Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Hello Katherine Heigl. Sometimes she looks like she is 65 and on her way to play bingo with Barry from pawn Stars and sometimes she looks amazing. This is one of the amazing times.
Of course, the fact her husband Matt Bellamy from Muse was invited, probably helped.
Speaking of Daniel Craig. I think I found out what Dolph Lundgren has been doing in his off time. Bodyguarding.
Amy Adams falls for the want to ride the pony trick. They probably cost like $8 a ride now.
Nicole Scherzinger is still trying to convince Lewis Hamilton that she didn't make out with Chris Brown. No luck so far.
Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry in Malibu.
Sienna Miller in the Hamptons.
Tina Fey's older daughter could be Tina's twin.