Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

 Olivia Munn at an event. She says she is loving working on New Girl.
At the same event were Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt. Jon was probably upset that he couldn't go free and easy with his pants.
Annette Bening was also there.
Scott Discisk grabs Kourtney Kardashian's butt and then
pose for the photographer.
Doug Hutchison is probably used to someone else doing this to him and not to Courtney Stodden.
Kirstie Alley also takes a turn smacking some butt, this time Maksim's.
Will Ferrell joins his buddy John C Reilly at the premiere of Wreck It Ralph.
Look at that crowd at the premiere.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Olivia Munn on New Girl? why, I love that show. I can't stand this fame whore.

  2. Seriously: Jennifer W. needs to find another smile. No beef w/her but I want to slap that look off her face.

    Yes, a bit stabby today.

  3. Did anyone else's sphincter clench in pain looking at that Disick photo?

    1. Someone needs to tell Scott the Shocker is two in the PINK one in the stink, he's got it all wrong. I do hope she has Purell in the diaper bag, though

  4. Olivia's dress is fugly. It looks like Jennifer is checking to see if John is going commando. Disick is just that sick, and a dick!

  5. Olivia Munn looks like one of my Trapper Keepers from the early 90's.

    Seriously, I love violating assholes as much as the next person but doing it in public look these Disick-Kardashian fuckheads is pretty low, even for them. I am scandalized and my monocle fell to the floor.

  6. John C Reilly is so fat! He looks awful.

    Kourtney has such a better body than Kim. I never understand why Kim's gets so much more attention. Besides that gross ass, of course.

  7. Annette Benning !! Ding ding !!

  8. Thanks Kourtney and Scott. I just threw up a little in my mouth. Seriously, no self respect, either one of them!

  9. Thank you, Em. That's all I came here to say. He pinched up face makes me want to start a fight with her. And I'm not even on the Hammhock train!

  10. *HER pinched up face

  11. Olivia Munn looks like a giant fish landed on her dress. yech.
    I think Kourtney has a better body too. And she had two kids! I bet kims body goes to shit after her first.
    Doug, you are a predator. A pedophile. I have no idea why you are accepted in some circles. I hope you become a pariah soon.

  12. A great big WTF is Olivia Munn wearing?! Burn that dress. That thing is hazardous for those of us with vertigo issues.

  13. I think Scott was just trying to pop a doodie bubble that was lodged in Kourtney's bunghole.

    Also, i must say that I like Olivia's dress.
    And that Doug dude is soooooo creepy.

    1. @Sugar, lol, what is that??? Looks like he's giving her rectum the Shocker. Such class.

  14. Olivia's dress is horrible..

    OMG that photo of Scott and Kourtney is disgusting and no respect for her at all. Pure trash...

  15. Yeah, John C.Reilly looks a little like WC Fields there.

  16. John C. & Will F. creep me out!

    I would run screaming if I ever met them in a dark alley!

  17. Who is that with Annette B.?

  18. I think JW face always looks like a mask that't been put on somewhat askew, like it weirdly sits a bit in front of her head, if that makes any sense ...

  19. Yes! @Disco, so glad I'm not the only one! That FACE! Grrr...

  20. Doug Hutchison is not a pedophile. If anything, he would be a ephebophile, although it is not considered a disorder or deviant (or even illegal, depending on the age). It's also indicative of being solely or primarily attracted to teenagers, which, even though he married one, doesn't mean that he has a fixation about them.

    And, sure, all that said, those two are still creepy. I just wish people could get the terms correct.

    Blind answer with Annette?

  21. Kortney and Scott...no. Super crude and disrespectful.

  22. Count me in, discoflux. She looks like she's uptight & judgy & faking nice....ALL the time. She should sue that plastic surgeon for adding to her lack of charisma.

    But I like Olivia's dress. I love patterns always though. Olivia I cannot stand, but the dress is at least different.

  23. I want to add a shout-out to John C. Reilly, I LOVE HIM, and I hope this movie makes him all the money in the world. That's a guy you want in Hollywood with complete artistic freedom. He's so underrated as a serious actor.

    As Courtney Stodden would say , he's "RILL", and I love him.

  24. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Holy F'ing CRAAAP! What the hell?! Scott Disick ( "the S is silent") sticking his finger in Courtney's bum on camera? What the fuck is wrong with him, this family, her, these people? I understand that he likes negative attention, and likes to be hated, and be a douche, but come the f on! I don't want to see you and Kourtney making sexy times for the camera! GAAAAHHH ! My EYES! Myyy EYES!!!! Haven't we been through enough as a nation???

  25. That's not even an ass grab that's a p***y grab from behind

  26. I guess I'm the only one that likes Olivia.
    Jennifer looks like a puppet in the face there. Too much botox or something.
    That looks painful what Scott is doing! Ugh!

  27. So much for our blind item guess that Hamm and Westfield broke up.

  28. No offense AKM, hes a pedo. I don't care what it says in wikipedia or the psychology dictionary. He fell in love with an underage girl (granted she just turned ) who pouts and acts like a child.
    Whatever the correct term is, it should all be filled under WRONG.
    Thanks for the clarification though.

  29. @katsm -- that's EXACTLY what I was thinking. Regardless, he's waaay too up in her business in front of the paps. Disgusting.

  30. Aww come on guys, they're just happy their new Ferrari just got delivered. I would totally grope my bf like that if my new Ferrari just got delivered too! *throws up in mouth a little*

  31. I was pretty sure that Dougie was gay.

  32. Look at that face on Annette! Serious but straight on. I really like her. If this is her, then I hope she makes a HUGE splash, I would love her to get an Oscar.

  33. Yeah JW always has that weird look on her face..And it's like she's got her head far too forward on her neck..She needs to try some teeth in her smile..Wonder what that would look like.
    Hey kids Look on the bright side..You didn't have to see Courtney and at least Doug isn't wearing that stupid do rag on his head.
    Oliva's dress loooks like a very bad optical illusion! Ow..it hurts my eyes.

  34. Westfeldt looks like the Grinch with that smile. I wonder where her hand is...

    1. I know where my hand wld be, lol

  35. @seachica Yes you can almost feel that one......

  36. Here's my theory on the Jennifer Westfeldt smile: She always smile all wonky like that so you can see her dimples. A girl I went to high school with does that--smiles in a very awkward, unnatural way--to make her dimples more pronounced. Some people have to smile a certain way to make their dimples show more, and it always looks so strange.

  37. Rather, dimple singular

  38. Jolene, same here...a girl I went to HS with smiled all wonky so her dimples always looked "super cute." It was irritating; the smile looks unnatural and forced.

    WTF is Courtney Stodden supposed to be for Halloween? A pony? A Unicorn? A Popple? I HATE that she's wearing a black bra that you can see, and I hate even more that she wears those stupid bras with the stupid clear straps. GET A STRAPLESS BRA.

    Apologies for the bra rant, but it's way up there on my peeves list.

  39. The more I look at Olivia's dress, the more I kinda love it.

  40. Does anyone watch Couple Counseling or whatever it is on VH1 with Doug and Courtney? It's SO disturbing to see these two. I can't ever tell if she's on drugs or if he's secretly gay or if it's all an act.

    They don't seem smart enough to be making it all up for fame but how screwed up are they?


  41. Okay, do not tease us with head shots if hamm. We must see ALL of him, every time. Scott, classless to the max.

  42. The way Jennifer Westfeldt talks makes her look like a grasshopper, or someone who is ashamed of their front teeth or an old lady who has to gum her food. I am so distracted by it that I don't like to see her in movies...how's that for idiosyncratic? That smile above looks prissy but thats just her mouth. To me her mouth is like Ginnifer Goodwin's ears (ear). I sound bitchy, yeah, you'd be stating the obvious to call me on it though. It's too deeply ingrained to shame me out of it.

    1. that's really funny she does look like a grasshopper. why doesn't she leave his cheating ass? so sad

  43. Hmmm the comment enty wrote abt Doug is interesting.

  44. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Cornbreak said Popple. Do you all remember Popples? I love those things. They rolled up in to a pocket like a Kangaroo.

  45. Disclaimer first: my husband has never grabbed me like that in public, and I'm glad because that's just gross.

    Question: when he does find it too difficult to resist groping me in public (breast grab, 99% of the time), if he is "accidently" caught, he says "she's probably jealous and wishes her guy gave her attention too." I say virtually no woman wants that in public, and those that "happen to" see him do it are more embarrassed for me than envious of me. But since I've never asked anyone "for real" I don't know which of us is closer to right.


    1. Unwanted and tacky. Sorry for u.

  46. WUWT, embarrassingly enough, I get exactly what you are saying! Ad I was surprised by how not irritated kourtney looks in that second pic. And I LOVE the mask idea Saltygirl and the fake dimple smile! You guys called it, I couldn't figure out why her face is odd looking!

  47. WUWT, I used to HATE when my ex did that to me, to the point that after several years I would get REALLY pissed off about it.

    I suspect most women have no interest being groped by anyone in public.

  48. My boyfriend tries to touch me in public and I HATE it. I'm embarrassed when it happens to me or when I see it, those moments feel too private to share. Im not a prude but not an exhibitionist either.

  49. What Scott Dick is doing here is a crime. She DOES look embarassed and humiliated. He is a disgusting human being and I wish sge would kick his ass to the curb. He is an abusive person and will never change.

  50. My problem is, if I get upset ("Stop it!") he gets hurt/defensive and says I am "supposed to like being touched" by my husband and other women are wishing they had that much attention. I am fine with a backrub, handholding, and periodic smooches in public but I don't care for more. Also he fails to understand that sometimes, breasts are very sensitive and it isn't always comfortable when he goes go a quick squeeze when "nobody's looking." (I also don't think he's trying to be as discreet as he pretends he is. It sometimes feels like a staking claim thing more than a tender moment thing.)

    Not to say things aren't otherwise fine. Just weighing opinions here.

    (If it's late in the day, people don't mind OT threads as much, right?)

  51. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Ugg wish the Kardashian's would just go away!

  52. F*ck people who object to OT topics. WUWT, I agree with you - your husband is staking his turf. I also think there is insecurity with his actions. He's trying too hard to prove to strangers that you're his woman. I too would be less than thrilled at being groped in public. Maybe he needs to understand the difference between "his woman' and "his whore".

    One additional thought... could this be a power struggle between the two of you? And this is how it is manifesting?
