'll get a bunch of texts all of a sudden and sometimes it let's me text back. I guess that's AT&T? I just can't believe that's all I got. 5 homes in my town washed away.

surfer said...

kats - DON'T be embarrassed. You were alone, and it was damn scary. I'm terrified of the dark (sleep with a night light [well, in the kitchen]). Last night I lit a whole bunch of candles IN CASE the power went out, so I wouldn't be in the dark. And I had flashlights strategically placed every 5 feet. You know, just in case.

We're fine here. About 45,000 people in the city lost power (that's really not a lot considering the population), but not me. Lots of trees and power lines down, lots of homes flooded (in low-lying areas),and some fires. That freak accident at Staples last night was the only fatality.

So we came out of it relatively unscathed.

At least we were here for you, and each other. Sleep well tonight.

MadLyb said...

No one who ever rides out a storm like that should ever be embarrassed. Frankly, I'd probably wet my pants if I had to deal with that. Yikes! I'm so glad you're safe, though. It was hard to sleep last night knowing what others were going through.

katsm0711 said...

U guys are all seriously amazing :)

EGB said...

Kats, no apologies! You are allowed to be scared in such a storm! Hang tough tonight, and be there for your peeps, sounds like there is going to be a lot of hard work and rebuilding in the next few months.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Bitter's friend's loss. Glad to hear that others of you were able to ride through it. Situations like these remind me how unprepared I am for similiar bouts with Mother Nature. Since my last move, I don't even know if I have a flashlight. And I don't have an alternate source of fuel. Really got to do something about this. I lived in Houston when Katrina hit and Rita threatened to hit the city. I was scrambling at that time to get supplies to shelter in place.

Pip said...

Kats, mother nature can be pretty scary. I used to live near tornado alley. I've also been through one here in Michigan. Whenever I see a tornado watch or warning, my stomach drops a bit. Despite having experienced one, and realizing that it really wasn't too bad, I still get anxious.

Dija Star said...

@Bitter my thoughts are with you and your friends...

feraltart said...

Bitter, very sad.
To the CDaners that made it through - fantastic & what a relief. Thoughts are with everyone in America who have lost people, possessions, homes.

Brenda L said...

@Katsm - do NOT be embarrassed....when Hurricane Fran came through here in the 90's, it is only by the grace of God a tree didn't hit our house. We walked outside next morning and treetops (big pine trees)surrounded our front door. If another one ever comes through here like that, I'm leaving my home. I will not pass another storm in this house.

Shocky said...

@bitterb so sorry for the loss

everyone else, pleased you're all safe and hoping the damage isn't too bad

Anonymous said...

I'm (not at all) sorry, but there is no way I am the only person who finds Libby's photo disgusting. Yeah, I said it.

Anonymous said...

@bitter, saying prayers for those lost; but really - your friends died and you're posting on a (mediocre) celebrity gossip website???? Rly?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

My best friend died three-and-a-half years ago, and I was too busy...what's that word? Oh yeah..,MOURNING, that it left me with virtually no time to check gossip websites and tell people I didn't even know about her passing. Give me an effing break.

Sarah said...

Wow, what an uncalled for response to a stranger. Daphne, it's good to know that you are the authority on loss, we will all consult you next time lest anyone offend your better sensibilities.
But while I'm here, number one: none of your goddamn business how she deals.
Number two: she never said it was a good friend or best friend, the levels of mourning are very different for a best friend or an acquaintance.
Number three: some people can be upset and do things that make them feel better. A lot if people on here talk regularly, there is nothing wrong with sharing that here among friends.
So while none of that was MY business, you really rubbed me the wrong way with your holier than thou shit.

Six Chick said...

Not HER friend...try again

Six Chick said...


Eeekalicious said...

@Bitter Blondin What a tragic and sudden thing to have happened...So sorry for your loss. These superstorms always seem to leave tragedy in their wake...

Eeekalicious said...

@Daphne du Brateau People have kept in touch through the storm on this site. If you had actually belonged to any sites for a long time (without getting kicked off), you would know that things go off topic once in a while, particularly during an emergency.

How dare you minimize someone's pain. Do you think because Bitter Blondin posted about her loss on a website that it means less?

I'm sure NO ONE suffers as you do....(You're one of those people).

And, no, Libby's picture doesn't disgust me, I laughed out loud the first time I saw it.

auntliddy said...

Again with the armpit! Since when did that become so awful? Doest bother me at all

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with this.

auntliddy said...

Again with the armpit?! Who cares? Its not that bad!!

auntliddy said...

Dont be judge-ey judgerson. Not nice.

Trish said...


surfer said...

Maybe Daphne is the person we were talking about yesterday. Or her friend.

Don't feed the trolls.

auntliddy said...

Re:levi- how long will thst marriage last? ( not long, 2-3 yrs at most). And what the hell kind of wedding dress is that? It looks like she us wound up in toilet tissue.

Eeekalicious said...

@surfer I see. K.

dia papaya said...

I think libby may be on to something.

Sunny said...

I love it, Dia!!!!!!!!!!

dia papaya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dia papaya said...

I love armpits!

astrogirl said...

Dia you crack me up, in the nicest possible way. Cheers

dia papaya said...

Astro - your new avi is so cute! Up Up and Away!

Anonymous said...

Enty, what about a walking dead post?

Chilie said...

East York (neighbourhood in Toronto) escaped the storm. We've had way worse in the past year. However, I did ensure I had several flashlights ready to go. And ensured nothing on my balcony would become airborne and hurt someone. My power fluttered around 11pm and midnight, but that was it. Tiny bit of rain, and some wind.

I was in a hurricane in 1975 and it gave me a very healthy respect for Mother Nature. I remember hanging onto the grass and my body being parallel to the ground. My brother throwing a small piece of cardboard in the air and it broke a neighbour's window. At that point, bright lights that we are, we finally realized this was dangerous and went home. I thought my Mom would kill us both when we walked in. She had been driving around searching for us for a couple of hours and gave up as trees crashed on the roads. It was a weird moment in that she was hugging us because we were alive and save. But so angry about the grief and fear we caused her. We were grounded for a week for behaving so stupidly. Deservedly so, I guess.

I hope everyone here in my CDAN family is safe, as are your loved ones.

Chilie said...

Safe, not save.

Libby, time to smell the other armpit LOL. Grow out the hair to further smack the squeamish.

EGB said...

I just fed by accident on another post! But really, leave Libby alone!

katsm0711 said...

Even though she's a troll and doesn't belong here because she doesn't 'get' this site, I have to agree that I don't enjoy armpit pics either and I always wonder who else is grossed out too.

dia papaya said...

I love Libby and her comments and her armpit! This is my Halloween costume avi :)

Glad you are safe and sound Katsm. It sounds like you went through a lot yesterday. Sweet dreams!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, you either have a wonderful sense of humor and a comedian's innate gift of timing regarding verbal irony, or you have some testicular fortitude to ya. Me, acting "holier than thou?" YOU are a REGULAR commenter on the lives of famous people you have never met - and i know it's nothing as innocuous as, "Wow, Kim looks so pretty in that outfit" - yet I'm the one acting holier than thou? If you spot it, you got it, lady.

Anonymous said...

Dia Papaya: LOL!! I love your photo! So funny! My issue with armpits is stubble, so I find your picture not at all offensive :) cheers

dia papaya said...

Welcome to CDaN Daphne. You sure know how to make an entrance. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I'm out peeps.

Anonymous said...

Nah, I'm good,I'm going to stick around for a while.

Agent**it said...

Dia, love it.

Miz said...

I've been keeping tabs on the comments and am glad so far the peeps here are ok, but I think Enty should do a Your Turn roll call when it all dies down. I'm not a regular commenter but I read this site more for the comments than anything else, you guys make this place and I'd hate to have to miss any of you.

I'm totally selfish like that.

Hugs from Scotland, sending hope, love and well wishes to you and yours. I bet I'm related to most of you 2 removed or something ;)

ReallyDonna said...

Agree with Pj above, Jen looks pregnant, thought so in those pix of her and what's his name taken in Santa Fe couple weeks ago. Funny how when she does actually look pg, the rumors seem to have pfffft.

ReallyDonna said...

Oops-edit-meant to say poster *PS*

MsFantomas said...

If your best friend was anything like you I would suggest the only appropriate use of social media under the circumstances would be to publicly rejoice.
Maybe you need someone else to pass away to remind you of the fleeting nature of life and why you shouldn't spend your time being a nasty bitch? :)

Anonymous said...

I love demi's outfit, I wish I could still get away with a look like that.

Anonymous said...

Solus: you are so right. YES, my best friend was a nasty bitch just like me, whose loss of her own life was nothing less than a gift to the rest of the world. You have really shown me the error of my ways. My apologies to all! Truly and sincerely!

Lucas said...


Silly Girl said...

Wow, NOW I see what I missed!

mooshki said...

Sue Ellen? Is that you?

OneGirlRevolution said...

LOL @Mooshki.


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