Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today. Naomi Watts at the premiere of her new movie.
And earlier in the day, rocking the leather pants.
Amy Poehler is getting married. In her latest movie.
Pamela Anderson leaving dance rehearsals even though she is not on DWTS any longer.
This man died shortly after this. He is celebrating after winning a live roach and worm eating contest.
Robert Pattinson doing a little bar improvement at a bar in New York.
Rachel Zoe selling underwear in her outerwear. Probably better this way. Can you imagine seeing her in no clothes?
Sean Penn scopes out the ladies and
then smokes to celebrate.


  1. I love Naomi Watts.

    If only Pammy's face still looked as great as her legs.

  2. Please tell me Sean Penn has a rat tail!!!

  3. Naomi is gorgeous!

    Lol, Amber it sure looks like it!

  4. Was Naomi's premiere in 1983?

  5. Seriously Amber WTF!?

    Naomi Watts has a wide range of hotness.

  6. OMFG Sean Penn looks like a meth addict.
    I would cross to the other side of the street if I met him walking alone at night.

    This is very disappointing as I am one of the few Sean Penn fans left seems like.

  7. And guess where the bug-eating dead man is from?

    dun, dun, DUN: Florida!

    Dang if y'all Floridian CDANers don't have it tough down there among all the cray cray...

  8. Naomi is a pretty lady but that white dress does not look good. She needed something in color.

    Sean Penn looks like he lost weight..

  9. @Ingrid - I have developed an obsession with rat tails. They are SO hysterical to me. My BF's CID pic when he calls me is a pic when he was like 4 with a rat tail and I just DIEEEEE. If I have a boy (when I get pregnant some day), I'm totally making him grow one!

  10. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Penn is our strange man!

  11. Keep on walkin, random girl!

    I'm gratified to see that there is at least one woman who ain't checking for Penn's peen!

  12. @selenakyle - he only lived a few miles from me. I swear, it's all the heat and humidity. Right now it's 88 degrees with 60% humidity. I hate walking outside. Especially now, seeing it get cool over the rest of the country - it feels like it's never going to end. It's no surprise people get crazy here.

  13. Amber- my brother had a rat tail that my mom would dye every time she dyed her hair. One time he cut my hair so I cut his rat tail off. He was devastated. I was pleased :)

  14. Sean Penn looks SO TERRIBLE.

  15. Oh, and that roach eating contest was the combination of two of the most disgusting things on earth: eating contests and roaches.

  16. Amber- my friends 3 year old nephew has a rat tail, she cut it for it. It's is freaking hilarious and adorable!

  17. @rej - You stole his powerrrrr hahaha

    @smash - She needs to dye it fun colors!

  18. Is Robert Pattinson starring in a remake of Serpico that only he knows about?

  19. Could zoe be anymore photoshopped.

  20. Wait, did the man die because of the roaches and worms? Why did he die?! Don't leave me hanging! *To lazy to google*

  21. Naomi Watts looks fabulous!

  22. Ugh Rachel Zoe in skimpy clothes? Anyone remember the photos from the beach and her skeletal chest?

  23. I don't care about the crazies here in FL, it is the damned rain and humidity this summer that bothers me.

    It has finally come down to 70% humidity this afternoon but will now start rising again.

  24. He really ate roaches? He really died? What?!

  25. @goes in circles I'm still a Sean Penn fan. He just looks like he lost weight.

  26. I think Sean is incredibly talented, so in that way I'm a fan, but he is a creep.

    I agree about Naomi in white, and wtf are shoulder pads coming back? LOVE her.

  27. The roach and bug eating contest was at a reptile store in Deerfield...the grand prize was a snake I think? An entomologist they interviewed said the bugs shouldn't be harmful unless they were carrying some kind of bacteria, or the guy was allergic.

    Pest control can be pricey down here...we have lots of critters in the swamp.

  28. Yes I agree. Penn definitely looks meth-y. Nice stone washed jeans.

  29. zoe looks horrific even photoshopped. When you make the skinny models look zaftig and the loose baggy suit still makes you look skeletal, then eat a gorram sammich!

  30. you know, sometimes i wonder if zoe wouldn't be such an evil hag if she wasn't so hungry all the time. like if she ate on the regular and had a nice piece of cheesecake for dessert, maybe she'd be so nice and warm and fuzzy...

    you never know...

  31. Is Pam shown as an answer to a BI? She's the one having an affair with her partner? Naomi looks beautiful.

  32. Regarding the roach eating contest:

    A reptile store held an eating contest where the prize was a ivory ball python. The contestants had to eat cockroaches, worms, and millipedes. The winner, Archbold, ate 30 worms, 100 millipedes, and 30 cockroaches. He then vomited, passed out, and died before the paramedics arrived.

    1. Wow. That is bonkers. Thanks for the info.

  33. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I guess (in man universe) u r never to old (or gross) to check out the ladies. Lol

  34. ...but did Archbold's estate still get the ivory ball python?

  35. Archbold's estate will probably be getting some cash in a settlement from the reptile store and the python.

    I like Sean too. Wish he would shave the mustache.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Regarding the man who died after ingesting 160 worms, millipedes, and cockroaches:


  38. Every time I see the extreme skinnies like Rachel Zoe, all I can think about is how bad their breath must smell. You know, when you haven't eaten in forever, and the stomach acids are just rising up - gross. Eat something.

  39. Seriously, if you want a python that bad, buy one. Even if you have to drive 1000 miles to find one for sale.

    There is nothing nothing nothing nothing NOTHING in the world I want bad enough to eat even ONE bug to get.

  40. I wonder, what event or decision it was that started Sean Penn down the path of the dirtbag?

  41. Beth, I sort of wondered the same thing; that's such a dated look. But if puffy sleeves ARE coming back, I still have dresses from forever ago that I can wear again!

  42. The guy who kicked the bucket after eating all those damn bugs didn't even WANT the snake, he was going to sell it to a buddy of his.

    Joe Rogan probably should have been there, he could have suggested some safer bugs to eat.

  43. I wonder how the bugs made him die... weird. so weird. and gross.

  44. At first glance I thought Sean Penn was wearing a Run DMC t-shirt.
