Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today. Katie Holmes uses the subway in New York twice in a week. Still doesn't look happy about it though.
Katy Perry is in New York where she keeps borrowing John Mayer's hats.
Derek Jeter's ex-girlfriend on her way to work out. I wonder if she called him after he broke his ankle. I wonder if she told Chris Evans she called Derek.
Natalie Portman and her family getting some food in Texas.
Pippa off to plan a party and is always punctual with her two purses.
The first photo of Reese Witherspoon after her pregnancy.
W has its 40th anniversary issue out this week with different celebrities on different covers representing different decades. This is Keira Knightley and
Rooney Mara and
Scarlett J.


  1. Minka Kelly deserves to have her name printed, at least moreso than Pippa Middleton.

  2. Rooney Mara is supposed to be '70s... looks more like 1870s.

  3. Enty? Hv u been on the subway? Not much to be happy about. You get on adapt mad look and get off at ur station. Can tell u not a new yorker, lol

  4. I wouldn't call Pippa's awesome laptop bag a second purse.

  5. One purse for 'work' and one purse for pleasure.

  6. I gotta say this: Scarlett J looks HAWT.

  7. Katie looks fine to me, using subway is not something great to be happy about.

    I really don't care or like Pippa.

    Pic does not look like Keira or Rooney.

  8. Natalie, you're vegan but you carry a leather purse?

    1. There is such a thing as vegan "leather" so I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

  9. Ditto about the subway! Also, none of go thru our day smiling, so I say lay off Katie for having a neutral face.

  10. Enty: What Ingrid said--I know you have some kind of bug up your butt about Minka's involvement w/Jeter (I'm guessing you think she was using his name to get a leg up in her business?), but at least do her the decency of using her name, rather than just referring to her as Jeter's ex.

    OK, end of lecture.

  11. Also, the fact that Enty thinks Pippa is carrying two purses is proof enough for me that he's a he.

  12. Natalie is at Amy's Ice Creams in Austin. That place rules -- crazy amounts of really good mix-ins, rich ice cream, plus some ice creams that have a bit of booze in them.

    1. I love me some Amy's!! I was wondering if thy were in Austin. Because why else would anyone come to Texas? ;)

  13. Rooney Mara almost looks like Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka.

  14. How much longer can Natalie Portman pass off her son as her husband's? The kid is the spitting image of Aronofsky.

  15. That is Katie's subway face!! The train is not a place to be happy - I fucking hate it - way worse than the DMV!!!!!

  16. @Cathy and FS, hilarious!

    Natalie looks bad as a blonde.

    Regarding ScarJo, there's this from Michael K: "Thank you to W Magazine and ScarJo for showing us what it would look like if L.A. newscaster Colleen Williams played Rogue as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"

  17. Scarlett J in that picture looks like a young Debbie Harry. Somebody should write a Blondie biopic script for her.

  18. Those covers are all hideous!

  19. Natalie Portman is in Austin? I wonder if they went to the ACL Music Festival this weekend. The paper said that Ryan Gosling was all over the place.

  20. My friend saw Natalie at ACL and said she is GORGEOUS in person. They were definitely there for the festival.

  21. I walk around with Katie's facial expression on a regular basis. I'm usually in a good mood but have a natural default "bitch-face," according to my loved ones.

    Those covers are awful. The Rooney Mara one actually makes me shudder.

    Also, Minka is WAY more than just DJ's ex. Friday Night Lights, hello?!?!

  22. Boy, I sure am glad they played up Keira Knightley's collar bone. It's usually undetectable. /sarcasm

    It looks like i could grab her by those things and snap her in half. It freaks me out.

  23. Scarlett looks great here. Rooney Mara, uh, no. Her attitude is so played out.

  24. Well said, CDANers. Those covers are hideous. I can't decide if they were going for the worst looks of each decade, or simply trying to make these actresses look as ugly as possible! Mission accomplished on both accounts, IMO.

  25. Hmm. Wonder if that little stand has vegan food....

  26. Seriously, do you expect Katie to walk around with a smile plastered on her face? Don't be so ridiculous.

  27. I think that Rooney cover was in my nightmare last night

  28. Everyone in NYC uses the subway at some point no matter who he/she is. It's the best way to get around as out of towners quickly find out. She looks like she's got her subway face down pat. Good for her.

  29. "Natalie, you're vegan but you carry a leather purse?"

    I thought Natalie switched to lacto-ovo when she got pregnant. She mentioned that her body seemed to need some dairy and eggs. At any rate, that could still very well be a vegan bag. Check out Susan Nichole's work. I dare anyone to tell that my Love bag isn't real leather.

    And the W covers are hideous. Just horrific.

  30. *to BE ABLE TO tell...

  31. I have a neighbor who looks like Pippa, and she's an ugly bitch. :)

  32. I think Kiera Knightly is supposed to look like Kim Novak, right? I used to love watching HItchcock movies with my family

    That is weird that this is the second or third time Enty has referred to Mika as only Jeter's ex girlfriend. Someone do some digging!

  33. ha ha. MINKA! See, I can't even remember it properly because he NEVER uses her name! :)

  34. Not one person caught the resemblance between Keira and Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

    I'm just saying...

  35. LOL G.Strathmore! Totally Rogue. Da fuq is going on with that?

  36. Scarlett looks AMAAAZZZZIINGG!!!!

    The dark tones suit her so well. That lipstick is perfect.

  37. First and foremost, I want to go to Amy's Ice Creams! :)

    Pippa, why is she still being photographed?

    I actually like the Keira cover-mainly the coat/makeup, but could they have photoshopped those clavicles away? That grosses me out big time.

  38. Scarlett has a completely different bone structure in that pic. Photoshop or great make-up artist.

  39. I think the W covers are beautiful -- all of them. It pleases me to know that women who are not necessarily known for their beauty can still score the cover of a glossy (looking at you Rooney Mara). They are all editorial, and are wonderfully striking in their own way.

    As for Katie Holmes, I agree with another poster, that she just has her NYC subway face on. Actually, it's just her NYC face that she has on. When I lived in NYC years ago, I quickly learned to wipe the southern-bred smile off my face. Not a knock against the north or the south, just a regional difference. But back to Katie -- freedom looks good on her.

  40. Just watched Lost in Translation again the other day - ScarJo's face is mesmerizing.
    Keira's collar bones are whacked. I'm trying to eat chicken wings right now, and they're putting me off!

  41. Minka doesn't bother me, but I've seen other pics of her carrying the same handbag before and I LOVE that bag. Can someone identify for me please? Thank you, thank you to anyone who can.
    I also think that the W covers make each woman look terrible.

  42. I'm obviously in the.minority - the Scarlet cover is HIDEOUS. Rooney Mara at least looks interesting. As does KK, whom I normally can't stand. But Scarlet looks terrible.

  43. Re Minka Kelly remaining nameless:
    There was an article a long time ago in some other publication that went out of its way to talk about Derek Jeter and his girlfriend, and did not name her. Enty wrote about it kind of tongue in cheek, and has kept up the joke...longer than most people remember why, apparently.

    I may or may not be able to find the original article.

  44. I hate that I have spent this long trying to find the basis for what has become Enty's inside joke about Minka Kelly known only as Derek Jeter's girlfriend. I hope someone (anyone!) is still following this thread to make my efforts worthwhile.

  45. And by the way, the original article I linked to may not seem to explain the whole thing very much, but, seriously, EVER SINCE THEN Enty has referred to Minka as Derek Jeter's girlfriend or Derek Jeter's ex-girlfriend 90% of the time, so even though he acted all offended by the assumptions of the Star article in that post, he has since then embraced it as a joke (even though very few of us still "got" the joke these days). So now y'all know too.

  46. Thank you @ WUWT! Good to know. That makes it funny now. And no one will remember, and we'll still get those comments, lol.

  47. Reno: You're welcome; thanks for still following the thread and making my wasted two hours count for something! Sunny had commented that this was the "second or third time" Enty has referred to Minka this way. Nope; it's been pretty steady for two years. The funniest (most obvious awkward wording) was when he posted that Derek Jeter had broken up with Derek Jeter's girlfriend, as opposed to "his girlfriend," or both of them by name.

    OK, I'll go try to have a life now.

  48. @WUWT

    I appreciate your hard work!! Thank you for digging the digging. I used to only link over to CDaN, and didn't become a steady reader until last summer-ish :)
    Seriously, thanks for clearing that up :)

  49. Scarlett DOES look like Debby Harry here! The stronger colours suit her. Keira needs a warmer blonde than that.

  50. Gah! Doing the digging. I have proven once again I can't multi-task

  51. Scarlett looks HOT! That is all.

    (Except thank you WUWT for the Minka Kelly joke info)

  52. @WUWT - The tone in his post kind of makes it seem like it's BS that they referred to her as Jeter's girlfriend, so I wonder why he has kept that up? I got tired of yelling at him about it, although I still call her Lila Garrity. ;)

    I have two vegan leather purses that could easily pass for the real thing.

    I think those W covers are hideous. Keira looks like Sharon Stone in that picture and that is not a compliment.
